In Her Eyes

Italics are Mick's voice overs

I'm a vampire. I have been ever sense my ex-wife, Coraline, turned me on our wedding night sixty years ago. Because of this, I have senses normal humans don't. Twenty years ago, I took a case that changed my life. I've stayed close to her if she ever needed my help. Lately, I've needed hers. Holding her in my arms it almost feels like we can be together, but I know that that's impossible. For that to happen, she would have to be a vampire too. That's the single thing that would make my life unbearable.

"Mick!" Beth yelled through the door. "Oh Mick, please, open the door!" She continued to bang on his front door, frantic to get in to him. Mick St. John walked over and opened the door to his apartment. He didn't move to hide the cup of A+ on the counter of his kitchen island, she already knew about it.

Beth Turner practically fell into the apartment when the door opened because of the weight she had been putting on the door. Mick helped her up, and she threw her arms around him. "Oh, Mick, you were right! I'm so sorry I yelled at you, I just couldn't believe it. Oh, Mick, I'm so sorry!"

She started sobbing into his chest like a little girl. The two of them just stood there. Beth sobbing, Mick comforting her as best he could. After a long while, Beth pulled back and her and Mick locked eyes.

They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. I know this to be true, having seen eighty years of proof. This time it was different. It was like I never needed to look at her in the eyes to see her soul. She wore it on her outside, and that's what made her so beautiful. Her soul was delicate though. She had put up so many walls over the years to keep from getting hurt again; it was hard to get in. Beyond those, though, she was still the six-year-old girl I saved twenty years ago. I knew that her walls were cracking and she was scared. That's why she came to me.

Mick guided Beth over to the couch and they sat down. "Beth," He started, "I don't blame you, it was just a little unexpected." Beth was still sniffling and said, "I just didn't expect it. If anything, I would have thought that he would come after me." "He did." Mick said. "He went after the thing that you're most attached to, that's the worst thing anyone can do."

After a while, Beth got up and walked toward the door. "I'm glad to know that you'll always be here for me. Just call if you ever want or need anything. Maybe, if you want, I'll even start stocking your drink over at my place." Mick chuckled and Beth relaxed some. "And you should know by now that all you ever have to do is yell and you know I'll be there. Oh, and by the way," Mick added as an after thought, "it's A positive." Now it was Beth's turn to chuckle. She opened the door halfway. "Well, thanks, for everything. It means a lot to me to know that you care so much." Mick got up, walked over to her, and said, "Glad I could help. Hey, if you ever want to help on a case, feel free. I could use your help sometimes." Beth smiled. She hesitated for a while, then gave Mick another small smile and disappeared down the hallway.

Mick exhaled slowly, a sigh of relief. It wasn't because he was glad she left, no, far from it. No, Mick St. John had sighed because of the extent of willpower he had to exert not to kiss her. The sigh was also for the fact that he knew he couldn't. He sullenly walked back to the counter and got his cup.

He spent the rest of the day doing nothing in particular. It wasn't until that night when he was watching Beth on her internet show, Buzzwire. Suddenly, he felt tense and panicked. He heard one scream in his head: "Mick!"

A/N: Sorry if you don't like it. It isn't that good yet. Please no flames! But review! PLEASE REVIEW!