Warnings: Language and abuse of a child.

AN: A new story I'm working on. I really hope you'll like it. Have fun. ILU Greg.


"No! Dad! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me. Please don't hurt me, dad!" The young boy cried.

"I told you not to call me that, you little bastard! You're not my son! You're a worthless bastard! You're nothing!" The man replied and then slapped his 9-year old son across the face.

"Dad, please stop! I promise I'll be good! Please stop it!" Another slap across his face cut the boy off.

"I told you how to address me correctly! And I told you you're not my son! I fucked that slut to get a son! A son which'd grow up to a great man! But see what came out of all this shit! A whimp! A bastard! I should kill you just like I killed that bitch!" This time he hit the boy with his fist. The boy flew to the ground. Blood was running down his face. He had a split lip, a cut to the eyebrow and bruises covered his face, arms and most of his body.

As his father came towards him again, the boy scrambled to his feet and ran down the stairs. He ran out of the door and away from the mansion without looking back.

He was thankful he stuffed some money into his pockets before the huge fight started. The boy went to a ticket store and bought a bus ticket to D.C. Nobody asked what he wanted there and nobody cared enough to ask where the boy's parents were.

After the five hour drive from Long Island the boy finally was in D.C. He hadn't planed to go to D.C. but he always wanted to see the White House, the Capital Building and the Washington Monument.

He was hungry so he walked down the streets. He walked and walked which seemed like hours. It was dark now but the boy wasn't that scared. At first he turned around at every little sound, but now he was kinda used to the sounds. His face and body hurt like hell. A grumble came from his stomache. When was the last time he'd eaten?

The boy went into an alley. A few trash cans stood around. Normally he'd never even think about touching a dumpster to get food, but now he wasn't sure. He heard voices. They weren't talking to him, so he didn't pay attention. He went to one of the containers and searched for food. He didn't care about the noises he made.

There was not much to find in those containers. He'd given about everything right now, just to get a pizza...

"Hey! You okay?" A voice came from right behind him. The boy jumped and turned around only to find a man with piercing blue eyes and slightly grey hair standing right in front of him. The man frowned at the sight he was greeted with. "You okay, boy? What's your name?"

The boy backed away. He was pinned between the man and the container. The only way out would've been running down the alley towards the street. The way he'd come from. He had to get away. With that thought the boy took off. The man was hot on his heels.

"Hey! Hold on!" The words were barely spoken and short after that the man caught the boy with an arm around the waist. The boy struggled and screamed.

"Don't hurt me! Please don't hurt me. I'll be good. Please don't hurt me!"

"Shh... calm down." The man soothed. "Everything's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm with NCIS. I'm a federal agent. A navy cop you might call it. I'm not going to hurt you." After the man had spoken these words the boy sagged against him and began to sob uncontrollably. "Shh... it's okay. Everything's okay. What's your name, my boy?"

The boy sniffed. "Tony." He answered, his voice shaking as much as his whole body.

"Tony?" The boy nodded. "Okay, Tony. My name's Jethro Gibbs. You can call me Gibbs if you'd like. My co-workers call me that." He said. "Tony?"

"Yeah?" Came the muffled reply.

"If I let go, do you promise not to run?" Gibbs asked.

Tony nodded. "Yes, sir."

Gibbs slowly let go of Tony. "And don't 'sir' me, okay? Just Gibbs. I work for a living." Tony nodded. "What happened to you, Tony?" The boy's head went down to his chest. "Hey!" Gibbs softly called and lifted the head 'till he looked into green eyes. "What happened to you?"

"You promise not to send me away?" Tony asked.

"I promise to do everything to keep you safe." Gibbs replied and saw the trust building in the boy's eyes.

"My father hit me... again. He always hits me since mom is dead. He killed her! You got to charge him! He killed my mom!" He cried desperately.

"Shh..." Gibbs soothed and laid his hands on Tony's shoulders. "How do you know he killed your mom?"

"He told me! He said I'm a worthless bastard. I'm a nothing. And he says he should just kill me like he killed my mom!" Tears were streaming down his face.

