K, I've been taking a lot of consideration into making this story, and here it is. This will start out as the first 150 pokémon, but if I keep working on it, it could very well turn into the next generation of pokémon.

This is a NarutoxPokemon crossover. It's the Naruto plot, in the pokémon world. I will tweak the plot at times.

The towns go as followed:

Pallet Town – Konoha
Viridian City – The hidden village of Sound
Pewter City – The hidden village of Rock
Cerulean City – The hidden village of Mist
Vermillion City – The hidden village of Cloud
Celadon City – Land of Grass
Saffron City - The hidden village of Sand (Suna)
Fuchsia City – The Land of Bears
Cinnabar Island – Land of Tea (Even though Konoha's Fire country, its Pallet town :P)

As for the Gym leaders, you'll have to read on and find out.

Summary: [NarutoxPokemon Crossover Naruto couldn't contain himself anymore. 'YOU WATCH OUT TEME! I'm going to become the worlds best pokémon trainer, and during my run as the best, I'll defeat you without breaking a sweat! Believe it!' Team 7 and Later pairings.

I wanna be the very best
Like noone ever was
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause
I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide
Each Pokémon to understand
The power that's inside

Are you ready, for the ultimate Pokémon experience, in the Naruto world?

The Tale of a team, searching for their own identity. This is the start of something new.

Let the story begin…

July 5th





"Oh, and Electabuzz takes a fatal blow! His trainer doesn't look that bit worried though!" the commentator on the TV said, describing the match on the TV. An excited blonde boy watched with anticipation.

"Come on! You can do it!" the blonde boy yelled at the TV. As he said that, the Electabuzz got up, and threw a thunderpunch, at the rivaling Kangaskhan. The Kangaskhan was knocked out cold.

"Kangaskhan is unable to battle. Electabuzz is the winner!" the referee announced. The crowd erupted with cheers.

"YEAAHHH!" the loud mouth blonde yelled aloud. He spun around happily and landed on his bed. He was grinning widely.

"Someday, that will be me, Uzumaki Naruto! Best Pokémon trainer ever!" he declared, tying his forehead protector around his head, signifying he graduated from the Academy, and he was ready to become a pokémon trainer. He had an orange jacket, with the sleeves blue and rolled up. He had orange gloves with finger holes and a black shirt underneath his jacket. He had orange pants, which he rolled up to his ankle and blue and white sneakers. (Pic under profile… somewhat. Ignore the hat xP)

Uzumaki Naruto was the renowned loud mouth blonde of Konoha. His antics had gotten him into trouble in the past, but now, he had just graduated from the Konoha Pokémon Academy. His Academy days were filled with hardships, but he managed to get through those days and live on. Originally, he wasn't the slightest bit interested in becoming a pokémon trainer – that however, was a thing of the past. The local Pokémon professor, and a teacher at the Academy, Iruka, had taken Naruto out for a bowl of ramen one night, and inspired the child. Now, the Uzumaki's life long dream was to be the greatest pokémon master in the world.

"OIE! BE QUIET BOY!" a banging came from the wall. This was Naruto's annoying apartment neighbor. Naruto lived on his own, as he grew up with no parents. He owned a small apartment room that accommodated him quiet nicely. Though, on the occasion, he would burst out loudly, causing his neighbors to get frustrated with his loud mouth.

Naruto cringed at hearing his cranky neighbor. She definitely wasn't the nicest neighbor around. Naruto sighed and looked on his calendar. July 6th, tomorrow was circled on his calendar. He grinned.

"Tomorrow, my quest will begin!" he announced aloud. The graduating Academy students were to pick their starter pokémon tomorrow, and Naruto was excited beyond belief.

Naruto glanced at his clock 11:20. he sighed. It was time to hit the sac. Tomorrow was a special day, and he wanted to make sure he got the perfect pokémon. Most of Naruto's academy classmates would be starting their own adventures tomorrow, due to the graduation ceremony not to long ago.

Naruto changed into his sleeping attire, turned his TV off, and then flopped on his bed. He gazed out his window and looked out at Konoha. It was a popular little town, filled with many people. Naruto then gazed at the hill, with 4 faces on it. These were the elite pokémon masters that had come from this village. Naruto promised himself one day, his face would be on that mountain.

