Neo-King Endymion descended from the suddenly dark sky and landed without difficulty in a park in the 20th century's Tokyo. Endymion thanked the sky with a reverence and winked to the clouds before he began his path. Although he didn't see her, he knew that, somewhere, Pluto was blushing.
He walked around the city, deep in melancholy. There had been more than ten centuries since the last time he had walked around that park, where he shared a lot of memories with Serenity, memories about a time that had been left behind long time ago for the powerful king. The last time he had been there with his wife were the day before the long battle that leaded them to Crystal Tokyo's throne, with the Small Lady already in their arms, asking themselves if they would be remain alive after the battle to walk around that park once more time. Neither of them knew then what the future would bring for their little family. But they were together and, like always, that was what really mattered.
Endymion didn't need to ask anybody for directions; it didn't matter how much time had passed since the last time he had been there. He would never forget these places. His memories as Darien Chiba were liked forever to these streets. He smiled sadly when he reached the Arkade, where Andrew, in his time his loyal adviser, was still in his old job and he stopped with a smile in the same spot where a well-known thirty point's exam changed his fate forever. Meanwhile, the people who walked besides him were staring at him dissaprovingly; some of them even mocked him for his clothes. Endymion asked himself merrily if some day, when the time of Crystal Tokyo arrived, they would remember that one day, they saw their king closely and thought he was mad. Probably not.
Until that moment, Endymion didn't remember how much he missed the old Tokyo in which he spent his youth, in his daily life as a king, because, even if his childhood memories were a hell, his experiences with Serena and the adventures with the Sailors in his teenager days were very happy. Every smell, every spot, every person brought him a distinct memory, the most of them happy one, but some others were tainted with sadness, anger and fear for their lifes and anguished fights for the fate of the universe. The coming of Crystal Tokyo was so sudden and the disappearance of the world he had previously known, so quick that he had never had enough time to look back to what had been his life as Darien before he became Endymion, the king of the new world. And, even if he had with him what really matters to him, his daughter and his wife, sometimes he wished he could come back to that Tokyo where he had been younger, more innocent and free of all the responsabilities his crown brought upon him. Darien smiled thinking that if Serenity were with him, she had said he was as young as the last time he had been there and Endymion thought one more time that his wife still was the same naïve girl he loved to tease every day at the arcade. She didn't undestand that the years passed had made Endymion older, not in his body, but in his soul, hardened by battles, blood, tears and fire. But a soul that Serenity healed every night in the intimacy of their room with a word of love and passion whispered in his ears. He would have fought thousand of battles more to see Serenity smile one more time. Endymion sighed and wished Serenity could have come to the past with him.
When he reached his old apartment's building, he couldn't help that thousand of memories assalted his mind, but he didn't have enough time to get lost in them. Serenity was waiting for him and he must return to the future as soon as possible. He would never forgive himself if something important happened in his ausence because of his stupid sentimentality of a weak, old man trapped in a twenty years old body. He ignored the doorman, who was staring at him with his mouth wide open and took the elevator towards his former home.
"Serena, you idiot! You burned the cookies! AGAIN!", shouted ChibiUsa in Darien's kitchen.
"They aren't burned! They are just…a little overcooked, that's all! Just as Darien likes them!", said Serena, stucking her tongue at the child. ChibiUsa did the same at her.
"Yes, they are burned! You are so useless, Serena!".
"Ey, don't talk to me like that! Show me some respect, I am your mother!".
"You ARE GOING TO be my mother, you aren't my mother yet, so I don't have to show you any respect, you tupid, stupid, stupid, stupid blonde!", said ChibiUsa, mocking her. Serena was red with anger and, while she was thinking about the methods of contraception she would take to ensure the inexistence of that horrid pink-haired girl, she took a package of flour from one of Darien's cupboards and looked at the child. "You won't dare…".
As an answer, Serena dropped all the flour over her head, staining all the kitchen in white. Her coughs were defeated by the laughter that seeing ChibiUsa as a little snowman with pigtails provoked her. ChibiUsa glared at her and grabbed another package. Before she could comprehend what was going on, Serena and her bunny's apron were completely covered with flour.
