Disclaimer: I own nothing.

"Changed?" Sirius asked, looking questioningly at Remus. "You mean..like..his diaper?" He asked, sounding like a scared child. When Remus nodded Sirius began shaking his head. "No way. Nope. I'm not doing that." James didn't mention anything about changing diapers when he asked Sirius to baby sit! That was just sick.

"Sirius we have to." Remus said, picking up the screaming Harry, his own eyes watering for the horrible smell. "We can't just let him sit in it."

"Doesn't he know how to use the toilet?" Honestly the kid was one. You'd think he'd know how to use a toilet already.

"He can barely stand up by himself, how do you expect him to use a toilet?" Remus asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You don't need to stand up to use the toilet..not for what he just did." Sirius pointed out.

"Pads, stop talking." Remus said, trying to make Harry stop crying. "You want Uncle Padfoot?" He asked the screaming Harry before passing him over to Remus.

"I don't want him!" Sirius said, holding Harry at arm's length to try and put as much distance between himself and the stench of Harry's diaper.

"Just take him up to the changing table in his room." Remus said, rolling his eyes. "I'm going to clean up the kitchen. I'll be right there."

Sirius carried Harry up the stairs, grumbling about how unfair it was that he got stuck with a dirty diaper while Mooney was just cleaning up baby food. "Come on Harry, don't cry." He pleaded, hating to see his Godson crying like he was. "We'll get you out of that dirty diaper soon buddy. Just calm down." He said, trying to sound soothing while he did he best to not breathe through his nose.

Sirius put Harry down on the changing table, but had no clue what to do next. He didn't want to actually touch the diaper. What if some gets one me?! That'd be so wrong. So he pulled out his wand and, very carefully, took the diaper off by magic. As soon as he got the diaper off Harry started to do what a lot of babies had a tendency to do mid-change. He started to pee. "MOONEY!!!" Sirius screamed, ducking out of the way as Harry erupted into giggles. "MOONEY GET UP HERE NOW!"

Remus came running into the room just in time to catch the end of Harry's little performance. "What is going on up here?!" He asked, seeing Sirius hiding behind one of Harry's toys.

"I don't know, I took his diaper off and he just started going!" Sirius said, getting up cautiously and looking absolutely terrified. He glared at the giggling baby, "Harry that was not funny." He said, afraid to go near the baby. "You almost hit me." He said, not yelling but still sounding upset.

"Pads he's a baby. That's what babies do." Remus said, having babysat before. He probably should have warned Sirius that might happen..he forgot though. Oh well. No harm done. "He's not going to do it again, you can come over here." He added, trying not to laugh when he saw that Sirius was keeping his distance.

"Are you sure." Sirius asked uncertainly.

"Positive." Remus assured him. Sirius came over cautiously, looking like he was ready to run at any second. Remus just shook his head with an amused smile when Harry watched, still giggling. "Alright we've got the diaper off...now what?" He asked, knowing what they had to do but now wanting to say it out loud.

"We..clean him up I guess.." Sirius said uncertainly, making a disgusted face. There was no way he was touching it, and he doubted Remus would want to either, so he wasn't really sure how Harry was going to get cleaned up.

"MmmHmm." Remus said, trying to think of a way around that. "We could always...scourgify..it." He said uncertainly.

"Will that hurt him?" Sirius asked, not wanting to harm Harry.

"No, It'll be just like giving him a bath..from a distance.." Remus assured him.

"Ok.." Sirius said, pulling his wand out and aiming it at the mess. "Scourgify." He said, sending a jet of bubbly water at Harry's bottom. He then levitated the dirty diaper into the trash can.

"Ok...now powder." Remus said, picking up the bottle of baby powder.

'These guys have no clue what they're doing.' Harry thought to himself in a "Look Who's Talking" kind of way. 'Mommy would flip if she was here.' He thought with a giggle as Remus squeezed out nearly half the bottle of baby powder.

"I think that was a little too much Mooney." Sirius said, waving his hand to clear away the cloud of baby powder that hung in the air.

"Really Sirius? Because I thought would could have used more." Remus said, voice dripping with sarcasm as he grabbed a clean diaper, a quizzical expression on his face. "Do you know how to put one of these things on?" He asked, holding it up so Sirius could see.

Sirius looked from the diaper to Harry and then back again, head tilted to the side. "No...it doesn't looked too hard though.." He said unsurely. "I think you just..put this part under his bum.." He said, laying the diaper on the changing table and then laying Harry on top of the diaper. "And then you...fold this part up..then you use these little sticky tabs to keep it on.." He said, doing just that.

Once the diaper was on Sirius picked Harry up and stood him on the changing table, holding onto the toddler's arms to keep him upright. "Does that look right to you?" He asked Remus.

Sure the diaper didn't look like it did when Lily or James changed Harry, but it seemed to be staying on. "Yeah, I think that'll do that job." He decided. "Good job Mr. Padfoot."

"Well done Mr. Mooney." Sirius grinned, picking Harry up as Remus used cleaning spells on nearly every surface around the changing table.

"Job Mooey! Job Pafoo!" Harry gurgled happily, giggling and bouncing in his uncle's arms before yawning widely.

"It looks like someone needs a nap." Remus said with a smile. That was the best part of babysitting. When you got the kid you were watching to go to sleep.

"No!" Harry yelled, fighting off another yawn as best a one-year-old could. "Not sleepy." He said, yawning again, eyes fluttering closed.

Eh I couldn't think of a good way to end it. Sorry.