"Tomorrow, the start of a legacy known as UZUMAKI NARUTO WILL BEGIN!" he blurted out.

"OIE SHUT UP!" the voice from the wall called out. Naruto cringed.

"hehe, sorry…"





Shatteredxmemories presents,

A Heart so True
Chapter One
A Quest Beginning!


A gentle breeze blew the grass laid in a field. Naruto lay there, motionless. The wind blew his blonde spikes atop his head. His eyes fluttered open. He saw a pink sky, filled with little clouds. He opened his eyes widely and sat up. He looked around – trees with no leaves and a heavy fog consumed the land. Standing in front of him were two people and a small little creature with pointy ears that he could not make out. He slowly stood up, to see the three figures in front of him better.

Just as he was about to see the three figures in a better light, an explosion of light came from behind them, still casting a shadow over their bodies. Naruto put his arm over his head to shade his face. He gazed at the explosion of light. As it was becoming stronger, the three figures in front of him disappeared – vanished into thin air. Before they vanished, he noticed pink, blue and yellow.

Out from the explosion stood a creature of some kind. Once again, a shadow was cast over it, so he could not see it. He heard a battle cry from the creature, and saw nine tails flaring around.

"W-Whaa? What's going on here!?" he asked aloud. A blinding light flashed again, and the last thing he saw, was a something red, with nine tails.

July 6th


12:30 p.m…






"Awh man! How'd I wake up so late!?" Naruto asked aloud, as he ran down the streets of Konoha, to the Academy, still getting dressed. The excitement from last night kept him up till 4 in the morning.

Naruto ran down the street, and eyed the ramen shop. He stopped right in front of Ichiraku ramen, but jogging in his place. The 'old man' as Naruto liked to call him stared at the young boy.

"Oie, where are you off to in such a rush?" he asked. Naruto grinned and gave him a thumbs up.

"To get my starter pokémon, and become the best trainer ever! And when I do become the best, I'll make sure I list your ramen shop in my thanks you's!" Naruto said grinning ear to ear. The old man laughed.

"Well you better get going. Your late enough as it is." The man told him. Naruto jumped in excitement, and then began running again, bidding the old man goodbye.

Naruto finally made it to the academy, noticing a big group of people hollering out – more precisely, a group of girls.




Naruto rolled his eyes. The 'Official Sasuke fan club' was out on full force, bombarding the Uchiha with declarations of love.

As Naruto walked by, he looked at the group of girls surrounding the Uchiha. Through the girls, he made out Sasuke's form. He stared at his long time rival. Since the academy days, the two had been in direct competition with each other, and the rivalry still lived on. Sasuke was wearing his a navy blue pull over sweater with the Uchiha fan on his back. He also had beige baggy pants on and a blue back pack on his back, like he was about to leave.

Sasuke turned and saw Naruto. As Naruto gazed at Sasuke, a blue figure in his dream flashed in his mind. Naruto blinked a few times, thinking of what had just flashed in his mind. He then turned his attention back to Sasuke. They made little eye contact, as Sasuke turned around making his leave through the group of rabid girls. Naruto stood their dumbly, but then jumped in anger. He pointed a finger at the Uchiha.

"YOU WATCH OUT TEME! I'm going to become the worlds best pokémon trainer, and during my run as the best, I'll defeat you without breaking a sweat! Believe it!" Naruto yelled at the Uchiha as he walked away, hands stuffed in his pockets. Sasuke stopped dead in his tracks. He turned his head and looked at the blonde.

"Yeah, like that'll happen. You don't even have your starter pokémon to back you up." The Uchiha stated. Naruto flinched.

"AH I'm late!" he said, forgetting all about Sasuke. He ran right inside the academy, opening doors franticly, searching for his former Sensei, and the professor, Iruka.

"IRUKA-SENSEI!?" he hollered, frantically looking for the professor. He opened another door and bolted in.

"IRUKA-AAAHHHH!" Naruto yelled, as he ran into someone and fell down. The other person fell down too, with a thud. The said person grumbled in annoyance.

