So this is a new little project that I've come up with, right? I have just recently got back into Ghost Hunt and I thought, if Gene could physically watch Mai and Naru what would he think or do or what? So I came up with the idea to write one-shots and drabbles about what he'd do or just what he'd think while Mai and Naru got into the many messes they always end up in. Here's my first attempt, please review!

Eugene Davis watched with an exasperated look on his face. Mai Taniyama was standing in the kitchen of his brother's rented apartment. Or at least it was the kitchen, underneath all the flour that Mai had spilt. But it wasn't the mess that had Gene shaking his head.

It was the fact that his brother, the most stoic of all people, was sitting on his bum on the kitchen floor cover in white flour. Gene had watched him walk in and slip and fall with a loud thump. Mai was staring at him with an apprehensive look on her face.

Gene watched as his brother slowly stood up and stared at Mai and Gene watched curiously, wondering what his brother was going to do as the man had never been in the situation before. It certainly made thinks seem funnier when Mai was holding a whole chicken upside down by it's legs.

"Nice legs." was all Noll said before he turned and walked out of the kitchen and Gene blinked before looking at Mai's legs and groaning as he saw that her skirt had rumpled up in certain places after having fought with the chicken.

'Idiot scientist.' Gene thought before blinking as Mai's face turned brilliant red and he knew what was coming. 'Oh, dear god. Get me out of here! One…two….three!' he counted.

"YOU JERK!!!!!!!" she screamed and Gene shook his head as she dropped the chicken and stormed out of the kitchen.

"Idiot scientist." he chuckled affectionately.

As I said before please review and feel welcome to give me ideas! You'll get credit and everything! Thanks a bunch! Kieno0324 out.