A/N: Okay second story up. This is an Obidala. None of the Characters belong to me, and some of the dialouge belongs the George Lucas. It takes place in Episode 1, but with a few things written my way.
Chapter 1
"The Naboo and the Federation will forge a treaty that will legitimize our occupation here. I've been assured it will be ratified by the Senate."
"I will not co-operate."
"Now, now, your Highness. You are not going to like what we have in store for your people. In time, their suffering will persuade you to see our point of view."
This only earned a glare from the young woman he was speaking too. Dressed in elegant fabrics and an elaborate headpiece was the Queen of Naboo, Amadala. She opened her mouth to speak, but decided against it as a battle droid arrived.
"Commander." Nute turned to the droid. The droid was built taller than most, his yellow forehead and shoulders gave him a look of more power. A small symbol lay on his chest, the meaning of it was unknown to the Queen.
Padme watched her decoy, Sabe, carefully, though she seemed to be doing fine. She spoke with such strength and power. She would truly make a fine queen. Padme and Sabe had agreed that a decoy was necessary now. In order to stay close to Sabe, in case she was needed, Padme had adopted the role of her handmaiden.
The droid escort stopped as Nute spoke to the Commander. Padme watched as Nute nodded toward the droid.
"Process them." Nute gave him a simple command as he turned and looked at the Queen with his beady eyes. She looked away, refusing to let his eyes convince her. He frowned, turning and walking away.
"Yes Sir." The droid turned to his sergeant beside him. "Take them to Camp Four."
"Roger, Roger." The sergeant turned and exited the throne room. The ten droids surrounding the party followed as well. They arrived outside soon enough, and began walking toward the plaza. Padme took around and emotion filled her eyes. The plaza was full of tanks and droids. People were being escorted by droids to detention camps. A young girl cried as she clung to her mother's cloak. Padme couldn't bear the sight of her people suffering, she just couldn't!
They soon neared a walkway and were about to pass under it. If anyone had looked up at that time, they would have seen three figures crouching in the shadows of the balcony.
Suddenly, two figures jumped from above, landing gracefully in front of them. There was a blur of blue and green as the droid escort was taken out. All were cut down, all but one. The sergeant only remained, and he saw this. He began to fire at one of the figures, but each laser was blocked.
He suddenly found himself thrown against the wall without any thing touching him. This was the power of the Force.
Padme finally recognized the two as Jedi. The taller one was definitely older. Though his face had aged well, you could still see a few gray hairs tucked behind his ears. He had long grayish brown hair with part of it tied back. He held a green lightsaber and his eyes showed wisdom as he motioned for the other to stand beside him.
The shorter one looked to be in his early twenties. He had the traditional Jedi haircut and his braid was slung over his shoulder, hanging down well below his chest. He was thin but not scrawny. He had a good amount of muscle to him and his fierce blue eyes added to his Jedi appearance. He wielded a blue lightsaber.
"Take their weapons!" The older one motioned to the droids that lay in a pile on the floor.
The officers rushed forward and pried the guns out of the droids' hands. After everyone had a gun, they turned to follow the Jedi.
The party ran through the two buildings. They stopped short for a minute to introduce themselves.
The older one spoke up. "This is Obi-Wan Kanobi."
The younger one smiled in recognition to his name.
"And I am Qui-Gon Jinn. Your Highness, we are the Ambassadors, for the Supreme Chancellor. "
Sio Bibble, the outspoken governor of Naboo, looked at him with frustration. "Your negotiations seem to have failed, Ambassador."
Qui-Gon smirked. "The negotiations never took place. Your Highness, we must make contact with the republic!"
Captain Panaka stepped forward. "They've knocked out all our communications."
Qui-Gon stopped, seeming to think for a minute. "Do you have transports?"
"In the main hanger. This way." The captain turned and ran down an alleyway the group close behind.
They arrived in a hallway near the central hanger. Captain Panaka cracked open the door slightly, just to see inside. He took a deep breath as he saw several Naboo spacecraft guarded by about fifty droids.
He backed away closing the door. "There are too many of them."
