Authors Notes and Stuff

And so ends the third installment in this fic series/arc, fwee! I hope you liked it.

There is just -one- more part to this flower fic arc and it's in the planning and in progress stages. ^_^ When it is completed you know that it'll be posted here on FF.net and also of course on the RanKen shrine of fics, art, humor, randomness, --B-l-a-d-e- & -C-l-a-w-- run by my co-author and yaoi megami-partner in crime ^_~, Ana! *cheer*

Fourth and final fic in the "Flower Fic Arc" by the RanKen Yaoi Duo, Ana and Gal:
Dormant Devil: It's been eight months since the ordeal between Schuldich and Ran in the abandoned prison, eight months since Schwarz swore ultimate revenge on Weiß for taking their Mastermind from them, eight months since Weiß came to Ran's rescue to be his hero though he felt he deserved none. Ken has lived up to his promises to never give up on Ran and follow him through anything as leader of his team and leader of his heart. Now it's all come down to this... the culmination of his union with Ran Fujimiya, to forever bind himself to the redhead in all possible ways. (THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED! *_*) Schwarz is getting used to their new telepath, never forgetting the old one... Schuldich... It seems all is well for Weiß and all is not so well for Schwarz. But what visions are coming to Crawford? What tricks does the precog and his team have up their sleeves to finally end this with Weiß?

Dormant Devil
Coming soon to a fic archive near you ^_~

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