Chapter Fifty-Two:

The Ultimate Good-Bye: Farewell, Leaders of the Fight!

"Let's go, Agumon!" Marcus yelled.

"Right, Boss!" The two began to run up the nearest vine to Yggdrasil.

"C'mon, we've gotta help them out!" I yelled. "Shattering Light!" I shot the daggers at the nearest crystal that Yggdrasil had sent at them. They sliced through and destroyed it.

"Double Backhand!" Gaomon barked, spinning around to deflect the crystals sent at us.

"Seed Blast!"

"Ninja Blade!"

"Metal Cannon!"

"Knockout Punch!"

Each and every one of them struck the things sent at Marcus and Agumon. Until, that is, Yggdrasil decided to send a ton of crystals at us.

Seriously, this crystal thing is getting really old, really fast.

Kidd ran in front of me to block them as they rained down on us. I jumped on his back and felt him surge upward through the smoke.

As fresh air greeted us, I saw that there was no longer a Rookie among us. Gaomon, Lalamon, Falcomon, and Dorumon had digivolved to Gaogamon, Sunflowmon, Peckmon and Dorugamon.

"How did they do this?" Thomas wondered.

"Everyone's emotions!" I explained. "Digimon respond to human emotion, Thomas! They all digivolved without the Charge because they responded to their feelings of protecting us!"

"That's it!" Haseo said, holding his straw hat on his head and holding onto Dorugamon tightly.

"Let's take him down!" Yoshi said excitedly.


"Oh, shut up you pompous excuse for a 'King'" Dorugamon barked. "Cannon Ball!" he shot several metallic balls at Yggdrasil's eyes.

"Sunshine Beam!" Sunflowmon joined in with shooting her blast.

"Spiral Blow!"

"Kunai Wing!"

"Knockout Punch!" The attacks hit and all, but Yggdrasil's ugly mug was still there.

I suddenly found myself holding onto a white-armored wolf-knight. Kidd had changed into Beowulfmon!

"Cleansing Light!" Beowulfmon shouted, shooting his light lasers at it.

"Winning Knuckle!"

"Marvel Shot!"

"Savage Emperor!"

"Metal Meteor!" Dorugamon had changed into a large dragon with red scales and black tiger-like marks. He created a large ball of fire ten times his size and shot it at Yggdrasil, all with Haseo holding onto him for dear life.

MachGaogamon was hit by a vine, and disappeared into white data. Then, he reformed as MirageGaogamon. Lilamon and Yatagaramon were hit as well, only to reform as Rosemon and Ravemon.

Both Beowulfmon and DoruGreymon were hit by one of Yggdrasil's crystals, and me and Haseo fell a few feet before I was caught by Anubismon, and Haseo and DoruGreymon changed into Alphamon.

"Full Moon Blast!" MirageGaogamon shouted, throwing his yellow beam at Yggdrasil.

"Forbidden Temptation!" Rosemon shouted.

"Amaterasu!" Alphamon yelled, pulling out one of his many katana.

"Pyramid Power!" Anubismon barked, shooting the pyramid-shaped blast.

"Celestial Blade!" Ravemon hit Yggdrasil with purple lightning.

Bright lights began to shine into the sky.

"Sir, I can feel everyone's emotions!" MirageGaogamon reported.

Anubismon shuddered. "Yeah, so do I…" he murmured.

"Everyone's banding together to help us defeat Yggdrasil…" I realized.

By now, we all figured out that Marcus and Agumon had gotten caught by Yggdrasil's vines. I didn't know why, but I knew I needed to get them out of there.

It's because you l—AA began.

Finish that sentence and I'll show you such horrible images you'll have nightmares for a month. I threatened.

Is denial really that fun?

You should try it sometime.

My Digi-Soul burst out around me and Anubismon, reaching up to the sky as it had before. Thomas's, Yoshi's, Keenan's, and Alphamon's did as well, and we all created one big rainbow of…well, a lot of mushy stuff.

As we watched, Marcus and Agumon joined hands, and broke out of the vines. Marcus was sitting on top of Agumon, who had somehow grown red energy wings and a dragon-like form.

"Let's stop this madness, once and for all!" Marcus yelled, directing Agumon towards the center of Yggdrasi's being.

