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Last long chapter here. See note below.

Just not my Day

Chapter Three – All Secured

It was later learned that Aston was shot three times. When the door opened, he was taken down by Kiley and James at the same time and also by the SWAT sniper on top of the van. Kiley and James shot simultaneously so it sounded like one .

Wilber was shot by a SWAT team member and Megan when they saw him lifting up his gun.

He dropped to the ground as they went in and Megan instructed her team members to check on the two HTs on the floor, she and David went towards the fallen bodies a bit further away to the corner of the room.

As Megan went nearer to them, she was relieved to see the teacher slowly turned, still with the child clinging on to her, whimpering.
"Slowly now, are you alright?" Megan asked her and David quickly went to her side.
"I'm alright." She said shakily as she accepted David's help to get up. David handed her to the SWAT Team member who quickly helped her out of the room.

Megan put her hand on Don's shoulder, "Don?" she lightly shook his shoulder.
Don heard her but he didn't feel like getting up just yet, he would like to stay on the floor for a bit longer. His shoulder started to have a burning sensation and he felt giddy too. He was hampered by little Charlie clinging on to his neck and was unable to roll or get up without any help.
Megan called him again and he muttered, "Help me get up, my shoulder…pain……" David quickly crouched down and together with Megan, they helped him up, mindful of his shoulder. Little Charlie was still clinging on to Don's neck.
Megan tried to take little Charlie away from Don but he clung tighter and would not let go.

"It's OK, Megan, let him." Don said, gritting his teeth, one arm holding on tightly to him , Don needed little Charlie to cling to for it distracted him from the pain.

"Ok folks all secured, both HTs not in this world anymore." One of the SWAT men said and Megan glared at him," Funny?"

"Hey, man you're alright?" David asked Don who was sweating.
He had one arm holding on tightly to little Charlie and the other hanging by his side.

"Don! You've said your shoulder, it's dislocated, isn't it."

"Yes, Megan, let's get out first, shall we?"

"Charlie! Charlie! " Marge Granwell and her husband were running towards them.
"Mommy, mommy." Little Charlie cried.

Don gratefully handed him over to Marge, 'There you go little fella."
"Thank you, thank you Don for saving Charlie, thank you." Marge cried out cuddling her little boy with her husband by her side.
Elizabeth and her parents came quickly to their side and soon Don was surrounded by the Kindricks and Granwells.

"Please someone see to Mrs. Lowe and the kid." Don looked over them as he spoke to his team standing nearby, Colby answered "Yes, Don, they are being checked by the Medic as I came over here. Your turn now."

"Let's get you over to the Medic." Megan said.

"Excuse me, I can help." A cultured voice broke in.

"I've noticed your shoulder, let's get you to sit over there a bit, I'll set it right for you."

"Hey, hey, catch hold of him." Elizabeth called out for Don swayed and was about to drop, hands held on to him.

Charlie came running and saw Don swaying and being held up by David and little Charlie's father.
"Don." Charlie came near and David let him hold on to his brother.

The people moved aside, Don sat down gingerly on the raised pavement supported by Dr. Granwell and Charlie.

"Come on, we'll get the arm back into the socket first. Hello there good fellow," Dr. Granwell said to the approaching Medics, " Can I have an arm sling, please."

They both looked and one said, "We'll bring the ambulance forward." And the both ran back.

"Liz, you catch hold of his other side, ready Don?" Dr. Granwell asked Don who nodded looking at Liz.

Dr. Granwell, rotated Don's arm a bit, Don had to bit down the pain radiating from his arm.

"Don, thank you for rescuing my nephew, this is the second time and we are very grateful for what you did." Elizabeth said looking at Don.
Don was about to reply, he involuntarily gave a shout, Dr. Granwell had managed to reposition his shoulder dislocation and pop it back into the socket while Liz was talking to him.

"Oh god… remind me never dislocate my shoulder again." Don muttered.

"Ah.. Liz, I need my bag, can you……"

"Let me, where's your car?" Charlie came up and took the keys from Dr. Granwell.

"Ah thank you Charlie, it's a Black Mercedes, Number XXXX by the side, I want my medical bag in the boot. Your brother is running a temperature. "

"OK, hang on Don. You've got two doctors in attendance."

"Oh Good, here's the ambulance, let's go and sit by the side, here, you hang on to Liz."

"Don, you don't need us here, we'll get back and start on the reports, I'll get your statement later. Will you be in the hospital?" Megan asked Don who was now sitting on the ambulance with Dr. Granwell by his side. Elizabeth was helping him to remove his Kevlar.

