Chapter 3 baby! The beginnings of TEAM 7!... or maybe not? Read to find out ;)


"You're the infamous Yura, a worker for Akatsuki, the pokémon thieves."

Sakura gasped. 'Oh I should have known! Iruka-sensei told us to watch out for trainers like this!'

Yuki smirked. "I'm honored you've heard of me. I'm also honored to be in the presence of the you, Uchiha." He said with venom as he noticed the Uchiha fan on Sasuke. Sasuke's gaze only hardened.

"SAKURA-CHAN! SAKURA-CHAN!" a loud voice said through the forest. All 4 heads, including the Charmander turned to the voice.

"Naruto?" Sakura said. Naruto came running through the forest, with his Pikachu at his side. He stopped once he got into the opening and gazed out. His face dropped.



A Heart so True

Chapter Three

The beginnings of a team


"S-Sasuke-teme?!" Naruto said rather surprised to see his long time rival. Sasuke looked impassive ad usual. There was a long silence for sometime, until Yura cut in.

"Hmph. Who the hell are you?" he asked Naruto rather harshly. Naruto glared at first, but then stomped the ground and then pointed a finger at him.

"Just who the hell do you think you are?! I am Uzumaki Naruto, the worlds 'Soon-to-be' best pokémon master!" Naruto declared. His Pikachu however just glared at Yura.

Yura just stared at Naruto with disgust. His gaze moved to the Pikachu. He raised an eyebrow.

"Hm, Pikachu?" he said. The Pikachu gritted his teeth. Naruto noticed this.

"You okay Pikachu?" Naruto asked. Yura chuckled.

"Don't tell me this is your new trainer?" Yura mocked. Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"New trainer? What the hell are you talking about?" Naruto asked dumbly. Yura smirked.

"I caught that pikachu awhile back, but released him, as he under preformed. He was of no service to me." He said. This made Naruto boil with anger, but it also sparked something in Sakura.

"What kind of Pokémon trainer are you!? Capturing pokémon, and treating them like trash if they don't meet your standers? Just who do you think you are?" she said angry. Yuki smirked at her.

"Oh, I wouldn't be talking little missy. I'm not done with you yet. I will get your Squirtle. You just wait!" he retorted back. Sakura glared. Before she could dismiss his words, Sasuke spoke up.

"That's enough. Now tell me, where is he?" Sasuke spoke harshly. The raider glared and turned around.

"That's none of your concern. He could care less about you at the moment. However, I beg to differ. Watch your back Uchiha. You never know which one of us you'll run into" And with that, he disappeared into the forest. Sakura let out a sigh of relief, while Sasuke growled angrily. Sasuke pulled out his pokéball out of frustration.

"Return." He said to his Charmander. His Charmander got sucked into his ball. Before Sasuke could move, or say anything, Naruto was right in front of him.

"JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING HERE WITH SAKURA-CHAN!?" Naruto screamed at Sasuke. Sakura came out from behind Sasuke and smacked Naruto over the head.

"Baka! Just what are you assuming?! Sasuke-kun just saved my Squirtle." She said rather dreamily at Sasuke. Sasuke scoffed and turned his head to the side. Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"Who was that guy anyway?"

"Yura, a pokémon thief." Sasuke said. Both Sakura and Naruto stared at Sasuke waiting for more information.

"He's part of a gang who steal pokémon for their master. Their known as Akatsuki. He however is one of their weaker members." Sasuke said. Sakura looked down.

'And I thought he was pretty tough. Does that make me weak? Is Sasuke implying I'm weak?'

Naruto squinted and folded his arms. "So where did you come from?" he said to Sasuke.

"Hn. Its none of your business." He said turning around ready to leave. Naruto fumed.

"Hey who do you think you are just walking away like that! Do you think we're weak or something!? Because I'm pretty sure I could defeat you!" Naruto declared. Sasuke stopped in his tracks and turned around with a smirk on his face.

"Do you want to test that theory?" Naruto grinned and nodded. He pointed out at the battle field.