"Oh, you are SOOOOO dead!", shouted Serena, taking the last package and running after ChibiUsa, covering Darien's neat house with flour.
"What's happening here?", said Darien, who was coming out of the bathroom after a long shower and looked at his two girls and his previously tidied home with surprise. ChibiUsa and Serena stopped and looked at him mischieviusly. Darien looked at himself in a near mirror. "Why are you looking at me like that? Do I still have some soap on me or something?"
"No", said Serena, tradding a knowing smile with ChibiUsa. "It's just that…we think…I hope you don't mind, but…you are too clean. We have to fix that".
"Don't even think about it!", said Darien when they both began to run after him with their flour. But the girls didn't know the word "mercy" and finally they cornered him into his leather couch. "Girls! I just showered! You can't do this to me!".
"Oh, what a pity, don't you think so, ChibiUsa? Catch him!", said Serena and they both jumped on him. They attacked the defenceless Darien with their flour until he was completely covered by it. When their attack ended, Darien couldn't say where his expensive couch ended, now covered by white, and where began the bodies of his little family.
"Did you have fun?", asked Darien.
"Oh, yes!", said Serena and ChibiUsa at the same time.
"Good, because now, it's my turn!", shouted Darien. He threw himself over Serena and tickled her mercilessly over the couch. Serena laughed loudly.
"Stop! Jajajajajaja, stop, Darien, please, you are killing me!", said Serena, while ChibiUsa jumped on his back in a poor attempt of holding him back.
"I'm sorry, princesses, but you both deserve a punishment!", said Darien, turning back quickly and tickling ChibiUsa while Serena was trying to regain his breath. In that moment, someone knocked on the door.
"I'll go. You can go on torturing her", smiled Serena, trying to make herself a little presentable after their flour fight.
"I am finished with her punishment. I think we should wash ourselves a little. C'mon, princess!", said Darien, gathering ChibiUsa in his arms and going with her into the bathroom, the only place flour-less of the whole apartment. Serena stuck her tongue at them and walked towards the door. When she opened it, she was spechless to see Neo King Endymion smiling over Darien's mat.
Endymion had been listening their games from the door until he decided to knock and end it. He could have taken the replacement key that had been hidden under a near plant pot since the day Serena and Darien got together because she, always the forgetful girl he loved, never remember to bring the key Darien gave her. But the King decided that taking the key would be a very bad decision; if Darien had heard somebody trying to enter in his house without his permision with Serena and ChibiUsa in it, he would have beat him up first and ask question later, just in case the invader could be an enemy. And he didn't have enough time to fight with his past self, as interesting as it could be. He was expecting that Darien would open the door, but when Serena opened the door with her everlasting smile and completely covered by flour, he couldn't help but laugh.
"Good morning, my queen", said Endymion, smiling at her astonished expression. She was still doumbfounded. Darien, noticing the extrange silence of the apartment, called her from the bathroom.
"Sere! Who is it? Sere?", shouted Darien, worried. "Serena? Answer me, dammit! What's going on?"
Darien, fearing it was an enemy and cursing himself for letting her open the door after what happened with Destiny and her mad sisters, hurried off the bathroom and ran towards the door, but stopped in his heels when he saw his other self.
"King Endymion!", Serena and Darien finally said at the same time.
"Hello, Darien. It seems your battle had been a rather nasty", teased his younger self, pointing at his clothes. "Could I come in?"
"Oh, how stupid I am, of course you can! Oh my God, I am so hideus right now...!", exclaimed Serena.
"Don't be silly, Serena! You are and will always be the most beautilful woman in the whole world!", said Endymion, shooting at her a dazzling smile and wipping off the flour that still lingered on her cheek. They both looked at the other on the eyes for a moment while Serena blushed. Darien gritted his teeth and thought if it was rational to be jelaous of himself. He didn't know if it was rational, but he was sure as hell it was possible.
"Thank you", murmured Serena, looking at the ground.
"No; thank YOU, Serena. For everything", said the King, kissing the back of her hand. She giggled and Darien, blinded by jealously, tore her off him and put her arms around her waist posesively. Nobody flirted with his Serena in his presence, nobody! Even his future self. Maybe ESPECIALLY his future self.