"That won't be problem." Qui-Gon turned confidently to the Queen. "Your Highness, under the circumstances, I suggest you come to Coruscant with us."
She shook her head no. "Thank you, Ambassador, but my place is here with my people."
"They will kill you if you stay." Qui-Gon's eyes pleaded with her.
"They wouldn't dare!" Bibble stepped forward, Captain Panaka beside him.
"They need her to sign a treaty to make this invasion of theirs legal. They can't afford to kill her!" The captain's tone came off harshly and the Queen put a hand on his arm to calm him.
"The situation here is not what it seems. There is something else behind all this, Your Highness. There is no logic in the Federation's move here. My feelings tell me they will destroy you."
Bibble looked towards Panaka and reconsidered. Panaka didn't look so convinced. Finally, Bibble turned to the Queen.
"Please, Your Highness, reconsider. Our only hope is for the Senate to side with us. Senator Palpatine will need your help." Bibble pleaded with the Queen.
Panaka just shook his head. "Getting past their blockade is impossible, Your Highness. Any attempt to escape will be dangerous!"
Bibble gave him a disapproving look before he came to a solution. "Your Highness, I will stay here and do what I can. They will have to retain the Council of Governors in order to maintain control. But you must leave."
"Either choice presents a great risk to all of us." The Queen turned her head towards Padme.
"We are brave, Your Highness." A soft voice spoke up.
Obi-Wan met the eye of the girl and smiled lightly. She smiled back politely. She, as well as the other handmaidens, wore a colorful gown, as required. The bottom of the dress started at a light yellow until darkening into a dark orange at the top. A hood was placed over a red cap.
Obi-Wan snapped his attention away from her and onto what Qui-Gon was saying.
"If you are to leave, Your Highness, it must be now."
"Then, I will plead our case before the Senate." The Queen turned to face Bibble. "Be careful, Governor."
The governor nodded briefly and stayed against the wall. Qui-Gon ran through the plan with them quickly, not wanting to waste anytime.
A few seconds later, the doors to the hanger opened. The two Jedi took the lead and began to walk towards the droids. Padme caught a glimpse of Obi-Wan whispering to Qui-Gon and then pointing to a sleek chrome spacecraft. Qui-Gon nodded and was about to mumble something when he heard Captain Panaka speak quietly.
"We need to free those pilots." He motioned to twenty pilots sitting in the corner, being closely guarded by six droids."
Obi-Wan nodded. "I'll take care of that." He began to walk away from the group.
Qui-Gon watched his Padawan before walking towards a red-shouldered battle droid. The droid held up his hand for the Jedi to stop.
"Where are you going?" Several droids gathered behind him.
"I'm an Ambassador for the Supreme Chancellor, and I'm taking those people to Coruscant." Qui-Gon answered calmly.
The droid stopped for a minute, letting the information process. "You're under arrest."
Before the droid could even shoot, Qui-Gon had slashed through him. Obi-Wan decided that was his cue, and began slashing away at the six droids.
"Go!" Obi-Wan yelled, running along side them towards the ship.
A scream echoed through the hanger stopping Obi-Wan in his tracks. He turned to find the source, and caught a glimpse of one of the handmaidens being cornered by a droid.
He took off towards her, cursing under his breath as he saw one droid preparing to shoot. He jumped through the air, flipping over the droid's shoulder and landing gracefully in front of him. He block each laser and moved backwards as he went, eventually standing in front of the handmaiden. He eventually deflected the laser off causing it to hit the droid.
"Come on!" He turned towards her, catching a glimpse of her fearful face. He recongnized her to be the one he had smiled at. Padme would never be scared of such a situation, but never in her life had she been threatened without having a weapon in her possession.
She nodded and ran beside him towards the ship. They sprinted up the ramp just as it closed. He took a deep breath and looked towards the girl.
"Are you okay?" He asked with concern.
"Yeah." She flashed him a grateful smile. "Thanks for saving me."
"It's my job. Just don't wander from the group next time, Okay?"
"I won't, sir." She nodded at him, biting her lower lip.