"Alright, go Pikachu!" Naruto yelled out. His Yellow pokémon happily jumped into the battle field. Sasuke pulled out his pokéball and threw it out. Out popped none other then his Charmander. Naruto blinked.

"A Charmander?" he said. He pulled out his pokédex.

"Charmander, the fire lizard pokémon. This pokémon has more attack power then its other rivaling starter pokémon, Bulbasaur and Squirtle and once it has lots of experience, it becomes almost impossible to beat – even against water pokémon. It has a flame on the tip of its tail and is hard to train even for skilled trainers. If the flame goes out completely, Charmander might never be able to battle again."

Naruto shivered at what his pokédex has just said. This pokémon could get dangerous. Naruto shrugged.

"No matter, we can take him!" he said happily. Sakura watched from the sidelines with an annoyed look on her face.

'Just what I need! I wanted to be on Sasuke's team, but that doesn't look like its going to happen with Baka Naruto ruining everything!'

"Go Pikachu! Tackle his Charmander!" Naruto called out. Pikachu ran at a fast speed, aiming right for Charmander.

"Growl." Sasuke said passively. Charmander growled a ferocious roar, and Pikachu automatically stopped in his tracks. Sasuke jumped on the opportunity.

"Scratch him!" Charmander ran at Pikachu with his claws unleashed. He landed a full blow of scratch attacks at the yellow pokémon. The Pikachu automatically cried out in pain.

"Awh, Pikachu!" Naruto exclaimed. Pikachu laid a few feet away from Charmander. It struggled to get up, but eventually got to its feet. Naruto praised his pokémon.

"Alright Pikachu, use thundershock!" Pikachu powered up, and electricity ran through his body, aimed at Charmander.

"Dodge it!" Sasuke commanded. His Charmander hopped out of the way of the current. Pikachu continued aiming electric shocks at Charmander, but Sasuke's Charmander continued dodging.

"Alright, end it with flamethrower." Sasuke said passively again. Charmander aimed a powerful fire blast at the Pikachu. Pikachu shivered and ran into Naruto's arms. Naruto was a little surprised by his Pokémon's retrieval. Sasuke scoffed.

"Don't gloat so boastfully if you can't back it up." He said pulling out his pokéball. He called back his Charmander. Naruto glared at first, but as Sasuke said what he did, Naruto's face softened.

"Just you watch Sasuke." Naruto said in a low voice. "You may have beaten me this time, but I wont lose again!" Naruto gloated again. Sasuke rolled his eyes and started walking away. Naruto glared.

"Don't you walk away from–"

"Sasuke-kun wait!" Sakura called out running after him. Sasuke stopped, but didn't bother turning around.

"Uhm, well it's kind of obvious you don't have a team, so maybe you should join up with us and become a team!" Sakura said excited. Naruto eyes were bulging out. What was Sakura thinking?!

Sasuke scoffed and replied coldly, "Please, why would I want to join up with you two?" Sakura was a little taken back.

"B-But you need a team to compete and the three of us together could make a really strong team!"

Sasuke started walking off, "Your annoying."

And with that, he disappeared into the forest. Sakura looked as if she got slapped in the face. He had said it so dryly, and Sakura never expected that kind of response.

Naruto glared at Sasuke's back as he left. "Be that way teme! Just don't come crawling back to us!" Naruto said. He came up beside Sakura and patted her on the back.

"Don't worry! We don't need him!" Naruto reassured her. Sakura shrugged Naruto's hand off of her.

"Yeah, whatever."

"Hmm, and I was also thinking you three would make the perfect team." A voice said. Naruto and Sakura blinked at each other, but then looked around.

"Who's there!?" Naruto demanded. A rustling noise came from a bush in front of Sakura. Naruto immediately went in front of Sakura as if he was protecting her.

"Show yourself!"

"Ah, no need to get all serious." The voice said. Just then, a leg appeared from out of the bush, then the chest, then the arms, and then finally the head. This man looked somewhere in his mid 20's and had gray hair which stuck up, a mask covering his right eye, and a copy of Icha Icha Paradise in hand.