"SHANNARO! Watch where your–Naruto?" a feminine voice said. Naruto looked up, and was met by emerald eyes. Again, an image flashed in his mind – this time the figure in pink. He shook his head again, trying to get the picture out of his mind. Once it was gone, he looked at the girl in front of him.

"S-Sakura-chan?!" he said surprised to see his long time crush in front of him. Since the academy days, Naruto had always had a crush for the pink-haired girl. She however, could care less of him. She had short pink hair, and stunning emerald eyes. She was wearing a red hoodie, with the Haruno symbol on the back. She had a white shirt underneath that showed, and blue bicycle shorts. She had the Konoha forehead protector tied around her neck. She had red, white and blue shoes. (Kinda like May's outfit -.- I kinda noticed they both had the same colored stuff, and I didn't want Sakura wearing her usual red dress.)

"You baka! What do you think you're doing running in so violently?!" she scowled him as she got up to her feet. Naruto got to his feet as well, and dusted off the imaginary dust off him.

"I'm sorry Sakura-chan; I'm just looking for Iruka-sensei." Naruto stated. Sakura was about to say something, but someone interrupted her.

"Oie, Sakura you forgot – oh, Naruto?" a voice said from behind Sakura. Behind the pink-haired girl, was Iruka. Naruto grinned.

"Heya Iruka-sensei! I've come to get my pokémon, and start my quest as a pokémon trainer!" Naruto declared. Iruka chuckled.

"That's great Naruto. Do you have a team ready?" he asked. Naruto raised an eyebrow.

"A team? What do I need a team for?" he asked dumbly. Sakura slapped him over the head.

"Baka! Didn't you ever pay attention in class?" Naruto smiled slyly while rubbing his head.

"Rarely." He remarked. Sakura sighed.

"Alright, I'll say this once, and only once…" Sakura started.

"To enter any kind of competition, you must be in a group of 3 trainers. In international competition, like the Konohagakure plateau all three teammates have to battle against the opposing team. Each team member battles individually, and can call out at least 3 pokémon in their individual battle. Whatever team wins the best of 3 matches, advances. To enter these competitions, you must collect gym badges. The team picks the best representative to battle the leader individually. The challenger can either challenge the leader to a battle with 3 pokémon at their disposal, or a one on one battle." Sakura told Naruto. He crossed his arms.

"Hmm… I still don't get it. Why cant I just go solo?" he asked. Sakura cringed.

"You baka! You can't! You need a team." She said adding emphasis on need and team. Naruto nodded, but then burst out.

"YOSH! Well I need my starter pokémon! Iruka, may I?" Naruto asked marching into the Academy pokémon lab. Iruka smiled at the blonde. He then turned to Sakura.

"Sakura, you forgot your pokémon pack and your pokédex." He stated. Sakura blushed out of embarrassment.

"oh, hehe…" she said. Iruka started walking in, followed by Sakura to get her stuff. Iruka went into one of the shelves and pulled out a bag, full of pokéballs, food, and other little things. He then handed her a pink pokédex with the Haruno symbol on it, made especially for her. Sakura bowed.

"Thank you Iruka-sensei." She said. He nodded. "You go get yourself a team and have a safe journey." He said. Sakura's inner started ranting.

'SHANNARO! We need to go find Sasuke-kun and persuade him to be on our team!' the inner ranted. Sakura smirked to herself. She went to take her leave, but someone slid in front of her.

"Hey Sakura-chan! Wanna see me get my first pokémon?" the blonde asked. Sakura shook her head.

"I got better things to do." She said making a move to go around the blonde. Naruto went right back in front of her as she was about to leave.

"Please?!" he pleaded, with a sympathetic look on his face. Sakura sighed.

"Fine, but make it quick!" she commanded. Naruto grinned and dashed to the machine, holding pokéballs. Iruka came up on the other side of the table.

"Take your pick." He announced. Naruto started at the 3 balls in front of him.

"After much consideration, I choose…" Naruto went to grab a ball. Sakura and Iruka leaned in.

"Charmander!" he announced. He opened the ball, but nothing came out. He gaped.

"W-WHAT?! W-Where's my Charmander?!" Naruto asked panicking. Iruka rubbed the back of his head.

"Sorry Naruto, but someone else took Charmander." He said. Sakura held in her laugh as best as she could. Naruto shrugged it off and stared at the other two balls.