"Cut it off, Endymion. What do you want? Is there any problem?", asked Darien, hugging Serena.
"No, everything's all right. I am here to pick the Small Lady up, as I promised. She can't miss the birth of her little brother or sister. I know she lives with Serena, but if I had gone to the Tsukino's, I would have had to give too many explanations, don't you think so? So I decided to come here; sooner or later you would come here and bring me my daughter".
"It's okay, ChibiUsa is here too. ChibiUsa, come here, please!", shouted Darien. A head with a pink rat on it appeared in the bathroom's doorway.
"What's going on, Darien? Who's here?", said the child and moved her hair out of her eyes. "Daddy!"
ChibiUsa jumped in her father opened arms and hugged him with all her strenght. Endymion laughed and kissed her tenderly.
"Hi, Small Lady! I missed you. How are you?"
"I'm okay, daddy! I missed you too!"
"I know, but I am sure that Serena and Darien had taken a good care of you, but now you are coming home with me. I came for you myself, as I promised you".
"Is the baby born yet?", asked her eagerly.
"No, my child, your mother is only seven months into her pregnancy, but Amy thinks the baby could come a little early, so I come to get you so you can be the first person to see the baby when he or she is born, even if it's early. Your mommy had been a little sick lately, so you have to help me taking care of her and be in your best behaviour, okay?", said Endymion and his child nodded. "Very good. Now, go get your things, I don't want to be far away from your mother more than necessary. Do you need to go to Serena's house?".
"No. I always have Luna P and my backpack with me, because I knew that, someday, you would came for me. I have thousand of toys and clothes at home!".
"That's my girl! Go to get Luna P and your backpack, we are going home now!", said Endymion, putting the child on the floor and ChibiUsa ran to Darien's room.
"You said Serenity has been sick lately...Is something wrong with her pregnancy?", asked Serena, worried.
"No, there is nothing wrong, but it had been rough on her. ChibiUsa's pregnancy was much easier. A lot of disconforts and she had been in bed rest, but nothing happened who could have threatened her life or the child's. I made her quit her royal duties when she started to feel bad but with Rai in the goverment as a regent in her name, our people are very frightened; sailor Mars has very bad temper and the stress of her new duties only increases that. I quit with Serenity to take care of her, so this time Mars is alone as the head of the goverment and the people pray for Serenity to come back as quick as possible and return Sailor Mars to kick bad guys' asses. That's how everyone is the happiest", said Endymion. The three of them laughed, relaxed and waited for ChibiUsa's return.
"I am ready to go now, daddy! I want to see Mommy and Pluto!", said the girl. Endymion smiled and the couple laughed at the child's scruffy look.
"I can't take you to the palace looking like that, your mother will have a heart attack if she sees her little princess so disheveled. You have to wash yourself a little and change. Darien, do you have any of her clothes here?".
"Yes, she sleeps here often. Serena too", said Darien.
"I remember perfectly well how often Serena has a sleepover with you. And I remember too that in these ocassion, there are a very little amount of sleep involved in your activities", retorted Endymion. Serena and Endymion blushed furiously and ChibiUsa looked at them with a clueless expression on her face. But she forgot about it very soon.
"C'mon, Darien! Help me to look pretty for mommy!", said ChibiUsa, dragging Darien to the bathroom again. Darien, even when he wasn't very happy at the prospect of leaving Endymion and Serena alone, let his future child take him away.
"She is daddy's girl, that's for sure", smiled Serena.
"That's not true. Look what happened when she came to the past the first time if you don't believe me. I was in coma and she only called for her mommy all the time. I needed to be saved too, for God's sake!", said Endymion, with a little jealousy in his voice. "But that doesn't really matters. I don't care who she loves the most. She is my little baby and I will always adore her, no matter what".
"Do you what to sit down?", said Serena, pointing the flour covered couch. "But I won't be held responsible if you ruin your clothes".
"I'll take the risk", said Endymion, sitting down at her side in the couch. "I'm so glad to see you in good health. The last time I saw you, you were still bleeding and, even if I knew for my wife's existence that you were still alive, it's a relief to see you this healthy. And not only for my lover and children's safety".
