AN: Hey guys! I won't even try to apologize. Not just because it's a sign of weakness, but it's been over a year since I last updated. Well anyway, this is the final chapter. I'm not happy with the way this story went, I'd only 5 chp planned to begin with and now look at this. I really hope you enjoyed it a little at least. Please stay tuned for more stories. I just found a story I've had for the past 2 yrs! I'll try to work with that one. But don't expect anything anytime soon. I'm finished with school, but I'm still in Germany and not in the US as an au pair... This sucks. I'm depressed. Ok, don't want to bother you with that. Enjoy!

Oh and btw head slap me, if you want to reprimand me ;)

Chp. 41

"Oh my god, that is so sweet!" Abby exclaimed. "I can't believe you forgave him that soon."

"Me neither." Gibbs said. By now everyone was settled in the living room again, this time with Tony sitting on the armrest.

The young agent just shrugged. "He's still my dad, you know?"

"I always thought the two of you were made to be father and son, but that you actually are… oh my god this is so great!" The goth was bouncing on the couch.

"You should really stop drinking that much caf-pow!, Abby." McGee said, trying not to get hurt by her spikes.

Everyone was laughing and happy. You could only hope that it would stay that way.

A few weeks later, everything seemed almost years ago. Everyone, minus Gibbs, who was upstairs with the director, was silently working at their desk. They hadn't had a case and so they were doing long due paperwork. A groan escaped one of the males and surprisingly it wasn't Tony, but McGee.

"You okay there, McGoo?" The Italian asked.

"It's just that we haven't had a case for weeks." The youngest agent complained.

"You saying you want a marine to die, McGee?" Gibbs walked into the bullpen.

Tim winced and started to stutter. "Ahm… n-no Boss, of… of course not."

Tony decided to help his partner. "Well, he's right, Boss. It's like the bad guys are on vacation or something."

"But that is a good thing, is it not?" Ziva asked.

"Yeah, for the victims, but not for us, Zee-vah." He ended his sentence with a paper ball to her forehead.

She shot him a murderous look. "Remember that I can kill you 18 different ways with a paperclip." She warned.

"Uh… looks like we'll get a murder here soon, Probie." Tony joked. "But you know that it wasn't really clever to threaten me here." He opened his arms wide. "Everyone'd know that you're the one who killed me."

Gibbs just shook his head at them and continued to work through the huge pile of paper on his desk.

"Hey, Boss, I'm gonna take a quick break, okay? Who wants some new coffee?" Ziva and Tim declined politely. "Right. Just three then." Tony said.

"Three?" Ziva asked him.

"Sure. One for me and two for the bossman. You know how he gets without his coffee. And when there's paperwork included…" He trailed off and Ziva nodded knowingly. "Boss?"

Gibbs looked at him. They would go home soon anyway. "Go."

"Back in 10." Tony announced and then went away.

It didn't even take him five minutes to Starbucks, where Tony just knew that his dad loved their coffee. He ordered two plain black ones, extra strong and one hazelnut latte, extra sweet for himself.

He also bought a sandwich, remembering the way the Probie's stomach had grumbled earlier.

Tony walked back into the NCIS building. "Hey, Robstar."

"Hey, DiNozzo, back already?" The security man asked.

"Yeah, just a quick coffee run. You know the boss." He winked at the other man and then continued his way towards the elevator.

"Agent DiNozzo? No, wait, let me through. I need to talk to him. Agent DiNozzo!" A young woman yelled.

Tony turned around and looked at her. He didn't have the same taste as his dad, but that redhead did look good. He walked back towards the woman that was now struggling against the security guard.

"Rob, Rob it's cool. Let her go." Tony told the man. "I'm Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo, how can I help you?"

She shot the guard a dirty look and then glanced at Tony. "I need your help."

Her blue eyes begged him to help and so he nodded. "Alright. Rob give her a visitor's badge." The security guard gave her the badge. "There you go. Okay, come with me. I'm sure my boss can help you."

"No!" She exclaimed. "Can't we talk here? Somewhere private down here?"

Tony looked confused. "Ahm… stairs." He agreed.

They walked up the stairs and then stopped at the second floor. "So… what can I help you with?"

"You're Anthony… Tony DiNozzo, right?" She asked.

Tony frowned at her. "Yeah, my friends call me Tony. Are you okay?"

"And you work with Leroy Jethro Gibbs." It wasn't a question.

"That's the boss. Okay, you seem to know something here, but I don't. Who are you?" The girl was starting to creep him out.

"My… my name's Kelly Shelton. Former Gibbs. I was told that -" She told him.

"Hold on." He interrupted. "You're… you're Kelly?" He couldn't look more shocked.

