Ahhh screw this I'll be short I don't own Naruto now enjoy your reading. I'm too tierd to make remarks I'm trying to post all 15 chapters up on Thanksgiving morning happy holidays to you all. Its 3am and I'm doing favors for you.


"Inner person/Demon"

"Inside their heads" If they are talking to themselves duh

"Normal speech"

(Author Notes)

------------ Change in location scene or person.

The rest you can figure out.

Sorry for any spelling errors I'm trying to get a spell checker so deal with it for now. Everything should be understandable you don't have to do much guessing. :)

--------------------------Konoha Gates-------------------

The group stop as they see a blonde blur pass by them Sasuke shouts out. "Hey Naruto get down here no need to stay at a distance."

Naruto leaps down from a tree rubbing the back of his head. "I'm sorry I was just lost in thought. I forgot to show myself."

Kakashi turns to Naruto. "Naruto. You know better than to do that. You'll get yourself killed one day."

Naruto rubs his head. "I said sorry Kakashi-sensei.-" Naruto is cut off by Kyu. "So your Fox... Heh. He picked a worthy name for you indeed. You learn to summon the Kyuubi out yet."

Naruto turns to Kyu. "How did you know I was Fox. Ryo had never mentioned my sword name to anyone outside of our missions."

Kyu's eyes remain cold. "The scent of your swordmanship is all over you. Even though your a shinobi. your hands are bent closer to you sword than you kunais. Your skills also reflect in your footing aswell. Your right is 2 centermeters arched inwords to the right. showing that your ready to draw and hold your position if a sword attacks you. Most Shinobis have their footing outwords so they can leap into a tree or out of sight. Swordsmen also lock their ankles mucels when on the ground for a stronger stance where shinobis keep the mucle loose ready to bend and flex and a moments notice. These are all 2nd nature things that the normal person would not detect but with this information I could have already divised a plan to take your head off your shoulders. I just have to come in at 7 o'clock launch and upwords strike followed by a pass to your left. Then I can kick out your leg and have complete domanice of your body from behind. Only chance you would have to break it is by commiting a final ending move. which would be to thrust your sword threw your body in hopes of hitting a vital point most likely my liver I just would need to pump enough chakra into that spot to deflect your sword. It seems Ryo tought you well in the 2 years your stayed with him. But he left alot of 2nd natured things out which is the result of him probably wasting most of his times in manuvers and strikes. If you where wise you'd revert your stance back into a shinobi to throw off your opponet."

The group looks onwords even a few back away in fear that he was able to determine all of that just by looking at Naruto. The group returns to their walk without anyone saying a word.

They gates fly open to reviel a waitng Sakura. Her pregancy clearly visable. Naruto dashes towards her with a smile. His jaw drops as he looks at her belly.

"Sakura-chan you look huge-." Naruto is cut off by Sakuras fist slaming into his head sending him face planting into the ground even Kyu sweatdrops as he mummers. "She could be a troublesome fighter. So unpredictable. Poor kid."

Sakura begins to shout. "Thats no way to greet your wife. Calling her fat how dare you Naruto. You did this to me you bastered."

Naruto puts his hands up covering his head as he tries to speak threw Sakuras punches. "I didn't mean it like that Sakura-chan. I ment that the child was getting big."

Sakura lays off her punches for a few moments. "Oh. Well next time pick better words Naruto-kun." She lets out a nice innocent smile as everyone sweatdrops again from the sudden mood swing. "Naruto-kun what too you so long. You are over 2 hours late."

Naruto looks up at Sakura as he picks himself off the ground. "I ran into some trouble. I'm sorry Sakura-chan." Sakura turns to Sasuke. "Is that true Sasuke."

Sasuke nods his head. as he walks away with the rest of the group he turns to Sakura. "Both of you should come to my compound in an hour. I'm sure the Hokage will want you their." Sakura nods her head as she turns to Naruto. "What does he mean."

"They are taking that was with the group to the Baa-chan then Yuki. Probably hold the meeting at the Uchiha compound because she can bearly move if I'm correct with what you told me last message."

Sakura giggles. "The only good thing about being preganet is I get to skip out on the training but its no good when the only instructer is 7 months pregenate herself."

Naruto laughs. "Well I'm back to teach. Everyone. So how long has it been since the trainning stopped."

Sakura places her finger on her chin. "Well she was in her 4th month when she called it off that was when I was in my 2 month. I'm 5 months almost 6th. So I'd say a good 2 and ahalf months but everyone still does the basic trainning themselves."

