Billy drew in a breath, watching the scene below through the rose window. A thick-set mouse-brown haired man was waving around a gun like a flag, standing in front of the Church altar and speaking into his head-set.

Eli shifted from foot to foot on Billy's right, obviously impatient to get in there – only Nathaniel's presence over his shoulder stopping him, insistent that they should wait for the opportune moment. If Billy was honest, he was as desperate to get in there as Patriot was – people were in danger.

They continued in silence until something brushed Billy's shoulder and he jumped a foot into the air – literally, the air momentarily crackling with electricity.

"Sorry dude," chuckled a warm deep voice to his left. Teddy.

Billy blushed and then mentally kicked himself. Dammit dude, why don't you just nail a sign to your forehead saying "Teddy: I have a major crush on you. Would you like to come back to mine and go at it like rabbits?"

Instead, Billy just grunted and said, "Just want to get in there, 's'all" articulate, Kaplan.

"Yeah," Patriot grumbled under his breath. "What's with all the waiting? Hulkling could just go though the window."

"Guys..." came a worried tone from behind the gathering of Iron Lad, Patriot and Asgardian. Teddy was looking through the window and the rest joined him. The man with the head-set had just pointed a gun at one of the bridesmaids in purple dresses; the one with raven black hair just like the brides.

Hulkling jumped straight through the rose window, Eli grabbing hold of his shoulders for he ride down. Iron Lad followed, shouting at Teddy for destroying the window; there was more to the conversation but Billy missed it. He cracked with energy, it flowed over his skin, under his skin, the power coursed through him and he set his mind to the job. He became a different person when he was Asgardian, he was confident, powerful – everything he wasn't in his everyday life. Like this he even managed to drown out the way Teddy's muscles played under his green skin, the sense of pure power he radiated and his all around impressiveness – well, almost.

Billy remained in the air, his magic keeping him there. He took out two thugs at once with one strategically place lightning bolt and dodged another. Still feet in the air Billy saw Hulkling disarm three men at once and in his peripheral saw a man coming at Teddy with a knife.

"Hulkling! Behind you!" yelled Billy sending a lightning bolt at Teddy's attacker.

"I got him!" he replied, slamming his attacker in the chest.

"You certainly did." said Billy, a flirtatious edge creeping into his voice. What the fuck, Kaplan?! What the fuck do you think you're doing flirting with Teddy Altman?!

"Yeah, thanks to you," said Teddy, his eyes smouldering into Billy's and an almost growl creeping into his voice. Okay. This I was not expecting. Billy, here's some advice from yourself: just go with it.

"No, thanks to you," He hasn't beaten me up yet, so that's a start. Wait. Is Teddy flirting with me?

"Do you smell smoke?" asked Teddy, his eyes still rooted to Billy's and a small smile curving his lips.

"Yeah...kinda..." said Billy, not daring to move his eyes from Teddy's in case this all turned out to be just his imagination.

"That's because that last lightning storm of yours kinda started a fire," yelled Patriot from where he was beating the crap out of one of the thugs.


Billy heard footsteps behind him and turned to see a bald man in a black suit charging towards him. Before he could send a lightning bolt at him or put together a spell the man got him with a left hook, sending him flying with a muffle of pain right into Hulkling. As they fell to the ground, Teddy's arms wrapped around Billy, enclosing him in their protective circle. They slammed into the flagstones and Billy felt the vibrations rumble through his body.

Time seemed to slow down as they heard the fight going on above their heads. Teddy's arms did not release him.

A gun sounded. Teddy's arms tightened further around him so that the hold was almost painful and flipped them over so that he was on top, shielding Billy from harm.

Billy turned around within the confines of his arms so that they were face to face.

Teddy's eyes were back to boring into Billy's and he felt a flush creeping up from the neck of his costume. One of Teddy hands moved to cup the back of Billy's head and gently brush out the rubble and bits of glass out of it. Billy felt his heart racing and began to feel lightning dancing on his skin like it did when his emotions got out of check. The hand at the back of Billy's head moved around and stroked softly over a cut on his cheekbone, the green skin felt slightly rougher than human skin and sent thrills over Billy's skin and whirlpools through his stomach. The lightning jumped, surging stronger. Teddy chuckled, brushed his hand slowly through Billy's hair again and leaned in to press velvet lips in a gentle kiss to Billy's cheek. The lightning blinded him.

Billy lay stunned as Teddy sprung up with a secret smile on his face and rejoined the fight. Reality slowly seeped back to Billy and he got up in time to witness the raven haired bridesmaid picking up a discarded gun and a thug come up behind her to put another gun to the side of her head.

The rest happened too fast for Billy to even register. The girl disarmed and beat the thug and the team controlled the hostage situation. The media descended on them but Billy just walked behind Teddy and hoped the giant green hulk look-alike would draw attention away from him. His Asgardian persona was dropping, leaving him feeling the full effects of the night. He felt sore from the fighting and a thousand and one doubts and insecurities were arising from his moment with Teddy. In fact, he was beginning to think he had imagined it.

Billy vaguely registered seeing Iron Lad pick up Patriot and rise into the air, calling for him and Hulkling to do the same. Billy grabbed hold of Teddy's shoulder and they rose into the air together, only snapping out of his semi-trance when he heard Teddy shouting up to him,

"Jessica Jones wants us to call her!"

Billy's inner fanboy couldn't help but react, "Wait – Jessica Jones as in Jewel?"

"Yeah dude – how cool?" enthused Teddy, putting a hand around Billy's waist. It's just for support or stability or some shit, Billy. Don't get too excited.

The four of them landed in the grounds outside the abandoned Avengers mansion where they reviewed the nights work and discussed Jessica Jones' offer. The mini-meeting ended with Patriot going one way and Iron Lad remaining there. Billy waved the guys goodbye and headed out of the grounds back home. A few seconds later he heard pounding footsteps behind him; he turned to see Teddy running up to him.

"Mind if I walk with you?" he asked.

"Not at all," replied Billy, stunned.

Teddy gestured in front of him and they began walking in silence. Billy snuck a glance at Teddy and saw him reverting to his normal form; green hair turning blond, eyes turning bright blue, until he was once more the tall, well built, handsome boy everyone knew as Teddy Altman and not the green shapeshifter the world knew as Hulkling. Teddy ducked his head and caught Billy's eye causing him to blush until he was sure he resembled a tomato more than a human being.

Billy started to open him mouth to say something, but shut it quickly, not trusting himself to say the right thing. Instead he resigned himself to his ever present internal monologue. He wondered how long he had felt this way about Teddy, possibly since the day he had met him when Iron Lad had gathered them for their first meeting. Teddy looked like one of the jocks that bullied him at school, the kind of guy every girl wanted to go out with and every guy wanted to be. But despite all that there had been something about him that Billy couldn't help but be intrigued by. Teddy never treated him like those people, just because he was skinny and weak-looking and, to be honest, not the best looking guy out there. He was funny, interesting intelligent, Billy could list features in his head for hours. There had just been something in Teddy's eyes that said he was different. Billy had never told anyone about his crush, never thought he had to as Teddy seemed so obviously straight. Billy was so confused. What about the kiss? What did it mean?

"The kiss," blurted out Billy before he could stop himself.

Teddy looked up and gave him a questioning look.

"Dude, I mean that was funny. You kissing me, 'cause you don't – you're not -" Billy managed to splutter out, and then gave a strangled laugh. His usual trick of making a joke out of things didn't seem to be working.

"Not what?" Teddy asked innocently.

"You're not, I mean... Teddy – I'm gay."

Teddy roared with laughter. Not the reaction Billy was expecting or hoping for.

"Duh," Teddy choked out between snorts of laughter.

"Then what?!" cried Billy indignantly.

"Billy," Teddy said, instantly calming down. "For such a smart kid you sure are dumb."

"What? Oh -" he gasped then sighed as Teddy lent down and pressed his lips to Billy's in one silken sweep. Billy closed his eyes and sunk into the other boy's big body, returning the kiss with vigour, lips moving together in unison. Teddy's hand roved up Billy's back and tangled itself in the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling at it occasionally to evoke little keening noises and groans of pleasure from the smaller boy. The big hands moved to cup Billy's face and run thumbs over his cheekbones, setting fireworks off under his skin. Teddy's kiss was just as he had imagined, but better. They were tender but had a strength to them that surpassed explanation.

"Mmm," said Teddy, pulling back but keeping his hands in place. "I hope that answers your question."

Billy reluctantly opened his eyes and looked up at him through his lashes. It had the desired effect as Teddy blushed, his swollen lips smiling cautiously, and at this proximity Billy could feel his heart rate speed up.

"I don't know, I could do with a bit more convincing."

Teddy growled at the back of his throat, "I'll take that as a challenge then."

They came back together, kisses slightly rougher, more filled with passion. Teddy caught Billy's lower lip in his teeth and sucked it, getting a moan of pure euphoria from the boy in his arms, making him claw in pleasure at his partners back. Now it was Billy's turn; he slowly extended his tongue and brushed it once across the length of Teddy's mouth, and then again – the other boys mouth opening more each time, making him work for it. His mouth fully open, Billy swept his tongue in and softly over Teddy's making him moan low in his throat.

"God! Billy..."