Okay, I've had 4587 hits on my story and only 113 reviews... I know you guys hate reviews but they make me feel motivated and happy to write the chapters for you guys. If it were your story and you only got 113 reviews out of 4587 people wouldn't you be kinda mad? So I was wondering if you guys could like jsut tell me if you hated it or you loved it or you just liked it.. only three seconds of your time and hours of mine.
Over and out Kaia
((Time to edit!! I'm not going to erase the previous statement (as seen above) because I would like to tell you that I have realized my mistake, thanks to a reviewer (-- I can't spell the anon... word), and she was right. This statement seems a bit greedy. Sooooo you don't have to review because that is purely your choice. I hope you like chapter eleven though, you know, every time I write a chapter it seems longer in Word Document than it does here... Rawr...