"Brisingr!" A tall middle aged rider with wavy long black hair and released his arrow watching it glow up into green fire as it made its way to the five urgals. The rider chuckled at the sight at his victory and turned to his green dragon hoping to find a pleased look on her face, but she didn't even notice. Her head was looking up at the sky and her eyes were big. He looked up as well and saw a rider that looked familiar on a red dragon. His eyes grew big along with his dragons. Not with fear though, but with anger. He realized finally whom it was once the man started talking.

"O well done, well done. I applaud you," the man joked as his dragon lowered to the ground.

"Morzan," the rider scowled.

"Now, Galron, aren't you a little too manly to be playing with bows and arrows?" He chuckled and got off of his dragon. "Let us test your blade!" Galron made a quick effort to kill him instantly but Morzan quickly retorted, "Thrysta vanir!"

Galron was thrown with great force in the chest moving back twenty feet in the air. He landed hard on the soil and curled up in a ball waiting for the pain to recede. His dragon roared with fury and made her way to her injured rider. Morzan slowly walked his way toward Galron laughing as he drew out his crimson blade. Galron's dragon snapped her jaws at Morzan warning him to stay away.

"Oh! Getting a little angry now are we?" Morzan replied with a taunting voice. The furious dragon growled at him watching him move around the two in a circle with his dragon following.

"Now let's make this intresting. How about we play fair? Blade against blade. What's better to see who the better man is with swords play? No magic at all." Morzan shot a look at Galrons dragon. "And no aid from your precious dragon," he scowled at her saying those words in such a beastly manner. This made Galron's dragon furious which made her jump at him with her jaw open, ready to rip apart his body. But Morzan's dragon raced her there and clawed her in the face. She landed on the hard ground with a thud and her body went limp.

"No!" Galron yelled he crawled to her, still in pain from the wind blow Morzan pulled earlier. He collapsed on her neck breathing heavily. The scratches on her face made him quiver. He reached out his marked palm getting ready to heal her but Morzan stepped on his hand with the heel of his boot. Galron screamed in pain, this made his dragon wakeup up which even caused him more pain. Her eyes opened and her left one was scratched and bloody due to the scratch of Morzan's dragon.

"What did I tell you, Galron? No magic," Morzan said as he released his boot under Galron's hand and headed his way to his dragon patting him on the neck to let him know he did a good job. Galron grabbed his injured hand and flexed it back and forth making sure nothing was broken. Galron looked at his dragon who was now sitting upright trying to lick the blood off her face. He made his way to her but she interrupted.

Galron don't worry about me, I'm fine. Galron didn't believe it.

You're fine? Your eye is scratched! How can you be fine?

Just believe me, Galron. And don't worry! You always worry! Now go fight him and show him who the better man is! He chuckled and looked at her with love in his eyes. She smiled back, or tried to, the scratch prevented her from the smile she always gave him.

Now go! Hell has been waiting much too long for him.

He smiled and drew out his green blade. He finally turned around and saw Morzan a few yards away from him with his blood colored blade drawn out. His dragon was by the trees and out of the way of the fighting ground. Both riders stood there as intensity broke through. Galron hesitated each time he thought of going for the first blow afraid that Morzan would use magic. After all, he never promised anything.

But it just so happens that Morzan took the first blow but was blocked by Galron easily. From then on the both fought nonstop. To Morzan's surprise Galron was quick on his feet and creative with his swords play. Galron was actually making Morzan sweat which was a big thing because Morzan gets the best of the fight and kills the victim instantly. Unfortunately, Morzan found Galron's fighting pattern and found a way to kick him in the gut. Galron fell to the ground and tried to get up but he saw Morzan lift his sword high and come down. Galron quickly blocked Morzan's attempt to kill him. But Morzan came on top of him forcing his sword into Galron's throat, still blocked by the green blade.

Galron made an attempt to get up but Morzan had him pinned down. Morzan freed his right hand and reached in his boot and pulled out a dagger. Galron tried to free himself again but Morzan was too strong and heavy. Morzan smiled at Galron's pathetic attempt and held the dagger close to the clashed blades.

"Think of your child and wife, Galron. What would they think when they heard that you have been killed?" Morzan said in a fake sad voice.

"Don't you ever talk about my family you bastard!" Galron yelled in fury. Morzan just laughed.

"You better start sending your prayers to your family because once I'm done with you, its them next. Ha ha! Oh I'm going to have fun with that."

"If you ever touch them. I swear I will . . ." Galron was cut off.

"You'll what?" Morzan laughed, "You wont live to see that day." Morzan said as he moved the dgger closer to his throat. Galron's dragon's voice rang in his head

Galron! Do something! Get up! He's going to kill us!

You think I don't know that? Besides, I have a plan.

