I of course do not own Inuyasha, or else you would be seeing Kagome with Sesshoumaru. XD
This is my 3rd fan fiction, my other story "I'm Back!" will be updated later. I recently lost my muse for it and am having bit of a writers block. Hehe.
Anyways enough of my rambling on with the story!
A girl looking no older than seventeen sat at a the edge of a cliff. Her smooth, pale legs dangling in the wind, her perfectly curled midnight black hair flowing around her. The moonlight shone on her making her look unearthly, like a dark angel of some sorts. The pitch black kimono accentuated her figure, silver sakura blossoms flowing on the side. Her eyes bright eyes a sapphire blue color, holding a serene, peaceful look. The girl was none other than the beloved miko Kagome.
She traveled alone now, her friends long gone. Kikyou had replaced her as the shard detector, she would have gone to the future but the well had closed on her. She left Kaedes' village two days after she found out, her group turned on her. Perhaps the pressure got to her and it caused her missed the shot that would have ended it all. Inuyasha was enraged and tried to kill her, if it was not for the demon slayer she would be dead. She merely stood there amazed that the man she loved and had promised to protect her, try to kill her. He snarled and fought against Sangos' hold until Miroku knocked him out. They all looked at her and spoke their voices cold and merciless that it sent chills through her spine.
They told her to leave, there eyes full of hatred and anger. She stood there shocked that her friends had betrayed her, she shed a tear and turned on her heel. She picked up her things and left without looking back. She silently vowed that she would become stronger.
Kaede was the only one who still supported her, for that she was grateful. She asked the elderly miko to make her an outfit, not like the ones of a regular miko. They made her look too much like Kikyou, so she settled with a regular kimono. She sought to train and become stronger so she asked her to help her train in her miko powers and archery. While in her swordsmanship and hand in hand combat she asked the only person she could think of Sesshoumaru.
Of course trying to make the lord and his icy demeanor to agree with her was hard, but she eventually broke him down and he agreed. Training was vigorous sun up to sun down, she would train with Kaede in the mornings and then train with Sesshoumaru. She would sleep only on 3 to 4 hours in between and grab a bite to eat. For 5 months her life revolved around becoming stronger, she had a special sword made from Sesshoumarus' fang from Totosai.
Over that time she had had one or two encounters with her former group, she didn't speak to them. On the last encounter she walked right past them when she saw them, Sango had said she was sorry and if she would join the Inu-tachi again. She turned and gave her a hard glare, Sango flinched when Kagome spoke. "Join your pathetic group? Ha, Don't mock me." she turned and continued walking towards Lord Sesshoumaru, she could hear Inuyasha growl in the back. "Pathetic wench.." she heard him mutter, she stopped her beautiful black kimono flowing in the wind mixing with her raven black tresses.
She turned around swiftly and held her sword at his throat sparking with purification energy. "I am not pathetic or a wench. Watch who your talking to you pathetic half breed." she hissed in his ear, her sapphire eyes sparked with anger. She wouldn't let anybody put her down anymore, they had done enough of that already. Inuyashas' eyes widened the moment she said half breed, for some reason though he claimed to hate her it hurt his heart. When Kagome saw the sadness in his eyes she normally would have said sorry and hugged him, but no not the new Kagome. She no longer loved Inuyasha, secretly she had been developing feelings for the stoic demon lord but she quickly squashed them down; her heart could only handle so much. She was merely a human miko and he despised humans, he would never love her.
Who would have thought that the girl with and emotionless cold face, holding a blade to her former loves throat was Kagome? The bubbly girl with a happy go lucky attitude, that dressed in a scandalously short uniform was her. The cold autumn wind brought goose bumps upon her flawless pale skin. "Do not address me in any other name besides Kagome, or you will have this shiny blade deep in your throat." she pushed the edge of the blade harder upon his throat for emphasis. She abruptly pulled it down , cutting him a little in the process and put it back on her hip. "Now if you excuse me, I've got to go back to my training. Get your clay pot whore and friends out of here your presence is no longer welcome." Inuyasha growled, "You bitch! You have no right to tell me what to do!" he snarled, as fast as he finished the sentence he had her sword deep in his gut. He cried out in pain as the purification energy burned his insides, Kagome seemed to enjoy watching his excruciating pain.
"Oh what a pity, you got blood on my sword!" she whined like a little child who just got his candy taken away. Everyone else stared incredulously at her, the Kagome they once knew was not a like this. Kagome was about to stab Inuyasha again when a pale hand with magenta stripes stopped her..
So review please! Tell me if you like it.
I realized Kagome sounded a little bit like Diva from Blood+ in the end.
Thank you!