To my ever loving readers.

I'm am extremely sorry that it has taken me so long to update anything. Before I begin to grovel *cough* here is why you haven't gotten anything.

1. I had writer's block. and classes were kicking my ass horribly.

2. I went away, but I got inspiration. (yay)

3. Right when I'm update I always get what I want and Can we really fall in love (finally found the chapter for that) my computer drops and the screen is jacked up beyond belief and i had no way of getting a replacement.

4. I fell into depression. (me without technology...shudders.)

5. I couldn't get my files off my computer.

6. I finally get a screen again and start working on stories again. I was almost done with my chap for I always get what I want. A treat for the fans that love Kyuubi and Naruto. wait for the kicker

7. My house gets broken into and the blasted fucicling tard (i know it's not a word, but that's as colorful as i dare to be least i be removed) took my blasted computer.

I swear i think i went a little insane after that. and that was around october of last year. the last one. computer broke around june/july

But now have tech again, but i don't have my files so that means i have to start from scrath. sucks to be me. but I HAVE NOT GIVEN UP ON MY STORIES. i just need to get me a bigger jump drive and then I'll be back to writing again in no time. Luckily I did some of the last chapter on paper, and I have a chapter for Relief amongst the Order, but I'm not sure i want to post that one yet. It's suppose to tie into another chapter, that I haven't done yet. So yea...

*grovels on feet and beg for forgiveness.*

I'm really really sorry. As soon as i get those papers again I'm going to be able to write it over and get it up. Hopefully in a week. So. i should have I always get what I want done next saturday or sunday. can we really fall in love, I have to reread that story and start the chapter over. and just continue with Relief amoungst the order.

If you guys want to help me out send me your ideas via review or private message. Pictures help too. If you see a picture of something you like or would like to see send it. if it's racy send a warning with it. (could you imagine my teacher's face if i opened that in class?) Personal pictures are not necessary, if you can help it don't send them.

Well thank you so much for your understanding. See my next chapter in a week.