She sighed. "Yes. And Jethro Gibbs is my father."

"Wait, wait, wait. You're supposed to be dead!" He said.

"I know… I was in a car crash, together with my mom. She died, but I didn't. My father… Thomas Shelton, he and his wife Debbie took me in. They told me that my dad was dead, too. When I got older, I started asking questions, but they wouldn't answer me. Debbie died a few years ago and Thomas is dead now, too. But before he died… he told me the truth." There were tears in her eyes.

"So you came here." Tony said quietly. He didn't know what to think, but he knew that his dad – Gibbs – missed his daughter.


"Why do you know my name?"

"I did some research on my dad and you're his 2IC. It's not like I could just walk in there and tell him, you know? I thought you could maybe help me."

Tony sighed. "Of course." He forced a smile to his lips. "Why don't you just wait here and I go get him?" She nodded and so he went into the office.

"DiNozzo!" Gibbs yelled when he saw him. "Where the hell have you been? You were gone for 30 minutes!" He yanked the coffee from his agent and took a sip, but then spat it back into the cup. "It's stone cold!" He growled.

"Uh…" He'd totally forgotten the coffee. He threw the sandwich at McGee without saying anything. "Listen, Boss, I need to talk you."

Gibbs noticed the change in Tony and nodded, steering him towards he elevator.

"Ahm… no, not here. Stairs." He said and walked there.

"You okay?" Gibbs asked concerned.

"Yeah." Tony answered and opened the door.

Gibbs followed him and saw the young woman. If Tony told him now that he found a new girl, he would hurt him, bad.

"DiNozzo, I really don't have time for this." He warned.

"You really need to hear this." Tony answered and then nodded at the woman. "Boss… I know this probably sounds really weird and I'd appreciate it, if you wouldn't slap me."

Gibbs growled again.

"Right. Boss, this is Kelly. Kelly Shelton, also known as Kelly Gibbs." He said.

Gibbs inhaled sharply and then looked at the young woman. Red hair, blue eyes that looked so familiar. "Kelly?" He whispered.

The young woman bit her lips as tears streamed down her cheeks. She nodded. "Oh, Daddy." She choked out.

Gibbs hugged her hard, his own cheeks tear streaked. "Kells… Oh, god, Kells."

"I missed you so much, Daddy." She sobbed.

"I missed you, too, Honey."

Tony didn't want to disturb any longer and so he quietly slipped back into the office. "Hey, guys? Go home." He told the two remaining agents.

"What? Where's Gibbs?" Ziva asked.

"He's busy. Go home and get some sleep. Have a nice weekend." He grinned.

"Cool. Have a nice weekend, too, Tony." McGee said and the two went away.

Tony started to pack his stuff together and with one last glance at Gibbs' desk, he went away himself.

On his way home, Tony made a quick stop at the liquor store. Once he was in his apartment, he put the bottle on the coffee table and flopped down onto the couch, before taking a long drink from the bottle.

Meanwhile Gibbs had taken Kelly back to his house. "It looks almost the same. Do you still have that boat downstairs?" She asked her father.

He smiled. "It's another one. Want to see it?" She nodded and so they went into the basement.

"Wow, it's beautiful." Kelly stated.

"So are you." Gibbs answered and kissed the top of her head. He had to stop himself from grinning like a mad man, when Kelly leaned back against him. "Kells?"


"What happened back then?" He asked.

Kelly sighed and sat down on the stairs. Gibbs sat down next to her. "I survived the crash…" She began telling him the story of her life.

Tony was drunk, not wasted but really drunk. It still wasn't enough for his liking. He knew that he could never replace his fa – boss' daughter, but he'd hoped anyway. Well, he knew better now. So he thought about leaving.

"I shouldgo home… Baaaack to the roots. Italy s'nice. Pizza e'where." He took another sip and leaned back into the cushion. 'Jus' like the ol'man.' He thought before nodding off.

It was Monday morning and Tony hadn't done anything but drinking all weekend long. Why did he actually go back to the office? Well, a few more days wouldn't hurt. He had to check the available jobs in Italy first, anyway.

Everyone was so cheerful. Well, everyone but Tony, that is. Ziva noticed first. "What is wrong, Tony? Had a busy weekend, yes?"

"You know me. Lots of girls I had to please." He lied.

"Uh… you are disgusting."

He shrugged. "You asked."

That made Gibbs look up too, but he wasn't thinking anything of it. The boy had probably partied too much.

The day went by without anything major. Before anyone could leave, Gibbs spoke up. "Dinner at mine. Be there around 1900."

"Yes, Boss." McGee said, smiling.