"I didn't have the oportunity to thank you for what you did for me, for us that time. I know that if you had never come back from the future, Darien wouldn't have find a solution to bring me back to the land of the living. Thank you very, very much", said Serena, gratefulness showing in her eyes. Endymion took her hands with a soft smile.
"Even if my wife and children's lives weren't on the stake, I would have come to save you a million of times if it was necessary because you are to me, as you are to Darien, the light that illuminates our life. It doesn't matter if you are centuries older or younger, you still are my Serena. And I will always fight for you".
"Thank you for your words. I would like to meet Serenity one day. Darien haven't told me anything, but I know that your encounter soothed a great deal of his worries. But it seems that isn't our destiny".
"Ask me whatever you want to know. As Darien had surely told you, the future has changed, but if the most important moments of my life had been changed, my life wouldn't have been the same, and it is, so it seems that our wedding, Cristal Tokyo's advent and our coronation will still happen, for the time begin, at least. But remember that every decision you take will change the future, because now you won't make the same decision as Serenity. Darien had the oportunity to know more things about his future and it is only fair I do the same for you. I'll tell you whatever you want: the result of the battle you will have to fight, the identity of the friends and foes that you will meet, even, if you want, what Darien are going to give you for Christmas. So, tell me, what do you want to know?"
"I only have one question for you", said Serena.
"Whatever you want. I can't deny anything to you", smiled Endymion.
"Have I made you happy?", asked Serena. Endymion looked at her for a minute, moved.
"You don't have any idea how happy you make me. Before I met you, I never believed it is possible to be so happy as I am when we are together", answered Endymion.
"Then, nothing else matters. All my questions are answered now because, as long as we love each other, we will be able to overcome all obstacles. And I love you much more I could ever express with words. And I am sure Serenity agrees with me".
"Serena, thank you for bumping into my life".
"It was a pleasure. Tell that to your wife; a girl would never get tired to hear that kind of things".
"I promise I'll tell her", smiled Endymion.
"Daddy! I'm ready!", shouted ChibiUsa, running towards her father, dressed with a little white dress and tiny red shoes. Endymion smiled, satisfied, and get up from the couch. Darien walked towards Serena and kissed her deeply. Serena asked herself if he had heard her conversation with the King.
"Then, we must go", said Endymion, and gathered his child in his arms. He looked at his own clothes, now dirty from the flour. "Oh, God, now Serenity will kill me, because I am fairly sure you won't have any clothes for a poor king from the future, will you? Well, I hope she will be so glad to see her daughter again that she won't notice me until I can change. Say goodbye, Small Lady".
"We will go with you to the park. Give us a minute to change", said Serena. Endymion shook his head.
"I'm sorry, Serena, but we must leave as quick as we can. If Serenity goes into labor and I am not with her, I will never forget myself. Besides, you will see the Small Lady again very soon. She will stay with us a couple of months after the baby's born, but she has to come back to finish her training as a sailor. So, don't worry, this separation isn't forever".
"Okay, then. ChibiUsa, I'd hug you, but then I'll cover you with flour again and you have to look pretty for your mommy, so I only tell you to behave and take care of your little brother or sister, okay?"
"Okay. Don't get yourself in trouble while I am not here. Nothing works without me", smiled the child.
"Be careful, ChibiUsa and be a good girl", said Darien, winking at her.
"Don't worry, Darien, I'll be a true princess", said the girl.
"Well, Darien, Serena, I hope we will never see each other again, because that always mean bad news. Enjoy your future, you have earned it. I'm going to meet mine. Goodbye!"
Said that, Neo King Endymion went out of the apartment with his daughter, walking towards the 30th century. Serena and Darien went out to the balcony, where they saw Endymion and ChibiUsa dissapearing into the clouds.
"As annoying as she is, I'm gonna miss her. But she is going there to meet her baby brother or sister. Our second child, Darien. I can't believe it", said Serena.
"Serena", whispered Darien into her ear. "thank you for bumping into my life".
"Darien, you shouldn't eavesdrop on my private conversations!"
