GAHH!! I swear, there's something wrong with me! I already have one story that I should be working on, and I am, but since Zutara is just too cute, I have to do ANOTHER one! So here you go! Another Zuko and Katara fic for all you Zutara lovers who are like me! OBSESSED! Wait no, that came out wrong… I didn't mean obsessed in a bad way. I meant…. Like… You're VERY intricately interested in the Zutarian subject! Yea! That's what I meant… Ah… Enough of my blabbering! On with the friggin' story!

This story is mainly told from Zuko's perspective. Not like first person's POV, but it still mostly revolves around Zuko.


Chapter 1: Prologue

"I miss you… I love you…. Those are the three words I have never actually said to you…"


The current Fire Lord, twenty-six year old Zuko, leaned over the railing of his balcony, staring at the rising sun. The large, glaring, orange disc was only halfway over the horizon, but its glow streaked the sky with brilliant colors of cotton candy pink, pale lavender, rose red, fiery orange, and aqua blue. Aqua…. That was the color of her eyes. Wait, no. Her eyes were millions of colors. They could be an ocean blue, like the serenity of the sea. They could be a sky blue, where he could see himself getting lost in. Damn. It's been five years already and he still remembered her every feature. Her smooth, tan skin, her deep, blue eyes, and long, wavy chocolate hair still stayed fresh in his often wandering mind.

"Why do you do this to me…?" Zuko whispered to no one in particular.

A chilly morning breeze blew through Zuko's long, shaggy mop of dark brown hair. Long bangs flew into his eyes in a dark and mysterious way that every girl in the Fire Nation would've drooled over.

Knock. Knock.

"Come in," Zuko signaled, turning reluctantly away from the sunrise.

A humble servant dressed in red bowed as he opened the door. "My Lord, General Iroh is waiting for you for breakfast. He suggests a warm meal."

"Tell him thank you, but I need to think for myself for a little while." Zuko nodded towards the door.

"Yes, my Lord." The servant bowed again and left, closing the door softly behind him.

Zuko sighed heavily once the servant was out of sight. His eyes trailed around the room and landed on a certain wooden box, placed on top of his wooden dresser. The thought of it struck him and before he could protest against his mind, his form darted towards the box and snatched it up like some food-hungry dog. Opening the lid, Zuko gasped softly at what was inside. A simple piece of yellowed parchment rested there, all rolled up with a satin, blue ribbon.

The Fire Lord picked it up and slid off the ribbon. Unfurling the paper, Zuko paused before he read it. He knew he had to prepare himself for what was to happen. His mind would travel back in time, back to the years when he and his most loved one, Katara, had complete freedom to be reckless. Ah… The teenage years….

Dear Zuko,

It's me, Katara, as you can tell from the hand-writing. How is ruling a whole Nation going? Sokka said it was probably boring since you'd have a lot of meetings… Anyways, we're doing just fine. We were all really happy after getting your last note. Aang says hi and wants to give you some useful advice. As quoted, 'Remember, even if you're fire lord, you can't make everyone bow down to you and obey you just like that. You must rule with generosity, a gentle heart, and with two feet on the ground.' Ah… Who knew Aang could say such… wise words? I mean, even now, he hasn't outgrown his childhood. From Toph, she wants to tell you good luck with ruling. You'd need it. Pretty straight forward, eh? Now, down to the point. I really miss you, Zuko, and I wish I could see you again, but currently, we all have a lot of clean up business to do at the air temples. I wish you could come here to help ,but unfortunately, your work gets in the way. This clean-up could take a pretty long time, so I hope you can wait for me. Please, promise you'll wait for me? Oh, and how's your uncle?

Love, Katara, Sokka, Aang, Toph, and Momo

Zuko stared down at the note. He still hadn't replied due to the many loads of papers he had to sign and truces he had to make, not to mention the recent argument he had to settle between the Yang noble family and the Chen noble family, whom he both needed for their financial support.

