A/N: Sorry that this chapter was such a long time coming! I really need to work on my competance!

I don't own Jimmy, but I know someone who would be very mad if they knew I said that! (Sorry, I got that from an old quote; "I don't have a girlfriend, but I do know a woman who'd be very mad if she knew I said that!")

Cindy cringed her brow together in the midst of the Girl's Restroom. "What?"

The two had been sitting in complete silence while Cindy tried to process the proposition that Sheen had laid before her.

"Yeah, we go out to get back at Jimmy and Libby for dissing us so badly," Sheen said as he maneuvered his hands around to emphasize his speech.

"Sheen," Cindy said as she looked straight on into Sheen's eyes for the first time. "There's just one problem with that idea."

"What's that?"

"I hate you," Cindy said as she leaned against the wall next to the door.

"That's just what they're expecting! We have to head them off at the pass!" Sheen exclaimed as he held one bony finger into the air as if poking a cloud.

"Sheen. It wouldn't work. And we have to get to class. God only knows how long I've been in here," Cindy turned from her wall and placed her hand on the door to open it.

"Wait." Cindy halted. Sheen ran to one of the faucets and turned it on. He swiped his Ultra Lord action figure underneath a few times and pulled a paper towel from the dispenser hanging on the wall.

"What are you doing?" Cindy asked with a slightly annoyed tone.

"I told Miss Fowl that I needed to go and wash Ultra Lord of Butch's fowl comments. I have to remember the friend that I have just met," Sheen said as he turned the faucet off and began to dry off the action figure with the towel.

"Hm, good call," Cindy said as she pushed the door open with Sheen in tow. "Now all we have to do is elaborate an excuse as to why I wasn't in class."

"You could have been called into Principal Willoughby's office on your way to the restroom," Sheen said noting the principal's door as they passed by it.

"Yeah, but why would he have called me into his office?" Cindy asked a little too impatiently.

"Dang! Retract your claws! I'm only trying to help," Sheen said.

"I'll just say that the toilets were clogged so I had to find a janitor or something," Cindy said brushing Sheen off. "We're almost to class now. We'd better get ready."

"Cla-a-ass due to the recent behavior some of your ruder classmates," Miss Fowl skunk eyed Oleander, "I will now be assigning you to a worksheet. You may work in groups of two or alone. For those of you who did act well, you only have to do the front side. For others of you," Miss Fowl's voice hardened as she eyed Oleander once more, "I require that you complete both the front and the back. The worksheet is on long division."

The class groaned while the indicated ruder students groaned even louder. Long division in Miss Fowl's class was never easy. It always involved some hateful numbers that even boy geniuses, like Jimmy, despised.

"Libby," Jimmy said as he picked up the paper Miss Fowl had given him, "do you want to be my partner?"

Libby smiled. "Sure, why not? Cindy isn't here to be my partner and Sheen is gone too; he couldn't be your partner."

"Yeah," Jimmy moved a seat over to Cindy's and sat so he and Libby could collaborate easier.

Carl came up on his right with his blank paper in hand. "Hey, Jim. D'you wanna be my partner?" he asked timidly. A sharp pain shot through Jimmy's heart as he had forgotten about Carl, but, at the same time, he couldn't skip out on Libby.

"Sorry, Carl, but I can't. I'm already with Libby," Jimmy winced in emotional pain.

Carl's eyes traveled down to the floor with sadness. "That's ok, Jim. I'll just work with someone else." The bringer of fifth-wheeledness strikes again.

Bolbi walked up next to Carl. "Slap, slap, slap. Clap, clap, clap!"

Sheen skipped a few steps ahead of Cindy as they approached Miss Fowl's door. He pushed it open with one arm and held the other behind his back in a most gentlemanly way. "May I?"

Cindy walked through with a smile; no one had ever opened a door for her before. "Why, thank you, Sheen." Cindy's voice was so sweet that it almost dripped with sarcasm.

Cindy turned her head away from Sheen and into the class so she could see where she was destined. There, sitting in her seat, was Jimmy Neutron leaning all over her best friend.

Why must God hate me?

"See, Libby, division is simply figuring out how many times one number can go into another. That's why multiplication is used to determine the correct answer," Jimmy said. Libby nodded with a small, confused expression on her face.

Jimmy inhaled to speak once more. What he was to say, however, may never be know because Sheen, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!"

Jimmy jumped a little as he turned his gaze away from Libby and settled it on his best friend and crush in the door way.

"In my seat?" Cindy finished as she stepped forward and slipped her hand into Sheen's. He turned his gaze to her, astonished.

"What are you two doing holding hands?" Jimmy asked.

"We asked first!" Sheen demanded.

"Libby and I are working on a project."

"Sheen and I are going out."

The rest of the class stopped what they were doing and turned to the spectacle at the front of the classroom, not believing what they had just heard. Silence sprung faster than a champion diver at the Olympics.

"Cindy, may I ask you wha-a-at you were doing for so long out of class?" Miss Fowl said, cutting through the silence like a knife.

"Sorry, but Principal Willoughby called me into his office unexpectedly. Apparently I won some award for an art contest," Cindy finished giving Sheen's hand a small squeeze.

Miss Fowl picked up two of the division worksheets and handed one to each Sheen and Cindy. "Here you go. Seeing as you're the last two-o-o people without partners, you'll work as a group, brawk! Not that you would mind," Miss Fowl added under her breath.

"Thank you," Cindy said and then she and Sheen turned and sat down; Cindy in Jimmy's seat and Sheen in his own seat directly behind Cindy.

The din began to slowly return back to the class as Cindy turned around Jimmy's desk. "Man, did you see their faces?!" Sheen inquired with a large grin on his face.

Cindy released a small smile as she wrote her name at the top of the paper. "I wonder what the consequences of what we've just done will be."

Carl's mind itched in irritation. Why do I have to be stuck with Bolbi?! (Clap, clap, clap) Not that he's not a cool guy, but he doesn't explain everything to me in small words the way Jimmy does. And he doesn't make me feel smart like Sheen does. Ok, I'm sick of this (Slap, slap, slap) I'm gonna end this "Anti-Carl" streak once and for all. But how?

"Can you believe that?" Jimmy asked with obvious jealousy in his voice.

"Totally. I mean, we aren't even going out and they're trying to make up jealous! How pathetic is that?" Libby asked with the same covetous streak rampant in her voice as well.

"Way pathetic! It's almost like they're begging for us to go out!" Jimmy said with flare.

"Wait a minute."

"What?" Jimmy asked.

"First of all, I thought you didn't like-like Cindy anymore? And second, maybe we should," Libby said.

"Ok, I don't. And we should what?" Jimmy asked before he laid his pencil down in his desk.

"We should go out."

A/N: Ok, I'm finished now. Don't forget about the most reviews contest!

Much love,
