With one last powerful swing of the Master Sword, Link had finally done it. The Gerudo King's reign of terror over Hyrule was finally over. When he plunged the Blade of Evil's Bane into the head of Ganon, the infernal beast's influence finally looked to come to an end.

However, something Link did not expect happened some few years later. As he lied on the calm and swaying green grass of Hyrule Field, the bright sun that shone over Hyrule that day suddenly came to be overshadowed. Opening his eyes, Link expected the change to be from a simple cloud, but instead it seemed that it was something else.

Getting to his feet, the young man stretched his arms over his head and elevated his gaze to the sun. What he saw deeply puzzled him: the sun seemed to be blocked out by a patch of darkness with no known origin to the young Hylian warrior. As he continued to gaze at the strange sight in the sky, it almost seemed as if the darkness slightly expanded across the sky.

Knowing one person in particular might know what the cause of the strange change in the sky was, the tall man ran north towards the central city of Hyrule: Hyrule Castle Town. From there he hoped to find the princess of Hyrule, also his good friend, Zelda.

As he rushed through the busy side streets and crowds of people, Link could not be stopped. He was intently determined to find Princess Zelda, the carrier of the mystical Triforce of Wisdom. If he ever had had a problem, Zelda had always been the one he went to for sage advice. Truly, if she didn't know what the cause of this curious change in the sky was, then it was doubtful that anyone else would.

When he finally reached Zelda, Link found stopped in the courtyard where he had first met Zelda, just a few years ago. Panting from a lack of energy, Link momentarily rested his hands on his knees, before regaining his composure. When he had it back, Link quickly called out to Zelda, seeing her facing the other way in the courtyard.

Seeing Zelda's face affirmed Link's worries that something definitely amiss was at hand. Her normally calm and peaceful blue eyes had changed to a worrisome mood. However, upon seeing Link being the one who called to her, Zelda let out a small and relaxing sigh and turned towards the hero who had rescued her from the clutches of Ganon in the future that wouldn't occur.

Link simply asked his princess, "Zelda, have you seen what's happened in the sky?"

Zelda momentarily stared at the ground, then, with her eyes still averted to the ground, somewhat pitifully nodded. In response, she added, "It is as I feared, Link. There's something I need to tell you."

Link, definitely more concerned about the events that were occurring at the time than he was before, beckoned Zelda to continue, saying, "What is it, Zelda?"

"Well," she began, pausing to gather her words carefully, "when Ganondorf had captured me after I revealed my identity to you in the Temple of Time, even he seemed to have some worries about the limit of his power. It wasn't you that he feared, but instead the King of Evil seemed to believe that he needed to gather the entire Triforce to be able to maintain his rule of Hyrule. Because of his diverted attention, he viewed you and me as merely annoying paws that had to be stopped."

At this time, Link seemed to be a bit confused, as evidenced by asking Zelda, "That doesn't much surprise me, but what do you mean by him needing the Triforce to 'maintain his rule'?"

Worriedly, Zelda again sighed and told Link, "For some reason, Ganondorf confided in me his greatest fear, someone usurping his power. He hoped that with the Triforce of Power, he would be able to have near-unlimited power, but that power soon proved to be less than he hoped it would be. He knew that for truly potent power, he would need the entire Triforce. Still, even though he knew the power of the Triforce, he couldn't help but feel that there was something stronger."

Link somehow found himself even more perplexed by Zelda's elaboration, so he decided to ask a very direct question. "Zelda," he asked, "was there really someone he feared would take his power, or was it merely just the fear that comes with power?"

Zelda truly did not want to answer this question of Links, but she felt that she owed it to him, so she somberly responded, "Yes, Link. Ganondorf did believe that there was an evil greater than him. Before he acquired the Triforce of Power in the Temple of Time, he had encountered a figure, as if from another world entirely, that implanted pure fear into the heart of a proud and confident character such as Ganondorf upon mere sight. He knew then that this was no ordinary man, but indeed something supernatural itself."

Though he was a bold and courageous warrior (as would seem obvious for one that had the Triforce of Courage inside of him), Link was taken aback at the supposed power of this new figure. He was convinced that there couldn't be one who was more powerful than Ganondorf, simply because it had taken all of Link's energy to be able to defeat that powerful beast of power. Link asked, "Are you serious, Zelda?"

"Sadly, Link, I tell you no lies. It seems that that figure has finally shown itself, feeling that the only possible threat to its power is no longer there. At first, I too didn't believe what Ganondorf was speaking about, but when I was able to feel inside the power that Ganondorf spoke of through some great power, I too cowered in fear for a while. In vain I decided not to believe what I knew was the truth, but instead decided to have Ganondorf defeated and sent away."

Link, with some resistance to defeat asked, "So do you think that this thing is responsible for the change in the sky?"

Zelda's response was short, but to the point. She said, "Yes, Link. I know it is responsible for the sky's change."