Naruto lets out deep sigh. "What the hell happend to Ryo. Well looks like I'll have alot of work to do."

--------------------Uchiha Compound-----------------

Naruto and Sakura wait on the inside with Yuki. Soon Tsuande, Sasuke, and Kyu arrive surrounded by 20 ANBU.

Yuki jumps up as she sees Kyu quickly lowering her head and bowing. "Master-sama what brings you here."

Kyu lowers his hand motining for Yuki to sit. Her turns to Tsunade. "Ma'am Might I ask that you dimiss the ANBU if I wanted to kill you I could have done it already at any moment I gave up my swords to you as a sign I come in peace."

Tsunade looks to her guards then to Kyu. "Very well. ANBU Dimiss."

The ANBU scatter away just leaving the six of them.

Yuki quickly returns with some tea handing the first cup to her sensei then Tsuande finally the rest before servering herself. "Sensei why are you here... How are you here. What happend to you."

Kyu lets out a deep sigh. "When I left... I didn't intend on seeing you again. I went to fight a ghost. Thats all you need to know. As to why I'm here. This is the village which Ryo and you now defend. The same village that killed a girl that was precuise to me. Though I don't blame the village. You simply defending yourselves it was the heavenly water clan they had become infested with stuipedity. It was never Minato Namikaze plan for things to become this troublesome."

Tsuande speaks next quickly after he finishes. "You said Minato Namikaze. Why."

Kyu looks to Tsunade. "Your Grandfather the founder of Konoha also founded the first sammurai/Shinobi class clans. He saw the strenght that both classes have. In the great war the samurai classes where obliterated due to their lack of chakra skills. But they never went down quietly. They would whipe out whole armies of shinobis before dying. It was the samurais unwillingness that drove them to their extinction. But your grandfather saw the power in them and found a few samurai masters that agreed if Samurais didn't change their ways they would be wiped out. Thus he and the masters started the clans. 11 in total. The Heavenly elements classes. Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Lightening. Each of these clans are pure masters of the element and sword. Then you have the Demonic clans. The Demonic clans are the same as the heavenly clans except they use the dark forbbiden moves of jutsu and swordfighting. What makes the main diffrence between the clans is the dark secret. They Heavenly clans made of the living. Who's purpose is to create life. Protect the average person. Where the Demonic clans... They are the dead. Inorder to be apart of a demonic clan you must die its the only way to use its forbbiden moves and still continue. Both clans have warped since their first creation. Now the only diffrences between the clans are one branch has dead members and others have living." Kyu trails off ending his speech as he looks at Yuki.

Sakura as the question thats been floating threw her head. "What is Naruto. Isn't he part of Tema."

Kyu nods. "I told you. The demons are dead. the heavenly are living. Thus you can have both. Yet. we do. This is because you can die on the inside and live on the outside... Isn't that right Naruto"

Naruto looks down as a tear runs down his face. "He's right. I'm already half dead." Everyone except Yuki, Naruto and Kyu draw a gasp before a long silence lingers

Kyu laughs. "Ahhhh. Such sweet silence. Come now you act like the news is somthing to moarn over. Like his life matters."

Suddenly Sakura snaps as she grabs Kyus coller squessing it as she cracks his coller bone. "He does mean something to all of us. He is family to us. He is our NARUTO-KUN."

Sakura feels herself thrown to the ground as the man holds his foot on her thoat. "Shut-up. How dare you call yourselves his faimly. You honestly think you even have the right. Each person in this village had contributied to his death. Not only has his mind died but so has his heart. Look at yourselves. You each know you have harmed him. I laugh at the fact that you didn't catch on. Ryo was a smart boy but he never abandon his heart. Unlike my two preattys. Isn't that right."

Both Yuki and Naruto respond in a zombie like fasion. "Yes. Master"

leaving a foul feeling in everyone suddenly an ANBU appears shouting the ANBU none other than Kakashi. Kunai and shirekens litter his back. "Hokage-sama we are under attack Our flanks are crumbling.

Kyu lets out a sinister laugh. "Pour Minto. I almost feel sorry for him. His son a heartless demon. voided of mind and soul his village being crushed. Whats so wonderful is the fact that I acheved what I could not so many years ago. Hahahahahaha. Ryo tried to change the tides of fate. But little did he know that his own wife and bestfriend the only two people he let into his heart where my slaves. Mmmmmmm I wonder what he would think if he knew."

