Hello Again!

I seriously would have finished this fanfic a LOOONG time ago but the truth is I completely forgot I had even started it! I was cleaning out my file the other day and came across it. SO SORRY to everyone out there who was actually reading it. I edited most of the story so you might want to re- read it in case I added anything new. I don't remember if I did or not. Hopefully this time it won't take me a year to update ^.^

I also remembered that everyone was really pissed off about the spelling errors, (oopsie!) well, I'm pretty sure I got all the obvious ones anyway. Like Zidane :) There might be one or two left so I'll apologize in advance for those. Well, I think that's about all I have to say for now.



The heat was unbearable, making it impossible for anyone in the kingdom to sleep. The heat had lingered hours after the sun had set and was so bad it was at a point where the only way of getting any sleep at all was to pass out. Nobody was able to provide any relief from the weather and princess Garnet (or as she preferred to be called, Dagger) was becoming very agitated. She had gotten little or no sleep in the past 2 days and needless to say her patience was wearing thin, everybody's was. The people of her kingdom had no energy to do anything and spent the day trying to keep as cool as possible while the nights were spent trying to sleep.

It also didn't help that for the past two days all Garnet had been doing was meeting with different suitors not helping with her mood. To her, this was not her idea of fun and she loathed every minute she had to spend with these different men with whom she knew nothing about. She would rather be bored out of her mind in her room than waste her time with different suitors. She always knew the outcome before the "date" had even started. She would, of course, be polite during the whole visit but the moment he left her castle she would turn to Beatrix, best friend and mentor, and pretend to gag. Indicating that she wanted nothing to do with him ever again. Beatrix would either give her a disapproving look or smile and roll her eyes, depending on her mood.

Garnet got up off her bed and headed for the window, opening it. Maybe luck was on her side and a small breeze would find its way to her window and cool her down a smidgen, even if it was a smidgen it was better than nothing. She flopped back down on her bed and heaved a sigh. She had just ended a visit with one suitor not 20 minutes ago and was expecting another suitor to call on her between now and tomorrow so she was advised not to leave the castle by Beatrix AND Steiner. Which was pretty much as close as an order you could get, and it didn't help that Steiner had volunteered to guard her door to make sure she didn't leave the castle without notice. Apparently she tended to do that a lot.

Sighing again, she began to think up different ways she could cure her boredom and keep cool at the same time when she was brought back to reality when her door flew open. She bolted up right in her bed, totally caught off-guard.

"Hi Dagger. Watch-ya up too?" asked Zidane as he strolled passed a very perturbed 'Rusty' and into her room. Dagger had to smirk, only Zidane would be in a good mood in this type of weather. In fact, she couldn't remember the last time that he wasn't happy. Not since he returned from the Iifa Tree that is, but that's another story.

"Rusty isn't looking too good, If you ask me," He said, hooking his thumb over his shoulder towards Steiner. "I think that he's being cooked alive in that get-up, you should probably give him the rest of the night off. " Zidane stated as both he and Dagger glanced out the door to a boiling Steiner in his rusted amour. He was boiling for two, entirely different, reasons. One, Zidane was in Daggers bedroom and two, he actually was being cooked alive. Dagger smiled, always thinking of others first she thought, even if it is in a way to bug and annoy. Thankful for the excuse to relive Steiner of his position, she could only nod in return.

"Steiner" She called, averting his attention from Zidane" You may take the rest of the night off." It was said as an order and Steiner had heard the authority in her voice.

"But your majesty" he pleaded "I cant possibly leave you while he's in your room, especially at an hour like this!" he said while pointing at Zidane who was looking quite comfy next to Dagger on her bed. He looked ready to get on his knees and beg her not to send him away while Zidane was present.

Dagger let out a sigh and looked at Steiner "Its alright, I'll be fine, Zidane wont be staying long anyway. If you really want to, come back in a couple of hours once you've cooled off." Steiner, pleased with her answer and pleased at what a good actor he was, clasped his fist to his heart and bowed, taking his leave. "And Steiner" she said as he was taking his leave "don't forget to remover your amour" He bowed once again and left, you could here his amour jingling all the way down the hall. Knowing Steiner, he would probably forget to take off his amour on purpose, claiming that a war might break out and that he wouldn't have his amour on to protect the princess. Technically she was the Queen now, but those close to her still called her their princess, in private of course. Out in public she is formally known as Queen Garnet Til Alexandros the 17th, the queen of all Alexandria. She doesn't like to think of herself as queen though, to her, that was just a title that other boring nobles would call her, a title stating that she had a lot of money in her pocket and a lot of power in her hands. The only reason that these people even talked to her was because of that title. Zidane, on the other hand, talked to her because she was Dagger. A name that she loved, because he had given it to her. He would only call her that and nothing else. No matter if they were surrounded by nobles or just friends. She turned back to him now, smiling.