Yggdrasil formed a shield with crystals, but Agumon burst through. Straight through, in fact. Straight through Yggdrasil. Then, it started to shout stuff that's really stupid in its annoying tinny voice.

Yggdrasil blew up, but something more crystalline appeared out of the smoke. It was another form of dear old Crystal Meth. He was shaped a little like a star, and held two white spears.

Marcus directed Agumon towards the new Yggdrasil and, when he was close enough, he jumped off and punched it.

Yggdrasil completely exploded in a burning ball of light. Marcus and Agumon fell down like a stone.

The Digital World began to float up, and the Royal Knights pushed it all the way back. The sky turned to an orange color, and we flew down to where Marcus hit the ground.

I jumped off of Kidd as he degenerated and ran up to him. He was a bit scuffed up, and so was Agumon.

"Marcus, wake up…" I urged, poking his face. He grumbled and opened his eyes. We smiled at each other as he pulled himself to a sitting position. Safe to say, my world brightened.

"W-We did it…" he murmured weakly.

"No, Marcus." I said. "You did it."

"Loaño! Loaño!" I was suddenly knocked down by three digimon. A half-sized Agumon, a Gabumon, and a Veemon.

"You're alright!" I said happily, hugging all three older digimon tightly.

"Veemon!" Davis's voice shouted.

"Agumon, Gabumon!" Tai yelled.

"You're all all right!" Matt said happily. A helicopter landed and several people got out, including them. The three digimon got off me and ran to their long-time partners.

"Kudamon!" Sampson said gratefully, placing the ferret-dragon on his shoulders.

Haseo was edging farther away, as if he hated crowds. Yosuya got off the helicopter with CrystalGatomon on her shoulders. Her face was completely indescribable.

"Ryou!" she said happily, taking the boy up in her arms until her turned blue. "You're alive, Ryou! Oh, my little Ryou!"

When Yosuya finally let Haseo go, he turned to me and said with the saddest cat-yellow eyes ever, "Thank you for saving me…"

"You're welcome, Haseo." I said.

"Thommy! Loaño!" Relena's excited voice said weakly. I saw Haseo turn bright red and hide behind his mother.

"Relena!" me and Thomas said happily. I hugged the little girl tight and let go a few moments after to let Thomas do some hugging for his sister.

"Thomas." Someone with a deep voice said.

"Father…" Thomas murmured. I stood up immediately, wondering what dickface wanted this time.

"Thank you." He said. Thomas smiled and nodded. He then looked at me. "I'm sorry for kicking you out of our home, Loaño."

"Relax, gramps." I said lightly. "I did break his nose!"

Throughout all of this stuff, I couldn't help but feel certain emptiness inside of me. I didn't belong anywhere here. Not at DATS, obviously. I certaintly couldn't take the high-brow life of Thomas, though he is technically my brother. I couldn't stay with Marcus anymore; I'd feel like a freeloader.

Oh, was there anywhere a half-digimon freak could actually go and feel like she wasn't intruding anywhere?

I didn't think so. Wishes don't come true like that.

Maybe they do, Loaño. AA said quietly.

Wishes don't come true, AA. I know, I've tried. There's never going to be a way for me to actually have a normal life, wherever I go. I always be missing something.

I know. But, maybe you can't get everything…life doesn't always turn out how you think it will. Fate deals a good hand to some,

And a cruel hand to others. I finished. I'd heard it before.

Your not the only one unhappy with the way things turned out, you know.

Marcus wanted to bring Spencer back, I know. Some things just can't be done.

No, some things can be done. AA insisted. Do you feel that?

In fact, other than the happiness of my friends, I did feel something weird. It was familiar…it was…was…

"Spencer." I murmured. My eyes widened as the man walked forward over a large hill. "It's Spencer, Marcus!" I yelled.

Marcus and his family turned around to find the missing man. The two had an extremely cheerful reunion. My eyes began to sting a little, but nothing came out. It was like a sneeze you know is going to happen, but since you know, the sneeze won't come out…

Kidd put a huge paw on my shoulder. "Waddaya say we give Spencer a 'Back-to-Life' present, eh?" he suggested. "I think I've got just the thing for the old bat."