"Alright, well since I can't get a Charmander…" he said reaching for a ball. Iruka and Sakura again leaned in with anticipation.

"I choose Squirtle!" Naruto said as he opened another pokéball. Again, nothing appeared.

"NOO! Not Squirtle too!" he wined. Iruka sighed.

"Sorry Naruto, but Sakura here claimed him." He said pointing to Sakura. Sakura stuck out her tongue, and gave him the peace sign. Naruto sighed in disappointment. He then reached for the last pokéball.

"Alright, then it comes down to Bulbasaur!" he said opening the ball.

Again nothing.

Naruto couldn't believe it. He gaped hugely.

"B-BUT H-HOW could there not be ONE pokémon!?" he asked panicking again. Iruka chuckled.

"Well today, most trainers embarked on their own journeys, so I ran out of pokémon. I'm sorry Naruto, but you came too late." Iruka stated. Naruto looked down in defeat.

"No… today was the day!" he said sadly. Iruka sighed.

"Well, you could always get a team, and go catch a pokémon as your starter." Iruka said handing Naruto a poke-pack and an orange pokédex with a swirl on it, much like on the back of his jacket. Naruto looked up at Iruka.

"REALLY?! Can I do that!?" Naruto asked eagerly. Iruka nodded. Naruto whipped around to Sakura.

"Can I be on your team Sakura?!" Naruto pleaded. Sakura stared blankly at the blonde.

"No." she said dryly, making her leave. She waved bye to her former sensei and made her leave. As she was about to make it out the door, she felt someone grab onto her legs. She looked down.

"Baka Naruto! What are you doing?!" she asked annoyed, trying to shake the blonde off.

"Please Sakura-chan!" Naruto pleaded again. Sakura kicked Naruto in the face, sending him back. Sakura walked away.


Sakura's eyebrow twitched. No matter how much she attempted to get away from the blonde, he continued following her, and pestering her.

"Please Sakura-channnnn!" he asked again. Sakura had packed her things, and bid her goodbyes as she was ready to leave Konoha. As for her team, she was planning on finding Sasuke and asking him, and maybe someone else too – but she could not find the lonely Uchiha. She figured he has left the village already, so she went in hot pursuit of him.

However, this was becoming more and more harder. Naruto just wouldn't get off her case.

"I SAID NOO!" she screamed, picking up her pace as she walked through the fields that led out of the village. Naruto however, followed behind her, in a great pursuit of being teammates.

Naruto had also gone home, packed his things, made sure he bought as many packs of instant ramen as he could, courtesy of Ichiraku, and stalked out Sakura, pestering her to be on teams with each other – however, Sakura shot him down every time. Though, this did not break the spirit of the loud mouth, as he continued pleading.



"Pretty please with cherries on top!"

"N-O! NO!"

"AWH COME ON! PLEAASE SAKURA-CHAN!" he screamed out at the top of his lungs, whining like a baby. Sakura screamed in frustration.

"AHH FINE! I'll be on your stinking team if you just stop bugging me!" she screamed. Naruto stood there, dumbfounded at first, but then exploded.

"YES! Sakura-chan is on my team! Sakura-chan is on my team!" he said as he sang and danced around. Sakura buried her face into her hands.

"What have I gotten myself into?"

Just then, the duo heard some rustling from the long grass beside them. Sakura put her hand behind her, ready to pull out her pokémon. Naruto gazed on with anticipation of what it could be. The pokémon finally emerged from the grass. Naruto looked on with disappointment.

"A Rattata?" he said disappointed. Sakura pulled out her pokédex and opened it.

"Rattata: the rat pokémon. Rattata are very common. They have sharp teeth that will bite anything in an attack. They may be small, but quick." The pokédex explained, Naruto laughed.

"There so weak!" he declared. The rat glared on at the blonde Uzumaki. Sakura narrowed her eyes at him.

"Shut up Naruto! It can understand you!" she told him. Naruto laughed.

"Don't kid like that Sakura-chan! They don't understand our language!" he said joking around. This ticked the rat off.

The rat screeched out and jumped at the Uzumaki, landing directly on the face. It started scratching ferociously at the blonde. Sakura stood there with an amusing smirk on her face, watching the blonde fight the rat.