"Who are you!?" Naruto asked geared. The man put his hand behind his head and smiled. Sakura hit Naruto over the head.

"You baka! Don't you realize he's Hakate Kakashi, one of the pokémon champions!?" Sakura inquired. Naruto stared at Kakashi for a second, but then blanked out.

"Who!?" … Sakura sweat dropped. "He's Pokémon champion!" Sakura proclaimed again. Naruto stared at Kakashi.

"OHH YOUR THAT GUY!?" Naruto exclaimed. Sakura slapped herself in the face. Her teammate was a total ditz.

The skies started to cloud over once again.

"Wait, if you are Kakashi, then why are you here? Aren't all the pokémon masters suppose to be at the league to battle any trainers wishing to battle them?" Sakura asked. Kakashi looked up at the skies.

"It's about to rain again. You kids better follow me to my cabin and stay for a bit." He said as he started walking through bushes. Naruto began to follow after, but Sakura pulled him back by the collar. Naruto turned around and met Sakura's eyes.

"What's the matter Sakura-chan!?"

"How do we know we can trust him?"

"Sakura-chan, he's a pokémon master! He's just being friendly, and trying to help us!"

Sakura eyed Kakashi's back. "But how can you be so sure?"

Naruto grinned. "Awh come on Sakura-chan! I'll protect you through anything!" he said running after Kakashi. Sakura scoffed at Naruto. She then ran after the two, passing Naruto so she was directly behind Kakashi.

"I can take care of myself!"

"So this is where you live!?" Naruto said as he ran inside the cabin. It was a little bigger then most cabins, but it was cozy. There was a kitchen, 2 bedrooms, a family room with the fire going, a bookshelf and a TV.

Kakashi nodded and went to put his book on his bookshelf. Sakura went and sat down at the kitchen table while Naruto made his way to the fridge. He looked inside and saw only 3 things.

Milk, bread and water.

"Geez, no ramen!?" He said grunting. Pikachu agreed by nodding his head. Sakura growled.

"You baka! That's rude!" she yelled at him. Kakashi had a small smile seen though his mask.

"I'm not home much." He commented. Sakura looked at the older man.

"So you didn't answer my question. Why aren't you at the league?" she asked. Kakashi went to the fire pit and threw some logs on. It had started raining outside heavily.

"No one has beaten any of us masters in a long time. The last generation of pokémon trainers we're pathetic to say the least." He said poking the fire. He put a gate over the fire, and went over to the kitchen sink to wash his hands.

"Therefore, many of us have left the league to seek out new trainers – to teach them the skills to become a true pokémon master."

Kakashi turned the tap off and picked up a towel. Naruto sat down on the left side of Sakura at the table.

"So was that why you were spying-"

Sakura growled with a murderous look. "Naruto…" Naruto shivered.

"I mean admiring our skills from afar." Naruto said giving an uneasy smile with a thumbs up.

Kakashi cocked an eyebrow. "Admiring?"

Naruto nodded. "Yeah, me and Pikachu did amazing!" Naruto said happily. Pikachu did the peace sign.

Kakashi chuckled, to which Naruto gave a confused look.

"You hardly meet the requirements to battle the first gym leader. Your battle will end miserably, with your pokémon getting seriously injured in the process." Kakashi spoke wisely. Naruto was speechless. Was he for real?

Sakura looked up Kakashi. "Ah, but Kakashi, he just caught that pikachu. He–"

"No Sakura-chan, its alright. I don't need excuses." Naruto said. Sakura turned to him. Naruto stomped his foot on the ground and gave a thumbs up.

"I just need to start training and catching more pokémon, and in no time will we be getting gym badges!" he said with a ridiculous grin on his face. He then turned to Kakashi.

"What's the closest town from here?"

Kakashi stood there for a second thinking. "Sound. They have a gym there."