"You were in my house and, besides, you were talking to myself. You two were talking, sitting on the couch in the next room where I was, I am not deaf, you know? But it doesn't matter. Even if he hadn't told you that, you know that my feelings for you will never change, I don't care what century I am in. You will always be my angel".
"And you my prince. Now we are alone, what do you think about washing off all this flour?", said Serena, looking at him mischievously. "You know I love your bathtub".
"I love it more when you are in it with me", said Darien and kissed her deeply. "I love you".
"I love you too", said Serena and laughed when Darien picked her up bridal style and entered again in the apartament while her guardian moon began to shone in the sky. And the Moon was the only witness of what happened there that night.
Five months later...
Serena and Darien was waiting for ChibiUsa in the park after the child had passed five months with her family in the future. A week before, Pluto has sent them a message with the hour and the place to pick her up and there they are, trembling under the frozen wind of the winter. ChibiUsa was late.
Darien felt Serena trembling under her pink coat and hugged her to warm her up. Her hand discovered it way under her clothes and caresses the fine skin of her back and it reached the moon shaped scar of her side, her reminder of their adventure with Death and Destiny. Darien liked to kiss that scar in their moments of passion, as a reminder of how close he had been of loosening his only reason to live. His fingers ran across the pocket, where she kept her music box and he remembered the morning after she was released from the hospital:
In Darien's apartment, the dawn's light found two bodies cuddling in the leather couch. The door of Darien's room was opened, so they could keep an eye on the pink haired girl who slept there, lost in the enormous bed. The pain and the fever had woken Serena up at daybreak and she had gone to the living room trying to not wake up Darien, knowing how tired he was after the whole ordeal. But her boyfriend, always her protector in the shadows, noticed her absence immediately. Suspecting the reason of her discomfort, he accompaned her to the living room, so they wouldn't wake ChibiUsa up as well, and, wrapped together in a blanket, they watched the sun rising in the distance. Darien was trying to take her mind off the pain whispering sweet nosense into her ears and telling her the funniest stories he could make up.
"I'm sorry I woke you up, Darien. I know you need to sleep. You should come back to the bed with ChibiUsa. I will be okay and you can't do anything for me, anyway", said Serena, making herself comfortable on Darien's chest. He hugged her tightly, making sure she was completely covered by the blanket.
"I'm going to take care of you, and that isn't cuestionable. You must be in so much pain, the painkillers I can give you aren't as powerful as the ones the doctors gave you at the hospital and your fever is still very high. Don't worry about me; just try to relax and sleep".
"I can't sleep right now", said Serena weakly, cuddling Darien more closely. In that moment, Darien remembered about something. Leaving Serena tenderly on the couch, he ran to his room and picked from his jacket the music box they shared before running back to her side.
"I have to return you something", said Darien, putting the music box between her hands. Serena smiled. "Luna did what you told her".
"You do it with Ray as well", said her, caressing the box, so full of tender memories. "She returned me my scepter crying like there was no tomorrow when I was in the hospital".
"I forbid them to talk about battles or anything remotely related with your death while you still were in the hospital and your life in danger!", growled Darien, cursing his lover's friends for talking to her about depressing matter when she was in pain and needed to be calm and taken care of.
"They told me about it one of the few times you went out of the room to eat something. Ray was so moved, to the point she promised me she would never call me stupid ever again. But we both now that promise won't last very long", gigled Serena, but Darien was still growling. "Oh, come on, don't be mad at them, they were suffering too, you know!"
"You were the one who was dying, who needed attention and being taken care of and they didn't have any other idea than bother and depress you with their snivelling! They don't worry about nothing but themselves!", growled Darien again.
"Don't think about it so much. Now, I am here, alone with you and they had had to retire, even when they wanted to stay with me. Ray must be cursing you right now for that, you know. And it's Ray who we are talking about, the grudges she holds are a really torture".
"She can curse me all she wants, that meddling stupid priestess!", snorted Darien, checking Serena's fever one more time. "You are lucky your fever haven't risen even a little or we would be on our way back to the hospital".
