Taking Chances

Chapter 8

Okay so this chapter took a lot from me so PLEASE review and let me know what you think!! Before you read this chapter I need you to think about how you would feel if you were in one of the girls or Nathan's positions. Okay so please review and keep an open mind!


Haley, Nathan, Delia and Jade walked into the house both girls stood awkwardly as they watched their mother take in the house, it had changed so drastically from the last time she had seen it.

"Well, are you tired?" Nathan said he was just as nervous as she was this whole thing still completely weird to him.

"Yeah, but I want to see the other girls, I can rest later."

"They don't get home for a while plus you might want to rest up and so you can explain yourself when they get home." Delia said as she sat down at the kitchen island.

"I guess your right," Haley said as she awkwardly walked out of the room. Nathan sighed as she left.

"I'm sorry girls." Nathan said as he grabbed a beer from the fridge.

"Sorry about what dad? This isn't your fault you're not the one, who lied to us and faked your own death." Jade said as she looked at her father.

"I know, but you girls have been through so much and I just don't know what to do." Nathan said he looked at Delia who was just staring off into space.

"Are you okay?" He asked as Delia looked at up.

"Well I just found out that my mom isn't dead she was just hiding like Ann Frank for a year. Yeah I'm doing just great." She said sarcastically.

"I feel you, listen I'm going to talk to your mom, your sisters should be home soon, give them the spark notes update and then your mom can explain some more later on."

"Yeah if she doesn't try and run away again." Jade said angrily as she and Delia headed out to the back porch to wait for their sisters. Meanwhile Nathan headed up the stairs into his bedroom, as he reached the room he saw Haley standing looking at a picture of the girls along with Nathan and another woman. She picked up the picture and noticed how much all her daughters had grown, especially Quincy and Jade both of them had lost their baby fat and were now shaping into young ladies. Nathan slowly walked into the room purposely hitting his hand on the wall so Haley would know he was there.

"Man, they have grown so much."

"Yeah well that's what happens in a year, kids grow, and they change." Nathan said the coldness in his voice evident.

"Nathan I know I hurt you and know that this might have been the wrong thing to do but at the time I was confused, all I could think about was keeping our daughters safe."

"I get it Haley, I'm not saying that I'm okay with it, because I'm not and it's gonna take you a long time to regain my trust and our daughters' trust but I understand." Nathan said as he sat down on the bed with Haley.

"I just don't know what to tell them, I want them to understand it all, but I don't want them to be mad at me."

"Oh please, they all have that drama thing going on, there gonna be mad and I expect at least three of them to yell at you, but it's okay with time we will all be okay." Nathan said as he kissed his wife on her head, holding her tightly, if this had taught him anything it was that he loved Haley and now that she had been gone he was never going to let her go again.

"Hey guys! Big news!" Delia said as she stood up and walked towards her four younger sisters who all walked up the steps onto the porch.

"What you're pregnant," Marley said as she set her backpack down. "I called it, Ariella pay up."

"Okay first off I cant believe that you all have a bet on how long until I get pregnant and second of all this is important," Delia said as everyone gathered around her waiting for the news.

"Spill." Stevie said picking up on the urgency in her older sisters' voice.

"Mom is inside."

"Shut up your so stupid." Ariella said as she moved past Delia rolling her eyes.

"She's for real," Jade added as Ariella turned around waiting for more.

"She lied, she wasn't dead they faked her death, because someone was stalking her, she faked it so they could catch the stalker, well they caught him so she is back, she's upstairs with dad right now." Delia reached for Jade's hand as Jade broke down in tears explaining it to the other girls.

"What they hell is wrong with this family?" Marley asked as she looked confused at her sisters. "We can't do anything normally, why can't someone just die and stay dead!" She yelled as she headed in the house followed by the other five girls. They all stopped as they ran into Nathan and Haley in the living room where the two adults sat waiting for the kids.

"Girls sit down, we have to talk."

"No, I have to talk, how dare you! You lied to all of us, did you ever think that our feelings were more important than our safety! You could have been honest and we could have figured out something like moving or hiring body guards! Why would you break out hearts like that! We all spent an entire year mourning you and now you just show back up here like we're on an episode of punked!" Ariella yelled as Haley sat and took it. "That's just wrong mom! This is a sick joke.' She said before she left the room in a rage, as Delia followed her, the other girls just sat their looking at their mom.

"I made a mistake girls, but I love you all so much, I had to do everything I thought I could to protect you." Haley said sincerely as the girls looked on. Nathan sat his arm wrapped around his wife, in his thirty seven years of life he had never felt so torn. On one hand he felt like standing up for his wife, staying by her side, he wanted to be thankful that she was actually alive. He wanted to forget all the pain he had felt over the past year. Then on the other hand he saw his six daughters, he saw their pain and how for a year they had to cope with not having their mom their to help them with boy troubles or to yell at about their wardrobe choices. He had spent those countless nights with them, trying his hardest to say the right thing, comfort them in the right way, he had stepped in as their mother and their was a part of him that didn't want to give that up again, in the fear of them being hurt again.


Okay so 1st off, have you all seen the promos for the new season, now I'm so excited!! Can't wait!! Second off, I put together some questions so that it is easier for you all to review! Use if you want but please just review!!!

What do you think about this story line?

Who are you favorite characters?

What relationship would you most like to see more of?

What character from the show would you like to see written in the story?

What would you like to happen next?