With that, he dragged me over to Spencer. The man looked at me and smiled.

"Loaño…you got so tall…you and Kristy…" he said in his raspy voice. "Kidd, you've always been tall."

"Yeah, man. I wanted to give you this." Kidd reached into one of his sash's pockets and pulled out a square device. Spencer took it and smiled.

"Kammito's old digivice…you kept this?" Spencer said in wonder.

"Yeah." Kidd grumbled. "Think nothin' of it. Just a thank-you for saving my can ten years back."

"Bet you'll never go wandering around Japan again in the winter." Spencer said with a smirk.

"Not without a map." Kidd joked. I looked down at my feet when Marcus looked at me, crossing my arms. I didn't really want to look at someone who made me happy when I was sad…

Nothing could make this worse.


Damn. Spoke too soon.

"Explain this again? Just so I'm not sure I'm hearing a buncha bullcrap?" Marcus demanded to Sampson.

"The Digital Barrier must be closed." Sampson said in frustration. "We're unsure of when it'll reopen again…"

"You've gotta be kidding us!" Marcus shouted. "What about creating a world where we can all live together peacefully?"

"Actually, Boss," Agumon chimed in, "we want to talk to you guys about this…"

Gaomon continued. "We want to go back to the Digital World."

"What!?" we all said in dismay.

"When Yggdrasil was defeated," Gotsumon began, "the Digital World turned to chaos! Without a proper leader, we can't do anything about uniting us!"

This broke out into a huge argument.

Until Kidd couldn't take it anymore.

"STOP IT BEFORE I TEAR SOME HEADS OFF!" he howled. Everyone stopped and turned to him. "Good, now that I have your attention, I want everyone to listen up."

"We're listening…" Yosuya said, rubbing her ears from his outburst.

"This isn't as serious as it sounds. You're making a mountain out of a Drimogemon hill. Now, if you don't stop bawlin', we can do this as easily as possible. It's necessary because the world is in chaos without it's leader. Got it?" Kidd growled. "There's no other reason. We promise that once we get our world fixed, we'll find a way to open the barrier. Kapeshe?"

Unfortunately, I knew he was right.


(Tsuki-kun wrote this for Yosuya and Haseo. Not gonna leave it out!)

Yosuya sighed as she sat back on the red sofa. A small smile spread across her face, finally feeling that everything was right with the two worlds again. Well, more or less. "I suppose you're going too." She said quietly to her partner.

"Yes, I am." CrystalGatomon answered. "It is a shame that I have to, but I can't abandon my home."

"Your home." Yosuya whispered, thinking of Ryou who was sleeping upstairs. "Do you think it's wrong of me to keep him here?" she asked.

"No." CrystalGatomon answered. "Ryou belongs here. This is his home, here with you, Thomas, Keenan, and everyone else. Maybe even Relena too."

Yosuya stopped and thought about everything she had been through. Ever since that fateful night, she had been striving to find her son. Several times she thought he was dead and she should just give up. But she didn't, and now her son was finally here. However, something felt wrong. "I'll ask him tomorrow. If he wants to go with his brother, than I won't stop him."

CrystalGatomon didn't reply. The two sat in silence, and slowly Yosuya was falling asleep when she felt something thin fall onto her lap. She blinked to clear her vision and stared down at the red ribbon. "Why did you take that off?" she asked.

"When I first came to this world with Kudamon, I was unsure of what to do. Kudamon and Sampson seemed to be a perfect team. But I couldn't find anyone. Sarah was busy, Kamm already had a partner and Molly was having her own problems, Michelle was in no condition for it, and Sampson and Yushima already had partners. But then one day I came with Kudamon and Sampson to your home. I met Ryou when he was still a baby, your bastard of a husband, and you. And I felt at home." CrystalGatomon said.

"I remember now." Yosuya said quietly. "When Ryou disappeared he left behind the ribbon on the neck of his favorite teddy bear. So I wrapped that ribbon around your neck like a collar, and we promised it would keep us bound a partners until you had to leave."

Yosuya gently rubbed CrystalGatomon's head. "Good bye Crystal, and thank you for all of your help."


