Title: The Right Decision?

Summary: Booth is undercover, Drew is dead, Rebecca is in a coma and Brennan has to take care of Parker, Can she do it? Drama and Fluff!

Disclaimer: I don't own Bones, FOX, Hart Hanson and Kathy Reichs do.

A/N: This is my first fanfic, I'd really appreciate reviews and feedback, Flames are not appreciated. So this might be a little depressing, but there will be fluff in the end. It might also be a little OOC! I have a horrible spell checker and English isn't my native language. Apologies for the Grammar and Spelling.

Chapter updated: Novemer 29. Thanks to: uscfbfan you for beta reading my story and making changes!!!!

A/N2: I support the Hollywood writers! They create the show/movie and hardly get any credits or money. Okay, it sucks when Bones will run out of episodes, but I do agree with the writers putting down their pencils.


Chapter 1.

Brennan sighed and looked at the calendar. She realized it was four month since he had left her life, four months since she had last seen his face. She never knew how much of an impact he had made on her life just by being there.

Her life had changed with a phone call from FBI deputy director Cullen. Apparently a terrorist cell in the United States had planned an attack on one of the federal buildings. This had required that Booth and many of the other agents were ordered to go undercover. She knew that he loved his country, and understood the importance of the assignment, however she ached for him.

Goodbyes weren't even allowed. All she wanted to do was hear his voice for one last time, to have the chance to tell him to be careful, to watch his back, to hear the goodbye that she had needed to hear.

Brennan flipped open her cell phone to a message that she had refused to erase after receiving it. One hour after the fateful call, she received a text message where Booth told her he was sorry and that she had to take care of herself that he loved her and would come back for her.

'Booth loves me!' The realization hit her like a brick. Now she had to live with the knowledge that he may never hear the words from her. "I love him too." She whispered to no one unparticular.

The words from the man she loved nearly broke her down, he loved her and she had been too blind to see it and now it was too late.

3 weeks after Booth had left . . .


"Dr. Brennan?" A small voice had filled her phone.

"Parker?" She shook the cobwebs out of her head and sighed. "What's wrong?"

"The police are here . . . my babysitter is crying . . . I don't know what to do." Parker started crying.

"Parker, I want you to put the police man on." Dr. Brennan instructed the small child. She told the police officer that she would be there with Parker in fifteen minutes.

Within minutes Brennan was at Rebecca's door, knowing that Booth's son would need her, and she wasn't going to let him down.

End Flashback

Brennan had learned that Rebecca and Drew got into a car accident, their car somehow exploded; luckily Parker wasn't in the car at that moment. Drew didn't survive the explosion and Rebecca was still in a coma, the doctors were unsure if she would ever wake up...

The FBI couldn't figure out if the car accident was a real ''accident'' or that there was foul play involved.

Rebecca's parents were Parker's legal guardians but they were old and after everything that happened they weren't capable to take care of Parker.

Brennan had felt that the child had needed her more now than ever, and she was going to abandon him in his time of need. Because of Brennan's ownexperiences in the foster system she didn't want to put parker through that,so she volunteered to take care of him.

The courts awarded temporary custody of Parker to Brennan, until either Rebecca would wake up from her coma or Booth would come back from his undercover mission.

It was an adjustment for them both. Brennan made her sacrifices, she cut her work hours to be there for Parker.

Parker missed his mom and dad. He was angry with Brennan and had would defy her every chance he got.

Brennan was exhausted from her demanding schedule. One night she was so frustrated with her young ward that they both broke down crying.

Brennan didn't mean to get so frustrated with him, but she was exhausted and the bomb filled with emotions exploded.

At that instance, Brennan realized how much Parker missed his parents, and Parker saw the emotions that he needed to see. They held each other. Parker realized that he needed her and she needed him, and from that moment on he decided to comply with the rules.

Brennan and Parker created a strong bond, and she wouldn't give the boy up for anything in the world.

She hadn't heard from Booth and wondered how he was doing, if he was still alive...

The squints helped her a lot, Cam often gave her a day off and Angela, Hodgins and Zack took Parker to the Zoo or the museum and when Brennan needed to work, the squints kept Parker busy around the lab.

If she desperately needed some time for herself, she only had to call Angela and Hodgins and they would take the boy for a couple of days.


Tonight was a quiet night, she put Parker in bed early, he'd been exhausted after Angela and Hodgins had taken him to the Zoo.

Angela stayed around for a while, to help her best friend with the housekeeping and trying to talk to her.

After Angela left Brennan couldn't stop thinking about Booth, god...she missed him so much, she wanted him to come back and give her a hug.

Did he really love her? Would he really come back for her? The thoughts got too much and she finally allowed the tears to stream down her face, small sobs escaped her mouth. Suddenly, she heard a little voice...

''Tempe why are you crying?'' Brennan turned around and saw Parker standing there in his Spiderman pajamas, clutching his favorite stuffed animal, she immediately wiped her tears away''

''Hey! You're supposed to be in bed'' she couldn't help changing the subject; she had to be strong for Parker.

''I couldn't sleep...I had a nightmare'' the little boy clutched his stuffed animal even tighter.

''Let's get you back to bad'' Brennan took the boy in her arms and put him back in bed.

She tucked the boy in and gave him a kiss. She turned to leave his room when a small voice stopped her.

''Are my mommy and daddy coming back again?'' The little boy asked with tears in his eyes. Brennan's heart broke when he asked that question.

"Was that what your dream was about?'' she asked trying to hold back her own tears.

''I dreamed that mommy and daddy are never coming back again because they don't want me anymore'' the boy cried.

''Your mommy and your daddy love you very much but they're not here right now because bad things happened, but you're always in their heart, and until they come back I will take care of you and I won't leave you,ever...'' Tears streamed down her face and she brushed his chin, like Booth always did to hers.

''Daddy always told me a story before I went to bed...Are you going to tell me a story?" the little boy asked

''Sure...'' She gave him a sweet smile before she started.

''There once was a very brave agent, his name was Andy, Andy's boss decided that he had to work with the smart Kathy. At first Kathy found Andy annoying, but after they solved their first case, they started to like each other. They worked on a lot of other cases together. But on one case Kathy was kidnapped by a bad person. The bad person was about to hurt Kathy when Andy came in and saved Kathy from the bad person. Kathy hugged Andy and after that they started to like each other even more, but Andy had to go away and Kathy was really sad but Andy came back, they kissed and lived happily ever after.

''Tempe? Do you love my daddy?'' Parker asked, almost asleep.

''Yes Parker, I love your daddy very much'' she kissed his cheek and told him goodnight.

Brennan changed into her pajamas and also went to bed, tomorrow was going to be a new day with new hope, she missed Booth so much, she hoped he was still alive and that he would come back for her and Parker, like Andy came back for Kathy.


A/N: Please tell me if you liked the story? Should I continue? Or should I stop? Was it to OOC?

Please Read & Review! Cookies for all reviewers :P