Chapter 1

Learning to live.

Summary: The prince has only two things in his life that made it interesting, two girls : the countess and the pauper. he loves the pauper while despising the countess. then why is he engaged with the most person he never wants to be with his entire life: forever??NXM

Rockerfaith: I rewrote these story cause, if i do suck in grammar now, it sucked more, literally


Have you ever heard of a story of a prince falling in love with a pauper?

I know you have, every body has!

Well, this is my story…

Who ever knew that she could make me smile….freely

I remembered the day I met her….


I looked at the horizon before me… the sunset was so beautiful…

The birds were flying and chirping with each other…

The trees were waving slightly…

The children in the market laughing and running…

"It's such an incredible sight isn't it?" a voice interrupted as I backed away when a brunette jumped in front of me, from the tree beside me

And turned to the horizon and admired it more

The cotton blue dress and white apron over let me guess she was a commoner; her hair was tied into two low pig-tails.

"They're so free," she continued, not darting her gazes to him "don't you think?" she smiled at him, startling him a bit

"Ugh- yes, yes it is," I stuttered,

"Did you ever wish to be like them, kind sir?" she asked

"Like what?"

"Them, being wild, so free, so…" her voice trailed off

"…Happy?" I guessed


Sighing, "Yes," I say, "yes,"

"It's your lucky day then, monsieur, come'n!" she ran forward and took my hand,dragging me with her down hill

"What?" I stumbled a bit but managed to balance myself

"Oh loosen up, would you! It's a great day to waste it being noble and high!" she snapped nicely

"I beg your pardon?" I eyed her weirdly

"Oh just shut up and follow me!" she took my hand and dragged me to the group of kids, throwing water at each other

They gasped when they saw me,with blotches of water on my velvet suit

The girl then launched herself at me and… SPLASHED! We were in the lake, soaking wet

Or I was, she was standing there, only her lower dress soaked, glaring at her, I pulled her in, smirking

She yelped, "Why you!" she glared jokingly, then laughed and jumped on top of me

The children then followed, splashing and swimming around


"So, who are you??" she suddenly asked while we drank some tea at a nearby café, heating down a bit

"Nat-Nathan, Nathan Hyunta," I lied, she's gonna freak when she finds out I'm the prince,

"Great, Nathan, I'm Mikan Sakura!" she smiled warmly

End of flashback

"Hey, Natsume, wanna go for a ride in the forest?" Ruka asked

Mikan Sakura….

"Natsume?" Ruka tried again

"Yeah, sure," I answered after sometime and followed him out

"Oh, you're not going anywhere, Natsume," Hotaru's threatening voice came

"And why is that?" he snapped

"Your fiancées are coming in an hour or two,"

"Fiancées?? What are you talking bout, Hotaru-san?" Ruka asked "Natsume?"

"Then I'll be back by then and ready, come on Ruka," I walked out of my room, frustrated


"Natsume," Ruka then began, "what was"

"Ruka please, it's bad enough as it is can we please just talk bout something else," I cut in

"Yeah, sure," he stated unsurely and shook his head "so, who's this girl you've been seeing lately?" he smiled teasingly

"Girl?" I stared at him

"Oh come'n, your pauper 'friend'" he highlighted it "the brunette"

"What are you talking bout?" his face not giving away anything

"Stop your questions first and answer mine" he snapped "oh, god, Natsume, I've known you since I learned to think and talk! You can't hide anything from me"

Sighing "Alright, she's a commoner, not that I care for her status, she's an angel in my eyes," I flashed one of his rare smiles "she's like the sister I've always wanted,"

"Sister, huh?" Ruka raised a knowing brow "you sure that's not a lover?

"Shut up!" By the time the church bells ringed, we rode quickly back to the palace, to meet my fiancée. Why do kings have to marry??? For their heir for the throne? If I could just...and as if a candle flickered in my head I grinned sinisterly


"Milady, where were you?! I was so worried that I would have died! You know how Sir gets angry when you sneak out of the manor," Nonoko said worriedly and tried to calm her self down "And how those barbarians in the land are so, so brutal!"

"Calm down, Nonoko, it's not like I was harassed." I grinned, hopping down of the horse and handed the saddle to the lady before her

"Oh, Harassment too! I need some tea!" she breathed in and out "come on, come on, you need to dress, Sir will be in in an hour,"


"Duke and Duchess Kanjiru!" the butler announced; an old man in his early fifties and a young, delicate and graceful lady beside him stood on his left

"A pleasure to meet you both, your Highness," they bowed before me and my mother as soon there was a good one foot

"Pleasure's all ours," I stated with a bow and shake hands with the Duke, what was her name again? Aikan? Anna? Ah-… Aira was it?"

"My son, would you please accompany Duchess Airashii around the palace while I have a little talk with her Father, would you?" The Queen asked

"Yes, Mother," as if i had a choice saying no

Mother and the Duke then left us and began chatting in the garden as i can't help not smile,let's put my little experiment now in action


"My word! What are you in heaven's are wearing?!" Father fumed "changed into a more appropriate clothes, Aikan, Miss Nonoko, fix my daughter!" Nonoko was the daughter of the lady in waiting of my real Mother when she married Father. I knew I disappointed him wearing a worn out cotton dress, but it's comfortable, so easily to move in, and besides, I smell nice! Rose petals with mint citrus.

I quickly changed into one of the expensive and new stiff dresses Father bought around the world and went down… after all, there's nothing more I can do than to please him


I followed Airashii, yup, that's her name, into the garden with a smirk playing on my lip, her face contorted with annoyance and shock at the same time; she whispered something to her father as his father's face fell "Of course, Darling, we'll leave right away," he glared at me and excused themselves; leaving us silently

Mother gave me the-look, as if asking for what happened ; i just shrugged as she shook her head and walked back to the palace


Rockerfaith: hope you enjoyed reading these more, pls review:D