"Do you want to be away from me? Because you know that the doctors will tear us apart if you take me to the hospital", purred Serena, nuzzling his neck. "And when the girls know it, they would never let me alone with you again until I am completely recovered. If it's necessary, they will stay with us by force".
"Don't blackmail me. Your health is my priority right now", said him, looking at the music box again. Is it true that you always have it with you?".
"Yes, every day, every hour".
"Why you didn't tell me?"
"You never asked. It remind me of you; it music can illuminate the darkest hour. It the most important simbol of our shared love, until we have ChibiUsa, of course. It was my guide when my spirit was weak and I only want everything to end, mostly of all when they took you away from me. It's something very special to us. I want you to have it if something happens to me. That way you will have something to remember me".
"Serena, I could never, ever, forget you. How could you think something like that? I love you".
"Forever is a long time to love someone who is dead, Darien".
"If you die, I don't think I would remain alive much longer".
"Darien, I want you to live".
"If you love me, you can't condemn me to a life without you, that would be a true Hell. Nevertheless, if you are no longer in the land of the living, I could do whatever I want and nobody could stop me, not even the watchwomen you would have left on Earth to keep an eye on me".
"Amy told me that you had made them promise you they would never leave me alone if you die".
"That's what you meant? But I don't think about them as a watchwomen to you, but as your family. I didn't want you to be alone never again; I know they will fulfill their promise and take care of you and protect you as they have done with me. I was afraid you would be cold and lonely again without me, even if I know that, wherever we go after death, I would be watching over you from there".
"My dear Serena, don't you understand that without you, I would be alone again, no matter how many people were around me? You can be alone in the middle of a crowd, Sere. You are the only one who really knows me, who keeps me away from the pain and loneliness. If you are gone, even if I am the king of the world, I would be the most unhappy person in the whole world. Serena, you are my light at the end of the tunnel, my angel, my everything. And I love you until the end of my days, beyond Death herself. Because when we die, we will reborn and meet again, loving each other even more each time, until the end of the world. And nothing you could say would change my resolution of no living one more day without you at my side".
"Don't think about death, my love. Enjoy the present peace as it last, because the war always come back to haunt us. But only one second together will be enough for us. Only for that, it's worth a try", said Serena, making herself comfortable again on Darien's chest and opening the music box, letting the soft melody, a reminder of a painful past full of hate and dreams, soothe them both to sleep.
"I think this was the Heaven's music...", said Serena, dozing off. Darien kissed her forehead and closed the box.
"Of course it's the Heaven's music...because you are the Heaven", whispered Darien into his sleeping soulmate's ear, and rocked her tenderly until the morning.
End of the flashback.
Serena's graceful hand having it wicked way under his clothes pulled him out of his daydream.
"Jesus, Serena! Don't do that!", said Darien, while a shiver of pleasure was running along his back.
"What? I didn't do anything!", said Serena, with a lopsided smile.
"You know perfectly well what I am talking about! Stop doing it! Oh, God, I think I would agree to do whatever you want!"
"Whatever I want, uh?", said Serena, grinning.
"Stop! I swear it, if you don't stop that immediately I'll pick you up and I won't give a damn about the rest of the fucking world while I make you do things that underage children even know they are possible, so stop!".
"Underage children? Then I can't help you, Darien, I'm still one of them", said Serena, hugging her boyfriend.
"After a whole millennia of loving each other beyond death and unspeakable battles for the universe's future, do you think that the year of your birth really matters?", said Darien, returning the hug.
"I suppose not. But I want you to give that speech to each person who think I am too young to drink", said Serena and Darien laughed and they kissed each other with passion. Darien was thinking to carry on with his threat and close themselves in his apartment for the rest of their lives when he heard something ripping the wind apart and then, suddenly, a very well known pink haired child fell over Serena's head, kissing Darien in the place of his girlfriend.
"ChibiUsa, you are back!", shouted Darien, hugging the child while Serena was recovering her breath.
"ChibiUsa, you reckless child, it's the second time you almost break my neck coming back from the future!", shouted her Serena. ChibiUsa stuck her tongue at her future mother and put her best puppy-dog-eyes to her adored father.
"Did you miss me, Serena?", pouted the child.
