Well I've been reading a lot of FF here and other places and I've scribbled out a couple different stories and plots. This is the first story I'm actually brave enough to post. I'd really like some feedback. I think it moves pretty quick but that's to get to what comes next. I'm still fleshing it out. I just wanted to see if my writing was any good, so please let me know.

Her conversation with Rhett had been brutal but she squared her shoulders and went upstairs. Standing in her closet perplexed as to where her trunk could be she rang for Prissy. When Lou appeared, Scarlett remembered that Prissy was in Marietta, with her children. How foolish to have forgotten her children! She was being so ridiculous, Scarlett O'Hara was never suppose to fall apart over a man. There was no room for weakness in times like these. She called for a carriage and departed immediately for the train station, hoping to catch the last train to Marietta. On the way to the station Scarlett meticulously planned out the next few days, anything to keep thoughts of Rhett, Melly, Ashley, and all of Atlanta for that matter, out.

Telling the children about Melly was the worst thing she'd ever had to do. Watching their faces go from surprise and joy at her quick reappearance to expressions of deep sadness, something inside Scarlett moved her. She embraced her children and wanted nothing more than to take their pain and shoulder it for them, as she'd done for so many others. She was puzzled by her actions but remained in an embrace nonetheless; nothing seemed to make sense anymore. Seeing Prissy standing by idly, gawking at her mistress's obvious display of affection, Scarlett ordered her to pack their things and make ready to depart for Tara on the first train the next morning.
Scarlett hadn't slept since leaving Marietta after reading Rhett's telegram. She had stayed up the entire night watching the children sleep, being nearby ready to soothe Ella. Apparently she had inherited her mother's problem with nightmares. Ella had cried until she had no more tears and wouldn't let her mother go afraid she would leave again. First Bonnie, now Aunt Melly, Ella was absolutely certain that Scarlett was going to die next. Scarlett couldn't help but gape at Ella and then scoffed at her irrationality, trying to dispel her fears by talking sense to her. Ella soon entered an uneasy sleep. It wasn't as though Scarlett would have been able to sleep, there were too many plans to be laid and so little time.

Now she was on the train that would take her to Jonesboro, nodding off every now and again. Ella was peacefully sleeping beside her. Wade was sitting across from her, hastily sizing up any person who walked by. Wade had put up a strong facade after only a few minutes of comforting, Scarlett couldn't help but admire his gumption. She thought, "Perhaps he is a part of me after all." She had never looked at her children before, for they were solely her children now. What an odd notion to realize! What had Rhett said? Her children would be weak, as those of strong parents are... Were they weak?

Suddenly the train came to a halt and Scarlett's reflections were interrupted, they were in Atlanta. Seeing Atlanta she thought of the day Melly gave birth to Beau. The entire station had be covered with wounded and dead soldiers. Melly had been close to death then. But she had gone on with her quiet strength, until yesterday. Had it only been yesterday? It seemed an entire age had passed already. The funeral! She'd have to leave Tara, perhaps the entire family could go, everyone loved Melly. Oh Melly why did you have to leave us now? The children will be subjected to my awful mothering, and they'll surely miss Rhett. Who will assure us that it will all turn out alright in the end? Oh Melly! You were such a big part of our lives. I miss you so much already.

The funeral had come and gone. Suellen had come with Scarlett to Atlanta. Will hadn't felt quite right about coming, Mammy wasn't up to the journey, and Scarlett decided the children didn't need to be subjected to the pain of burying yet another loved one. Suellen and Scarlett shared a quiet journey. Suellen had been introspectively analyzing the situation, Scarlett looked tired and maybe a little broken. All these years she had been obviously ready to run away with Ashley Wilkes, now his wife was dead and Scarlett honestly looked heartbroken. Surely she couldn't be missing Melly, it was unthinkable, not after the way she had treated Melly. All through the funeral Suellen watched Scarlett closely, ready to jump on her for any impropriety. There were none to be found. She had quickly scanned the impressive crowd several times as though she was looking for someone. These gazes were almost undetectable unless you were watching closely but full of fear, as though whoever she was searching for would strike her down. Suellen was heartily confounded. Scarlett had never been afraid of anything, and had always sought out Ashley Wilkes, funeral or not. Even at Pa's funeral she had gazed at Ashley ever so lovingly. This new Scarlett was nothing like the old Scarlett. It was disturbing and unnatural, Suellen resolved to get to the root of the situation on the train ride home.
When Suellen broached the subject on the train, Scarlett had sighed and tersely replied,

"Life is always giving me a weary load to tote."

Even more perplexed Suellen urged Scarlett to explain, "You know that doesn't answer my question." Scarlett closed her eyes, breathed deep and began to tell the story of the horrible life she had beginning with the day she fell down the stairs. Suellen listened, shocked at the behavior of both Scarlett and her husband. When Scarlett finished her story she opened her eyes and Suellen saw the vivid green, the green that could only be found in Scarlett's eyes.

"I drove him away. I hate that fact but it's the truth. And I hate him, for leaving me now. I never want to see him again. I want to get away. I will go away where I'll never see him again, or this town, or anyone who reminds me of him."

Suellen was greatly disturbed by Scarlett's nonchalant response but she saw the green embers glowing and knew better than to reprimand Scarlett and tell her how improper that would be. It was clear that Scarlett was going through with the plan and that no one could stop her. No one but that horrid Butler man but there was some part of her that wondered if even he could stop her now. Scarlett's heart had been ran through the ringer and then stomped on for good measure, clearly very little appealed to her anymore.

Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: I do not own GWTW or any of the characters.