"No, I want to go home, I don't need the hospital." Don said.

"No, no, Don you need the hospital, they need to do an X-ray on that arm , you need to get that scratch looked at. I want my bag because I want to give you an injection. I know you are coming down with the flu. Your temperature is around 104 if I can read this right."

"He'll be at LAGH." Elizabeth told Megan and earned a glare from Don. Megan smiled and said, "Alright, I'll see you there later after you have 'settled' in. Thanks eh..Doctors...?"

"Elizabeth, Arthur, please meet Megan Reeves, David Sinclair my team mates. Guys, this is Dr. Elizabeth Kindricks and Dr. Arthur Granwell , little Charlie is with his mom Marge and grandparents.
Alright see you guys later and you need not call my father…..cos… oh gosh, speaking of the devil, what's my father doing here?"

Megan and David laughed and after the greetings they went off, they met Alan halfway.
"Hello Alan, he's there and in very good hands and Charlie's here too." Megan smiled at him and went off with David.

Charlie came back with the Doctor's bag and met his father on the way to see Don sitting at the back of the ambulance.

"Hey, Don, you're OK?" Gary Walker called out.
"Yea, yea, no problem, thanks Gary, you guys clearing off?"

"Yea, clearing off now, with the dead bodies and all. See you. Give me a copy of the report when your people're done."

"Will do. Thanks again."

"Dead bodies? Oh my. Donnie, Donnie are you alright?" Alan asked anxiously.

"Dislocated my shoulder, dad."

"My, you have two doctors in attendance, thank you, Dr. Kindricks, Dr. Granwell." Alan said appreciatively to the two doctors looking after Don.

"No, no, thanks to Don for saving my Charlie again." Dr. Granwell said and turned to Charlie returning with his bag.
"Thanks Charlie." Dr. Granwell took the bag from Charlie. He opened the bag and took out a phial of medicine and needle.

"I'm giving you an antibiotic first, Liz are you going back to the hospital?"

"Yes, I came for the show, now the show's over and I've got to get back to work." Elizabeth said, looking at Don.

"OK You take charge of Don, Ex-ray, overall check up, he's got the flu…"

"Yes, Yes, Dr. Granwell, I know what to do, do you want to ride in the ambulance or ride with me to the hospital? Elizabeth asked Don.


"Oh thank you, I can go with my father, Dad?"

"No, Donnie its better you ride with Dr. Elizabeth, my car is way over the other side, the police did not let us come through here.

"Oh, OK thanks Elizabeth."

"OK, are you done, Arthur? Come on, Hero of the day, let's get you to bed."

"So fast?" Don replied.

'Oh ho ho.. He'd got you there Liz." Arthur laughed at Elizabeth's discomfort.

All of a sudden Don, Alan, Charlie, Elizabeth and Arthur were surrounded by Marge who was carrying little Charlie and her parents.

"Don, we don't know how to thank you, you've saved our little Charlie again." Stuart Kindricks said stretching out his hand, and Mary bent down to kiss his cheek and so did Marge.
"Thank you Unca Don." little Charlie piped in.

"Oh you are all too gracious, I'm not the only one, there are others who helped too and you're all most welcome and I glad that nobody's hurt."

"Yes, of course there are others but you're the one who went inside to rescue them ."

"OK folks, Don's got to have his hand x-ray, the technician at our hospital get off around 8pm. Gotta go, folks, you all can see him tomorrow ." Elizabeth said.

"Liz, you just talk care our hero here." Stuart told his daughter.

"Do you mind if I followed you to the hospital?" Alan asked Elizabeth.

"Not at all."

"Charlie take my car, it's at the other end of the road. I'll go to the hospital with them."

"Dad, you need not come. I'll be back tomorrow." Don said.

"Come on HOTD, bye mum, dad , see you all later and you little tyke, here give Auntie Liz a kiss." Elizabeth hugged little Charlie who gave her a whopping kiss.
"Umm that's better, you be a good boy for mommy and dada?"

"Yes, awntie Liz, bye bye Unca Don."

After all the 'goodbyes' Don struggled to get up with Liz holding on to his hand, "Thanks guys, don't need you anymore, I've got my own chauffer."

The Medics nodded at Don's little joke and secretly envied him.

It was almost two hours later, Don was seconded in a hospital bed. He slept after the X-ray session, for Dr. Granwell had given him an antibiotic which caused drowsiness.

Alan sat next to his bed, Dr. Elizabeth came in to give him a final check but when she saw that he was sleeping, she told Alan, "Why don't you go home, Alan. He's good for the night. I'll be on until 2am today."

"Oh thank you Elizabeth. I'll come in the morning then."

