Hi everyone!

Miss me?! No?! Wouldn't be surprised…

I know you're all probably pissed at me for not doing ANYTHING with the story for like… EVER! But… I'm finally putting chapters up!! XD You guys deserve it.

Hope you like it!

Chapter 1

Akari's POV

Hi, I'm Akari. I'm six years old and I live in a big school!. I live here with a lot of kids my age and some older kids too. I'm in Kindergarten.

It was Monday morning when it happened. It was the weirdest day of my whole life! …So far! The older kids say I say that a lot. I guess they're right. Weird stuff happens to me a lot…

I was lying in bed on Monday morning. It was September, I think.

"Beep! Beep! Beep!" Rang my alarm clock.

My eyes slowly slid open and I stared over at the clock. It read 8:45. I couldn't tell time yet, but I knew I was supposed to be at the cafeteria when the clock said 8:30.

I was gonna be late!!

"Oh man!" I shouted, jumping out of bed. "I-I'm late!!" !" I threw my blanket onto the floor and ran to the door.

My roommate was already gone. Man, did I not like my roommate. She was bossy and mean. And she smelled. I had missed breakfast twice this week because my roommate kept unplugging my alarm clock. Like I said, she's mean.

I ran into the hallway and almost slammed into the wall. Then my shoulder started hurting.

"Ow!" I shouted. I pulled up my sleeve and tried to see if I could see anything wrong with it. The only thing I could see was the scar-looking mark I'd had for as long as I could remember. The nurse called it a 'birthmark'. Nothing looked weird about it, until it started glowing.

'Huh?!' I thought as I ran into the cafeteria. "Sorry I'm late Mr.—" As I pushed the doors open, all I could see was a white light. By the time I had stopped, I was already passed the door.

My throat started to hurt and so did my stomach. I started coughing and I felt like I couldn't breath. I closed my eyes and everything seemed to disappear.

"C-cant…" I whispered, "Can't… BREATH!!"

Normal POV

Inside a fairly large white room, an old man sat at his desk. A woman and two men stood in front of him. The man's head was resting on the back of his hands and his eyes were closed.

A silver haired man had just finished explaining something to him.

"Kakashi, are you sure this will work?" the old man asked. This man was called the Hokage .

"Positive," the silver haired man replied. He wore a green vest and dark blue pants. He had a mask covering his face and a headband covering his left eye as well. "But…"

"But what?" The Hokage said, opening his eyes.

"Well," The silver haired man continued, "its just… how will we know she's the one we're looking for?" There was an awkward silence.

"We won't know until the Chunin exams, when she can show us her true power… Of course, it could take longer." The Hokage replied. "We just have to be patient." The Hokage paused and pulled out an old file from his desk. He handed the file to the silver haired man. The man opened the file and read it over carefully.

"I see." He said. The Hokage nodded.

"Exactly." He said. "Kakashi, we need to do this now."

The silver haired man, Kakashi nodded. He, the other man—a brown haired man with a small beard—and the woman—a dark haired lady with red eyes—walked to the middle of the room.

"Asuma, Kurenai, are you ready?" The Hokage asked.

"Yes sir!" The other man and the woman replied in unison.

"Alright you three get ready…" The Hokage said. He stood up and walked over to the three of them. They stood in a diamond formation.

"Let's just get this over with." The man named Asuma said. Kakashi and the woman named Kurenai nodded. They turned to their Hokage and nodded to him as well.

Together, the four of them performed a large number of hand signs and knelt down.

"Isou(1)" They exclaimed in unison. A huge cloud of smoke filled the room.

"D-did we do it?" Kurenai asked, covering her mouth with her arm. Asuma groaned.

"I…uh, don't know," He said as the smoke began to settle, "I think…"

Suddenly, a small cry of shock and fear rang out. Kakashi tried to blow some smoke out of the way using his hand. It helped a bit.

When the smoke settled enough to see, the three adults found something they were—and weren't—expecting; sitting in the middle of them was a small girl. She looked to be at least six or seven years old. She had brownish hair and her eyes were squeezed tightly. Her arms were over her head in fear.

What the girl wore is what really caught them off guard; she wore a pair of loose purple pajamas with smiley faces all over them. She was also barefoot. And her hair seemed a little messy, as if she'd just woken up.