" I think you were right Zidane, he was being cooked alive in that suit!" He smiled back at her "so what are you doing here and how did you get past Steiner?" She asked, not surprised at all by the answer he gave.

"I stole his money pouch " Zidane gave a triumphant grin as he looked at Dagger sigh and roll her eyes. Something's never change she thought.

"So what are you up too Dagger? You never answered me the first time" he said as he waited for her reply.

"If you must know Zidane, I've just come back from meeting another suitor. The Prince of, somewhere or another" She said waving her hand in the air dismissively. Zidane didn't like the idea of Dagger being married off. He had hated every single one who had come and asked her hand in marriage, mainly because they weren't him. The last he had heard there was a bet to see who could win her over first, and the pot was getting pretty big now. Fortunately for Zidane, she had said no to every single one, not giving them a second glance.

"He had arrived late and requested to see me. I was just about to change when you walked in" she said as she got up off her bed and headed for the window. "I said no." She knew the question on his mind so she didn't bother to wait for it to be asked. "to me he just seemed like he wanted me for my money" Zidane sighed in relief. "Other wise its been to hot to do anything else so I've been sitting in my room waiting for company!" company was right but if Zidane took it differently than she wasn't going to correct him. She turned around and smiled at Zidane.

"And here I am!" He said as he held out his arms implying that he was all there, giving Dagger a huge smile himself while walking up to stand beside her. Dagger smiled back, or rather hadn't stopped smiling since he had entered the room. "And I'm here to free you of your boredom!" He said it as though Dagger didn't have a choice in the matter.

"I don't know Zidane...The last time I was bored you kidnapped me" she joked.

"If I am not mistaken miss.Dagger, your the one who asked me to kidnap you even if that was my intention in the first place" Zidane said trying to defend himself. "And besides" he asked "wasn't it worth it to meet me?" being the flirt he was, he winked at her and all she could do was nod and smile. I'd do it all again if I had the chance she thought.

"So what do you have in mind to free me of my boredom?" she asked becoming curious

"Its a surprise" he simply stated leaving Dagger that much more curious. "yes or no?" He asked walking up to stand next to her. Noting the troubled look in her eyes, he could tell she was listing off all of the pros and cons in her head. "Rusty ain't outside your door anymore since you gave him the night off, we wont have to deal with him, and its gonna be a lot cooler there than in the castle." He said clinching the deal. That was all Dagger need to hear for her to make up her mind.

"What are we waiting for than" she asked heading for the door, almost breaking into a run.

"Well, If I was you, I might want to change your cloth first" suggested Zidane. Dagger, or rather Queen Garnet had her hair pulled completely up in her crown and was wearing a white dress that reached the floor, It had tiny royal blue flowers stitched with delicate care up the sides of her dress and was made completely of silk. She still had her crystal around her neck, that, she never took it off.

"Why on Gaia would you want to wear such a thing in weather like this." He asked poking at the sleeve of her dress, but he had to admit, she did look breath taking. "aren't you the one that's been complaining non stop about the heat?"

"Trust me," she said as she left his side and walked behind a change screen with her yellow jumper and white blouse in hand "It wasn't my idea. Beatrix said that I should wear it when I met this suitor." She flung her dress over the screen and pulled on her jumper. "The things I'll do for the reputation of Alexandria..." she mumbled.

"And that's exactly why everybody loves you Dagger, because you make an excellent one" Even than Zidane couldn't bring himself to call her the queen and Dagger had picked up on that a while ago. The reason why they saw so little of each other now was because of her status. She was always to busy meeting with people with a much higher status than him or, to his dismay, more suitors. She just never had the time anymore and she missed not having him around as much. Or everyone else for that matter.

She came out from behind the screen with her yellow jumper on and her hair tied in a loose ponytail, a blue hair tie holding it back and the pendant still around her neck. "Thanks Zidane, its good to know that I didn't wear that dress in this heat for nothing"

"Anytime" he said while smiling "so are you ready to go? Your gonna love what I have in store!" he said, steering her out the door

" If you had anything to do with it, I'm sure I will." she said as Zidane lead her out of the room with his hand on the small of her back.

