Beej: NO: THIS. IS.

Random Dude: YOUR MOM! OH SNAP!!

Beej: ...no.

Random Dude: ...mmkay. o.oU (walks off)

Beej: As I was saying... THIS. IS. THE BEGINNING!! :D


Beetlejuice's striped and rather round bottom bounced a couple times before he came to a complete, painful halt in the very middle of the Council. The usual spotlight was put on him, but this room was still quite a bit different than Judge Mental's, as the Council's room was circular and their for peering down on their pray at every angle.

"Ah, it IS you this time. About time you decided to quit whining and show up." A female with purple hair flipped over one eye said, her voice loud in that leader sort of way. "How is your haunted fairing? Well, I presume?"

"Um, Lydia's good. She seems to be taking it in all very well." Beetlejuice said slowly, choosing his words carefully. Any chance at a pun around these losers and it was all over.

"Really? Well, where is she right now?"

"Err... she's just..." Beetlejuice said, slowly turning around in a circle to look for a more merciful Council member, but failed. "Heeeey, where's that nightmare of an illusion Dimetri?"

"Cleaning up what you decided to fail." A green reptilian sort of thing with a pale blue cloak on sneered. His white-cuffed arms were folded against the table as he leaned forward with the widest grin possible.

Beetlejuice paused, then looked up with the man with bulging eyes. "...Lydia?"

That wide smile of his started to curl as he grinned even wider and nod rather mockingly, but slow enough to drive Beetlejuice up the wall.

And up the wall he went. He had to find her. Obviously, since she wasn't before the court at the moment, who knows what Dimetri was doing?

"Ah, getting angry? Does this girl already have you... under her thumb?" The woman resumed, a smirk tugging at the corner of her unmoving, beautiful face.

Beetlejuice screamed as a giant thumb came down and kept him from running away.

Lydia sat in her little birdcage, swinging on the perch. She'd find a way out of here, and if she didn't, she could still drive this bastard up the wall. After all, she still had her little backpack with her. All she needed to do was get out a metal tone setter and hit one of his bones and he was sure to shake all over, and that would be her chance to escape. However, that little confidence that she had in herself disappeared when Dimetri's shadow came back into view, for he seemed to have gained a four hundred percent creepiness about him... at least to poor Lydia.

Only half of his face was visible, and the other half was in the shadows. His skeleton face seemed to have gained bits and pieces of flesh, but the pieces seemed to stop around his mouth, giving him what seemed to be a permanent smile. His voice wasn't at all joyful, however.

"Ah, poor little Lyds..." He sang, almost mocking her inside of that prison. "Will no one come to save you?"

She tried to smirk her cracked lips at him. "I don't need help, Dimmy. I can leave whenever I see fit."

It was his turn to smirk, and although his bony features already held one, you could tell that this was not faked, and caught her bluff easily. "Try it. I bet Beetlejuice is so saddened that you didn't want to stay with him that he won't come for you."

She glared at him, making her fading hair fall down in her eyes again. It gave her such a disturbance that anyone -well, alive, that is- would back away immediately. "Though I know I should be wary, still I venture some place scary! Ghostly hauntings I turn loose! Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice." She paused to give him what she thought was a final smirk. "Beetlejuice."

...nothing. Nothing happened, and when it didn't, seconds passed by in small lurches as the only thing that Lydia had hope in once again failed her. She wanted to reach for her backpack, but she was scared that any sudden move would make him realize something or another.

"Aww. What did I tell you? You failed him, and now you're going to regret it. But this wouldn't be the first time you failed another, is it not?"

Lydia, this time, looked down. "Shut up."

"It is all your fault that your mother died, am I right? If only you would have been there for her in her one hour of need... she would always be there for you, but this one time that she needed-"

"Shut UP." She made an untraceable movement in her cage and was now reaching for any part of his body that she could grab through the bars of the cage. Sadly, he wasn't in reaching distance of those scrawny little arms.

"You are amongst the dead now, child. Our kind don't care about the living or their sad little lives. When we can find anything event the slightest bit alive, we kill it, since they're always whining about how bad their lives are."

Lydia reached for her backpack in another untraceable motion.

Beetlejuice screamed harder as the giant hand began to lift him into the air to be fed directly to the sandworms... and that was only the beginning. Of course, he would be mauled in the acid of them for a couple of days, or maybe even weeks, then he would go on to be... he couldn't even think about what was to come if he failed. She was screaming his name inside of his head, but he couldn't do anything about it...! He needed to help her, damn it! Why couldn't he help out for once in his life?! Now he would not only fail the mother, but that girl, she'd die, and fail her as well. A middle-aged dead guy, such as himself, maybe, but a girl barely in her double digits? No way. Then he stopped screaming to think.

She was screaming his name... now he just needed to do was scream hers.


With that, he disappeared.


Sorry that I've been gone for such a long period of time. Seriously. Ever heard of writer's block? Yeah. Now imagine me crammed between two of them. OH SNAP IT'S A PUN.

Then I had a surge of Juice injected into my veins and I'm up again! HAHAHA.

(I'm such a dork... forgive me. XD)

I'd also like to point out to all of those Beetlefreaks out there... where is the lady in the purple hair from?! WHAT EPISODE?!
I think that the lizard wierdo is a pretty easy one.

I've held up my part of the deal, Wanda, now lemme see that horizon. ;)