Naruto grinned. "YOSH! So I just need to get to town, buy some more pokéballs, and then start training!" he said happily. Pikachu mimicked Naruto's actions, giving thumbs up.

Sakura sighed at her teammate, while Kakashi smiled. "I'll take you two into town once the rain stops."

"Stupid rain." Sasuke muttered to himself as he sat inside the Sound pokémon centre. It had been raining for sometime, and he did not want to go to the gym in the rain.

Overtime, the rain slowly dissipated, and the sun emerged from the clouds. Sasuke smirked and got up from the couch in the pokémon centre, and started making his way to the gym.

Along the way, he thought about what had happened earlier that day. Running into Sakura and Naruto was unexpected to him.

"Just you watch Sasuke." Naruto said in a low voice. "You may have beaten me this time, but I wont lose again!"

Sasuke chuckled to himself. "Dobe." He muttered.

"Uhm, well it's kind of obvious you don't have a team, so maybe you should join up with us and become a team!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes. Why would he ever want to join up with those two? All they would do is slow him down. They proved no real talent towards the Uchiha, so why would he EVER want to join up with them? He had one mission: find his brother.

But its not like joining up with those two would be fun, and they could be a really good team together, right?

Sasuke scoffed. He wasn't really considering joining up with then, was he?

Sasuke stopped walking. He finally made it to the Gym. He was about to go down the path leading up to the gym, but a man in black came up to him.

"Who are you?" he asked. Sasuke cocked an eyebrow.

"What's it to you?"

"I am the gym official. I must know certain details." He said. On his shirt, it had the pokémon league symbol, so Sasuke did not doubt his words.

"Uchiha Sasuke." The official nodded. "And where is your team Uchiha Sasuke?"

"I don't need a team."

"Yes you do. The rules say you must be in a group of three to battle gym leaders, and battle in the league championships.

"Why do I need a team?! All they would do is slow me down."

The official sighed, "Did you not learn anything in school?"

Sasuke glared. The official continued, "A team is needed. Team work is essential in any skill in life, even if its between you and your pokémon, or between you and another trainer. Its important in any occupation in life, because you have people you can depend on to come through for you. Now go find yourself a team." The league official said. He then turned around and went inside, closing the door behind him.

Sasuke stood there, angry as ever.


"Teme got REJECTED!" Naruto's loud obnoxious voice said from behind Sasuke. Sasuke cursed.

"What the hell do you want?" Sasuke said whipping around. Naruto, Sakura and a man with grey hair were there.

Naruto put a sly smile on his face. "Oh nothing. We were just in town, and happened to pass by the gym…"

"Tch. Whatever." Sasuke said. He then looked up at the grey haired man.

"Who are you?"

Kakashi stared at Sasuke blankly.

"Its only polite to state your name first." Kakashi said reading his book. Sasuke growled and turned around.

"Whatever, I don't have time for this." Sasuke said as he began to leave. Just then, some man with a black cape on bumped into Sakura, causing her to bump into Sasuke. Sasuke managed to stay standing, as Sakura landed in his chest. She looked up at him blushing.

"U-uh I'm sorry!" she said out of embarrassment. Sasuke shrugged Sakura off and started leaving. Sakura looked down rejected.

Naruto crossed his arms with an angry look on his face. "That jerk!" he said in a low voice. Kakashi sighed.

"WHAA!?" Sakura screeched as she felt her waist. She started looking franticly around herself. Naruto and Kakashi raised their eyebrows.

"What's the matter Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked. Sakura had a frightening look on her face.

"My Squirtle! H-He's gone!" she screeched allowed. Naruto's eyes bulged out.


"Ah! I can't find him! The pokéball was attached to my belt, and I had him when we came into this town." She said thinking of what could have happened. Kakashi whipped around behind him and watched the man with the black cape walk off in the distance.

"He stole him." Kakashi said. Sakura and Naruto looked at the direction Kakashi stared down.

"How do you know?" Naruto asked dumbly.

Kakashi started running after him. "He's Yura."