Meanwhile, two people sat in a room upstairs. One was a dragon digimon covered in purple fur with white on his muzzle, claws, and tail. A red gem rested on his forehead that slightly glowed in the dark room.

Next to him was a ten-year-old boy, lying down on the bed. He had snow-white hair and cat like yellow eyes. A black cloak was under him, and he wore gray pants and a sleeveless black shirt. A tightly woven straw hat rested next to him.

The two sat in a calm silence as the boy tried to sleep. "Are you going too, Ryu-nisan?" he asked.

The dragon digimon let out a sigh before turning to the boy. "I'm sorry Otouto, but yes. I have to."

"But why? I don't want you to leave. Not here, not right now. Please, I'm scared." The boy begged quietly.

"I know you are." Dorumon replied. "These last five years as your older brother have been a blast, but I need to go home and you need to stay home."

"But I want to go with you. The Digital World is my home." The boy said as tears started falling down his face, tracing the green lines that ran down his cheeks. "Why can't I go with?"

"Because there's nothing left there for you. Here you have a family, and you'll make friends. But back home, our house is gone, our dad is gone, and I don't have a clue where our friends are. I don't want to put you through having to deal with that." Dorumon replied.

"But, but Ryu-nisan." The boy cried as he sat up and hugged his brother. The two sat like that, the only noise was the boy's quiet sniffling. Finally he asked, "We did something bad didn't we?"

Dorumon frowned as he stared at his brother. Slowly he nodded. "But it wasn't your fault, it was mine. I should have protected you. You can't go to the digital world because, because I don't want you to feel guilty. Please trust me Otouto."

The boy looked at his brother and began crying even harder as he hugged his brother. "I understand. I'll stay here with my family, but please Ryu-nisan, promise me you'll come back as soon as you can."

"I promise Haseo." Dorumon answered as he finally broke out into tears as well.


"Kidd, you don't have to go…" I murmured. He was holding me in a close ball. We were sitting on top of a roof, looking out at the full moon in the sky.

"Aye, but I do." Kidd woofed. "You're all grown up, pup. I can't stick around forever."

I reached up to my head to pull off my goggles, but Kidd's hands stopped me. "You keep 'em." He said. "They're yours now."

"But they were yours before…before everything…you deserve to have them back…" I said, breaking down as hot tears began to drizzle down my cheeks.

"They fit more for you now, Goggle-Head." Kidd whispered. "Don't you miss it when you used to call me 'Waddy'?"

"Thomas called you Gururumon." I said with a weak chuckle.

"Yeah. Don't you miss when I use to do this?" Kidd licked my face. I laughed. "Your face tastes like salt." He woofed. "Don't cry, not around me. You're tougher than that."

"I know, but, you've never lost a friend before…" I admitted. Kidd's face softened.

"I have. When I left, I left behind a ton of digimon who needed me on that fool's journey to find you. I'm not selfish…you belong here, and I belong there. That's the reason we are digimon, and you're a human."

I took a handful of his chest fur and used it as my pillow and washcloth. "Kidd…I want to come with you, then."

"Loaño…" Kidd began, but I cut him off.

"I don't have much of anything here anymore, Kidd. If I go, no one will really miss me."

Kidd growled, making his chest vibrate menacingly. "Don't say crap like that, pup. Its grounds to get your arms ripped off, Chewbacca-style."

"Kidd…" I began again, but I broke down once more.

Look at me. Why does this have to happen!!? Every time something good happens, something bad happens to take the good away! I wailed.

If you take it like that, then of course it'll be hard. AA soothed. You're a sarcastic, brutally-honest, stoic, insane girl with a voice in her head that actually exists. But, for all of those good traits, there are bad. You beat people up for no apparent reason, you comment nearly everything with a negative spin…Everyone has their ups and downs.

I hate life! It's never been fair to me!

Life's never fair, is it? You lost your parents to a psychotic maniac. So what? You always got back up on your feet again.

Because I had Kidd! I shrieked.

Listen to me! AA yelled. Sure, nothing can get worse than this! You've seen living entities die and you've faced down one of the most powerful digimon in the entire world and saved his life! Now you're just going to say that everything that's happened up till now was a mistake? Loaño Yamato Ishida, you are, without a doubt, the most silliest girl in the world! You deny what you already know, and you listen to your head and instincts more than what really matters!