Suddenly a voice appears from underneath the floor. "I would think you have defently earned your name fallen angel. Master oh how you have fallen."

Suddenly a translutent forum rises from the floor boards making the solid shape of Ryo. "You see master. I'm not as dumb as you took me for. I knew that if I trained these shinobis to become great warriors like we are. That your invasion plan would fail. What made it difficult was when you sent the Heavenly Water after us. You almost succeded. If Hunter was as blind as you thought he was. You played into my trap. I sent Naruto away and disappered myself for a reason. Narutos return here didn't keep his heart as cold as you thought. I struck a deal with Kyuubi. Vengance for his daughters death. I let him kill Orochimaru. Your key piece in this game of shogi. Without him your invasion will not win. This village will live."

Kyu laughs sinisterly. "So. You've falted the invasion. I'm proud of you. I am. But that does not change the circumstances. You will die and I will destroy this village. SLAVES KILL HIM."

Naruto and Yuki do not flince. Kyu eyes widen. "I said kill him kill Ryo now."

But they do not move. Ryo smirks. "They aren't your slaves. They have a will still. They choose to not do your bidding."

Kyu laughs. "Lets test their will." Kyu presses down on Sakuras throat. "Kill Ryo boy or your lover dies. Your children along with her."

Naruto does not budge. Ryo smirks. "Sakura go for it."

Suddenly Sakuras eyes glow as she releases her hedge writing several seals on the floor with her tail. "Blood Art Number 2 Soul summon. Blood Art number 6 body switch."

A clone of Sakura replaces her position as she stands next to Kyu she jumps away as her Soul summon crushes under the pressure of his foot. Kyu lets out a snarl.

"So there are more Haruno's than just you Ryo. I thought I had killed them all. Dam that don't change anything."

Kyu flicks out two pill like objects. "If my slaves won't obey me then I'll force them to obey me. I had figured you might pull something like this. So I struck up a deal with that snake bastered. Dispite my disliking of it seems like it worked out."

Kyu crushes the pills in his hands as Naruto and Yuki fall to the ground screaming and crying their eyes out from a massive flood of pain.

Ryo jumps back. "Shit Everyone scatter." Before he can even finish Yuki dashes at him with her sword drawn slashing him across the leg. Ryo curses. "Your a real bastered Sensei. I never would have expected even you to fall so low."

Kyu chuckels. "I'm not the fallen angel for nothing. I really wish you would have obeyed my commands like a good boy Ryo we could have restored our clans."

Ryo shakes his head in a dissappointed way. "Master. I was foolish to ever think you where stronge. your only power comes from abuse. I feel sorry for Naruto and Yuki. All they ever wanted was a feeling of belonging. And you abused that."

Ryo holds up his tail. "I'm sorry Yuki. I'm sorry but I must."

"Blood Art Number 10 Forbbidden Release."

Ryo shuts his eyes as the sky begins to pour down. His body glows and surges with Chakra. His whole body empties into him. He drops his sword. "I created this art for you Yuki... My love." Ryo dashes at Yuki using all his power to doge her attacks finally wrapping his arms around her. His body glows a bright blue as he shuts his eyes. "Blood Art Number 11. Lovers Final Ending." Ryo flexes his tails as it grabs his sword. He rams the sword threw his body and hers. Striking both their hearts. The couple fall motionlessly two the ground as.

Naruto rises from the floor his eyes glazed over from the pain but his words speak with emotion. "You did this. You killed Ryo. You attacked Sakura-chan. For this I can not stop breathing untill you take your last breath."

Kyu smirks. "Kid. I commend you on over powering my slave drug. But you can't defeat me."

Naruto walks to the side of Sakura. "Please let me see my sword."

Sakura hands the sword over to Naruto who unsheaths the sword. "Kyu. I'm going to show you something that Ryo taught me. Something you could never acheve."

Kyu laughs "Whats that."

Naruto closes his eyes. "The power of love. The power of friendship. The power of resolution."

Naruto raises the sword to his face. As his eyes glow bright red and become slits. "Kage Bushin Kyuubi vessal no jutsu."

Naruto Draws out Sakuras ANBU katana slashing it across his neck as the blood seeps to the ground.

Kyu laughs. "Ahhh A demon techique. Art of self mutilation blood clone so weak."

Naruto shakes his head. "No. You are wronge. This isn't just any blood clone. This is a full summoning of Kyuubi. I will protect this village with my life."