"Call me Obi-Wan." He smiled charmingly before turning to face Jar-Jar who was fidgeting around with something.
He motioned for the Gungan to follow him and led him towards the droid hold. "Now stay here, and keep out of trouble."
Jar-Jar just watched him close the door, and then looked around. He turned around and found five short, dome shaped Astro droids aligned in a row.
"Ello, boyos."
The Naboo spacecraft rocked violently from the explosions.
"There's the blockade, hold on." Ric Olie, one of the pilots, motioned to the massive Federation Battle ships.
Obi-Wan entered the cockpit and stood beside Qui-Gon, watching the pilot's actions. Suddenly the alarm went off, Obi-Wan looked down at the screens to see one flashing red.
"The shield generator's been hit. Our deflector shields can't withstand this. Power down. Hopefully the repair droids can fix it."
Obi-Wan took a seat near the captain watching the screen. The screen showed him a live image of the droids.
"We're losing droids fast." He turned to his master as Qui-Gon leaned over his shoulder to see.
"If they can't get those shield generators fixed we will be sitting ducks!" Captain Panaka exclaimed worriedly.
Ric Olie turned to face the Captain, concern in his eyes. "The shields are gone."
Obi-Wan didn't speak but kept his attention on the screen. Suddenly the generator powered up.
"Powers back! That little droid did it!" He pointed to the blue and white Astro droid. "He bypassed the main power drive! Deflector shield up, at maximum." The pilot smiled as he pushed a few buttons. The joy didn't last long though.
"There's not enough power to get us to Coruscant. The hyperdrive is leaking." He pointed to a screen on his right, near Obi-Wan.
"We'll have to land somewhere to refuel and repair the ship." Qui-Gon mumbled as he studied the star charts.
"Here, Master." Obi-Wan pointed to the screen. "Tatooine... It's small, out of the way, poor. The Trade Federation has no presence there."
Captain Panaka turned in his chair towards the two Jedi. "How can you be sure?"
Qui-Gon turned towards the Captain. "Its controlled by the Hutts."
"The Hutts?" He mumbled something under his breath.
Obi-Wan glanced at him. "Its risky. But there's no alternative."
Captain Panaka was furious. "You can't take Her Royal Highness there! The Hutts are gangsters…If they discovered her…"
Qui-Gon gave him a calm but serious look. "It would be no different than if we landed on a system controlled by the Federation…except the Hutts aren't looking for her, which gives us an advantage."
Captain Panaka turned away, taking a deep breath in frustration. Obi-Wan looked towards his master, before turning to leave.
"Padawan." Qui-Gon called without turning around.
"The Queen wants to see us about landing on Tatooine." He turned around and walked towards his apprentice.
Obi-Wan nodded, wondering if she was questioning their decision.
A few minutes later, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Captain Panaka and a droid stood before the Queen. Behind the Queen were her three handmaidens.
"An extremely well put together little droid. Without a doubt, it saved the ship, as well as our lives." Captain Panaka informed, glancing at the droid.
Amadala looked down at the droid. "It is to be commended... what is its number?"
Panaka reached down, scraping some dirt off with his glove. "R2-D2, Your Highness."
"Thank you Artoo Detoo. You have proven to be very loyal…Padme!"
Padme bowed to the queen, she could feel Obi Wan's eyes on her, and did her best not to look at him.
"Clean this droid up the best you can. It deserves our gratitude…"
Padme nodded and stepped behind the Jedi, noting that the Jedi were very tall. She knew they were humans but the fact that every single Jedi she had ever seen was tall made her wonder if they grew faster than most. The only exception she knew of was Master Yoda.
The Queen turned to Captain Panaka. "Continue, Captain."
Padme watched as he glanced at the two Jedi nervously. Panaka looked down as the older Jedi stepped forward.
"Your Highness, we are heading for a remote planet called Tatooine. It is a system far beyond the reach of the Trade Federation. There we will be able to make needed repairs, then travel on to Coruscant."
Obi-Wan watched his master, his eyes watching both his master and the Queen.