"Awk! – Get off of me! – stop! – Nooo! – AHH SAKURA-CHAN HELP ME!" Naruto said calling out random stuff as he attempted to get the rat off his face. Sakura sighed.

"Why did I ever agree to being on his team?" she asked, talking to no one in particular. She reached behind and pulled out a pokéball. She threw it out.

"Lets go Squirtle!" she called out. From the pokéball, emerged a cute blue pokémon with a shell on his back. It jumped up and down after being called out.

"Squirtle! Squirtle!" it called out happily. Sakura squealed at the cuteness of her starter pokémon. She then grinned.

"Squirtle, use water gun!" she cried out. The pokémon shot a great amount of water out of its mouth, right on the face of the Uzumaki and the Rattata. Naruto screamed through the water, as did the Rattata. Once the water spray ended, both Naruto and the rat fell to the ground. Sakura pumped her fist up.

"SHANNARO! Great job Squirtle!" she praised her starter pokémon. It jumped in delight. Sakura then pulled out an empty pokéball, ready to catch the rodent and claim it as her own. She pressed the center button and made the ball bigger. But before she could throw the ball, she was beaten to the chase.

A pokéball came flying out of the grass and hit the Rattata. The ball then opened, and the pokémon was sucked inside. The ball moved around for a few seconds, but then stopped. Sakura gaped.

"W-What!? HEY! I was gunna catch it!" she exclaimed full of rage. Naruto got up and looked out. Some guy emerged from the bushes with a pack of potato chips in his hands. He was over weight by the looks of things, and was munching down on his chips. Sakura and Naruto gaped.

"C-Chouji?" they both said, surprised to see a former school mate. Chouji smiled.

"Hey guys!" he said happily. Sakura glared at him.

"YOU STOLE MY POKEMON!" she cried out. Chouji looked somewhat taken back, and sad, not realizing his mistake.

"Awh, well I'm sorr–"

"There's no need to be sorry Chouji." A feminine voice said from behind him. Naruto and Sakura looked around, and saw none other then the platinum blonde, Yamanaka Ino.

"Hey forehead-girl! You lost your chance at catching a pokémon, and Chouji jumped on it. So he didn't steal it from you. Don't be a sore loser." She said sticking out her tongue at the pink hair girl. Sakura glared on.

"SHUT UP INO-PIG!" Sakura yelled back. Naruto leaned into Sakura.

"Do you know her Sakura-chan?" he whispered. Sakura stared on.

"We go way back." She said trying to make a long story short. Ino looked on at the duo.

"Is he on your team? Wow, I thought you could do better then that!" Ino teased Sakura on. Naruto glared and pointed at the other blonde.

"HEY! What's that suppose to mean?!" he asked angrily. Before Ino could reply, a voice spoke sooner.

"Ah, Ino stop being so troublesome and let them be. We need to get going." A lazy voice said from behind Chouji and Ino. Out emerged Nara Shikamaru, another academy classmate. Shikamaru then started walking down a path, waiting for Ino and Chouji to follow. Ino huffed.

"Ugh, stupid lazy-ass! If only if I could have found Sasuke-kun in time and asked him!" She muttered. She then turned to Sakura.

"I'll beat you and your little blue turtle!" Ino declared, pointing at Squirtle. Squirtle glared in dislike of the blonde and her rude remarks to him, and his trainer. He then did something unexpectedly – he sprayed water in the Yamanaka's face. She screeched.

"AAWWK!" she said through the water. Naruto started laughing hard, holding his stomach, while Sakura stared on surprised at her pokémon. The Squirtle then stopped spitting out water. Ino was drenched. She had a murderous look on her face.

"That's it!" she said getting ready to throw a pokéball out. Before she could, Shikamaru's voice halted her.

"Ino! Forget about it." He called out. Ino lowered her arm and glared on. She turned and followed after Shikamaru.

"This isn't over forehead." She said leaving. Sakura watched her retreating back.

"Uh Sakura?" a voice said snapping Sakura out of her thoughts. She turned and was met by Chouji. He put his hands out with a pokéball in it.

"You were the one who battled him, so you should keep him." He offered the pokéball with the Rattata in it to Sakura. Sakura shook her head.