"one question" she asked as they walked down the palace staircase to the main door. "Were not leaving Alexandria are we?" she asked while looking up into his eyes. He smiled.

"No, where I'm taking you is right here in Alexandria" he pushed open the castle doors for her as they walked out into the warm night air "Don't worry" he said "I know your responsibilities, besides, if I did take you out of Alexandria, I doubt that Rusty would let me anywhere near you after that" He took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly "trust me." he said as he led you through the city still holding her hand.


There were balloons everywhere, streamers covering every inch of the roof, more food than Queina could even imagine and the Tanthals Theatre ship had every person that Dagger had ever come in contact with since that first night she had meet Zidane.

"Hurry up people, they'll be here soon!" Eiko yelled as people were dashing here and there trying to add the finishing touches to the ship before the arrival of Zidane and Dagger. "Wont Dagger be surprised when she sees what Zidanes done for her, isn't that right Vivi?" She asked in a cheerful voice as the little mage walked up beside, her holding a large green balloon in his hands that was larger than his head.

" I-I sure hope so" Vivi stuttered while trying to see beyond the balloon in front of him. "where do you want me to - uh - put this Eiko?" he asked wanting to be rid of it, he had already fallen three times.

"Hmmm, good question, why don't you put it over there, beside Blank." She said while pointing to the wall where the person in question was putting up some more blue streamers.

"uh - okay" Vivi said making his way towards Blank, but before he even made it half way there, he tripped again. There was a loud popping sound as the balloon burst from underneath him. He groaned as Blank came over to help him up.

"I-I'm so sorry, I-I broke your balloon" Vivi stuttered as he accepted Blanks out stretched hand.

"Its alright Vivi" Blank told him as Vivi brushed himself off. "I don't think anybody's gonna notice a balloon missing"

"Are you sure?" asked Vivi, still upset about popping the balloon. Blank nodded " Just don't tell Eiko please, she might get mad." All Blank could do was laugh, here Vivi was, a black mage and bigger than Eiko and still afraid of her.

"Don't worry Vivi, I wont" he said still laughing while trying to reassure Vivi. " Do you think you can help me put some streamers up" He asked, trying to change the subject to get Vivi's mind on something other than being in trouble for something so trivial.

"s-sure, I can do that" he said, pleased that someone was actually looking for his help.

"Hey Baku!" Blank called from across the large room "Can you toss me that roll of streamers?" he asked indicating the roll of yellow streamers at Baku's feet.

"Sure thing!" Baku called back. He picked up the streamers and tossed them to Blank. "Have you seen Freya anywhere?" he hollered back .

"Yah, She went up stairs to the deck, I think she's lookout for Zidane and Dagger" Blank answered his boss.

"Great, that's exactly what I wanted her to d-"But before Baku could finish his sentence he was interrupted by Freya coming into the large room yelling.

"EVERYONE HIDE, I SAW THE SIGNAL!" People went crazy looking for a hiding spot "THERE COMMING!" She Shouted, Vivi just stood in the middle of the room as people rushed around him, confused at what to do. Just before he was trampled by Baku, Amourant picked him up and placed him on the rafters in the ceiling where Freya, Blank, himself and now Vivi where hiding.

"T-thank you" Vivi quietly said.

"Don't make a sound" Baku whispered from somewhere below "and don't anybody move" Just as Baku said that The door burst open, the lights turned on and everyone jumped out of there hiding spots and yelled "SURPRISE!" Only.. It wasn't Zidane and Dagger. Everyone groaned, Steiner stood in the doorway with a sheepish look on his face, Beatrix standing behind him. Steiner's amour had reflected off of the moon and Freya had mistaken it for Zidanes signal.

"Sorry" He apologized as he passed by everyone, some punching him in the shoulder. Everyone started picking up the streamers they had thrown and began placing all of the balloons back up in the rafters. I wonder why nobody heard his amour? I'ts loud enough to wake an army! Beatrix wondered.

"Sorry were late" she apologized "I had to make sure the castle would be secure while me and Steiner were gone" She walked to the middle of the room and picked up a balloon "Anything I can do to help?"

"Not really Beatrix" Eiko said "Actually, There is" she said gazing towards the refreshments "Can you keep an eye on Quina, she's eyeing the food again and I don't want him/her to eat anything till Dagger arrives"

"Sure" Beatrix answered dropping the balloon and heading for the food table where Quina's overly large tongue was getting closer to the food.

