Chapter 8 - The Day After

The next time I woke the sun was up and Ranger was lightly shaking me to gain my attention. 'How are you feeling Babe?' He asked not bothering to mask the concern in his voice.

'What happened?' I ask, slightly sketchy on the details of yesterday.

'Morelli beat you up pretty bad,' he relied eventually pulling me up so that I was sitting on his lap.

'Don't you remember babe?' He asked holding me tightly so I couldn't escape into the pillow.

'I sort of remember him hitting me but after that I'm blank,' I replied truthfully and looked up to Ranger asking him to fill in the blanks.

'Lester as watching of the video cam, said Morelli hit you twice and punched you in the stomache before Bobby intervened.'

'Where is he now?' I asked sitting up taller and starring Rnager down, even if he hit me he didn't deserve to die or be hurt beause of it.

'Don't know, told him pollitely to get out of town for a bit. Figured you wouldn't like what I felt like doing to him.' I smiled at him, I could just imagine and there was no way I was alking round with the guilt of that for the rest of my lfe. I would ave to say like a million hail Mary's and go to church every Sunday. The though made me shake my head, ick, I hated church.

'Thanks, I dout I could have lived with myself if you had hurt him.' Ranger nodded but the blank face was back and I couldn't read his expression.

'You can't go back to him after that,' he finall said after what seemed like an hour of silence.

I looked up at Ranger, what was he suggesting, that I stay here with him or that I went back to being single. I knew I wanted the first one but my heart sank when I realised he was probably talking about the second.

At tht moment the blasted pager went of and Ranger, after laying me back down stood. 'Ella will be up in a minute to help get you in your chair etc. I have to go babe,' then with a kiss on my head he walked out of the room.

A week passed and I didn't see more than a passing glimpse of Ranger. He had given orders to have someone on me at all times which helped since I couldn't manage much on my own in the chair. Even staying at his apartment I didn't see him, he waited to after I eventually fell asleep to come up and left before I woke. I even started to wonder if he had a camera in the bedroom that let him know when I was asleep because for three nights now I had tried to stay awake and catch him. Yet I knew he came to bed because even in my dream I could feel him pull me to his chest and the bed smelt like him when I woke up.

Today as I was sitting in my old office at Rangeman, I decided I couldn't stay here any longer. It was becoming clear that if Ranger wanted me here then he wouldn't keep avoiding me both here and upstairs. So, when Ella came to take me to lunch I asked her if she would help me move myself back to my apartment.

'What's wrong?' Ella asked sittingacross from me at the dinner table in her apartment.

'What do you mean wrong, I just think I've overstayed my welcome.' I told her truthfully with my eyes downcasted so that she wouldn't see the hurt that I knew would be written there.

'What'she done now?' She asked pulling her chair around so that she was now seated next to me and could force me to look at her when I replied.

'Nothing, he just dosn't want me ar...around,' I started sobbing and when she touched my arm I couldn't help but let it all out about how he was avoiding me and how I just felt helpless and alone.

Ella gave me a hug when I hadcried myself out and murmered a few words in my ear.

'You want me to talk to him for you?' She asked but I shook my head.

'No, I just wana go home.'

Ranger's POV

I was sitting in my office trying to type on my computer without causing the wound in my stomache to hurt. I remembered the doctors faces clearly when refused to stay in hospital. 'But Mr Manoso...' they said again and again, '...a stomache woun is bad, it could even become life threatening if you don't take it easy.'

'Finally, I told them I would indeed take it easy and that m house cleaner was a nurse and had agreed to stay with me. Eventually, the agreed but made me sign a stupid form saying I was going againts medical advice. Well hell, I thought I've had worst and never listened to medical advice, why should I start now. Besides I was still kicking myself over Steph getting, then there was that whole thing over Morelli.

Lying next to her whilst she was unconscious in my bed was one of he worst things that I have ever experienced. Then when she callled my name I felt like my heart was going to tear. I didn't deserve her, I got her injured and because of me she was in a wheelchair for a month What about next time, she could be permetly diabled or worst killed. So, I started avoiding her, in my mind I was doing to give her time to get over Morelli but truthfully I couldn't bare to see her hurt. At least she was still at Rangeman and I could look aftre her indirrectly through Ella and the many men I assigned to her each day.

There was a knocking at the door and I looked up to see a very grumpy looking Ella standing there.

I gave her a smile and motioned her in and recieved a glare as she sat down in front of me.

'I wanted to be the on to tell you how bad you've blown it this time.'

I gave her a questioning look and leaned nforward, 'blown what?'

'I just had lunch with Stephanie and watched as she broke down and told me how you of all people had been advoiding her. Then she made me help her pack and move back to her apartment.'

'What!' Isaid still digesting the news, I had been so busy searching for the blasted assasin this morning that I had forgotten to keep an eye on her. Well, truthfully I had purposely not kept an eye on her but I wouldn't let myself think that.

'I brought her here because I though she wouldhelp you and vice versa, now I realise I should have taken her to her parents, at least there she would have someone who LOVED her and wanted to look after her!' This was the first time Ella had ever had a go at me.

I had known her since I was a baby and she never, ever told me how to run my life or voiced and opinion like this till now.

Suddenly Ella stopped and rested her head in her hands.

'Just do one thing for me Carlos,' she murmered using my name as though she was begging for me to go back to being the little boy I once was.

'Anything Ella,' I repleid switching to the security cams on my computer and searching for Steph even though I kenw she wouldn't be there.

'Talk to her!'

Please review I love to read what you think. I also corrected the errors people pointed out in chaper 7. If you notice any in this chapter let me know because I haven't had time to do a good proof read. THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HAS READ MY STORY AND REVIEWED!!