Captain Panaka stepped forward next to Qui-Gon. Padme caught a faint glimpse of Obi-Wan's jaw setting. He looked away from Panaka quickly, taking a deep breath, channeling his anger.
"Your Highness, Tatooine is very dangerous. Its controlled by an alliance of gangs called the Hutts. I do not agree with the Jedi on this."
"You must trust my judgment, Your Highness." Qui-Gon spoke up.
For a second, Padme saw uncertainty in Sabe's eyes. Nevertheless, Padme nodded, assuring her. For some odd reason, she had found that she could place her trust in these two Jedi.
After the Queen had granted them permission to land, she went to find a rag to clean the droid.
Obi-Wan arrived in the droid hold, pouring himself a drink and seating himself at a table. This was the quietest room in the whole ship and he found he should take advantage of that. He leaned back and closed his eyes, releasing all his anger into the Force. He was angry with Panaka for arguing with everything single thing the Jedi said.
Padme walked in, noticing the Jedi that looked to be asleep. She turned to leave, deciding to come back later to clean R2-D2.
"Don't go. Its good to have company." He sat up, a smirk plastered on his face.
"I thought you were asleep." She smiled, seating herself on the floor and running a cloth over R2-D2.
"No. Just meditating."
"Are you a Padawan?" She glanced at his braid that hung from behind his ear.
"Yeah. What did you think the braid was for?" He let out a small laugh as he fingered it absent-mindedly.
"I don't know. I'm not very knowledgeable in your type." She looked down embarrassed. After all, the Jedi were well known throughout the universe, most knew about them. She was ashamed to know very little.
"Our 'type'? You make it sound like we're a totally different species." He watched as she glanced up suddenly.
"No not at all! I didn't mean it like that." She searched his eyes to see if he had taken it offensively.
"Its fine." He chuckled at her guilty face.
She smiled, looking into his eyes. "Can I ask you something?"
"Certainly." He moved to find a more comfortable position on the metal bench.
"Why are Jedi so…isolated?"
"We're not isolated, we are set apart from." He corrected her before opening his mouth to continue.
"Isn't that the same thing? Isolation and being set apart from?" She listened initially. It was the first time she had talked one-on-one to a Jedi.
"No. Isolation is usually a punishment unless you enjoy isolating yourself from the world. Being set apart from is a choice. The Jedi set them selves apart from others to avoid attachment."
"Why would you want to avoid attachment?" Her heart couldn't fathom such a thing.
"When you're attached to someone or something, you eventually fall in love with them. Even if you just love them like a brother or sister, its still love. In addition, when you love someone you are afraid to lose him or her. Fear is a path to the dark side. Master Yoda always said that fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering." He sighed leaning back.
"Sounds like the Jedi have a lot of rules." She couldn't imagine life without love.
"Its not too bad…what about you? What's it like to be a handmaiden of the Queen?"
She paused for a minute to think. What could she possibly say? She wasn't used to the life of a handmaiden and had no clue what it felt like to do it permanently. "Its difficult, I don't have a good grasp on politics. Therefore, it's hard being around them all the time. And we have to wear the most uncomfortable dresses."
"I don't have a good grasp on politics either." He smirked, but bit his lip as he looked down. An awkward silence followed and both were too nervous to break it.
Obi-Wan Kanobi raised his hand and using the force, he picked up the cup in front of him. He moved it towards the sink and dropped it in.
Padme watched the cup with amazement. "That's amazing!"
He smiled and was about to open his mouth when Qui-Gon stepped into the room.
Obi-Wan stood up, giving her a small smile as he passed.
"Yes, Master?"
"We need you in the cockpit." Qui-Gon turned and walked out the door.
"Yes, Master." He turned back to Padme briefly. "It was nice talking to you."
"You too." She smiled at him before he walked out the door.
In the Cockpit
"That's it. Tatooine." Obi-Wan pointed towards a large yellow planet.
"There's a settlement there…a spaceport, looks like." Ric pointed out.
Qui-Gon shook his head. "Land near the outskirts. We don't want to attract any attention."
Ric nodded, and began to press a few buttons before grabbing a hold of the controls and running a smooth landing.
