A/N: Okay…well, I'm going to have it in Sakura's POV in the next chapter. And then Sasuke's. And then Sakura's. And then Sasuke's. (Do you see a pattern?)

disclaimer: no.

it's the beautiful things: a sasusaku [slight AU

title: …prologue.
genre: humor/romance
warnings: well. cursing always happens. it's rated T
things: Yeah. They're 16 and Itachi never killed his family, but a lot of things are the same – Sakura & Ino's friendship thing, genin teams, etc.

There were tons of things that Uchiha Sasuke would rather do on Saturdays. You know, like train and stuff.

And that's what he had been doing.

Until Naruto, his eternal rival (and best friend, albeit sometimes he wished he wasn't) went crazy on him and used Rasengan.

On his arm.

ANDOHMYGOD, he would never admit it, but it hurt.

Like, really hurt.

Which is why he trudged back home (with no help from Naruto, of course) to be greeted with a strict Mikoto who had been going out for groceries, who of course, made him go to the hospital.

And now he was sitting, waiting to be treated by a doctor.

Preferably a guy (no, he was not fucking gay; he just didn't want to be oogle-ed at).

So when the door opened and he saw pink, he flinched.

It better not be some bitch.


That pink was too familiar.

It wasn't a bitch.

Nicer, but still…

It was his ex-girlfriend, Haruno Sakura.

She walked into the room, not seemingly aware of who was in the room, as she clicked her pen and put her clipboard down on the desk.

When she looked up, he saw what in her eyes?

…Hurt? …Pain? …Rejection? …Betrayal?

Granted, he would never have broken up with her if it hadn't been for his father.

Fugaku loved Sakura as a person and everything (surprisingly), but he had his youngest son previously engaged.

To one Haruno Sakura's best friend, Yamanaka Ino.

And oh, shit, he left Sasuke with the job of breaking up with her.

"Oh, hello, Uchiha-san," she said politely. "Would you sit up?"

He stiffened on the rough paper-padded table. She put her hands on his bicep, where, if he hadn't had so much goddamn pride and wasn't hurting, would have swooned. Truthfully, he had missed her.

But damnit, he had, by orders of his father, just asked out Ino on a date (he was pretty sure that she had no idea about the already set-up engagement).

Chakra flew into his arm and he sighed in relief.

"I'll have to thank Naruto later," she said, as she healed him. "I heard you asked out Ino on a date."

And he flinched.


Let's not talk about this.

"She's so happy about it."

He weakly nodded.

She removed her hand and started walking out the door. "Don't let her down," she said, before closing the door.

He was in some deep shit.

A/N: And oh yes, reviews are like cookies (unless you don't like cookies, in which case you are crazy). And I want cookies. Cookies are my friends. Thus, you shall hand me cookies in the form of reviews. Because you are not sadistic or trying to make me cry. Why, thank you. It's a short prologue but more to come! ;; The humor will get better.