(A/N: The end is here. I'm sorry, but all things must end. Sorry this is short, but it's only an epilogue. But I do have a nice surprise for you at the end, so enjoy the last of my story.)

Disclaimer: I own nothing


Kagome walked down the busy streets in modern time as she thought over what she had just found out. She was certainly happy about it, and she knew that her mother was too, but she wondered how Inuyasha would react. He had agreed about wanting to have children, but they had decided to wait a little while. Apparently, Fate had decided to bless them with a child sooner rather than later.

Yes, Kagome was pregnant. It had been a few months after Naraku's death and things were peaceful in the Feudal Era. Thanks to a wish on the Shikon Jewel, the well was now open to Kagome 24/7, so she was able to come and go as she pleased without needing the jewel. This had been the best decision, for now she didn't have to choose between her future family and her past family.

'And now I'm starting another family.' She thought happily.

As she was walking, she noticed on the other side of the street what appeared to be a rich couple. The woman had her black hair tied back in the same fashion that Kagura did with a feather in it, and was wearing a fancy dress. The man walking beside her was in a very expensive suit, and had long white hair that reminded her of Sesshomaru. In fact, she could have sworn that it was them, only that they were human.

'They're like human versions of them.' She thought.

Her eyes widened as for a split second she saw the actually Sesshomaru and Kagura in the place of the couple. She blinked and shook her head, taking a second look. Unfortunately, a bus drove past her, blocking her vision of them, and she lost them in the crowd of people.


"She noticed us." Kagura muttered with a smirk. "She saw through our disguises."

"Only due to her priestess powers." Sesshomaru replied. "We need not worry about any other humans seeing what we really are." He paused for a moment. "Did you know she lived in the same town as our granddaughter?"

Kagura tapped her chin. "I don't recall. We haven't been here in 23 years. She wasn't even born back then."


Kagura turned back to where they saw Kagome. "Do you think they've beaten Naraku yet?"

"They have."

Kagura gave him a curious look. "How do you know?"

"She is with child." He replied, a small smirk on his face. "That did not happen until a few months after Naraku's death."

Kagura nodded. "Ah, I see. Well, your nose is better than mine, so I'll take your word for it. Can we tell her that she's having both a boy and a girl?"

They came to a stoplight, and Sesshomaru pressed the button to change the light with his left hand. "No, we should not interfere with the past."

"Then can we at least tell Kagome that she's Rin and Kohaku's descendant? I bet she'll be surprised."

"I just said we should not interfere with the past."

Kagura put on a fake sad face. "You're no fun."


(A/N: Surprised? I hope so, I was going for that. That's right, Kagome is Rin and Kohaku's descendant. This theory first came to me when Jinenji stated that Rin resembled Kagome. I thought it would be a rather interesting twist. It would also explain why Kagome's family has knowledge on demons, it's because since Rin is so close to Sesshomaru that she would most likely keep the knowledge of demon existence known in her family while the rest of the world forgot they existed. Anyway, this brings my story to an end. I hope you all enjoyed it, and thank you everyone who read and reviewed. I'm glad you all enjoyed it and I hope you'll look into my other stories. I might do another Inuyasha story, but I'm not sure; I'm still brainstorming ideas. Hope to see you all again. This is your last chance to review, so tell me what you think of my story and I'll be eternally grateful. Bye everybody.)