Main Room
Padme walked into see the young Obi-Wan hoisting the hyperdrive out of a floor panel, he had removed his cloak and rolled up his sleeves of his tunic, exposing his tan shoulders. His muscles flexed, and Padme couldn't help but run her eyes over his muscular arms. He sensed her presence and turned to meet her gaze.
"Hey." He turned back to his work.
"What's going on?" She walked over to him and stood near to him.
"The Hyperdrive generator is gone. We will need a new one."
Padme nodded before she caught a glimpse of something on Obi-Wan's belt. "Is that your lightsaber?"
"Yeah." He took it off his belt and handed it to her. "Try it. Just don't kill anyone."
She nodded as she pushed the red button. She jumped, startled, as a light shot out from the object, forming a blade.
He started laughing as she held it as far away as possible. He smirked and walked around to stand behind her. "You're holding it all wrong."
"H-How in the world do you hold such a dangerous weapon?" She asked in a shaky voice.
He smirked reaching one arm over her shoulder, and placing his hand over hers. He moved her hand farther down, before reaching his other arm over her other shoulder and covering her other hand. He moved that hand farther up. He smirked as he brought her arms up and helped her whip the saber through the air.
She felt his stomach press against her back, and his hands cover hers. She felt warmth rush to her face, as he helped her move the saber about.
Obi-Wan suddenly stepped away and motioned for her to hand over his lightsaber. She quickly pushed the button and watched as the blade vanished. He hooked it on his belt and knelt down to investigate the generator just as Qui-Gon stepped into the room, dressed as a farmer.
"Obi-Wan." He walked over to where the young Jedi knelt.
Obi-Wan looked up and met eye contact. "Yes, Master?" He rose to his full height and watched out of the corner of his eye as Padme turned around and walked out the door. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that he hadn't had more time with her.
Qui-Gon, oblivious to Obi-Wan's sudden mood change, bent over and whispered in Obi-Wan's ear.
"Don't let them send any transmissions. Be wary…I sense a disturbance in the Force."
Obi-Wan nodded. "I feel it also, Master."
Qui-Gon nodded before disappearing in the hallway to meet up with Jar-Jar and Artoo Detoo.
Obi-Wan ran a hand through his hair and sank unto the floor, resting his back against the generator. What had he been thinking? He couldn't allow himself to feel so different around her. He closed his eyes releasing his feelings into the Force. He stood and moved down the exit ramp to watch Qui-Gon depart.
Several minutes had passed, and Qui-Gon was out of sigh. He heard footsteps behind him and turned to see Padme walking down the exit ramp towards him, Panaka behind her. She was dressed as a peasant and her long her was twisted in a braid.
"Obi-Wan. We are out of supplies. I would go for the supplies myself but I must stay behind and protect the Queen. You must go." Panaka explained, placing a hand on Padme's shoulder. "Her Highness commands you to take her handmaiden with you. She wishes for her to observe the local…"
Obi-Wan just shook his. "No more commands from Her Highness today, Captain. This spaceport is not going to be pleasant." He looked down into the eyes of Padme, who met his with an angry look.
"The Queen wishes it. She is curious about this planet" Captain Panaka turned and began to walk back up the ramp.
"Do you not wish to be with me?" Padme turned and walked in the direction of the town, which was a good distance from where they were.
"That's not it…its just…me and Qui-Gon since a disturbance in the force. Its dangerous out here." He caught up with her and fell in step with her.
"What do you think is out here?" She looked up at him; the sun gave his hair a reddish tint. He caught her gaze and frowned.
"I don't mean to scare you…but I feel a Sith." He looked out into the desert, scanning it for any signs of civilization.
"A Sith!? You mean an evil Jedi?" She had thought they were extinct.
"Yeah. Basically." He smiled at her choice of words.
They had been walking for several minutes and the dust had begun to pick up. Obi-Wan shielded his eyes from the flying sand, and pressed on. He could sense Padme near him and he did not worry.
Suddenly he sensed a presence, an unfriendly presence. He turned around just in time to see a black speeder coming right at him and Padme.
