Title: Wishes

Summary: He wishes a lot of thing of her.

Rating: K

Genre: Family/Hurt

Disclaimer: If I owned anything would I be writing free stories on the web?

He wishes that she would scream or spit, because the soft respectful way she welcomes him makes his gut wrench.

He wishes that she would demand he leave and never return, rather than kindly invite him in from the bitter cold.

He wishes that she didn't resemble a beautiful porcelain doll, because it shows him how effortlessly he could have shattered her in the past.

He wishes she hadn't remembered that he preferred jasmine tea, because it reminds him how little he actually knows about her.

He wishes she hadn't been such a success as a foreign diplomat, because he could justify the wrongs he's committed against her.

He wishes she wasn't so wise, because as they converse he knows her eyes read the guilt and the regret he'll never admit to.

He wishes she wasn't married, because her husband is a handsome, honorable, hardworking man whose grip on his katana tightens as he bows respectfully to his guest.

He wishes that she wasn't a mother, because her perfect, dark haired, violet eyed twin sons have claimed his stone heart.

But most of all, Hiashi wishes Hinata wasn't so stubborn, because then he might have been able to convince her to love him again.

An extremely short and incredibly vague drabble, but an estranged Hiashi-Hinata story is an interesting, if not insistent, little idea. And for those that care, feedback is always welcome.