"No, its okay Chouji. You can have him. You did beat me to the chase, so he's yours." She said giving it back to him. Chouji smiled.

"Wow, thank you!" he said running off after his team. Naruto stared with bewilderment.

"But you did weaken it! Why did you let him have it?!" Naruto whined. Sakura sighed and retrieved her Squirtle back in her pokéball, and started down a different path then Ino's team went down.

"Because she's right. Chouji did beat me to the chase. Plus, a Rattata isn't exactly my kind of pokémon. It's a better fit with Chouji." She stated. Naruto just stood there dumbfounded, but then followed after his long time crush with his hands behind his head in a relaxed position.

"Well, I still think it belonged to you. Your Squirtle did a great job!" Naruto said trying to suck up to her. She smiled, agreeing she did well, but didn't reply to the blonde Uzumaki.

Just then, she felt a raindrop on her cheek. She then looked up at the clouds. A downpour would start soon. Naruto looked up too.

"We should take shelter for the night." He said. Sakura nodded. Naruto grabbed Sakura's wrist and started running.

"Well, let's go before it comes down!" he said leading her into a forest. Sakura blinked.

"Uh Naruto, do you even know where your going?" she asked. The blonde grinned.

"Of course not, but there's no where else to go!" he exclaimed. Sakura ripped her hand out of his and stood there.

"Baka, we could have gone back to the village and waited till tomorrow to leave!" she said annoyed. Naruto sweat dropped.

"Hehe…" Thunder roared in the distance, and lightning flashed. Sakura shook in fear and looked around.

"Where are we?" she asked. Naruto shrugged.

"I think we're lost."

"No, what gave you that idea?" Sakura said sarcastically. She sighed and started walking down the path. Naruto followed. The duo came across a cave, as the rain started falling. Sakura ran inside, followed by her wet comrade. The two shook, attempting to get dried off. As soon as the two were in cover, the storm came out in full force, pouring buckets. Naruto shivered from the coldness.

"Here." Sakura said, handing him a towel. Naruto stared in bewilderment at the kind gesture his teammate displayed, but then accepted it with a faint blush.

"T-Thanks Sakura-chan!" he said happily. She scoffed.

"Don't take it as a gesture that I like you too much. We're on a team now, so we have to watch out for each other." She said. Naruto zoned out for a bit, taking in what she said.

'Now I understand, why I like Sakura-chan so much.' He said to himself secretly. He turned to Sakura. (A/N: it's not a NaruSaku fic. I'm just using ideas from the plot of the actual show.)

"What are you doing?" he asked as she was going through her bag.

"Looking for something to start a fire with. If we stay wet for to long, we're gunna get sick." She explained. She unloaded some scrap paper, matches, food and some other useless stuff in this situation. She sighed.

"We need wood, but all the wood outside is wet. Go look in the cave for any scrap wood." Sakura said handing Naruto a flashlight. Naruto got up and started down the cave.

"I won't let you down Sakura-chan!" he said as he flicked the flashlight on and went into the depths of the cave. He picked up twigs laid around on the ground.

Naruto stopped. He heard something scrambling in the caves. He looked around with the flashlight.

"Who's there?!" he asked out. Again, he heard something moving. This time, it sounded more then one 'thing.' He flashed the flashlight again and something yellow crossed his eyes.

He flashed the light at the colors that passed his vision. He gasped.

"No way!…"

Cliffy xP I hope this is somewhat satisfying for the first chapter. To let you all know – Team 7 will be a team in this. Sasuke will come in sometime, and Naruto will get his starter pokémon next chapter.

May I remind you, it's only the first 150 pokémon. I stopped watching pokémon years ago, but during the summer, it was on a lot, and I got sucked back into it xP. An update will come sometime soon. I'm really into this story at the moment xP .

IMPORTANT!: We all know in pokémon, about team rocket. I don't know if I can make one in Naruto, because there is no villain with comic relief in it like in pokémon. The only idea I have, is to make Team Hebi (Karin, Juugo and Suigestu) team rocket, and make Orochimaru Giovanni, the leader of the 'Sound gym.'

Otherwise, it's your decision guys!

Review and let me know what you think so far!

Shelly (: