Rated T for now M for later chapters
This is A HinaxKiba and a little NaruxSasu BTW- This is a Shippuden era FanFic. .
Hinata sat in her tree that over looked the village. Her long black hair blew in the wind, her mind replaying the event that happened. Naruto, Kiba, Sakura, Shino, Rock Lee, TenTen, and Kakashi-sensei all went to find and get Sasuke back. Neji stayed with Hinata during this so she could train. Naruto had just return from his training with Jiraiya and spent less then 3 months before they were sent off again to find Sasuke.
Hinata was woken from her frustration to a leaf falling apon her forehead, she laughed at the thought of a leaf falling on her leaf forehead protecter. Suddenly a noise was heard below, not just any noise, a voice that Hinata knew way to well.
"Hinata-chan!!!" The blonde boy screamed from the bottom of the tree. "Naruto-kun!" Hinata said happily and completely without her childish stutter. She jumpped down from the tree wrapping her arms around Naruto's body, she missed him, they had left a year and a half ago, to her it was longer.
Naruto smiled as the violet haired girl hugged him passionatly. He couldn't belive how long it had been from the last time he had seen her, let alone hugged her. "Fine then, no hello for me?" A dark voice asked interupting there hug. Hinata looked behind Naruto to see a Raven haired boy tied up in rope smirking at Naruto. "Oh sorry Sasuke….Hi." Hinata said rudly.
Sasuke walked up behind Naruto, escaping the rope, and wrapping his hands around Naruto's body. Naruto gaspped out of embaressment. "Dobe. I said I'd come with you, you didn't have to tie me up." Sasuke wisperd in his ear. Naruto's face became white with big red marks just under his eyes.
Hinata couldn't belive the sight before her, Her Naruto was blushing at Him!
Hinata had her arm wrapped around Naruto's orange sleeve. She smiled up at the tall Fox and he smirked back. "Th-thank you Nar-Naruto for In-inviting me to the F-fair." She said looking at the small booths on each side of them. "No Prob. I wanted to ask you out on a date any ways, thought it was the right time…."
Naruto's voice began to fade. "Uh. Hinata?" He asked in a worried tone. Hinata looked up at her life long love with her purple eyes. "I need to talk to you." He said quickly grabbing her arm and pulling behind one of the closed shops' alley.
Naruto turned away from her. "Im ashamed to say this but….but…." He sighed. Hinata clutched her heart. "What is it Naruto?" She asked worried. "I have to go on a 2 year mission to find someone…..to find…..Sasuke." That name hit her hard, she hated him. Sasuke left them here all to mourn and now there going after him?! "Naruto you shou---" Hinata was interupted by someone pinning her to the wall. Looking into the eyes before her she saw it was Naruto, his golden orbs looking into her purple ones. "Hinata….I…Love you." Naruto said just before placing his lips onto hers.
Hinata was taken back by this, but she easly gave in. Her arm wrapped around the blondes tall body. "I love you too Naruto." She said as they took a break.
That night Hinata was informed her and Neji were going to join it but Naruto and the group left without them, a note was placed on Hinata's bed.
'We left without you because I didn't want you to get hurt Hinata. Please understand my actions, I love you. You're the only thing I have, im not going to lose you!
Love, Naruto.'
Hinata understood and knew all she could do was wait.
End Flashback
Sasuke was hanging all over Naruto by the time she snapped back. "Hey Hinata." A voice was heard behind her. She turned to see a boy with two red streaks down his face. "Ki-Kiba?!" Hinata said surprised. In the year and a half he grew another foot and his hair grew out a little. "Duh." Kiba said laughing and putting a hand on Hinata's head playfully. Hinata's eyes began to tear up as she wrapped her arms around her bestfriend. "Gawd Hinata. It hasn't been that long and im surprised Naruto didn't get this welcome." Kiba joked, but he was right. Why did Hinata do this to Kiba and not Naruto?
Clifhanger! Hehehehe.
Chapter 2 next.