What matters, then? If I'm such a silly girl? I asked bitterly.

What matters is what's in your heart, Loaño! If you listen to it, it'll tell you the right answer to nearly everything! AA yelled in frustration. This may be your last night with Kidd, but that doesn't mean you can't make it count! Do something, have fun! And in the morning, your face may be sad, you may be crying a river of tears, but you will always know that is wasn't all for naught.

You done?

Yes. So, what are you going to do?

I don't know…

You're totally hopeless, you know that, right?


"'I used to rule the world, seas would rise when I gave the word, now in the morning I sleep alone, sweep the streets I used to own. I used to roll the dice, feel the fear in my enemies eyes, listen as the crowds would sing, "Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"…'" Kidd howled.

"'One minute I held the key, next the walls were closed on me, and I discovered that my castles stand, upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand…'" I continued.

"'Oh, I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing, Roman calvary chiors are singing, be my mirror my sword and shield, my missionaries in a foreign field, for some reason I can not explain, once you know there was never, never an honest word, but that was when we ruled the world!'" Kidd and I sang together, our voices reaching to the skies in a sort of lament or keen of our sorrows.

Wow, I should write some of this stuff down!


"Crap! I'm late!" I huffed. "Kidd, you douf! You left without me!"

You know what's good for cardio? Doing all this running. Not that it matters, anyway, but I ran past Marcus's house to find the door swung open. I skidded to a stop as I began to feel recurring waves of frustration, indecision, and brute confidence.

Crap. What was he doing? We were supposed to be seeing our digimon off and he was thinking about something he shouldn't?

I ran into the house and found him upstairs with a large backpack, which he was filling with stuff.

"What in St. Peter's name are you doing?" I huffed. Some stray underwear caught me off guard and hit me in the face. I pulled it off with a gross face and stuffed it in the pack. "It's a little late to join the Boy Scouts, isn't it?"

"I'm not joining the Boy Scouts." Marcus grumbled.

"Well, then, what the hell are you doing, then?" I asked angrily.

"I'm going with Agumon." He said bluntly.

"What!?" I gasped. "You're going with him?"

"I'm not leaving him alone, Loaño. He's like my brother. If he goes, I go." Marcus decided.

I opened my mouth to say something, but something stopped me. I suddenly found myself running into Kristy's room, where I kept my stuff, and packed up all I had, which was enough to fit in a duffel bag. I slung my guitar around me and met Marcus up at the door.

"Wait." Marcus wondered. "You're going too?"

"Like you said. Kidd is like my brother. Where he goes, I go." I said with a smile. "And besides, I'm part digimon anyway. Why shouldn't I be obliged to go?"

"Loaño, before we go, there's something I want to say…" Marcus began, but I cut him off.

"We've got to get going, Marcus. Before they send them away without us. You can tell me then, alright?" I said.

He turned red and than said with a nod, "Alright. Let's go."


"Stop!" we shouted, running into the room with our stuff.

We both jumped into the Digital Dive. "Thomas, catch!" I said, throwing a small cell-phone to him. He caught it with confusion.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"We're going, too!" we both said together. We also turned red simultaneously. We're gonna have to work on that.

"You can't!" Yoshi protested. "What if the Gate never opens back up again?"

"Then we'll be stuck, but not without communication!" I said happily, pulling out an identical cell phone.

"Loaño, I know your not dumb, but regular cell phones signals could never traverse through dimensions!" Thomas protested.

"Idiot! Izzy made them exactly for this kind of situation! The guy's not dumb either, Thom." I said happily. "With this, we can keep contact with each other, no matter what dimension we happen to be in."

Thomas smiled. "There's no stopping you, I see. I'll miss you, my little sister." He said sadly.

"Miss you too, bro. Just promise me this." I said.


"That you'll cure Relena and help Haseo!"

Thomas nodded. "I will, Loaño. On my honor."

"Go, already!" Spencer said. "I know they'll be safe together!"

"Good-bye, dad." Marcus said with a smile.

"Crap. She's gonna say it!" Yoshi said, covering her ears.