Naruto and Sakura gasped, "WHAT!?"

The duo started running after Kakashi who was now running after Yura. However, a certain Uchiha heard everything. Sasuke clenched his fist.


He wasn't letting this chance of finding his brother get away from him.

"OIE! GET BACK HERE!" Naruto yelled as he, Sakura and Kakashi ran after Yura. Yura had ran into the forest to try to get away from the group, however, they were hot on his trail. Yura cursed as they followed him. He had stolen Sakura's Squirtle as he indented to do from the beginning.

The trio was catching up on Yura fast. Yura needed to think of something fast.

However he wasn't fast enough.

Yura looked ahead, but came to a sudden halt. Naruto, Kakashi and Sakura all stopped as well. Naruto's eyes widened.


In front of Yura was non other then Sasuke. He looked angry.

"What the hell do you want?" Yura asked annoyed. Sasuke glared.

"Give her the pokéball back, and tell me where the hell HE is." Sasuke said threatening. Yura laughed.

"Why do you care so much for him? He could care less for you."

Sasuke clenched his fist, "Tell me where the hell he is now…"

Yura chuckled, "Your wasting my time." And with that, Yura turned to his left where there was a new path. He ran down it.

"HEY COME BACK HERE!" Naruto yelled running after him. Sakura, Sasuke and Kakashi followed.

Sakura put a worried look on her face, Squirtle!

After some running, the group came up on a branch path–one going north, and another going south.

"Split up. Sakura and I will go south. You two go north." Kakashi ordered. Everyone nodded and went their respective ways.

With Sakura and Kakashi...

Sakura and Kakashi continued running down there path, seeing no traces of Yura anywhere. Worry was written all over Sakura's face.

"Eh, Kakashi?"


"What are the odds of me getting Squirtle back?" Sakura asked. Kakashi gave her a smile.

"Don't worry, we will get him back." He reassured her. Sakura stopped running and stood there. Kakashi stopped a few feet ahead of her and turned to face her.

"You promise?" Sakura asked. Kakashi looked at her straight in the eye.

"I can't promise anything. Squirtle's fate is not in my hands."

Naruto with Pikachu on his shoulder and Sasuke continued running down their path at a blinding speed. Naruto wanting to get Sakura's Squirtle back, while Sasuke wanting more info about 'him.'

"Oie Sasuke! Who's the guy you were talking about?" Naruto asked. Sasuke sped up.

"None of your business." He said dryly. Naruto growled and stopped running.

"What's your problem? I'm just–"

"Shut up Naruto!" Sasuke said grabbing the blonde and pulling him down, putting his hand over his mouth.

"EEY! WUTS TE BIG IDEA?" Naruto tried screaming through Sasuke's hand. Sasuke growled.

"Shut up! I can see him." Sasuke said in a low voice. Naruto cocked and eyebrow. Sasuke went down on his belly and looked through a bush. Naruto followed suit.

Through the bush, the two boys could see Yura talking to some old man. They both watched inventively.

"What do you have for me today Yura?" the old man said. Yura pulled out Sakura's pokéball.

"A Squirtle with a lot of potential. I can already predict it will be powerful in its evolved states. I also came across a trainer with a powerful Charmander." Yura spoke. Sasuke glared. No way was this creep getting his Charmander. Naruto kept glaring at the man.

The old man smirked. "Well, then I expect more pokémon in three days Yura." The man spoke. The deal was done, and the two were about to depart ways. Naruto's eyes widened. They were about to take Sakura-chan's pokéball away. He needed to come up with an idea fast! Naruto looked over at his Pikachu, and started whispering something in its ear. Sasuke raised an eyebrow.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Naruto grinned and said nothing. Naruto then stood up out of the bush and pointed at the old man and Yura.

"GIVE BACK THAT POKEBALL!" Naruto exclaimed. Sasuke sighed. "Baka."

Yura chuckled. "And your going to stop me?" he said tilting his head. Naruto smirked.

