When Mikoto hears an interesting conversation behind closed doors, it makes him not want to eat icecream for a long, long time.
meant to be slightly OOC, and crackish.
The Eastern princess now sat at the table waaay far back in the cafeteria, obviously trying to hide from two certain princess's that he overheard the day before.Mikoto for the time being was slightly scarred mentally after he heard them, so he was trying to keep away from Yuujiro and Tooru till he could get over it.Which probably would be in a very, very long time...
But nonetheless, the two spotted him sitting in the far back, trying to be incognito.But Mikoto didnt know Yuujiro and Tooru saw him, so they decided to sneak up on the Eastern princess, hopefully scaring him pantsless(which wouldnt be hard to do in his present state..).After all, they had to show him their suprise.
'what do i do if they see me what do i do if they see me what do i say if they come here what do i say if they come he-'
"Hey, MIKOTO!"
The Eastern princess screached and whipped his head around, to find Yuujiro and Tooru staring at him with a smile.He thought of the day before, and quickly started blushing and averting his gaze('boy is that floor tile interesting..!').But the other two didnt notice, they were too excited.
"Hey, Mikoto-kun, we have something for you!" Tooru said happily.Mikoto glanced up slightly to see Yuujiro whip out something creamy and green...
Mikotos eyes widened just a little.
"Its mint green tea icecream!!" the blorange head announced just as happy. "Want to have so-"
He was interrupted by the pink haired boy getting up, running away, and screaming:
"AHH!IT BURNS!!!!!!!!"
The two exchanged perplexed looks for a couple seconds
"Whats his problem?I only asked him if he wanted any.."
They just shrugged and sat down beside eachother, grabbing two spoons out of knowhere.
"Oh well, more for us!!"
It burns as in mental images :3
Hope you enjoyed XD! Please review meh cracky fic filled with icecreamy goodness D