





The woman known as Mika Haruno leant against the damp cell wall. The Kazekage hadn't hurt her, aside from a lump on the back of her head and an aching neck. She listened to the water collecting in the dish that had contained her food. Slowly, hesitantly she put her hand in, then tentatively splashed and a small chuckle formed.She began to look at everything, standing suddenly and feeling the rough stone of the cell, feeling the tendrils of green moss.The sky outside looked so blue to her, so clean and pure.

Footsteps broke her concentration and the door opening brought goose bumps to her arms. She stared as if never seeing them before.

Tsunade stepped down into the dark room causing the woman known as Mika to stand and bow.

The Hokage looked at the woman and grasping her chin forced her to look into her eyes. She looked for a long time, noticing the way the eyes were a dark green with silver flecks, then she ordered a light to be brought.

The woman known as Mika had white waist length hair. She was frail looking except for her eyes; she looked frightened but also overwhelmed.

"I could have you executed"

"Yes, Tsunade-sama" she spoke with difficulty, like someone who had not spoken for a long time.

"Who are you" Tsunade finally asked

"I……." she paused thinking "I am….Senka…..That is the name I chose when I was separated"

"Where is Mika?" Tsunade leant back against the wall. She was sat next to the woman on the floor of the cell

"She…..is gone, I, I think I hurt her badly and she died…."

Tsunade nodded, not commenting "Tell me Senka….are you a ninja?"

A slow smile spread itself across the woman's features "Right now? It's the only thing I'm sure of"

"Then come with me…….we will talk further" Tsunade stood offering the woman her hand

"Is….Sakura alright" Senka asked taking her hand and easily being hauled up to her feet.

Tsunade paused "She's fine, but none of your concern……she is not your sister"

The woman known as Senka nodded and followed Tsunade into the corridor, and into a different life.

"How about this?"




"Gaara! Can you at least suggest something rather then just saying no?" An irate pink haired woman clad only in her underwear put her hands on her hips and scowled at the Kazekage who was lounging in a chair nearby.

Sakura waved at the pile of clothes beside her "you have it easy, for the last three years every party, all you have to do is wear those robes! But I….." she slumped onto the bed with a sigh

A weight settled itself next to her "Sakura, those who care what you're wearing, don't matter, and those who matter won't care…..personally you look fine the way you are…" Sakura stared at Gaara in shock until the man winked at her

'HENTAI!" She screamed "Gaara!"

Said Kazekage had tackled Sakura and was now tickling her as she laughed "Stop!!! Gaara!" she giggled finally pushing him off her, "don't do that!"

"And why not?" Gaara asked as she randomly picked a silver dress and smoothed it over her body.

Sakura grinned and headed for the door.

"Sakura!" Gaara growled


"Why shouldn't I drag you back to this bed and tickle you to death?" he asked standing and preparing to make good his threat, it would only make them a 'little' late for the party.

The pink haired woman leant on the doorframe, smiling mischievously "Why, Gaara! It would probably upset the baby!" and with that she was off down the corridor

Gaara frowned his brain processing what he had just heard why wouldn't………wait…baby?? BABY!?

"SAKURA!" He skidded out of the room in time for Sakura to stop at the top of the staircase at the opposite end of the corridor


"You're pregnant??"

She cocked her head at him "Hai"

"You're sure?" he said

Sakura looked up to the heavens before speaking "Helloooooo Medic-nin?"

"EEK!" was all she had time to say before she was swept up by a wave of sand, deposited in Gaara's arms and thoroughly hugged to death "GAARA!" she yelped finally "We're going to be late for your party……"

"Screw my party" Gaara responded and the pair transported away.

Downstairs Temari looked at Kankuro 'Did you just hear something?"


Senka means shadow...