Suddenly Naruto stabs his sword into the pool of blood as the ground erupts with a full size 9 tailed Kyuubi. Kyuubi chuckles. "I'm free Oh how so good it feels to be out of that cage."

Kyu slams his fist into the ground summoning a large black winged hell dragon a chain drags off its neck. Kyu looks to Naruto. "How did you manage to pull off Kyuubi summon its supposed to be sealed inside you."

Naruto laughs. "Its simple. The Kyuubi has flowed threw my blood since birth. He's always been connected to the living world via me. I spilled my blood onto the ground and resummoned him to this location. His home is still inside me. But I can freely summon him to fight for ME."

Kyu chuckles. "My, My. This is quiet a turn of events. Looks like I can't hold back."

Kyu and Naruto dash in the air towards one another as the two giantic summons square off against one another. Kyub bashs its tails into the dragons as the dragon sinks its teeth into Kyuubi neck.

Naruto and Kyu square off the power of the fight can be felt as nearby building seem to blow and shatter from their swings. Naruto leaps into the sky. "This is for Sakura... Farewell Sakura-chan." Naruto rises even higher into the cloud as the Kyuubi wresles below. Naruto decents from the cloud as a beam of sunlight peaks threw the rain showering straight down on Naruto. Who holds his sword in his sheath. "Desending Angel Naruto Uzumaki style." With blinding speed Naruto falls down on Kyu and his dragon as they seem to fall in half. The ground remains undamaged yet everything in the air including Kyu seems to shread to dust. Naruto grins slightly. His right eye covered in blood. His ears bleeding from the pressure. Naruto looks to the sword then slams it into the ground before a numbing darkness surrounds him. "Kyuubi. You got your freedom but now we must leave this world."

The summoned Kyuubi looks down to Naruto "Farewell Kit. It was fun while it lasted. If your not a considered to be a man worthy of Hokage then I don't know who ever will be." The Kyuubi disappears in a puff of smoke.

------------------------3 months later

"Push. Push" A nurse screams to a pink haired girl in labor


"I can see the head. Just alittle more. Come on."

"Congradulationgs its a healthy baby body. You are the proud mother of one baby girl and one baby boy."

Tsunade whips the two infants off and hands them to Sakura whos face turns to a smile. "Awe they are so cute. Hey they don't even have tails or ears." Sakura gigles at her joke. "So Naruto-kun what are we going to name them." Naruto smiles. "Lets name them... Minato and Shizune." Sakura nods. "I was going to say Jiraiya and Tsunade. but we don't want out children growing up as messed up as they are."

Suddenly two voices are head. "HEY WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN"

Naruto laughs. "Simple. We don't want a drunk and bad gambler and super pervert that has no equal."

Naruto looks around as they see the Rookie 9 and Suna 3, Kakashi, Shizune, Sarah. Jiraiya and Tsunade. who finally married one another. Finally Ryo and Yuki."

Naruto looks down at Sakura. "Sakura-chan you didn't mean what you said about umm you know."

Sakura looks at Naruto then at the kids. "Hmmm. I don't know Naruto-kun they are quiet cute. Hey wheres our two clones I thought they wanted to watch."

Everyone looks around Noticing they are gone suddenly Naruto hears a giggle and thumping sound from a distant closet. Naruto walks to the closet and opens the door as a sudden shreek fills his ears followed by a deathing growl He quickly slams the door shut. "You don't want to know Sakura-chan."

Everyone falls on the ground laughing. As Tsunade turns to the closet. "I'm not delivering their babies even if your now Hokage Naruto. You will never get me to do that."

Naruto chuckels. "I don't think clones can have babies. Lets let them enjoy their ummm freedom least they arn't screaming inside out heads."

Sakura nods. "Hell yah. Finally some silence."


Well thats the ending but I might keep it going... I really liked writing this and I can still add several more twist and do the invasion... I just kinda needed a break 16 long chapters is alot... I wanted to give it all to you at once but I couldn't contain it plus I didn't know if I was going to continue I'll look at all your reviews for answers too it. If I do then you'll have to wait a few days it being a holiday before I do any updates but it will be worth it.

Hey So what you guys and girls think of the story Nice eh.

I thought I'd post it all up at once because I know I hate waiting for updates... Just as much as you people do. So I gave it all to you.

I hope you liked it please leave a review and if enough people want me to continue it I will.

I'd also like to announce that I shall be adding another over 10 chapter long saga soon maybe in a few days.