" I guess I'll head back up stairs to see if Zidane and Dagger are coming, Regent Cid, are you coming with me?" Freya asked as she headed upstairs.

"Sure, I'll come" Regent Cid answered, following close behind. He had been turned back into a human long ago and was happy to be walking around. In fact, he had walked from Lindblum to Alexandria just to get used to walking again, with escorts of course The thing he liked best though was that he had his normal brain back. Out of all the things he had lost in his life he had missed his mind the most.

"Alright everyone, They'll be here shortly so lets finish it up" Eiko told everyone, she turned to face Steiner sitting in the corner where Amourant put him "Steiner, don't move from that spot." She said pointing a finger at him "Your to noisy." Steiner hadn't taken off any of his amour, He had told Beatrix that in the case of an emergency he had to be prepared. Beatrix let him have his way, not wanting to pick a fight during Dagger's Party. Eiko went to make sure everything else was ready before they arrived.


"So where are you taking me? Is it much farther" Dagger asked . "I do believe we've covered every inch of the city."

"Not much farther" Zidane answered "But I'll need you to put on this blind fold" he said as he took out a red bandanna from his back pocket. Dagger nodded and Zidane walked behind her to put it over her eyes. "Do I have it on to tight? Can you see anything?" he Asked

"No" she confirmed for both answers

"Good" He said as he picked her up in his arms. Dagger let out a small yelp from being caught off guard and tried to get her balance back. Zidane tightened his grip on her to be sure that she wouldn't fall.

"It's alright, I got you" he squeaked "So if you don't mind could you please lighten the grip you've got on my neck" he asked.

"Sorry" she said sheepishly, loosening her arms around his neck "You surprised me" Zidane smiled.

"Were almost there" he said once he cold see the Theatre ship. He noticed Freya and Regent Cid in the lookout. He carefully pulled out a tiny piece of mirror from his back pocket and gave them the signal by reflecting the moon towards Freya's direction while trying not to drop Dagger at the same time. He smiled as they disappeared below deck. Its show time!

"Good, I don't think I could have lasted much longer" she said referring to her curiosity. What is he planing she wondered as she felt herself being carried up a flight of stairs. Little did she know that Zidane was carrying her on to the Tantalus Theatre ship which was right in the Castle square, not in the city. Balnk and the rest of them had set it down there while she was out on a "date" with her last suitor. This was going perfect so far, he just hoped everything was going according to plan on the ship.


Everyone was in there hiding spots after Freya and Regent Cid returned from lookout and said they were positive that it was Zidane and Dagger this time, everyone glared at Steiner.

"Shhhhhhh everyone, I hear someone coming!" Cinna said. they could hear one set of footsteps coming down the hall and wondered if Freya had actually told the truth or if it was another late comer. Outside the door Zidane put Dagger down and helped her get her balance back.

"I'm gonna take the blind fold off but you have to keep your eyes closed alright" He told her as he untied the bandanna.

"Alright" she agreed giving a sigh. If she kept her eyes closed any longer she was going to fall asleep. Zidane pushed the door open and told her that she could look as he flipped on the lights.

"Happy Birthday" he whispered in her ear.

"SURPRISE!" everyone shouted jumping out of their hiding spots. Dagger was so surprised that she screamed and jumped back into Zidane's arms.

"I didn't know you liked being in my arms that much!" Zidane laughed. Dagger punched him in the arm. "Can I let you down or am I to irresistible to let go of?" he asked still laughing. all Dagger could do was turn red. He took that as a 'let me down' blush and set her back on the floor. Everyone started talking at once.

"Do you like it? You were pretty surprised! Did you suspect anything? We have lots of food, taste good! I-I accidentally popped a balloon. Your majesty! Did he do anything to you while I wasn't there? Beer, are we allowed to drink the beer yet?."

"I don't know what to say!" Dagger told everyone as she put her hand over her heart. "This is over whelming!, Thank you all!" Dagger, having completely forgot it was her birthday what with all the suitors and everything was completely taken off guard and was on the verge of crying because of her surprise. Seeing all her old friends on one room was just too much to take.

"Enough talking" Zidane shouted and pulling Dagger from her thoughts "lets get this party started!" everyone cheered, all liking that idea a lot.