"Padme! Duck!" He screamed.
She did just as he said, and the speeder went right over, leaving her unharmed.
The black figure jumped from his bike as he came near Obi-Wan. A red lightsaber was held in his hand, and soon enough all Padme could see was a blur of blue and red. She could hear the lightsabers clash but couldn't see anything but the faint glow of the lightsabers. The sand had clouded the sky, making it impossible for her to run for help.
She heard the sounds of clashing lightsabers nearing her; she turned just in time to see Obi-Wan gasping. She gasped, noticing that the Sith had his hand outstretched choking him with the Force. Obi-Wan clawed at his neck as if there was a chain wrapped around it. He dropped his lightsaber, losing all control of his body. She had to do something. She couldn't watch him die.
"Stop!" She screamed, her voice came out a lot more confident then she had imagined.
The Sith turned towards her, the hood hid all his features, except for the eerie glow of his eyes.
"Stop!" She repeated.
The Sith dropped the Padawan, but not letting him get away that easily. He twisted Obi-Wan's arm behind him, causing him to wince in pain. He slashed his arm with his lightsaber, causing blood to fall freely.
"No.." She whispered, running towards Obi-Wan. The Sith laughed picking up Obi-Wan's sword, the faint glow of blue light up the scene a bit. He held the sword to Obi-Wan's stomach, not pressing but allowing it to burn him. The white-hot pain rushed through Obi-Wan. The lightsaber burned his flush and slowly began to cut him.
Obi-Wan cried in pain, and tried to fight against it. However, everything was fading away. He felt the blade reach his stomach, and for the first time in several years, Obi-Wan began to cry in pain.
The Sith threw his head back and laughed at the young one's pain. Padme began to pick up her pace towards him.
"Stop right there! Or I'll cut him in half."
Padme stood facing the Sith, not sure what she was going to do. There was no way she could take out a Sith, but nothing mattered right now. Oh she prayed to the gods that someone or something could save him. As if on cue, a green light flashed.
"No!" A man screamed. Suddenly Qui-Gon appeared out of the storm, rushing forward and attacking him.
The startled Sith dropped Obi-Wan and the lightsaber. The Dark Jedi began dueling Qui-Gon while Obi-Wan fell to the ground losing consciousness.
Padme rushed forward to him, pulling his head into her lap. "Obi-Wan!"
Obi-Wan did nothing just breathed in ragged breaths. She ran her hand over stomach, touching the burned flesh. He moaned in pain as she did and she quickly withdrew her hand.
It seemed like forever before Qui-Gon returned to them. Padme looked up into his eyes.
"Where's the Sith?" She asked quietly, her voice wavering.
"I don't know. He vanished. We're still in danger though."
She nodded, lowering her head to look at Obi-Wan.
"How is he?" He put his hand to Obi-Wan's forehead.
"Not good at all…" She let a single tear roll down her cheek. She saw a vision of her people…suffering…just like Obi-Wan.
Qui-Gon nodded, before he bent over, picking Obi-Wan up in his arm gently. "Run ahead and tell them I'm coming."
She nodded, taking off at a sprint. She would not let someone suffer because of her...agian. She ran up the ramp, almost running over another handmaidan.
She burst into the cockpit, seeing Captain Panaka and Ric Olie studying something. "Obi-Wan is badly injured!"
Panaka stood up facing the distressed girl. "Where is he?" Having a Jedi injured could never be good thing, they were the best weapon the Queen had right now.
"Qui-Gon is on his way here with him." She answered, taking a minute to calm her nerves. Everything was going to be fine, you're overreacting.
Panaka turned around, speed walking towards the medical center located towards the back of the Starship. Padme folllowed close behind.
She had no clue why Obi-Wan meant something to her, he was just a Jedi she happened to meet...she had heard of Qui-Gon and his Padawan long before she met them. And she knew that Obi-Wan had that effect on people. But there was something else there. Something special.
A/N: I know terrible ending...terrible chapter. I need suggestions..did I rush it, was it to dramatic? Did Padme feel something for Obi-Wan too soon? Is my story any good?