"Precisely, and with the help of a friend." He said. At that exact moment, Pikachu jumped out of a tree, and grabbed the pokéball. Yura and the old man were in shock. Pikachu then started running off, followed by Naruto.

"HEY COME BACK HERE!" Yura yelled after Naruto. The old man followed at a slow pace. Sasuke sighed and got up following behind.

Pikachu threw the ball up to Naruto, who laughed as he ran with the pokéball in his hands.


Naruto tripped over a rock and landed on his face. The pokéball went flying in the air. Yura pulled out one of his Pokéballs and threw it up.

"Grab that Pokéball Fearow!" he said as the pokémon materialized out of the pokéball. Naruto pulled out his pokédex as he slowly recovered from the fall.

"Fearow, the Evolved form of Spearow. In its new state, its has huge, regal wings. It can stay in the air for a long time, without needing rest."

Fearow flew in the air, and caught the pokéball in its mouth. Yura smirked and continued running down the path, waiting for his Fearow to descend.

Fearow landed down on the path some ways up, and Yura eventually caught up with his pokémon. Yura put his hand out to grab the ball from Fearow.

"CHHARRR!" a pokémon cried out. Out of no where, came a flamethrower attack. Fearow was burnt, and dropped the ball on the ground. Charmander rolled under Yura and Spearow, and grabbed the pokéball and then ran. Yura cursed and chased after Charmander. Charmander ran frantically, trying to find his trainer.

"Charmander!" Sasuke called out from in a tree. Charmander threw the ball up to Sasuke, and Sasuke pulled out Charmander's pokéball, calling him back, while catching Sakura's pokéball. Sasuke did not move afterwards, as Yura did not see Sasuke recall Charmander.

Yura stopped right under the tree and looked around. Sasuke didn't dare move an inch. Yura continued looking around, and found nothing. He growled and continued running down the path. Sasuke sighed and jumped out of the tree.

"Where do you think your going lad?" a voice said from behind Sasuke. Before Sasuke could turn around, a small form jumped on his back.

"GIVE ME THAT POKEBALL!" the voice said trying to reach the ball in Sasuke's hands. Sasuke had a quick glance at the thing on his back, and realized it was that old man from earlier. Sasuke shook, trying to prey the old man off of him.

It worked successfully, with the old man making a 'clunk' noise as he met the ground. Sasuke then ran, somewhere safe.

Sasuke continued running, until he came to a cliff, with a river 20 feet below.

"Ah, there you are you little runt!"

Sasuke turned to his left, and saw Yura running right at him. Sasuke then ran on the right side of the river bank, trying to get away from Yura.

"OIE! SASUKE!" Naruto's voice called out from across the river. "THROW IT OVER HERE!" Naruto yelled. Sasuke grunted-there was nothing else he could do. Sasuke chucked the ball over the river to Naruto, who was in a ready position to catch it.

Yura cursed as the ball started flying over the river. He grabbed a small rock and threw it over the river.


Naruto has just been hit in the forehead with a rock. He stood their paralyzed in pain.


The pokéball had landed on Naruto's face. It slid off Naruto's face, leaving a red spot. Naruto sunk to the ground in agony.

The pokéball hit the ground, and slowly rolled over to the river bank. With Naruto down and out, Pikachu made an attempt to grab it.

Sadly. Pikachu did not make it to the ball in time, as it plunged down into the water.

"FEAROW!" Yura's Fearow swept down and grabbed the ball once again, flying over to its trainer. Fearow dropped the ball down to Yura.


Sasuke jumped up and grabbed the ball before Yura had. Sasuke then tried to run away, but Yura grabbed him by the sweater hood.

"Give me that ball Uchiha."

Yura managed to grab the ball from Sasuke hands, but Sasuke didn't let go, so it became a game of tug-a-war.

Yura thought of something and smirked. "Hey Uchiha, why don't we settle this the old way?"

Sasuke cocked an eyebrow, waiting for Yura to finish. However, the old man popped out of the bushes to finish his sentence.