"What is the occasion?" Ziva asked curious.

"You'll see." He answered and Ziva swore she could see Gibbs wink at her.

Ducky, Abby, McGee and Ziva arrived together. The ME had insisted on picking them up.

"What about young Anthony?" He asked, before stepping out of the car.

"He's probably there already." McGee answered.

They stepped into the house and were greeted by Gibbs and a young woman at his side.

"Guys, meet Kelly. My daughter." He said grinning from ear to ear.

They had a wonderful dinner and were now eager to hear about Kelly.

"Oh my…" Ducky exclaimed.

"What is it, Duck?" Gibbs asked him.

"Where's Anthony?"

Everyone stopped laughing. They hadn't even noticed. McGee pulled out his cell. "I'll call him." The man in question picked up on the fourth ring.

"Yeah!" He sounded out of breath.

"Uh… hey, Tony. It's McGee. Where are you?"

"Hawaii! Where do you think I am?" He snapped.

McGee bit his lip. "Why aren't you here? I mean at Gibbs'?

There was a pause. "I'm busy." He answered and hung up.

Tim looked puzzled. "He hung up on me."

Abby shoved back her chair. "What kind of friends are we? We didn't even notice!"

"Abby, he is a grown man. He makes his own decisions." Ziva told her.

"You don't get it." The goth said and went into the kitchen.

Gibbs went after her. "What is it, Abs?"

"Don't you get it?"

"Get what?" Gibbs asked.

"Tony." She sighed. "He loves you Gibbs. He loves you and you forget all about him, because you got your daughter back!"

"That's not true!" He defended himself.

"Isn't it?" She challenged. "Gibbs, you know how insecure he is."

"Is everything okay?" Kelly walked into the kitchen and Gibbs closed his mouth again.

"You haven't told her." Abby said and it wasn't a question.

"No, not yet. I…" He sighed. "I forgot." The thought disgusted him.

"Forgot what?" The redhead asked. "Daddy?"

Abby bit her lip and waited. "Tony." He sighed again. "Tony's your brother." Kelly just looked at him. "I adopted him."

"Why didn't you say something? He should be here. I want to get to know him better. He helped me getting to you, Daddy." Gibbs stared at her. "Hold on, I thought his last name's DiNozzo."

"Yeah. He kept it. And good thing he did or we wouldn't be working together." Gibbs answered.

Kelly nodded and then walked towards her father, kissing his cheek. "What are you waiting for? Get him here already."

"Love you, Kells." He said and hugged her.

"Love you, too, Daddy." She answered and then shoved him out of the kitchen.

He sped to his son's apartment and knocked on the door. Tony wouldn't appreciate it, if he just barged it.

After a few moments the door opened. OSU shirt, sweatpants and a pair of grey socks. His hair stuck to his head and it was slightly wet. He must have gotten out of the shower recently.

"We got a case, Gibbs?" The young Italian asked in a neutral voice.

No dad, not even a boss. It was a small thing, but it cut into Gibbs' heart. "No. No case."

"Then what are you doing here?" Tony asked.

"Can we talk?"

"Déjà vu." Tony mumbled and went to sit on his couch.

Gibbs went in and closed the door behind him. He took in the bottles of beer and other alcohol. "What happened here?"

"Life." Was the only answer he got.

"I know you're angry. And you have every right to be." He saw Tony tense and sat down beside him. "I was shocked. I thought Kelly died together with her mom and then she's there. Right in front of me."

Tony didn't answer.

"I didn't know how to handle everything. I was so shocked and… god, Tony, I thought she was dead."

"I know." Came the soft reply. "I know that I could never replace her. She's your flesh and blood." Tony shrugged.

"No one could ever replace her." Tony winced at that. He'd always known, but it hurt anyway. "No one could ever replace you either. You both are my kids. And I love you equally." The young man started to say something. "No, Tony. It doesn't matter that biologically you're not mine. You may not have my blood, but you have my heart."

That was certainly not something you ever heard from Gibbs.

"And I'm sorry I hurt you, son. I never meant to."

'This is getting ridiculous. Gibbs never talks that much, not about his feelings anyway. And a sorry now, too?' Tony thought.


"It's just that… I'm…" He sighed. "I'm just not very confident… and… I don't know."

Gibbs risked to put his arm around his son's shoulder to pull him closer. "I know. But believe me, sweetheart, you'll always be my baby boy."

"Ooookaaay. Stop it! This is getting way too cheesy." Tony exclaimed.

Gibbs laughed and ruffled his hair, before planting a soft kiss on top of his head. "You're probably right. But I love you anyway, kiddo."

Tony grinned and hugged his father. "I know, Dad. And I love you, too."