"Say what, say what?" Spencer demanded.

"Dive on!" I yelled, as the Dive machine began to whirr and clank, and the orange light above me crashed down on top of us all.


I opened my eyes to find my head against Marcus's. I sat up and saw that we were all in the Digital World. Everyone was looking around for something or another, probably to make sure everyone else was alright.

You did it, Loaño. You followed your heart to where you belong. AA said to me.

But, I don't understand. My heart didn't lead me here. Marcus did. I questioned.


My eyes widened as Marcus stood up. He help me up and we surveyed everything.

"Well, where do we start?" he asked.

"Let's start with what you wanted to say to me before we left." I said emotionlessly. I wanted to piece together what AA had said, and I had a pretty good idea to where he was heading.

"It's actually pretty weird to say…" Marcus admitted, turning bright red.

"Just do it, I think I can take anything." I admitted. Hell, if I can help take down a Digital 'God', then there's no limit to what can be done, right?

"Fine. Close your eyes, though."

I complied, and suddenly, his hand gripped my upper arms and…

He kissed me. Not on the cheek, nor anywhere else. Where you're supposed to…

Honestly, it felt a little relieving.

We held still for the longest time before he stopped and let me go. I opened my eyes to find him smiling wider than I'd ever seen.

"Oh, yeah," He said bashfully. "Happy birthday!"



You probably already know this, but 5 years can change a lot about people.

Thomas kept his promise in curing Relena, and he got the Nobel Prize for doing it. The freaking Nobel Prize, for Pete's sake!

Yoshi, Miki, Megumi, and Sampson returned to being police officers. Yoshi can handle practically anything. Anything but a helmet-less Kouki on a motorcycle.

Kristy and Keenan go to middle school together now. I hope Keenan's speech has been improving, and I heard that Kristy can basically make him do anything she wants! I'd love to see that someday…

Yushima's still doing his old thing. Fishing for whatever's out there.

Yosuya and Haseo are happy, as far as I know. I hear she's distressed because she doesn't have Kidd to wail on. Haseo, as far as I know, is writing a book of some sort. I'd love to read it when I get the chance.

Marcus and me? Well, we're alright. Marcus decided to make himself the 'Justice of the Peace'. When I end up usually doing all of the 'Justice' part. Actually, since both Merukimon and SaberLeomon are gone, technically AA is supposed to take over. But, of course, he can't really do that. So, I had to make a few friends. One of the new ones is a SnowAgumon with a notepad. He's a nice guy, and all, but when you really find out who he is, you might want to kick his ass a little. You know what's even more distressing? Kidd's been gone for a long time! It's hard to figure out where he's been, exactly, but he doesn't show up too often, and he always has some form of work to do…

Yeah. Everything's fine now. Just…fine…



I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own

I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemies eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing:
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"

One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt, and pillars of sand

I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can not explain
Once you know there was never, never an honest word
That was when I ruled the world

It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in.
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People could not believe what I'd become
Revolutionaries Wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king?

I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can not explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
And that was when I ruled the world
(Ohhhhh Ohhh Ohhh)

Hear Jerusalem bells are ringings
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can not explain
I know Saint Peter will call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
Oooooh Oooooh Oooooh


The city is at a war
Playtime for the young and rich
Ignore me if you see me 'cause I just don't give a shit
The city is at war
Bless the young and rich
With desire drugs and desire friends

The city is at a war
Playtime for the young and rich
Ignore me if you see me 'cause I just don't give a shit
The city is at war
Bless the young and rich
With desire drugs and desire friends

Here's how it goes
It's about who you know
If you
Got money you get in for free
Get on your knees if you wanna reach the top
The party never stops (never stops)
Don't stop now (don't stop now)

Come on!
Stick around and see how it ends
Get the money and run
And meet me at the parking lot
Bang bang! Shoot 'em up yeah

The city is at a war
Playtime for the young and rich
Ignore me if you see me 'cause I just don't give a shit
The city is at war
Bless the young and rich
With desire drugs and desire friends

This little girl was alone in the world
Until she
Found a way to get a fix for free
Oh pretty please
It breaks my heart to see
Another tragedy she finally got her picture on TV

Come on!
Live it up while you can
We all lose in the end
No you don't get another shot
Bang bang! Shoot 'em up, yeah

The city is at a war
Playtime for the young and rich
Ignore me if you see me 'cause I just don't give a shit
The city is at war
Bless the young and rich
With desire drugs and desire friends

The city is at war
The city is at war
The city is at war

Bang bang! Shoot 'em up,
Shoot 'em up, yeah
Bang bang! Shoot 'em up,
Shoot 'em up, yeah (the city is at war)
Bang bang! Shoot 'em up,
Shoot 'em up, yeah
Bang bang! Shoot 'em up,
Shoot 'em up, yeah.