"A two on two battle. You and the blonde boy, against us. Winner takes the ball."

"HELL YEAH! If it's a battle you want, it's a battle you'll get!" Naruto said boastfully as he appeared from behind Sasuke, recovered from the multiple hits to the face.

"If we win, you tell me where he is." Sasuke demanded. Yura nodded.

"Alright, lets place the ball on the ground, and each take 10 steps back."

Sasuke grunted, but nodded. They both slowly put the ball down and let go. Then they both slowly took 10 steps back, until Sasuke was next to Naruto, and Yura was next to the old man.

Alright, first team to have both of their pokémon faint, loses." Yura said as he shuffled through his bag. He pulled out a pokéball.

"Pinsir, go." Yura said. Out popped his infamous Pinsir. The old man also pulled out a pokéball.

"Mankey." He said.

Naruto blinked. "Mankey?" He pulled out his pokédex, but the author is to lazy to right stuff about Mankey, so let us continue!

Naruto grinned. "Alright Pikachu, lets do this!" he said pointing out. Pikachu jumped out onto the battle field. Sasuke grabbed his pokéball out and threw it, releasing Charmander.

"YOSH! Alright Pikachu, thundershock!"

"Naruto wait!" Sasuke called out. But it was to late. Pikachu used his thunder attack.

"Dodge and attack." Both the old man and Yura said. Both Mankey and Pinsir evaded the thunder shock, and Mankey hit Pikachu with a scratch attack, while Pinsir hit Pikachu with a head butt. Pikachu went flying back onto the ground, injured.

"Damnit." Naruto said in a low voice. Sasuke scoffed.

"You idiot, we need a strategy!"

"Does it look like we have time to make one!?"

"Dobe, Mankey is a fighting type, and Pinsir isn't to far from it. Fighting types cant fight when their confused." Sasuke said. Naruto looked at Sasuke.

"You mean–"

Sasuke smirked. From Sasuke's smirk, Naruto could already understand what he meant. Naruto grinned.

"Alright Sasuke, I trust you on this. We'll work as a team." Naruto said. Sasuke nodded.

"Use smokescreen." Charmander let out a blast of smoke, creating a smoky battle field.

Pikachu had gotten up from his injured state, and ran into the battle field.

"Pikachu, run around Pinsir and Mankey and then use double team!"

In the smoke screen, Pikachu ran around Mankey, who in turn saw him and tried to punch him.

He hit Pinsir. Yura fumed. "Oie, doesn't your Mankey know anything?!"

Pikachu then circled around Pinsir, who hit Mankey trying to hit Pikachu. The old man growled.

"Yeah, and your Pinsir knows EXACTLY what he's doing!"

Yura and the old man continued arguing, and the smokescreen started dissipating. Pikachu and Charmander were side by side. Naruto looked at Sasuke, as Sasuke looked at Naruto. They both nodded.

"Use Thundershock!"


Both pokémon's combined attacks together created an electric shock encircling the flame. The attack had a direct hit on Mankey and Pinsir, who were instantly knocked out. Yura and the old man stopped arguing, and were in utter shock. Naruto leaped in joy.



"Naruto! Sasuke-kun!" Sakura's voice echoed from the distance. Naruto and Sasuke turned around, and saw Sakura and Kakashi running towards the two.

"Sakura-chan! We got Squirtle back!" Naruto said happily. Sakura gasped with sheer happiness. Before she could say anything, Yura chuckled.

"Do you think we play fair?"

At that moment, Yura's Fearow, who had been hovering in the air had come down and pecked Pikachu and Charmander, knocking them back. It then grabbed the pokéball that was still in the middle of the battle field. Yura then grabbed onto its left leg, while the old man on its right leg. Naruto and Sakura stared in shock, while Kakashi and Sasuke just watched. Yura flew off in the distance.

Sakura started shaking. She then fell to her knees and put her head in her hands and slowly, teardrops started falling from her eyes. Kakashi patted her on the back.

"N-No… M-my Pokémon!"

