Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters, they belong strictly to J.K. Rowling, but I do however own Paige, she is entirely my creation.

Summary: Argus Filch's daughter, who has spent her entire life believing that her father lives in a loony bin, begins to show signs of magical powers at the age of nineteen.


Turning Paige

Chapter One: Meet Paige

Weird, I suppose is the best way to describe what my life has been lately. I've always been considered a little odd, but that was just life. I came to the conclusion that since I was an odd person, my life would always be odd and I was comfortable with that. But now life is not simply odd; it's downright weird. I'm in a new situation, and even in this really weird and unusual situation, I'm the damn oddity.

I guess I'd better start at the beginning, as all stories do. Only this isn't a story, this is my life. My name is Paige Filch-Questa. I am nineteen years old and until recently I've lead an odd life, as I've already mentioned. I live with my mother in Montreal, Canada and I've never met my father. My parents are divorced, and my father lives in an institution for the mentally unstable. This has always been a rough point for me, especially on father's day, but it's made me a stronger person because of it. My mother married my father just long enough to have me and get me stuck hyphenating his weirdo last name to hers, Filch. It sounds too close to filth for my liking. I can't hate my dad for being crazy, but I really wish I could've met him. He left soon after I was born. It makes me wonder if I wasn't some sort of a disappointment to him, but oh well. I'll never know.

Oddly enough, my mother is still in contact with my father's parents. Now those are weird folks. Gran and Gramps, as I call them, probably belong in the loony bin with my dad. They used to give me weird gifts and do weird things when I was little, but not so much anymore. Most likely because they got my mom so mad when they did those things, like wave sticks around and talk gibberish, like they were pretending to be wizards and witches or something. It was cool when I was a kid, but they continued doing it until I was about 13. Then I guess my mom must have said that that was the last straw, because they haven't done it since. Yes, they definitely are a little weird.

I'm not entirely odd myself. I have plain long brown hair, I'm of an average height; 5"4, and I'm a healthy weight, not too skinny, not too chubby. The only distinguishing feature about me is my eyes. People always say that my eyes seem to glow. They are an icy blue and the colour is astoundingly piercing. I really think that my eyes are my best feature, although my mom once suggested that I wear coloured contacts. I don't know why I would do that, my vision is fine, and besides, it's nice to have something distinguishing about me. Absolutely no one has eyes as bright and piercing as mine, and I love it.

Well, I always longed to be different from everyone else, and one day I suddenly was. A lot more different than everyone else than I wanted to be, but I can't change that now…