The little girl coughed and whined. "Wh-what's going on?" She exclaimed, still not opening her eyes. "Wh-where am I?!"

Akari's POV

Well this has been the worst week ever! First my roommate makes me late like… a lot! Then she starts a food fight and blames it on me, and now I just… I don't even KNOW what happened, but it was freaky!! And to top it all off, I'M IN MY PJ'S!! This week keeps getting better and better!

"Ah," An old man said, "Welcome!"

"H-huh?!" I said loudly. I opened my eyes wide and looked around. There was an old man in a… white bath robe looking thingy, a man with a funky silver hair do and a mask, a guy with spiky brown hair and a beard—and he smelled like smoke… well, more than I did—and a lady with dark hair and red eyes. It was a little creepy.

But I felt like I knew these people! Like I'd seen their faces before! And then I remembered!

"How do you know my name?!" I exclaimed. The man that smelled like smoke took a step forward.

"Hey kid, you ok?" He asked, taking another step towards me. I think I freaked out. I could tell I was shaking. I mean, come on! I was in my pajamas!!

All I did was look up at him. He seemed bigger than in person. And when he got closer, so did the smell. I put my hand over m nose without thinking…

"Hey…" The lady said to me. When I didn't say anything, she looked over at the old man. "She looks a little flustered."

The old man laughed. "I'm not surprised." He said. The old man walked over to me and bent over. "My name is Sarutobi." He sighed. "I'm the Hokage. You're in Konoha now."

"K…Konoha…?" I whispered. "Wh…what's th-that?" The old man laughed again. I didn't like to be laughed at. "Wh-what's so funny?!"

"It's nothing." The 'Hokage' said. "Konoha is the 'Leaf Village'. It's a shinobi—or ninja—village located in the Fire country." He paused. "There are all sorts of villages and countries all over the place."

I felt my eyes widen. "N-ninja?!" I shouted. "Like… masks and those star thingies?!" The Hokage smiled.

"Yes, in a way." He said. "We've brought you here from your world."

At first, I didn't realize what he meant.

"So am I gonna be a ninja?" I asked.

"Maybe someday." The Hokage said. He turned to the other three grown-ups. "Now, I'm going to explain some more things to Akari here," He paused, looking down at me.

I still wanted to know how he knew my name!!

"So can the three of you go and get her stuff from the other dimension?" The Hokage asked. The three of them nodded; the old man nodded back. "Alright then, Akari, care to join me in the hall?"

I gulped. The Hokage offered me his hand and I grabbed onto it. It was all… wrinkly and stuff.

"How'd you know my name?" I asked. The old man smiled.

"Why don't we save all the questions for after the… 'tour'?" He asked. I crossed my arms and gave him a 'hmph'. The old man laughed again. "Ok, let's go."

I grabbed his hand loosely and the Hokage led me into the hallway.

The reason I thought I kinda knew the old man was because of what happened one day back home. One of the older boys' computers apparently broke and he went into the library to use theirs. I was also at the library that day. I… uh… kinda spied on him. He was one of the older kids that was nice to me!

Anyway, the boy was watching a video on the… In-ta-net. I can never get that word right! But I think that was it. The boy was watching a video… and when I saw old man Hokage, I recognized him from the video!

The boy eventually caught me and then explained what he was watching. It was a show called… 'Naruto'. After he was done on the computer, he told me he had some Naruto stuff he didn't want anymore. So he let me have them!

He gave me cards, pictures, and these books called 'manga'. Even though I couldn't read, the pictures were still cool.

After the old man Hokage had finished talking with me, he walked me over to a big building. It had a big squiggly thing on a big sign hanging over the door.

"This is the Konoha Academy." The old man said. "This is going to be where you go to school." I looked up at him and smiled.

"Cool." I said. "Am I going now?" The old man shook his head.

"No," He said. "You'll go a little later. I'm going to show you your new apartment first."

Wait, did he just say apartment?

"Huh?" I said. The old man started walking again, I followed.

"You're getting you own place." He said.

"All to myself?!" I shouted. He nodded. "Cool!" I shouted. The old man laughed.

"I guess it is!" He said. I was sure I'd like it here!

My apartment building wasn't far away from the school—or the Hokage's place either. It wasn't a big building, but it wasn't small either. But I liked it.