Naruto growled, and then full out screamed. "DAMNIT!" he said angrily. "I can't believe they got away with Squirtle!" Naruto said punching the ground.

"Hn." Sasuke muttered. Naruto turned to him. "Is that all you have to say?! They just stole her Squirtle!" he yelled at Sasuke. Sasuke rolled his eyes, but then smirked.

"Did you ever check if Squirtle was actually in the ball?"

Everyone stopped. Sakura stopped crying and looked up at Sasuke, while Naruto stared wide eyed. Sasuke went onto his belt and pulled out a pokéball, and then threw it at Sakura. She caught it and stared at the ball. After a moment, she pressed the center button

Squirtle materialized out of it.

"S-Squirtle!" she said happily hugging her blue turtle. Naruto gapped.

"B-But HOW?!"

"When I had the ball, I switched it with an empty one." Sasuke said passively. Sakura smiled at Sasuke.

"Thank you Sasuke-kun!" she said blushing. Naruto gave him a thumbs up.


All three trainers looked up at Kakashi, who was smiling.

"You three are something else. In situations like this, you put your dislike for each other behind you, and worked as a team to retrieve Squirtle." Kakashi said. Sasuke and Naruto looked at each other, but then both turned away in disgust.

"Yeah, and your point is?" Naruto said. Kakashi clasped his hands together.

"You all should be on a team together. You three can accomplish great things. You have potential I haven't seen in years. You could all use a lot of work, but I can see something special in each one of you." Kakashi added. Sakura smiled.

"I'm for it."

Naruto grinned, "As much as I don't like Sasuke-teme, I like winning! So how about it Sasuke?"

Sasuke scoffed, "Do you really think I want to join up with you?"

Naruto put his arm around Sasuke and grinned, as Sasuke glared.

"Of course you do! Because you know with the three of us working together, we're awesome!"

Sasuke sighed and shrugged Naruto off of him, "Yeah, just don't get in my way."

Sakura and Naruto gasped. Sasuke had implied he was joining the team!

Kakashi had a small smile visible through his mask. "Alright, from now on, you will be known as Team Seven, because you are the 7th team to leave Konoha and become a team. I, Hatake Kakashi will be your sensei and teach you all there is to know about Pokémon."

Naruto punched the air. "YOSH! Let the journey begin!"

Sakura scratched her chin, "Hm, I wonder what Yura is gunna say when he finds out there's no pokémon in that ball."

"Next time Yura, DON'T get caught stealing a pokémon. That was too much work." The old man said, as he and Yura had landed on ground. Yura grunted and handed the ball to the old man.

"Whatever. We have the pokémon now." Yura said. The old man grabbed the ball and opened it.

The ball was empty. Yura and the old man gasped.

"Yura, where is it? Where's the Squirtle?!"

Yura had a panicked look on his face, but then realization hit him. "One of the two boys must have switched the ball when they had it." He stated. The old man fumed.

"Your services are of no use to me no more. Get out of my sight." The old man said murderously. Yura stared in shock, but then walked away.

'You three kids are going down next time.'


"CLOSED!?" Naruto screeched. Sakura read the sign.

"Sound's gym will be closed due to severe damage. The gym will be closed until further notice. All Trainers are asked to go to the next town, the town of Rock and compete there for the next gym badge.


The Sound gym staff."

"WHY NOW!?" Naruto pouted. Sasuke grunted. "Stop whining. We'll just have to go to the next city."

Kakashi nodded. "We'll go back to my place for the night, and leave in the morning. Your training stars tomorrow."

And so, Team 7 finally assembles, consisting of Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke, with the teaching aid of Hatake Kakashi. Kakashi believes there is much promise in these 3 trainers, but only time will tell.

NEXT TIME: Let the training Begin!

K, not my best work, since I wrote this two months ago, but decided not to post it until I did the next chapter of this. Well, its done, so voila!

I'm not particularly impressed with this chapter, but meh. Sorry if Sasuke's a tad OOC. Stuff happens.
