Ready Set Go

Summary- After Haley dies Nathan is left alone to raise their six daughters, through the tears, triumph, boyfriends, shopping and being out numbered 1 to 6. Please read!!! Give it a chance!!

Disclaimer- I don't own anything!

Nathan Scott in his big empty house staring down at his hands, it had taken all his energy to get out of the bed, shower and put a suit on. He felt drained and inadequate. Tears stung his eyes as he looked up and looked at the room around him, her things were scattered all over the room, her shoes in front of the closet, her robe lying on the end of the bed. Her jewelry and perfume was perfectly placed at her vanity. He could almost imagine her in the room sitting at the vanity as she rambled on about the day ahead of her while putting her make up on. He picked up his watch from the bedside table and slowly stood up. Today was not a day Nathan Scott was looking forward to, he was filled with so many emotions, rage, sadness, guilt, dread, resentment , and he felt awful. He walked out of his bedroom shutting the door behind him. He walked towards a flight of stairs as he walked up them even slower once he made it to the top he took a deep breath, fixed his tie and quietly knocked on a door that was covered in pictures and paintings.

"Girls." He said quietly almost a whisper. He stood there for a few seconds before the door opened. He smiled down at his youngest daughter as she opened the door and fell into his arms. He kissed the top of her head before looking into the room where his other daughters were all gathered on the bed snuggling together as if to hold each other in a way to heal their pain. Haley would have told them they would get their nice clothes wrinkled. Nathan thought as he pushed back tears as quick as he could. As if reading his mind his five older daughters all got up from the bed, Nathan pulled a chair up near the bed looking at his daughters. The usually loud and chaotic bunch of girls were silent and somber.

"Everyone wants to see you, so I want all of you to go to the wake, just for a few hours then you can come home and don't have to deal with anybody else." Nathan said as gently as he could not knowing what would set off a breakdown. "The limo is outside I guess we should go, Grandma and Uncle Luke are in the kitchen waiting for us." Nathan slowly stood up and waited for all of his daughters to exit the bedroom before he followed.

As they made their way down to the limo, Nathan stood from the porch, waiting for a second before he joined his daughters in the car.

"You okay man?" Lucas said as he stood next to his brother.

"No, I have no idea what I'm going to do, I just need to get through this day and then I'll figure it out." Nathan said as he put his hands in his pockets and joined his kids in the car.

Haley James Scott was a loving, devoted, brilliant, and beautiful, wife and mother. She helped this community in so many ways we could never count. Her genuine smile and contagious laugh, will be forever missed. I personally knew Haley and I know that all of us will forever miss her but her husband Nathan and their six daughters will miss her the most, but you girls should just remember that you're mom is in a very great place right now and she has raised you six girls to be young ladies and she would be so proud to call her daughters. The old preacher went on as Nathan zoned out almost not wanting to hear what he said.

"Nate, Hon I'll be back in about an hour, remind the girls to do their homework, I love you." Haley said as she threw on a pair of old black boots.

"Okay love you too." Nathan said as he focused on his basketball game that was blaring on the TV screen. About an hour later when the LA Lakers won Nathan cheered as his daughters fought in the background, Haley was stuck in traffic.

"Come on buddy! It's green come on!" Haley said frustrated as she turned on the radio. Just as the latest pop sensation came on the radio Haley felt the weight of an elephant crash against her side as her world went black.

"Nathan, come on you have to mingle," Deb said as she gently touched her son's shoulder.

"I'm going to mom, I just need a second." Nathan said as he rose from the step he had been seated on, and made his way into his mom's living room. Numerous people crowed in the room, all of them sad, looking at various pictures of Haley and Nathan and the girls. Nathan scanned the room trying to find some familiar face. He headed towards the kitchen he spotted his friends all sitting at the breakfast table looking out the large window into the back yard.

"Hey Nate." Peyton said as Nathan took a seat looking out the window too. He nodded towards the group of people, he afraid that if he spoke he would cry.

"If you ever need anything, any help or anything feel free to call." Jake said as he smiled at his friend.

"Um, thanks." Nathan said spotting his daughters out in the backyard all of them sitting on the old swing set, it had been there for almost 17 years and they hardly ever went out their anymore.

"Thanks for coming guys," Nathan said before he stood up and headed out the backdoor.

As he walked towards where he daughters were he watched them taking a moment to appreciate them. The oldest Delia was the tender age of 17 so badly wanting to be an adult but still having her moments of marveling in childish things. Delia was the carbon copy of Nathan, she was tall and lanky, dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Other than that her and Nathan had nothing in common, she was a book geek and loved music, she would always have a book or a musical instrument in her hand. Next was Stevie who was 16, she had Nathan's height and hair color but Haley's dark eyes. The eyes that caught the attention of every boy at Tree Hill High. Ariella was a gymnast, she is very serious in her gymnastics but is also very serious when it comes to boys. Next in the birth order was Ariella, she had the most sass and attitude of all the Scott girls, but was also the smartest. She looked just like her mom, light brown hair with bright blue eyes. The next daughter in the family was Marley she was the spitting image of her mother, her light brown hair along with dark brown eyes, she was the comedian in the family, always breaking the ice in awkward situations and making her loved ones smile. The second youngest was Jade, she was only 12 but knew more about fashion than her older sisters, the preteen who had the same long dark hair as her idol, Brook Davis, is always letting her sisters know when they don't look as good as they could. The youngest of the family at the ripe age of 11 was Quincy, a perfect mix of her parents and her five older sisters, was the baby and milked it for all it was worth. She was like yoda in the house full of females. Often talking her sisters through problems and issues.

Nathan started to walk towards his daughters as they all looked at him guilty looks on their faces. Stevie sat in a swing with Quincy on her lap, Delia laid out on the slide a book in her hands as she smirk at her dad. Ariella and Marley sat on the edge of the sandbox making a sand castle with their fingers and Jade sat on the other swing looking at her feet.

"I thought I told you all to talk to these people they just want to show their support and sympathy."

"Well we don't need their sympathy, or pity." Delia said she had always been the most outspoken.

"Yeah we just want to go home." Marley said.

"Okay well go and tell Grandma Goodbye, I'll go warm up the car." Nathan said the October weather was coming in and it had gotten colder by the day.

"Oh no daddy, if we have to go back in so do you." Little Quincy said pushing her dad from behind.

"Daddy wake up." Nathan rolled over to see Ariella standing next to his bed. Her cheeks were stained with tears.

"What's wrong Ace?' Nathan said he had a pet name for each of his daughters.

"I cant sleep, I can I sleep with you?" Nathan never thought that his 15 year old daughter would want to sleep with him but knew that she just needed someone right now.

"Sure hop in," Nathan said as Ariella slid onto Haley's side of the bed. She buried her head in the pillow.

"I just want to smell her again." Ariella said now fully crying.

"Me too." Nathan said as he hugged his daughter before they both fell into a restless sleep.

A/n- PLEASE REVIEW!! I want to know what you think about it!!!! More is coming soon!!