I was in room 1-12. I found this really funny, 'cause that's my birthday! January 12th is my birthday(2)! When I told the Hokage, he only laughed.

The Hokage led me to the elevator and then we walked to my new room—1-12. When we got there, the old man pulled a shiny black key out of his pocket and slipped it into the doorknob hole. He pushed the door open and we walked inside.

My room was so cool! Sure, it was white… and dusty, but it was bigger than my old room! Or at least without the furniture it was. But I liked it anyway. I smiled and ran into the room, ignoring the dust. The old man followed a few seconds behind me.

The first area I ran into was what I thought was the kitchen. It was a small kitchen; it had one of those counters that separate the kitchen from the rest of the room. I had a fridge, a dishwasher, a sink, an oven, and a stove.

Apparently the old man noticed the oven and stove when I did, because when I saw them and walked over to them, he caught me by the shoulder.

"Why don't we leave them for when you're older?" He said. I smiled and nodded. Then I skipped out of the kitchen and walked down a small hallway.

On the right I found a small bathroom. It—like everything else—was white and dull looking. I was really hoping the Hokage would do something about that.

On the left I found another room. This one was like the building itself—not too big, not too small. I didn't know what room this was, but I had a few ideas—play room, TV room… training room…

The old man walked in after me as I ran into the room. "So what's this gonna be?" I asked. The old man walked over to the far wall and looked out the large window.

"It's your apartment now," He said, "What do you want it to be?" I smiled as I looked around.

"How about…" I began, "A training area!" The Hokage seemed a little surprised. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." The old man said. "Training room it is."

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. The Hokage walked out into the main area of my new apartment and opened the door. Next thing I knew, a few grown-ups wearing shiny metal and masks came into my apartment. They were carrying boxes and a few bags.

"Uhh…" I began, "Jiji-san(3)?" I began. Old man Hokage gave me a weird look. "Who're they? And what's with the stuff?"

The old man walked over to me and patted me on the head. "They've brought you some of your old stuff." He said, "And some new things you'll need here—and some stuff they found in your world."

I bought it. As long as it meant stuff.

"Ok." I said. I walked into the hallway and into the main room. There were four grown-ups: A woman and three men. I couldn't see them clearly; they all wore masks. But I could see a little bit of their hair. They all had darkish hair… except for one person.

This man—he looked like he was the youngest of all of them by the look of his body—had bright orange hair. He was sitting next to my NEW SCREEN DOOR.

Wow! I have a screen door! WITH a balcony!!

Whoa, am I getting off track…

Anyway, the grown-ups were all unpacking different things: the woman was unpacking some clothes—some that I noticed were new—one of the men was unpacking what looked like weapons, but looking more carefully, I saw that they were like plastic, another man was unpacking a thin laptop—probably found in the library—what looked like a purple iPod—'YES!!' I thought—and a silver cell phone. I didn't know when this stuff would come in handy when I'm going to be a ninja, but I wasn't going to tell them that!

The man with the orange hair was unpacking a box filled with a few books and two large binders. I felt my palms get sweaty; he was unpacking my Naruto cards and manga!!

I gulped as he flipped open one of the manga books. I couldn't see his face, which made me even more nervous. I think the old man Hokage noticed this too, 'cause before long, he said something to the orange haired man.

"I think Akari would like to go through that stuff herself." He said. The orange haired man looked up and nodded.

"Yes sir." He said. I walked over nervously and began putting the stuff back in the box.

"I kinda wanna leave this stuff in here for now…" I said. The orange haired man nodded.

"Fair enough." He said. He placed a gloved hand on my head and stood up—without using my head.

The Hokage suddenly took a deep breath. "Well, Akari, shall we head to school?" He asked. I blinked and looked back down at my stuff. "You can finish up when we get back. Tomorrow you're going to get your furniture… and paint, so I wouldn't unpack much today.

I smiled and nodded. "Ok, jiji-san." I think I saw the old man twitch… maybe.

And with that, the orange haired man suddenly grabbed my arm and gently lifted me to my feet. I grabbed the Hokage's arm and he led me out the door—smiling.

Konoha Academy.

I felt a little awkward.