"Yes, do that, I'll discharge him tomorrow at noon. The X-ray's good, he needed to rest his arm for two weeks and his flu, we have caught it in time. Just some medication and rest for three days. His GSW is just a scratch."

"GSW? Donnie was shot?"

"Err… yes, it was just a scratch. Everything's good. Don't worry."

The next morning, Don woke up momentarily forgot where he was and panic when he couldn't lift his hands, his left arm felt heavy and there was a bandage on his right arm.
Then all came back to him the hostage, the two attending doctors.
He flexed his right hand, was pleased to know that movement was alright for it was just a bit numb from the GSW, but his left hand felt heavy and he couldn't move it much.

He got up slowly from bed, luckily he was given hospital pants and loose shirt, went slowly to the bathroom barefooted.

He came out twenty minutes later and went back to bed and slept again.

The nurse come in the morning, woke him up for his medication which he took and promptly went back to sleep.

Alan came into the room with Charlie and it was almost 10.30am and they saw that Don was still sleeping. They sat around and it was almost 11.30 that Don woke up.

He saw his father and Charlie sitting near his bed.

"Good morning, sleepy head, wake up, it's time for lunch," Charlie shook his leg.

"What? Lunch? What happened to breakfast?" Don asked waking up groggily.

" You've slept it away, now it's going to be lunchtime, son. Wake up now, get ready, if we could spring you out of here, we'll eat lunch somewhere else."

"Ah. No sweeter words. I'm up and I'm feeling not too bad, just a bruised shoulder, even my headache's gone." Don said getting out of bed, "Er.. Dad, you brought any clean clothes for me?"

"Yes, brother dear, Dad's got everything for you. Here they are." Charlie said handing the bag of clothes to Don.

Don took the bag and went to the bathroom to change; he called out to his father.
"Dad, call for the doctor to sign me out?"

"Yes, Elizabeth, Dr. Kindricks said yesterday, she'll come by to sign you out. You've checked out alright yesterday, the X-ray, I mean."

"Great Dr. Kindricks."

"She's got the hots for you, Donnie boy." Charlie said.

"Shh… Charlie ! don't be rude. She's a very nice lady, I like the whole family." Alan said.

"No bad, eh… Dad, if Don's interested……"


"Good Morning everyone." Dr. Arthur Granwell came into the room.

"How's the Hero this morning? My Charlie had been asking for him."

"Good Morning Dr. Granwell, How's little Charlie's doing?"

"Good, like nothing happened and so happy that he needn't go to school. The school's closed for the remainder of the week. They need to clean the classroom and such."

"He's with your in laws then?"

"Yes, mom and dad are very happy to have him. Liz is off for two days and she can help. My wife and I are working.

The Flu epidemic seemed to going round, you have to be extra careful, though we caught it in time, it may still come round now, make sure you take your medication diligently. We've prescribed 3 days' rest and your dislocated shoulder should be fully mobile in a weeks' time."

"So fast?" Charlie queried.

"It's because we were there to put it back to the socket, so it's just soreness around the area."

"Thank you so much Dr. Granwell, Don was lucky that you were there to help him."

"No, this is nothing compared to what Don had done for us, he save our little Charlie."

"No, please Dr. Granwell……" Don protested.

"Arthur, please call me Arthur."

"It's not only me; it's the combined efforts of FBI and LAPD.
It's terrible that children are involved and I am so glad that they were not hurt at all. Praised the teacher to get the rest out of harm's way and that Mrs. Lowe being so calm inside."

"Yes, that's correct too. OK, I'll leave you in Liz's capable hands; she's getting the documents for you to sign. Good Morning all, take care Don. Hope to see you one of these days for dinner, perhaps?" Arthur said, going up to Don to shake his hand.

"That'll be nice, see you then, thanks for your help Arthur."

"My and Charlie's too." Alan said and shook hands with Dr. Granwell.

"Norta thall, goodbye." Dr. Granwell said and walked out of the room.

"Nortatall?" Charlie smiled at Don.

"Charlie, don't be rude."

The door opened again and this time Dr. Elizabeth Kindricks came in holding a clipboard. "Hello good morning, here's the papers for you to sign and you can go home. We've included a letter for 3 days' leave from your office. Prescriptions for you to fill. There were two types of pills, painkiller and antibiotic, we've included an extra arm sling, in case you get this one dirty or wet. You arm needs to be supported all times. "

"Thank you Dr. Elizabeth." Alan said.

"I'll get the prescription filled." Charlie said and nodding to his dad, "Wait for you at the entrance."