Morzan turned Galron's head with his dagger toward his green dragon.

"Say goodbye to her Galron. She's the last thing you . ."

Morzan looked down, there in his ribs was a dagger. Galron had sneaked the dagger from his own boot before Morzan had the chance to kill him. He heard his dragon roar but his dragon didn't move. Mozan's face all the sudden went white and hard. Galron felt Morzan's strength draining from himself so he got up and Morzan was the one on the ground this time. Galron pulled the dagger out of Morzan which made Morzan scream in pain. Galron pinned him down holding his own bloody dagger to his throat.

"And what of your son, Morzan? What is he to become after he finds out that his father has died? Unlike my child . . . he'll be happy to hear the news."

He then stood up and took his green blade and in one quick motion he stabbed him in his in his stomach.

"Now go to hell." Galron scowled. Finally he heard the sound he always wanted to hear, the dying screams of Morzan and his dragon. He quickly took the blade out from Morzan's body and spat at him. He turned to see his dragon up and roaring with happiness. Galron laughed along with her as he walked toward her. But his dragon's happy roars became warning screams.


Wha . .

A piercing pain came through his back and out his stomach. He screamed to the suprising attack. He wanted to fall down but something held him up. He looked down and saw a red blade protruding out of his stomach, he couldn't tell where his blood started and ended on the red sword. His dragon screamed and ran to him.

"Letta!" Galron heard a voice yell which was right behind him.

Galron's Dragon was held back no matter how hard she tried to run to her hurt rider. She screamed repeatedly hoping that would help her get closer to him. Her screams turned into cries finally realizing she will never get to have another flight with her rider, no more nights of talking to each other, and because of that blasted spell she wont be able to ever touch her rider again. Galron felt a warm breath down his neck realizing it was Morzan.

"You cheated," Galron said breathlessly.

All he did was chuckle.

"I'm Morzan."

Morzan's dragon was right behind his rider sounding as though he was laughing along with his rider.

"Now get off of my blade," Morzan kicked Galron of his bloodied sword. Galron fell hard on the ground next to his dragon's body. Morzan lowered his palm on Galron's dragon and mounted his dragon and flew off. He was positive that Galron was on his death trip.

Once she was free from the spell she dropped down next to him picking up his body with her head trying to help him up. Galron tried to chuckle but instead he coughed out blood. His dragon all suddenly felt weak and gently dropped his body down and lied down with her dying rider. Galron reached for her head but couldn't because of the never ending pain. She understood what he wanted and gently placed her head his over his body.

He held her head as her blood from the scratch dripped on him, but he didn't care. His dragon felt the strength draining from him as his arms slipped off her head. She looked at his pale face and to her surprise it was still life like with a bloodied smile on his face. He looked all around, from the tall trees to the sun setting sky. He felt the wind blow through the air, trying to breathe in the sweet smell of the earth for the last time. She then discovered something she never saw in his eyes. They were watery, teary, and glassy, but she too felt the same weird sensation coming over her too. His smile then faded and his watery green eyes became still, but he was still breathing faintly. His dragon gave one last cry to her rider and he said softly in her head,

I'm sorry . . . Vervada

And both drew their last breath.

Eragon awoke with a startle, and what's better to wake with a burning gedwey ignasia? Eragon examined his marked palm, gripping it tight hoping that it would ease the pain. He thought back to the dream he just had, but was interrupted by Saphira's voice in his head,

Finally! I was going to have to roar if you didn't wake up in the next hour!

Eragon looked to his left and found Saphira on the floor licking her paw. He chuckled at her comment and thought back to the dream. Seeing the rider fall on Morzan's blade gave him the chills. He looked to Saphira's face making sure she didn't have a scratch on her face like Galron's dragon did. Then he remembered that the dragon had a name.

Ugh! What was that blasted name! It was probably important too! Then once again he was interrupted by Saphira.

What? She said as she cocked her head. You have been staring at me for an awfully long time, little one. Is something bothering you?

No.Eragon replied as he massaged his burning palm but the pain continued. Eragon looked around and he was in his Varden room.

"How did I end up here?" Eragon said out loud.

Once again, you got a little to excited with your magic while we were fighting the Ra,zac. Lucky for you there were onlytwo left so I finished them off once you blacked out. Then I took you back here. Saphira reminded him.

Ah! So that would explain my burning palm. Thanks for that by the way.Eragon replied getting up to stretch. But Saphira didn't let the conversation end there.

Eragon, you have to be careful with your magic, didn't Brom tell you that? You are still a young rider. What happens if you overuse your magic and I'm not there to protect you? We have a battle coming up, Eragon. Just because you learned all these new spells from Oromis doesn't mean you can do magic any time you please! It will cost your life and mine also. While Saphira continued her scolding, Eragon started searching the room for Zar'roc.

