Do You Really Mean It?
Chapter 34- Do You Really Mean It?
This is the last chapter of Do You Really Mean It? Sniffle, sniffle, cry. I really hoped that you guys enjoyed the story. Awards...
The funniest: There actually wasn't any since the chapter was sad.
The longest: Este212
Overal Best Review: Everyone that reviewed the last chapter.
This chapter is dedicated to you peoples.
A.N- Note, the italics is Gabriella's POV.
I open eyes and see white. Oh please, I didn't want to die! I was too young and I
hav-wait, Troy told me he loves me! Oh please, I am still alive. My eyes adjust to the light, and I look around. What the heck? Why am I in a hospital?
The gang enters the room, and I see Troy, aw crap. I shut my eyes.
"She is still sleeping?" Troy asked, worridly.
"Yes she is, from the medications that we gave her, she should be waking up in a few hours." The doctor explained.
Ok, so apperently they give me some type of 'medicine' that makes me sleep. What the heck?
"Gabs, wake up." Taylor said, softly.
I am awake. Im just not showing it.
"I'll give you guys some time with her." The doctor said, getting out of the room.
"We were lucky that a counciler saw what happened from across the lake." Ryan said.
"Yeah, they finally believed us after that." Kelsi replied.
Oh now I remember, I was fell into the water, Troy saved me... and then everything went black. Oh joy.
"When will Gabriella's mom be here?" Sharpay asked.
"My parents called her earlier, they said that they couldn't get in touch." Troy replied, sniffling.
Oh yeah, she is in New York for a business trip, thanks for being here mom.
"Wait, I have to go pee." Chad said, getting up.
"Why didn't you go before?!" Taylor replied. Chad nudged her on her shoulder. "Oh yeah, im hungry, we will be back."
"Same with us." Sharpay added.
If you didn't realize, you would think they are ditching me, but they aren't they are just really bad liars. And wait- I think someone is still in the room.
"Hey Brie, can you wake up?" Troy asked, holding her hand.
"Yeah?" Gabriella replied, opening her eyes.
Troy stares at her in shock.
"Yeah, I heard everything." Gabriella stated.
"While we were all in the room?"
"And that, but there was something else." Gabriella said, playing with her fingers. "Before we ended up... here, you said something."
"Like what?"
"You said that you loved me."
"Gabriella!" Sharpay greeted, running up to Gabriella, and giving her a hug.
"Gabs, your up!" Taylor added, hugging her too.
Soon all of her friends were in one giant hug, Gabriella being the one squished in the middle.
"Finally, you woke up." Zeke said.
"Yeah, I did." Gabriella replied, smiling.
"Ah, glad to see you awake Miss Montez. You are alowed to leave, you don't have to stay anymore." The doctor said.
"Ok, thanks." Gabriella replied, as the doctor walked out. "I want to know everything that happened."
"Ok, but not until we get out of here." Kelsi replied.
The friends were all seated in the basement of Sharpay's house. Since Sharpay and Ryan were going to a camp for two weeks, their parents decided to take a vacation of their own for 3 weeks.
"So you brought all of my stuff home too?" Gabriella questioned.
"Yep." Chad replied.
"Yeah, it is at Troy's house." Taylor added.
Gabriella had just started asking them questions of what happened.
"So how did I get there?"
"A counciler saw what happened, and came over and we rushed you to the hospital." Ryan replied.
"And of course, when someone is injured they care." Jason stated.
"And, what happened to the things?"
"Do you know your necklace?" Taylor asked.
"Well, we sucked them up with that." Kelsi replied.
Gabriella stared in shock. "What the heck?"
"That is what we thought. But Kels thought of the plan and it worked." Chad said.
"Seriously? So the things just went and like, died?" Gabriella asked.
"Not exactly, they were got trapped in the necklace" Kelsi replied.
"And where is the necklace?"
"Actually, we have no idea." Taylor replied.
"That is just great." Gabriella replied.
"At least it is away from us." Kelsi added.
"Yeah, but we don't know who's hands it is in." Zeke added.
"Actually guys, I have it right here." Ryan stated, holding out the necklace.
"Oh my goodness, thank you Ry." Gabriella replied, holding the necklace in her hands.
"What do we do with it?" Sharpay asked.
"Yeah, we can't let Gabs wear it anymore. It might drop, and they will be out to get us." Chad added.
"Well, as much as I would argue to that, I don't think I am. I really don't want to wear it, but what do we do with it?" Gabriella asked.
"I have no idea." Troy replied.
"How we flush it down the toilet?" Jason suggested.
"What the heck?" Taylor asked.
"Actually, that isn't a bad idea, we don't know where it goes, so how about we do that?" Sharpay said.
"I think we should do that." Gabriella replied, getting up and taking the necklace with her. She went into her bathroom, dropped the necklace and flushed it.
"I can't believe you just did that." Ryan stated.
"Well we got rid of it, so it is out of our site." Gabriella replied, sitting down.
"Well, we overheard one thing before all of this happened." Sharpay started.
Troy started to become red, Gabriella became confused.
"And what was that?" Gabriella asked.
"Troy said that he loved you." Taylor stated, all the friends staring the two down.
"I know, I heard." Gabriella said.
Some of her friends gasped, others had questioning looks on their faces.
"How?" Jason asked.
"Yeah, you were asleep." Chad added.
"I wasn't. I woke up before you guys did. I shut my eyes when you came in."
"Why?" Kelsi asked.
"I don't know, I wanted to hear what you guys were saying." Gabriella replied.
"At least we know that you were ok when we entered the room." Taylor said.
"Yeah, but do you really mean it, Troy?" Gabriella asked, looking hopeful.
Troy looked at his friends, and then at Gabriella. "Yeah, I really do."
Gabriella stared at him.
"Oh please, don't give me the silence treatment. Yell at me, I don't know tell me your in love with someone else. Just don't give me the silent..." Troy rambled on. He stopped when he felt a pair of lips on his.
Chad smirked. Ryan and Zeke smiled.
"Finally!" Sharpay yelled, causing the two to pull apart.
"You guys got together after Zeke and Sharpay did." Kelsi said.
"What!?" Gabriella yelled. "And you don't tell me these things."
"Oops, we forgot." Sharpay replied, giggling.
"Thanks." Gabriella replied, sarcastically. "But who won?"
"We don't know. And if you ask me, I don't want to win. They might send us to some haunted place." Taylor replied.
"Yeah, but it would be awesome, thats a lot of college money." Ryan stated.
"And they closed the place down after what happened. I really don't think that they have enough money." Sharpay added.
"I guess no prizes then." Jason said.
"Oh well." Kelsi added.
"At least we all made it out of this mess." Zeke said.
"Yeah, we did." Sharpay replied.
"Thanks dad." Gabriella said, snuggling up to Troy.
"Your welcome." Came a voice out of no where.
The friends stared around the room.
"Gabs..." Chad replied.
"Mr. Montez?" Kelsi asked.
"Are we suppose to hear him?" Taylor asked.
"Ok, this is freaky." Zeke added.
"Woah, I am just a little scared." Jason said.
"I know your dad is nice, its just freaky that he can talk to us." Ryan said.
"Gabriella, please tell us this is a dream." Sharpay added.
"Mark?" Troy asked.
"Dad?" Gabriella added.
"Yes?" Mark replied, turning the corner from the door in the Evan's basement.
Ok, is this chapter ok? I didn't know how it would turn out. Please review!