Dagger was grateful that the air had cooled and for the light breeze that had picked up sometime during the night. The party was wonderful but she really needed a breather. The air in the ship was becoming to uncomfortable with the smell of alcohol and everyone moving around, so when she thought no one was paying attention to her, she silently slipped out. She went to the back of the ship to where the Tantalus stage was and leaned forward on the railing. Hopefully she thought the summer heat won't last much longer. The cool, night breeze was a good sign that the heat wave was coming to an end. I'm glad that everyone's having fun, It's been a while since we've all been together like this with no worries. Zidane's so sweet, I'll have to remember to thank him for being such a good friend! She smiled at the thought of Zidane as the blessed breeze caught in her hair, causing it to drift around her face. What would I do without him? She asked herself looking up towards the almost crescent moon "I wonder if anybody noticed I had left" she murmured out-loud, tucking a stray hair back behind her ear.

"I noticed." said a clam voice behind her. She whirled around as her chestnut brown eyes meet with ocean blue. Dagger felt her cheeks burn and quickly turned back around hoping that he hadn't noticed. He did and he smiled. He had watched her leave the party wondering if something was wrong but when she didn't return after a few moments he began to worry. He went to go find her hoping nothing had happened to her and after searching the whole ship with out a trace, he had let out the breathe he had been holding when he found her leaning against the railing at the back of the large ship, alive

"What are you doing out here?" She asked him waiting for her cheeks to cool as he leaned against the railing beside herBR "Looking for you. What are you doing out here?" He asked.

"Just thinking" came her replay.

"About what?" he asked.

"How lucky I am to have you for a friend." she said turning to him. "I wanted to thank you Zidane. I just want you to know that I appreciate everything you did for me tonight." Zidane smiled to himself as Dagger suddenly found her shoes very interesting.

"It was nothing. You looked like you could use a smile and your birthday seemed like the perfect opportunity." He told her as pulled out a small white box with a red ribbon. He had hidden it behind his belt where Dagger couldn't see it. Its now or never Zidane! He held the small box towards her. "Happy birthday Dagger!" He watched the corners of her mouth turn up as she accepted the gift.

"Zidane" she said smiling "The party was a perfect gift, you didn't have to get me anything else" she told him, she knew Zidane, and she knew he didn't have a lot if money to spend on himself let alone her. the party itself probably put a whole in his pocket if he hadn't stole anything for it. (which wouldn't be a surprise if he did) Eiko had told her that it was all Zidane's idea and he had gotten everything that was needed, all of the decorations and all the food, including the alcohol. The only thing the others helped out with was letting him use the Tantalus theatre ship while it was here in Alexandria and decorating it while he was out occupying her time.

"I wanted to" he told her as she opened the tiny box, revealing a small ring surrounded by light pink sakura petals. Dagger gasped putting her free hand over her mouth.

"Zidane!?" she whispered looking up at him surprised "how did you...I mean, this looks...you shouldn't have....its, its....omigod..." She didn't know what to say to him. her eyes were glistening now as she placed the box on the banister and carefully took the ring out, as though it might beak. The ring had two small hearts, one over lapping the other with a single diamond placed where the two hearts meet. The ring itself was made of gold but the two hearts were outlined in a thin silver border.

"Its beautiful" she said, barely audible, as she slipped it on her right index finger.

"Its a friendship ring" Zidane told her as she embraced him "It means that no matter what happens between us, I'll always be there for you.I promise" He said, gently kissing the top of her head. Always.

"Thank you Zidane, you don't know how much this means to me" she said wiping a tear from her eye. She didn't want Zidane to see her this way and tried to gain composure over herself. What did I do to deserve you? She pulled back from him and began wiping the tears out of her eyes. She apologized again for crying but Zidane just shook his head.

"I ain't interested in girls who won't cry a little bit" he told her and wrapped her in a hug again. She gave a small laugh "Do you realize that were standing on the exact same spot that we meet 3 years ago?" he asked her still in the embrace, she smiled and nodded into his shoulder.

"How could I forget?" she asked bringing her eyes up to meet his hoping they wouldn't betray how she felt. " It's one of my most favourite memories" He smiled at her, he seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

"One of your favourites?" He raised an eye brow "Which one is your most favourite?" he asked. The distance between them, if possible, was getting smaller and smaller.

"The one where you come back into my life,after...after I thought -" She always had trouble finishing that sentence. She always believed him to be dead before he returned from the Iifa tree. She could feel his breath on her lips now, he was so close, a mere 2 inches away. She looked up into his eyes and could tell that he was truly sorry for putting her trough that. He had apologized on several occasions but she merely shrugged it off and said it was alright because he was here now. He looked guilty and barley whispered a sorry. She somehow found her voice and whispered "don't be" but before she knew what she was doing she closed the distance between them and for a brief moment her lips brushed his...