Getting up, he decided not to push the subject of matter away anymore. Reaching for a brush, ink, and some fresh parchment, Zuko started to conceive of the perfect letter to send back to Katara, the one he hadn't seen in three years. His heart ached as his wavering hand wrote, brush stroke after brush stroke. Black ink splattered recklessly onto the paper, but he knew Katara would understand. After all, she got him to open up and she understood his situation and helped him with it.

Dear my beloved,

Uncle is doing just fine. Believe me. He eats well every single day and I possibly see his stomach growing bigger by the day. He probably weighs two times more than he did back when we were defeating my late father. Thank the Avatar, or Aang for me. That advice is pretty useful. And tell Toph I appreciate her… luck, but I think I'm doing pretty well! And I sincerely hope that you're very well off. Are you getting enough food? Should I send people over to help you clean? Reply as soon as you can… And sorry for the late letter. I was busy over these past months. I miss you, too… Hope you haven't forgotten me yet.

Love, Zuko and Iroh

Zuko left the note on his desk to dry. Satisfied, he pushed his chair back, the legs scraping the flooring. After about three years? The cleaning should be done, but he didn't care. He'd have his messenger locate Katara no matter how long it took and how far he'd have to walk.

Knock. Knock.

"Who is it." Zuko said it as more of a demand rather than a question.

"Your uncle, Zuko."

"Come in." Zuko squinted outside his window at the almost full sun.

The door opened slightly as Iroh peeked in through the crack. His old, wrinkled eyes still sparkled with a certain twinkle that he never had gotten rid of since his younger days. "Fire Lord Zuko, we need to talk."

"Yes, uncle?"

"We need to talk. Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai are all in the dungeons. Advisor Cheung suggests to execute Azula for treason, perjury, and just plain cruelty," Iroh acknowledged.

"How about the other two?" Zuko winced.

"Cheung says that they should be spared and given a second chance. Oh, and Mai wants to talk."

Zuko cringed visibly. Mai… His old girlfriend…. She still paid attention to him and he knew that she'd never stop caring. Even after betraying her for the Avatar, even after hooking up with Katara, she still loved him with all her heart and would never love anybody else.

"It's ok, Zuko. Face her like the man you are in the present," Iroh assured Zuko.

The Fire Lord nodded and left, his mind screaming mentally at how he was probably going to break down in front of his ex.

Upon Zuko's exit, Iroh decided at that moment to take a peek around the luxurious room. His vision caught sight of the drying letter on the desk. His eyes darting towards the door, Iroh picked up the parchment and read it, scanning every word carefully for hints of angst or something like that.

"Zuko…." Iroh muttered worriedly, his eyebrows knitting together at the words his nephew had used.

It was a tragic thing, really. Zuko's story wasn't exactly the happiest one ever. To make a long story short, Zuko fell in love with a waterbender named Katara near the end of the war, and couldn't see her in three years because of a lot of business. Iroh knew Zuko really well and he'd be willing to bet 100 gold coins that Zuko still really loved Katara and would never forget her no matter what.

"Uncle! What are you doing!" Zuko's voice cut into Iroh's elaborate train of thoughts.

"Oh! I uh…. I was just thinking." Iroh chuckled nervously. "Did you talk to Mai yet?"

"No. I'll talk to her later. Now can you get out of my room?" Zuko rolled his eyes.

"You still love her, don't you?" Iroh inquired.

"Get. Out."

Iroh shook his head. He had a feeling his nephew was desperate for something from the kind water bender.


Zuko sat on his soft bed in frustration. The whole room was silent, just to his liking. He needed some time to think about things on his own. His mind subconsciously started to drift back to the very beginning…..


A/N: I'm hoping for a lot of reviews for this story! The first chapter is pretty short, I know, but It'll get a lot longer later on! For as all of you know, this is just the prologue. I hope you R&R so I know if people like it or not. If not many people like it, then I'll discontinue it. If a lot of people like it, then I'll go on updating! So, it's all up to you guys! Constructed criticism is welcomed as well as suggestions, ideas, or any mistakes you'd like to point out! Hope you read and review!