OMG you guys this fanfic is going to be so fun to write, i already know what is going to happen in l8er chapters, plz review after you read thanx

I was a Saturday afternoon and Gabriella was on her balcony to her bedroom crying, It was a few weeks after lava springs and just as Gabriella thought nothing can go wrong, well she was wrong

there was a knock at her bedroom door but she didn't answer it, why would she want to, all of a sudden she heard the door open and close, then she felt a hand on her shoulder

"Hey Gabi, what's wrong sweetie" Troy asked in a caring voice, Troy picked Gabi up, then he sat down and put Gabi on his lap and just held her while she cried

Troy was worried "Gabi you ok, baby come on say something" Troy pleaded

"Troy" Gabi managed to get out while she was still crying

"come on Gabi just say it" Troy said while rubbing her back

"Troy I'm moving" Gabi said, she refused to look at him while tears kept pouring out of her eyes

Troy put his finger under Gabriella's chin and forced her to look at him

"Gabi I don't care where you are, we will make this work, you know that" Gabriella nodded her head

"Do you know where your moving to" Gabriella looked down and nodded once again

"Ok, where" troy asked

" The worst school I could think of, the only school who hates east high wild cats..." but Gabriella didn't finish

"West High Knights" Troy finished and looked into her eyes

she nodded

"Gabi, we'll make it work you know that, I don't care that you are going to be a West high knight because you will always be welcome to East High and will always be a wildcat" Troy said with sincerity

" You mean you don't hate me" Gabriella said and looked at him

Troy just looked at her shocked

"Gabi, I could never hate you, in fact its quite the opposite. Gabi I...I...I love you, I have completely fallen in love with you" Troy said while looking straight into her eyes

omg did he just say that, omg i love him to soooo much, oh stop thinking Gabriella just say something Gabriella said

"I love you to Troy, I love you to" Gabriella said with a sad smile and hugged him and then looked at him. They inched closer and closer until their lips finally meet and there were so many sparks, Troy kept begging Gabriella entance to her mouth to deepen the kiss and Gabriella happily obliged. They were kissing for about 10 minutes straight, they finally broke apart relising they absolutley needed air.

Troy just embraced Gabi and they stayed cuddled like that until Troy asks one question

"Gabi, when do you leave" Troy asked sadly

"Troy i just found out that i was moving today, my mom said We are moving tomorrow, it was short notice for me to, I am so sorry"Gabriella said about ready to break down again

"Gabi, its not your fault, but i'll miss you like hell" Troy said getting really sad

Gabi said nothing for a few minutes, than spoke up

"What happens if the kids dont like me, because i'm a wildcat"Gabi said

"Dont worry Gabi, your real friends are wildcats, all of them, you have me, your boyfriends who loves you, the entire wildcat basketball team who are like your brothers and the drama club and scholastic decatholon members are like your sisters, remember you got a whole family here." Troy said

"thank you so much Troy" Gabi said

"No problem, plus you are only moving like a half hour away, i'll visit you all the time after school and on weekends, and school breaks. Stuff like that i promise"Troy said

"oh and Gabi one more thing, dont listen to anyone if they say bad things about the wildcats basketball team, and that especially includes me and chad, Like i said they hate us" Troy continued

"I promise, but my dear boyfriend that I love so much i am so tired" Gabriella said while yawning

Troy picked Gabi up bridal style and place her on her bed "Take a nap okay sweetie" Troy said

"No, i have to change out of these clothes first" Gabriella said while getting up and changing into more comfortable 'clothes'

she came back wearing a pair of troys wildcat boxers that she knicked from his drawers and a tank black tank top that says dance (pick in profile)

Troys eyes popped out of his head, he thought she looked so hott, He loved the way her top showed off all of her curves

Troy walker over to her and embraced her, when they pulled apart Troy picked Gabriella up bridal style again and laying her on the bed and pulling the cover up over her

Troy was about to walk away and let Gabi sleep when he heard Gabriella "Troy my moms not going to be home until tomorrow mornig, you know buisness stuff, and I dont want to be alone"Gabi said hoping he got the idea

"fine" Troy said, Like he always did when he was spending the night He stripped down in to his boxers and went underneath the covers and put his arms around Brie and just held her, she turned to him and kissed him before snuggling in to his bare chest and fell gently asleep while Troy did the same thing.

The next morning Gabi and troy were just laying there neither knowing the other one was awake, they just were enjoying each others company

"Troy, I am moving today" Gabi said sadly

" I know baby and it will be okay, i will talk to you the entire car ride up on your cell okay" Gabriella smiled sadly and nodded

Gabriella and Troy got up and got dressed, Troys parents were out of town so he didn't have to worry about making up and excuse of where he was all night and Gabi's mom should be home soon

When Troy and Gabriella went down stairs they were greeted with a "SURPRISE and WE'LL MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!"

there in front of them stood Taylor, chad, Kelsey, jason, Zeke, sharpay, Ryan and the rest of the wildcats

Gabriella smiled and started hugging all of her friends and just kept talking and cramming all the time she had left of being a wildcat. All of a sudden she felt a pair of arms snake around her, she looked up and it was Troy, Gabriella whispered is Troys ear "I'll miss you so much" Troy just nodded and said "I love you Brie, I'll miss you so much it wont be funny"

"Gabi time to go" Gabriellas mom said

How do you say goodbye to the people you most love, How can you possibly do it Gabriella thought

"Goodbye, I'll miss you all, you guys will always be my family" Gabi said and hugged everybody, she was crying when she got to Troy

"Brie I'll see you After school Tomorrow i promise, Just IM me your address okay" Troy said

"Kay, love you" Gabriella said and kissed him, it was settle yet pationate, one of the best they shared so far

"Bye Gabie" Troy whispered letting her go

Gabriella waved and got in the car

Everyone watched as the car drove off, they were all going to miss her

Plz review plz review plz review plz review

Okay you guys, i will update soon, hopefully tomorrow, plz review

I know where i am going to go with this story, i cant wait to get to the next chapter when Gabriella meets the west high basket ball team