"I'll go with you." Don started to get down from the bed.

"No, no, Hospital rules, you get discharged in a wheelchair, whether you're mobile or not." Dr. Elizabeth said.

"OK, then, I'll just walk with Charlie to the Dispensary, I need to stretch my legs," without a backward glance he stepped outside, "Charlie, wait up."

"What's the matter? She's getting on to you?"

"No, but I didn't want to stay there with her, let Dad talk to her, since he's so caught up with her."

"She's nice but a bit forward and bold."

"Bold? You mean aggressive."

"Aggressive? Don't look like the aggressive type." Charlie said and handed in the list to the Dispenser at the little window. He sat on the benches provided with Don while waiting for the prescription to be filled.

"Have I told you that she sent me a bottle of expensive wine and a basket of flowers?"
"No, you sly so and so, you never did tell me that. Why did she send you those things?"

"Sort of thanking me for helping out little Charlie and that night we met her at the restaurant?"

"Yea, what happened? Something happened? Ah… that's why you took so long at the little boys' room."

Don went on to tell Charlie about Elizabeth's companion trying to get fresh with her and she was fighting him off when he came out of the Gents' washroom.

"Oh that's why she sent you the wine, thanking you for helping her out. Hey how about sharing the wine?"

"Nope, it's expensive wine, I might want to share it with somebody else."

Charlie looked at his brother and before he could open his mouth, Dr. Elizabeth, his dad and a nurse came pushing a wheelchair.

"Gosh…. They came after me." Don muttered.

"Donnie, Donnie" his dad came calling him.

"Oh Donnie boy, even dad is siding her. You're done for!" Charlie whispered to his brother.

"Charlie, one more word from you, I'll tell Dad what you did."

Charlie's face changed colour, "What I did? What did I do? You knew about it?"

"Why…yes of course." Don played along.
He didn't know that Charlie was so easily duped. Actually, he had nothing on him. Don was amused and he wanted to laugh out loud.

"What do you want to keep quiet about it?" Charlie whispered fiercely at Don.

"Let me think about it. How about you helping me out here for a start." Don said looking at the approaching party with the wheelchair.

"OK, for now only I'll help you. Pretend you wanted the washroom, I hold them up and you go to the front to wait for us." Charlie turned from Don and walked to meet the party.

"Hey wait up, Don's gone to the Gents." Charlie told his dad.

"What? I thought he went there when he was in the room, what's wrong with him?"

"That's alright, Mr. Eppes." Elizabeth turned to the nurse, "Kathy, Agent Eppes doesn't need the wheelchair, thank you."
Kathy smiled at them and pushed the wheelchair away.

Elizabeth turned to Alan and said, " Alan, since Don is alright, I'll go now, if Don has any problems you can get me, my phone number is on his discharge papers. Good morning and have a nice day." Elizabeth nodded to both of them and walked off.

"That was rude of Donnie, so where's he?" Alan asked an innocent looking Charlie who was trying not to smile.

Charlie sat down, his father too took a seat next to him and waited for the prescription to be filled.

"Don Eppes." the lady at the small window called out after ten minutes.
Charlie went to collect the filled prescription and listened to the lady's instructions, he paid up and turned back to his dad.

"Where's Donnie? Charlie?"

"He's waiting at the front entrance."

Alan looked at Charlie, made a snorting noise and walked off, Charlie stood and looked at his Dad's retreating back.

Charlie sighed and ran after his father, "Dad…it's not my fault that Don didn't want a ride to the entrance."

Alan suddenly stopped walking and turned to Charlie, Charlie jerked to a stop, he saw the annoyed look on his father's face. "oh, oh…."
"Charlie, I'm not talking about 'the ride' , I'm talking about your brother being downright rude to Dr. Elizabeth."

Alan turned and walked on, Charlie shrugged and followed behind , he nearly slammed into his dad when Alan suddenly turned and said to Charlie in a disappointing voice, "Dr. Elizabeth and Dr. Granwell are the ones who took care of him yesterday."

"Dad, why are you so angry?"

"No, Charlie I'm not angry but I am disappointed in Don's behaviour. Come on let's go and find that brother of yours."
Charlie said, "Yea, and he's also your son."

"Don't be cheeky, I can still smack you." Alan threatened and then he suddenly stopped. Charlie stopped too and they both looked.

Don was at the entrance of the hospital and he was talking to Elizabeth and Arthur Granwell and they seemed to be laughing at something.

The end, maybe….

If my muse is going the right way, I might have something after this. Like the gang meeting up, Charlie's secret that Don "supposed" to know…etc.
Much appreciated for your readership and your reviews:D