Let it go
There's no way you can save it now
Get back, you know
That this city is burning
So the story goes
It makes you wonder
'Cause if we're trapped and we're never
Gonna find a way out,
Get out
We're gonna dance now

Hey Mr. DJ
You gotta put a record on, yeah
We're gonna bury this town tonight
We're gonna dance all night

Hey Mr. DJ
You gotta put a record on, yeah
We're gonna dance tonight
Dance tonight

I let you go
And I'm still waiting for you to find
There's nothing more
That this time that is right now
So the story goes
It makes you wonder
'Cause time is up
And you're never gonna get another
Chance now
You've gotta dance now

Hey Mr. DJ (Hey Mr. DJ)
You gotta put a record on, yeah
(You gotta put a record on, yeah)
We're gonna bury this town tonight
We're gonna dance all night

Hey Mr. DJ (Hey Mr. DJ)
You gotta put a record on, yeah
(You gotta put a record on, yeah)
We're gonna dance tonight
(tonight, tonight)
Dance tonight

Let it go,
The game is done
The camera's off
It can't be too hard

Let it go,
The game is done
Camera's off
It can't be too hard
To fake it now
Gotta fake it now

Let it go,
There's no way you can change me now.
Get back, you know
I don't need you to save me
So the story goes

Hey Mr. DJ (Hey Mr. DJ)
You gotta put a record on, yeah
(You gotta put a record on, yeah)
We're gonna bury this town tonight
(tonight, tonight)
We're gonna dance all night

Hey Mr. DJ (Hey Mr. DJ)
You gotta put a record on, yeah
(You gotta put a record on, yeah)
We're gonna dance tonight
(tonight, tonight)
Dance tonight

I'm ready, I'm ready
Just get it, let's get it


Was a long and dark December
From the rooftops I remember
There was snow
White snow

Clearly I remember
From the windows they
were watching
While we froze down below

When the future's architecture
By a carnival of idiots on show
You'd better lie low

If you love me
Won't you let me know?

Was a long and dark December
When the banks became cathedrals
And the fog
Became God

Priests clutched onto bibles
Hollowed out to fit their rifles
And the cross was held aloft

Bury me in armor
When I'm dead and hit the ground
Loves a poem
That unfolds

If you love me
Won't you let me know?

I don't want to be a soldier
With a captain of
some sinking ship with snow
Far below

If you love me
Why'd you let me go?

I took my love down
to violet hill
There we sat in the snow
All that time
She was silent still

If you love me
Won't you let me know?
If you love me
Why don't you let me know?


In this farewell,
There's no blood,
There's no alibi.
'Cause I've drawn regret,
From the truth,
Of a thousand lies.

So let mercy come,
And wash away

What I've Done.
I'll face myself,
To cross out what I've become.
Erase myself,
And let go of what I've done.

Put to rest,
What you thought of me.
While I clean this slate,
With the hands,
Of uncertainty.

So let mercy come,
And wash away

What I've Done.
I'll face myself,
To cross out what I've become.
Erase myself,
And let go of what I've done.

For What I've Done
I start again,
And whatever pain may come.
Today this ends,
I'm forgiving what I've done.

I'll face myself,
To cross out what I've become.
Erase myself,
And let go off what I've done.
What I've done.
Forgiving What I've Done

It's done, finally! There were too many reviewers to thank you all personally, so I'll just send a general thank-you. THANK-YOU!! I'm gonna miss writing this story! But, what's over is over, and I'm glad that it lasted around a year before it was finally done. THANK-YOU, again!! My biggest project so far, is finished!