"Yeah, because I had forgotten how annoying you are", growled Serena, but suddenly her face lit up with an expectant smile. "Now, tell us. Is the baby born? What gender it is? Does it look like me or like Darien?"
"Daddy told me that the future had changed, so it doesn't matter if I tell you or not. Yeah, the baby was born. It was a boy, actually. Mommy decided his name: the baby's name is Darien Chiba, prince of Earth. Everyone says that he is daddy's copy with blonde hair, but I don't know why, the thing is so ugly…", said ChibiUsa, a little upset by her questions about her new brother. "By the way, Darien, daddy gave me this for you. He ordered me to not open it, but I saw him putting some photos in it, I suppose they are the brat's".
ChibiUsa gave Darien a sealed envelope with Darien's name written with his own handwriting.
"I have a baby boy!", shouted Serena, doing her own happy dance.
"Don't be so happy, you don't have anything", snorted ChibiUsa.
"What's wrong, ChibUsa? You don't seem happy to be a big sister. Don't you like your new brother?"
"Of course not. I wanted a brother to play with him and the brat only eats and cries, and eats a little more, and then cries much more, then he gets his nappie dirty and, after all of that he cries even more! He is boring and very, very ugly! But not, everybody is devoted to that brat and they think he is the cutest thing in the whole world! He only has to open his eyes a little and mom, dad and the girls are cooing him and telling him how incredible cute he is. And our courtiers bow before him and call him "Little Master". Little Master! Ha! He can't lift his own head up, for God's sake!", said ChibiUsa. Serena and Darien laughed.
"Then, have you come back so soon because your parents are giving more attention to your brother than you? Don't worry about that, they love you as much as they love him, but the baby needs a lot of attention, he can't do anything on his own and…", said Serena, but ChibiUsa cut off her speech.
"It is not that. I came back because I need desperately to sleep! That stupid brat had been crying every night since the day he was born and he wakes all the palace up! I can't stand it!", complained ChibiUsa. Serena took her hand and they began to walk towards the park's entrance.
"Ay, the palace's little princess has been deposed by the new baby! Don't worry, ChibiUsa, you will be as spoiled as ever with Darien and me. C'mon, I'll buy you some sweets".
"You are offering to buy me sweets? What's wrong with you? Who are you and what have you done with the real Serena?".
"There's nothing wrong, you spoiled, little brat! I only wanted to cheer you up, because you seemed upset for the new baby's arrival, but now, I won't buy you any!", shouted Serena.
"It doesn't matter, because I am sure Darien will buy me some and not you, because he loves me more, ha!", said ChibiUsa, triumphally. Serena gritted her teeth.
"That's not true, Darien loves me more!".
"That's a lie, Darien adores me and he is going to marry me!"
"ChibiUsa, he is your father, for God's sake!", shouted Serena.
"Bah, you always use the same excuse!", said ChibiUsa. While they were arguing, Darien sat down on a near bench and opened the envelope Endymion sent him. Inside of it, as ChibiUsa had said, were some photographs and a letter from his future self. He took the photographs with a shaking hand and stared at them deeply moved. The first of them showed the Neo-Queen Serenity sitting on a rocking chair, with an open window at her side and he could see Crystal Tokyo through it. She was heavily pregnant and the Small Lady, still dressed with the white dress Darien choose in the past, was looking at her mother with adoration while she was trying to hear the baby with her head pressed on her mommy's large stomach. Darien knew that photo was taken by his future self: after all that years, he couldn't avoid that his finger always appeared in the photo's corner.
The next one made his heart jump with joy: there was Serenity, in their huge bed, with her hair tangled and completely exhausted, but she was smiling and had in her arms the new prince, his son, Darien Chiba. Endymion was sitting at her side in the bed with ChibiUsa in his lap and the little girl was kissing her brother in the forehead carefully while their parents was looking meaningfully at each other. Darien couldn't see very well the little baby, almost complety covered by a blue blanket, but he made up a tuft of blonde hair in his son's head. Darien smiled, thinking that both of his children were going to be a little copies of their wonderful mother.