Where's my sword? Eragon interrupted, trying to change the subject.

It's in the weapon room getting cleaned off. But Eragon don't try to change the subject, I still have to . . .

Ah! The weapon room, right! Thanks, Saphira. Eragon said and left the room quickly and headed to the weapon room.

Finally some quiet. She really knows how to give a lecture. Eragon joked to himself as he walked through the long halls to the weaponry room. He finally had time to think about the dream he had. He thought about the death the rider again and this time instead of chills, his gedwey ignasia tingled. Eragon thought this was odd about how his body reacted to a silly dream. He wondered if it was a sign of something, then a thought came into his mind.

Maybe that man is my father! My father a dragon rider! That would be fascinating!

He neared the Weapon room and heard armor clanging against the floor. Eragon became alert and reached for Zar'roc but of course it was in the room he had to enter. He entered the room grabbing the closest weapon to him. It was a beautiful, sleek, Elvin sword, polished beautifully. He heard the clanging of the armor stop and he became nervous. He went in the room deeper searching for this "phantom". He was then grabbed around the neck with a dagger against his throat. Eragon froze with fear trying to think of a way to escape this person's grip but this man was strong.

"Give me my sword and you won't experience a death so quickly," The mysterious voice said.

To Eragon's surprise the man's voice sounded very feminine it didn't matter though, whoever it was, they were trying to hurt him. He then thought of the quickest defense and slashed the man's hand with the Elvin sword. Then Eragon quickly stepped out of the man's weakening grip. Eragon quickly turned around expecting a sword match against the man, but it was no man. There in front of him was a young woman with light brown, wavy long, hair. She went to her knees, never taking her eyes off of her slashed hand. Eragon went to her aid but she quickly turned away from him holding her injured hand.

"I'm trying to help you," Eragon said kindly, but the girl turned around and retorted,

"All I wanted was . . ." She paused and realized whom she was talking to. Her green eyes went big and she stuttered.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry Eragon Shadeslayer! I just . . . I didn't know! Its not well lit in this room and . . . Don't think I'm always like this because I'm not. I just was alarmed because I thought you were trying to steal my sword and you see that sword is very special . . ." She was interrupted by Eragon saying,

"It's quite alright, I understand. I would do the same if I saw a person with my sword in their hands." He chuckled and bent down to reach for her slashed hand.

"Now, may I heal you? You are quite hurt and I apologize for that." He took her hand but she pulled it away.

"I thank you Eragon but you shouldn't heal me for my silly mistake," she replied kindly. He took her hand again and said,

"It was my silly mistake too. I should heal you." She pulled her hand away again and said in a pleasing voice,

"Eragon, please. Conserve your magic for a better use. Out of all my injuries this is by far the least painful. It's like a cat scratch compared to the other injuries that I have. Besides, this will leave an unforgettable scar. Every time I look at it I will be proud to say that is wear Eragon Shadeslayer slashed my hand."

"Alright now you're making me sound like a criminal," Eragon laughed. "If you won't let me heal you at least run some water on that cut."

"Well, of course, Eragon. I do have some common sense in me, you know. Now what was your purpose here?" She got up and her slim body showed with a beautiful green dress matching the colors of here eyes. Her features were like an elf's, but her ears were of a human's.

"What was your purpose here?" he retorted back at her getting up off his knees and picking up her blade and pointing it at the trashed room.

"I was looking for," she snatched her blade out of Eragon's hands, "my blade."

"That's a beautiful blade you have there, watch over that," Eragon said.

"Yes, but I believe you didn't answer my question. What is your purpose here?" she replied, wiping her blood from her sword on her dress, carelessly.

"I was . . . " Eragon said as he quickly searched the room, and saw Zar'roc laid out on a table all cleaned and pulled it out, "searching for my blade as well." The girl backed away from him.

"Where did you get that sword?" she said in horror, "That's Morzan's sword! Why do you have it?"

"Calm down. Brom gave it to me," he smiled then continued, "He killed Morzan with this blade, and I know that Morzan was a killer to many dragons and dragon riders, but Brom gave it to me and I shall cherish it." Her face lit up as she heard Brom's name.

"You know Brom?" she asked with a smile. Her teeth were pearly white.

"Aye," Eragon said with a grim look, "do you?"

"Yes, of course! He was like my second father when I was a child. I haven't heard from him in years! Oh the times I had with him! But enough of that! How is he? Where is he? Oh I have so many questions to ask him!" she said as she danced with joy around the room. Eragon thought it was terribly sad that she had never heard the news of Brom's death. He tried to smile with her but couldn't.

"Well? Where is he?" she asked urgently. There was still a smile on her face. Eragon faced her with a half a smile.

"Let's take a walk."