"Ok class, we have a new student." A man said. He wore a green vest—by now I'd seen a lot of people with green vests—and he had spiky brown hair that was tied in a ponytail. The man's name was Umino Iruka, I later learned. "Everyone say hello." Iruka-sensei said. He looked over to me. "Her name is Akari." Iruka-sensei told the class.

"Um, hi..." I said nervously. I stared at the class. Most people I didn't know, but I could recognize a few faces. And their clothes were so… weird!

Luckily I'd gotten to change before I came to the school. All I wore was a purple T-shirt and a pair of black sweat pants. Oh yeah, I also put on my tennis shoes at the last minute too.

"Ok Akari," Iruka-sensei continued, "take your seat. I'm putting you next to Naruto." He pointed to a boy with blond hair.

"Thanks, Iruka-sensei." I said, walking over to the boy. He had his arms crossed and he was leaning on his desk

I sat down next to him and my face felt hot. I didn't know why! But then, he looked over at me.

"Ok class, today we will be working on the transformation jutsu." Iruka-sensei said. I gulped and raised my hand nervously. "Yes Akari?" Iruka-sensei said, pointing to me. I looked down.

"Um, what if we don't have chakra?" I asked. The class started laughing. "Its not funny!!" I shouted, looking around and blushing furiously.

"You don't have chakra?" Iruka-sensei asked, scratching his head.

"J-just forget it..." I said. Iruka-sensei sighed and turned around. I slammed my head onto my desk and moaned.

Suddenly, I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I looked over at the blond boy. He smiled at me and I saw he had a pencil in his hand.

'Am I gonna sit next to the annoying kid?!' I thought. The boy looked up at the front of the class to see if Iruka-sensei was looking, then he started to talk to me.

"So you're the new kid, huh?" He asked. I nodded. He smiled. "That's cool."

"Naruto!" Iruka-sensei shouted from the front of the class. He was turned towards us again. "Stop talking!"

Naruto grunted. When Iruka-sensei turned back around, the boy turned to me again.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto." He whispered. "You're Akari, right?"

Again, I nodded. He—Naruto—smiled again.

"It's nice to meet you, Akari-chan." He said. Suddenly, he laughed quietly. "Ya know… I'm gonna be Hokage someday!"

"NARUTO!!" Iruka-sensei shouted again obviously mad. Naruto gulped. I slammed my head into the desk again to try not to laugh.

The bell rang for lunch. I walked out of the academy and headed over to a nearby playground. I noticed the other kids playing there too. "Hey guys!" I shouted.

"Hey, Akari!" A boy called. "Come play tag with us!"

"Ok! Hold on!" I shouted. I ran towards the kids and noticed a Naruto sitting on the swings. I slowed up and walked towards him. "Um… hi again!" Naruto looked up at me.

"Hey, what's up?" He asked… kinda sadly.

"Nothin' much," I began, "Iruka-sensei's pretty funny, don'tcha think?"

"Hey! Akari!" The boy from before shouted. "C'mon!" I turned towards him and waved.

"Ok!" I called. "Hey, can Naruto play?" I asked. The kids took one look at Naruto.

"No." A girl said plainly. I stopped smiling.

"Why?!" I asked. I couldn't believe it!

"Because, now c'mon!" Another boy called. I made a fist.

"No!" I shouted. "What's wrong with HIM?" The girl scrunched her nose up.

"He's a freak!" She shouted. I looked at Naruto again. He sighed. "My daddy says I'm not allowed to play with him anyway.

"Look, do ya wanna play or not?" The first boy asked. I closed my eyes.

"No way!!" I shouted. Naruto's eyes went wide. I smiled at him.

"They're so stupid." I said. I admit, I was angry. I looked at Naruto, and then sat on the swing beside him. "Naruto-kun…" I began, "wanna be my friend?" I asked.

Naruto seemed surprised. "Won't the other kids make fun of you?" He asked. I shrugged

"I don't really care." I said.

"Really?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yep." I said, smiling. "I don't really have any friends here anyway… So why not?!"

Naruto laughed. "Dattebayo!!"

There's the first chapter. God, I had to become a 6 year old all over again… that was annoying.


(1) Isou—Transfer

(2) 1-12 is my b-day too. 1/12/95… ehe… ^__^'

(3) Jiji-san—'jiji' means 'old man'

Please review and tell me how it was so far!!