The next seemed an official one. It was taken in the Throne's Room of Crystal Tokyo and the king and queen were presenting their son to their people. Serenity, dressed like the Queen she was, had little Darien in her arms while Endymion, sat in his own throne, had ChibiUsa in his lap, dressed as the heir of her mother's crown. Behind them, stand all the Sailors in a protective stance, showing the power and protection that their king offered to their people: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were the same Darien could see in his own time. But Darien saw, a little apart from the others, behind ChibiUsa, was another sailor that Darien recognized with surprise as Sailor Saturn, a little baby again in his time after their most recent battle for the universe. Darien smiled; his daughter's protector was her best friend, the one for whom she almost died. She was so much like her mother it was almost frightening.
But it was the last photograph wich Darien loved the most. It showed again the king and queen's room; ChibiUsa and Serenity were sleeping, interwined, far away from the luxury and the pomp of their respective social positions while Endymion was sitting besides them, rocking his little baby. Darien was looking at him straight in the eyes, with a tender smile in his little, pink lips, while Endymion was smiling at him with all the love in the world reflected on his gesture. The baby wasn't covered this time, dressed only by a little ("Oh, God, had he even been that tiny?", asked himself Darien) light blue pijamas and Darien could see him perfectly this time. They were right; the baby had his mother's blonde hair but, aside of that, he was his father's little copy: he had his midnight blue eyes, his face's shape, his nose, his chin...everything. But he had Serena's smile. And Darien couldn't imagine a better gift for his newborn son than his mother's tender smile.
"Darien, c'mon! It's getting late and I want you to buy me some candy before going home!", shouted ChibiUsa, while Darien was reading Endymion's letter one more time. "Darien!"
"Yeah, I'm coming!", said Darien, coming back to reality. He put the letter and the photos in his jacket's pocket and ran towards them.
"Darien! Tell ChibiUsa you love me more!", said Serena and Darien took each girl's hands in his own.
"That's not true! Darien, isn't it true you love your daughter much more than this idiot?", said ChibiUsa. Serena stuck her tongue at her.
"You only use the daughter´s card when you want!".
"I do whatever I want, but the fact is that Darien loves me more!"
"Stop this nosense, girls! I think there's enough Darien for you both!", said Darien, and the little family, filled with laughter and hapinness, walked out of the park, while Endymion's words still echoed in Darien's head:
This is your family, Darien, your future. A much better future that anything we could imagine when we were little and seeing the rain throgh Tokyo's orphanage's windows. A future I think I don't deserve and that Serenity's pure heart made possible, saving us from turning into a bitter and pathetic excuse of a human being. A person's true curse is ignoring how it feels to love and be loved in return. They, our little family, are our true treasure, much more important than money, power and position; you, who know the true loneliness, know what I mean. I send you those photographs to give you hope when the battle comes and you could see how wonderful your future will be if you fight for her always one more time. Don't let anything or anyone take them away from you. Live, Darien; love your wife and be happy. Make your life an eternal journey of hapiness and joy and, if someday Destiny decides to end it, you can take Serenity's hand and tell her: "Nobody can say I ever gave up and never existed a luckier man than me, because I lived my live at your side". Because there will always be battles, fights and tears, but there will be too a lot of triumphs, laughter and love. Your love will prevail over everything and if something happens, remember that you will always return to Serena. Present, past, future...there are only words, because true love last forever. Remember my words. I hope we won't meet again and I sign this with the title I love the most:
Endymion, Serenity's beloved husband.
So, that all, my friends. I hope you liked it. I'm sorry for the delay, but I have a lot of problems with this story, because someone plagiarized the spanish version of this fic. It's better in spanish, because spanish is my mother tongue and someone copied it and put it in another webpage by her own name. I was very upset for that and I have tried to force the webpage to deleate the copy and put it in that story was a bad copy of mine, but I haven't had any luck with that so far. I hope that will never happen to any of you. It's awful to see bad copies of your stories in other sites, published by an unknown person who has no principles to invent her own stories.
Anyway, I hope you like it, even with the delay. I'm sorry for my bad english (this is the last time I excuse myself in this story, buaaaaa) and thank you very much to all the reviewers. You guys rock! Kisses to everyone. I hope I see you soon!
With all my love: