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Part 28

The gang arrived back in Nottinghamshire in time to distribute the remainder of Brother John and the Sheriff's wealth among the poor and needy before securing themselves a feast of their own. Much declared it was the finest Christmas meal he had prepared and cooked for a very long time, full and replete the gang sat back to talk.

"It is almost New Year, time for a new beginning; I wonder what will be different? What the future might hold?" Much mused.

The gang sat round the small fire inside the cave. He looked at Marian and Robin, they seemed close since their return from Yorkshire and he could not quite put his finger on why. Even now she leant against him and Robin ran his fingers repeatedly through her hair. Robin then looked across at her, both remembering the promise they had made.

"In the New Year?" Robin asked Marian. "Tuck can perform such ceremonies."

"Tuck," she replied thoughtfully, adding. "At Edwinstowe church."

"Edwinstowe," Robin echoed, then said. "It is more than a day's walk from here."

"It was pretty," she simply replied.

Robin paused and unexpectedly, raised Marian's hand to his lips and kissed her. "For you anything," he said his voice lilted with charm and she shook her head in amusement.

There was a pause as they looked at each other and then she reached forward kissing him full on the mouth, he caught her as she moved, his hands firmly around her waist and drew her to sit on his lap, drawing out and lengthening the kiss, to which the gang all tried to discreetly turn a blind eye to.

When Robin and Marian faced the gang again Much said slowly piecing it together "Edwinstowe……Church…..Tuck. You are getting married. Why did you not tell us?"

"When did you decide to make an honest man of him?" Alan asked grinning at Marian.

"Yes I can see from your expression, you decide this a while ago. Why did you not tell us?" added Djaq.

"Edwinstowe, good choice, they will welcome us there," offered Will.

"Congratulations," added Little John.

"I must say," began Much. "That I feel hurt that you did not confide in us sooner. When did you decide this anyway? We are your friends, companions, family and yet you shielded it from us."

"Shut up," said Alan. "We know now don't we, before the happy event."

"Even so…..Master," protested Much.

Robin shared a glance with Marian, they looked back at the manservant and the rest of the gang and for the moment just smiled.

The End

To be continued………