Gibbs heart broke. How could anyone do that to a kid. He pulled Tony close and the boy fell against him. Tony was crying hard and the tears were soaking Gibbs' shirt. But the ex-marine could care less. "It's going to be okay, Tony. It's going to be okay." Gibbs stroked Tony's back and he could feel how hard Tony was trembling. "Hey partner?"

"Yeah?" Came the whispered reply.

"How'd you feel about a doctor?" Gibbs' felt Tony stiffen. "He's a friend of mine. I've known him for a long time now. Tony, I want to make sure you're okay." There was no reply. "Come on. Trust me partner. I'd do nothing to hurt you. I promised you, remember?"


"Good, boy." Gibbs said and slowly pulled away. "You're okay to walk by yourself?" Tony nodded. "Okay, let's go." He said and began walking. He felt the boy's presence and not long after that he felt Tony's hand taking his. Together they walked back to the crime scene Gibbs had come from, just before he'd heard the noises.

"Ducky!" Gibbs called out.

"Yes?" Ducky turned from the back of his NCIS truck towards Gibbs' voice. "Oh my..." He exclaimed.

"Ducky, that's Tony. Tony, that's my friend Doctor Mallard." Gibbs intodruced.

Tony had a death grip on Gibbs' jacket. His other hand was clasped in Gibbs' hand. Slowly he withdraw his hand from Gibbs' jacket and met Ducky's outstretched one. "Pleased to meet you, Doctor Mallard." Tony said.

"Such a polite little guy. I'm also pleased to meet you, Tony, but please call me Ducky. Everyone does."

Tony pulled his hand back and grabbed Gibbs' jacket again. Gibbs looked down at the boy and smiled. Then he looked back up to his friend. "Ducky, could you take a look at him? I want to know if he really is okay."

"Of course, Jethro. Would you please come and sit down here, Tony?" He motioned his hand towards the van.

Tony looked at Gibbs. "Come on, Tony." He lifted the boy and sat him down in the van. "Ducky I'll just go check with the LEO's. You'll be okay?"

"Of course, Jethro." Ducky answered.

"Good. Be right back." Gibbs started to walk away as he felt two hands grab his arm.

"Don't go! Don't leave me alone!"

Gibbs turned around and kneeled in front of the boy. "I'm not leaving you alone, Tony. Partners don't do that. I'll be right back. You'll be good for Ducky, okay?" The boy thought for a moment and then gave Gibbs a little nod. "Be rigth back." Gibbs stood back up and tapped Tony under the chin before walking away.

"Okay, let's take a closer look at you, my dear boy." Ducky said and began his examination. Tony winced when the ME touched one or two sore spots. "Aha ahu... No broken bones, that's good."

"How is he, Duck?" Gibbs walked over to them and patted Tony's head softly before sitting down next to the boy.

"It's not that bad, Jethro. A few bruises and cuts, but nothing too serious. He's going to be okay." The ME answered.

"Thanks, Duck. I'm taking him home with me. Come on, partner." Gibbs started to walk away but stopped and turned around when he didn't feel Tony behind him. Gibbs looked him. "Hey! Tony!" He called out to get the young boy's attention. Nothing. Tony didn't react and Gibbs made his way over to him. "Tony."

He nudged the boy's shoulder and Tony flinched. "You coming, boy?" He asked the frightened child and held out his hand for Tony to take it. The boy took it withouth hesitation and Gibbs pulled him up.

"You're not going to take me back to him, are you?" Tony asked shaking with fear.

Gibbs laid an arm around Tony's shoulder and pulled him tighter. "I told you, I'm going to do anything to keep you safe." He told the boy and Tony sagged slightly against him.

"Okay." Tony answered and his stomach grumbled again.

"You hungry?" Tony nodded. "How 'bout we get some pizza?" The boy's eyes lit up. "You'd like that?" Gibbs smiled.

Tony nodded again. "Yes, sir."

"Tony." Came the soft spoken warning.

"I'm sorry. He'd never let me address him with anything but 'sir'." Tony explained and Gibbs tousled the brown hair.

"It's okay. I'm not angry." Gibbs smiled reassuring at Tony. "Come on, let's get some pizza and then we'll get you into bed."

AN: Liked it? Want me to continue? Tell me. Thanks for reading. ILU Greg.