Final chapter: Wedding…

Konnichiwa Minna-san!


Its 2008 now!

Saiyonara 2007!

Happy New Year to whom ever this may concern!

Oh right. Author's note, yadda, yadda. Hmph. I'm going to use the words 'Un' in this Author's note!

Ok. So I am finally at the end of this story, which by the way, I find really crappy…

Gomen Minna-san! Un.

Ack! Un.

(Starts to bang my head against the hard, wooden table.)

Sorry if you hate this chapter and all! Un.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Naruto no matter how much I want to. Un.

P.S: Piano classes soon! I got to finish this fast! Un.

P.S.S: I like the word Un! Hee hee.


"Oh Kami…" Tenten sighed and smacked her forehead with her hand. "Ino… Can I go now…?" Tenten asked, looking at the blonde who had pins in her hand.

"No. Now stop moving Tenten! Or your dress will be crooked! Jeez. Why didn't you get one that was shorter?!" Ino retorted.

"I don't know… Neji wanted me to wear this. He said I looked nice in it and…" Tenten was cut off by the pissed off and impatient Ino.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Tenten. You should have brought girls along. Not Neji…" Ino sighed.

"But then again… this is our wedding and well…" Tenten was cut off yet again, as the door clicked open.

"Hey! Is the soon-to-be bride ready?" A cheerful Sakura, dressed in a pink spaghetti striped dress, with darker shades of pink for the ribbon around her waist and a pink hat with a rose in it, said as she entered the very white room.

"Almost…" Ino got back to altering Tenten's dress.

"You look nice Tennie!" Sakura exclaimed.

"Thanks Sakura! You look nice yourself!" Tenten complimented her.

Ino coughed. "And you too Ino!" Sakura turned towards the now happy blonde.

"Thanks! I took a long time to pick this outfit!" Ino stood up and showed them her tube top dress. It was a dark shade of purple and it had a white bow at one side of the top. She had her hair tied up in two pony tails and wore purple dangling earrings.

"May I come in?" A shy and soft voice was heard through the agape door.

"Ah! Hina-chan!" Tenten said as a petite girl with long, blue-black hair came in.

"H-Hai…" She entered, shutting the door behind her.

"Done! Viola!" Ino said happily, admiring her work.

"Thanks Ino!" Tenten said, swaying her white, long gown here and there.

"You look nice!" Hinata said.

"She does, doesn't she?" Sakura jabbed Hinata with her elbow, wrinkling her long sleeved light purple dress. Hinata's was a short one, and the sleeves were long and wavy. It was plain though. Very plain. But she looked gorgeous in it.

'Sigh. Guess all Hyuugas have the same tastes… Plain I mean.' Tenten thought to herself.

"Tenten-chan?" Hinata called out. "N-Neji niisan is waiting and everybody… is ready and…" She fidgeted with her fingers.

"Hai, hai… I'll get going now! So you can sit with Naruto-kun." I teased her. She blushed.

"W-Wawawawa… H-Hai…" She stumbled out of the room, her face as red as beetroot.

"Alright! Bridesmaids!" Sakura picked up a basket of rose petals.

"Finally! I've never done this since I was a little girl…" Ino smiled, picking up a similar basket.

The doors opened. Tenten strolled down the aisle with Sakura and Ino as her bridesmaid, and according to the song which was playing. (A/n: Ok. Fine. I'll mention it. Here comes the bride.)

'Heart, please don't fail me now…please!' Tenten's heart beat got faster, as she neared the platform with every step she took. Her white gown trained across the floor.

'Courage, please don't desert me…' She thought as she got nervous. Her hands almost dropped the bouquet she held in her hands.

She saw her future husband-to-be through the translucent veil with covered her face.

'Oh Kami…Help me please!!!' She screamed in her head, though she was keeping a straight face while walking.

'Why doesn't anybody mention fear when I ask them?!'

She saw him smile.

'I know he's waiting… Heart, I trust you!'

Her fragile hands trembled.

'Not now that we're here!' She gulped as she stepped onto the platform and as Neji took her hand.

"I'm nervous Neji…" She whispered.

"We are gathered here today, to bond this man, and this woman, in holy matrimony." (A/n: Phew. That wedding I went to recently paid off!)

"I can tell…" He whispered back, teasing her.

"Do you, Hyuuga Neji, take Tenten, to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and health, till death does you part?" The priest asked. (A/n: Sorry! I forgot most of it. You can't expect me to be taking notes while they said it, right?)

"I do."

Tenten gulped.

"Now…" the priest turned towards Tenten. "Do you, Tenten, take Hyuuga Neji, to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and health, till death does you part?" He asked.

Tenten gulped. "I…" She trembled. The audience stared at her. Hinata, Ino and Sakura gulped. "…Do." She ended off, her voice still shaky.

The ring bearer, (Ahem, Hanabi, Ahem.) stepped forward and passed the ring to both Neji and Tenten as they slid it onto each other's fingers.

"You may kiss the bride…" The priest said.

Neji lifted the veil and well. Need I say more? They kissed. They crowd cheered.

'Calm after a rain storm eh…'Tenten looked at her husband.

(Outside the church)

Everybody gathered round for a photo taking session.

"Well… I guess we made it through!" Tenten said to Neji before the photo was taken.

"Yeah." He replied and lifted her up, bridal style.

"Eh? Hey Neji!" Tenten screamed in shock.

"Smile for the camera!" He teased. She pouted and smiled.

"Hyuuga Neji… I'm so going to kill y…" She said angrily after the photo, but got cut off by screaming girls.


Tenten sighed and flung them at the girls. It landed in Sakura's hands.

"Ahhhh! Sakura! Gimme!" They tackled her.

"Nooooooooooooooo!" Sakura yelled for help.

"This sure is a… different wedding." Tenten looked at them.

"Yup. It sure is…" He kissed her.


Ok! This is the end! Un!

I am sad, mostly happy to say that I have cleared this story. And yes, it is crappy. So flame me if you want to, ok? Un!


Saiyonara 2007 once again!

Xoxo Happy New Year and flame me if you want,


P.S: Read my new one, 121 Days!