O.k I am sooo sorry for the long update enjoy!

And I want to dedicate it to Shellzonfire,and my reviewers!!Not to mention anyone else who does not review but likes my story anyway!!!!

Please read on!


The three girls had finally calmed down and now Sakura was informing them of her.

sorry in later chapters I will explain everything but right now I will not tell you anything of the subject!!Muhahahahaaahahaahaahahahah...HA!!!!!

Sorry inner Lilibeth

-chan took over keep reading!!!

When they finished Suki(if you forgot who she was go back to chapter 2)asked"Sakura-nee san how have you been doing all these yeas after that bastard seperated us?"I"ll explain later!!

Sakura sighed and said."Well after that basatard came some foster parents took me in and well they kept me."At this point Akira and Suki saddend .

"Well I guess it all started when I went ot the park,there was this knuckle headed blonde boy."At this Sakura's lips curved up

.(guees who that was)"Was boasting how he would become Hokage,andwell kids just laughed and throwed rocks at him,I could not bear it so I told them to stop.

Bad Idea they started calling me Forehead girl,and pinky,"Well to make a long story short.

.I saved the nine tailed fox countanier and got beat up as my reward."I made a friend fell for a guy that was soon to be the survier of the Uchiha clan.

Sakura glanced at her sisters faces.

Three emotions were visable Shock.Anger.Saddness.None of the three girls spoke.

They now knew what happened .

They had heard of a pink-haired medical nin and the nine tailed fox container being team mates with the Last Uchiha.But they had no idea it was their sister.

The pictures fit together.

Sasuke Uchiha was the reason their sister was here. Full of Saddness,So empty,And oh so broken,

They felt anger overcome them.They would get their revenge.Soon.Sasuke Uchiha would pay .But first they had to comfort Sakura.

"Sakura lets go to the forest and train."asked Akira quietly.Sakura nodded as the three proceeded towards the door.


Meanwhile the eleven ninja were setting up camp.It was now nightfall.They had been travling eight hours straight.Kiba had picked up and lost Sakura"s scent.So right now they had no clue were Sakura was located at.


Naruto was currnetly at fire wood gathering with Hinata.

Both were silent deep within each one"s thoughts.

What do I say ?Come on Hinata think Naruto is so silent I'm not used to it I have to start something!

Hinata was unaware that while she was debating on what to do,Naruto was stealing glances at her.

Hinata gained enough courage and whisperd"N-Naruto-kun I-I-I am-m so-s-sorry about S-S-Sakura-chan."She said nervously

Naruto looked up sadly.Forcing a smile he said"She is going to be alright Beileve it Hinata-chan!"I hope he thought silently to himself.

Hinata smiled shyly"Naruto-k-kun I-I-I'm going to try my hardest to bring her back I am sure with all of us she will come back."she managed to say without flaw.

For a moment the smiled at eachother than went back to work thinking the same thing

Sakura-chan why did you leave?


Shikamaru and Ino were cooking.

Yah in my story Shikamaru cooks and Ino to!Oh and if I forgot to tell alll of you Sakura is 16 one year after the time skip!Back to the story!:)

Ino's usual spunky self had vanished.Sakura had been her sister always.No Sakura is her sister and shall always overwhelmed her as she stirred the soup.

"Shikamaru do you think we added to much salt?"She asked her male teammate.

Shikamau said nothing .He was absorbed in his thoughts,so he didn't notice Ino's question.Wrong move.

"SHIKAMARU YOU LAZY ASS I ASKED YOU A SIMPLE QUESTION AND YOU IGNORE ME !!!!!!!!!!!Screamed the loud mouthed blonde of Konoha.

Hell had just been broken loose.Just because Shikamaru didn't tell Ino if there was too much salt in the soup.


Neji and TenTen were gathering water.

When they heard Ino's outburst they sweat dropped anime style.Sighing the two got back to work. TenTen sighed Sakura was somewhere out their and her situation was unknown to all.

Neji's eyes traveled over to TenTen when he heard her sigh.He knew she was thinking about Sakura.They all were thinking of her.

"Sakura is a strong ninja she can defend herself."He said in his deep and emotionless voice.

Nodding at Neji she countinued with her work.



Kunani"s flashed as the Haruno sisters trained.It was two against one.Suki and Akira vs Sakura.You see they haven't seen eachother in eleven years so they were seeing how strong they were.

So far nobody had a scratch on them.Deciding to take break they layed on the grass to eat a quick snack,

"Wow Sakura-neesan you are so strong!"excailmend Suki.Smiling at her Sakura quickly finished her snack.

Streching she began to sing a familer song.Both of her sisters smiled.That was the song their mother used to sing to them every nigh before bed.

Soon all of them were singing the familer song .

(It is a pokemon lullaby that Max sings to jariachi when he leaves.)

Du Du du do do do do do do

do do do do duru dududu dudododo


And It Repeats like that.

Unknown to them ,their every move was being observed by two figures.


In The Trees

"We should attack now leader patince is wearing thin,"Said Itachi slight annoyance in his voice.The other figure nodded attack them from behind it would be less vioilent."he said in a calm tone.

Not anymore words were spoken as the two vanished in a whirl of leaves.


Back to the girls

The three sisters were getting up ready to get home before night fall.Sakura felt a funny feeling.The kind were something was going to happen.

Gathering her weapons along with her sisters she failed to notice a shadow that had cast over her.Next shye heard two screams and before she could do anything...

Everthing went black.


Hey !Sorry I promised a long chapter but all week I was sick and could not write the chapter.

So I knew you guys need a good chapter so I made this!:)Hoped you liked it!

Oh I know it was a little weird with Shikamaru and Ino but I want to make this story a little more funny!

Remeber to review!!!!Also still looking for that beta!

Je Ne!
