Chapter twelve is here! I had to write a little in advance to catch up, so the next chapter should be out sooner than this one took. Enjoy!
The Shaping of a Man
"I can't believe it!" Hitoshi growled, banging his hand again to vent his anger. "What the hell does that Ichimaru have that I don't?"
"Still your anger, Hitoshi," Byakuya responded, though the news surely caught him off guard as well.
With the news of third division losing its captain, the quick replacement was refreshing – the choice of captain was, however, surprising to say the least. With only serving a month as vice captain to Aizen, Ichimaru Gin was promoted to captain level, filling the role of the missing leader.
Hitoshi was still muttering incomprehensibly to himself as Byakuya stared out into the training arena.
This was to be their last session together before the induction ceremony. Byakuya felt a pang of loss as he gazed on Hitoshi.
The partner looked at him, apparently still fuming to himself. After a second of visual connection, Hitoshi's expression softened.
"Hell, if you're going to be captain too, then it's not so bad. At least I know one person deserves the role."
"Your praise is unneeded…however, I appreciate the gesture." Byakuya heard himself say. Despite his upbringing, being the subject of another person's admiration made him feel a bit…squeamish. Seeing the look from Hitoshi didn't help the matter.
Then again, Byakuya remembered feeling the same thing while with Hisana. Was this a regular occurrence then? This strange emotion…
Maybe this was the right time.
Byakuya paused. Was he sure this was the right decision? Glancing at the brown haired shinigami from his peripheral, he noted the clear detection of concern.
Taking a cleansing breath, he continued.
"I…Once I become captain, my availability will be limited."
"Hai. I know. Well it was nice having you around, Byakuya." Hitoshi spoke, blatant disappointment and – sadness? – in his voice. Byakuya could hardly stand the disheartened expression.
"That is a situation I plan to remedy, among others." Byakuya turned suddenly, casting a determined stare toward his male counterpart. "When I become captain, I will need a trustworthy lieutenant."
Hitoshi stared blankly. A thought made his eyes widen and his jaw drop. "Are you…do you mean…?"
"Nakata Hitoshi." Byakuya formally stated. "Will you take on the duties as deemed of a fukutaicho for sixth division?"
"Seriously?" Hitoshi glared in disbelief. Quickly though, he regained some semblance of proper etiquette. "My captain, I will except the duties thus bestowed upon me," he spoke, determined to hold a straight face.
Once, and though it was only a chuckle, did Byakuya share a laugh with Hitoshi.
It was short lived as the thoughts of the commencement loomed on him again.
There was a matter that he needed to attend to first.
"Hitoshi. I must take care of a few things before the ceremony…"
"Don't worry about it, Byakuya," Hitoshi interrupted. "I'll catch up with you after you make captain."
Parting ways, Byakuya walked quickly toward sixth division headquarters. He needed to talk with his father.
"Taicho, sir."
A gesture indicated the fifth seat to talk.
"Kuchiki Byakuya has requested an audience with you."
"Please, send him in."
At the flourish of the shinigami uniform, the captain made certain the future head of Kuchiki clan understood his place.
"It is late, Kuchiki Byakuya."
Byakuya hardly considered mid-day to be 'late'; it seemed more or less an effort to retain control and command. Ignoring the comment, he continued.
"I have a request, Kuchiki Taicho."
"Make it quick." The older noble stated, dutifully preparing paperwork for the following day.
"I wish to marry."
Pen stopped scribbling on the paper for a few moments before resuming.
"Is that so? To whom has my son been so smitten?"
"Her name is Hisana."
"Really?" Pen skritching ceased again, as the captain thought briefly. "I do not recognize the name. Which clan is she from?"
"She is not."
Byakuya knew the captain heard him. He also knew the response he would get from his more than strict father.
The elder captain still had not said anything. What did this mean?
"You know that the clan cannot accept such behavior."
"Hai, Taicho. However I will not accept that answer."
Fingers pressed against each other as the captain rested his chin against his hands.
"The only way to allow such behavior is through the counsel, or to be the head of Kuchiki clan. I cannot be an advocate." The captain's eyes pierced Byakuya's in a way that he had never known. "The only way to become head of the house is through the induction ceremony. I am powerless to grant your wish, my son." The noble picked up his pen and set to writing again. "I know that the elders will never allow a commoner to reside in the Kuchiki clan," he continued, "However your decision once you become head will be indisputable…" The captain trailed off, apparently engrossed again with his work.
Silently, Byakuya turned to leave, the new bit of information buzzing through his thoughts. He was startled when his father spoke again, almost too quietly to hear.
"Consider the ceremony to be my blessing. May your life be everything you intend it to be, my son."
Those words haunted Byakuya. They were heartfelt and open, more than any conversation he had in the past.
The thought of his father dying was becoming more unbearable each day closer to the induction.
Only a handful of hours remained before he would inevitably fight his father.
Twenty, to be exact.
Despite his sincere wishes to keep Hisana uninvolved, the desire to confide in someone about his conflicting emotions. Inevitably he found himself drawn to the teahouse for some sort of reprieve. The sakura tree greeted him first, its glistening petals a magnificent sight to behold.
Expecting to see Hisana upon entering, he found it odd that the she was nowhere to be found.
Sizing up the bar, he looked for a familiar face and took a seat closest to that waitress. It didn't take long for the woman to notice him.
"Oh, I know you…you're Byakuya, correct?"
Byakuya simply nodded, frowning only slightly at the informal mention of his name.
"I'm Mai. Hisana took ill today – she's upstairs if you which to see her."
At the mention of Hisana's disposition he almost relinquished the seat immediately to flash step to the room. Retaining some bit of dignity, he thanked the woman and quickly alighted the stairway.
In all of his visits to the tea house, he had never known Hisana to take ill.
Knocking softly on the door, he hardly waited for a response before turning the doorknob.
She was there, lying on the bed. Her eyes met his and for a moment he felt his troubled mind ease; Hisana was there, radiating her usual exuberance.
"Hey there, handsome," she responded, putting down a book she was reading.
Without thinking Byakuya blurted "Are you alright?"
Her smile calmed his fears, for if Hisana could smile then nothing could be wrong. "I'm better, thank you. I was just – under the weather, that's all."
Byakuya came over to the bedside, gently resting his weight on the corner. She seemed so vibrant and healthy – claiming that she was ill seemed only a fluke. He ran his hand gently through her dark hair. She took his hand in hers, rubbing her cheek against his smooth skin.
"I missed you."
Byakuya leaned forward and captured her lips in a chaste kiss. Hisana returned with more fervor than he expected.
"I thought you were ill," he spoke, surprise clinging to his statement.
"I was, but now that you're here, I'm feeling a little better," she smiled, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
"Hm." Byakuya pursed his lips together in a silent objection. Hisana pulled him closer.
"I know what might make me feel better…" she purred, pressing her body against his.
"Hm." Byakuya responded again. "However the prospect of catching the flu before a formal induction ceremony seems less than appealing to me." He only half seriously countered.
"I promise I won't give it to you." She answered coyly.
"I doubt that the matter is for you to decide." He commented; however the effects of Hisana so close already had him reeling, her intoxicating movements quickening his pulse, his heart pounding in his chest.
Their kisses were deep, yet passionate, and though Byakuya preferred light soft kisses, he couldn't resist when Hisana's tongue begged for entry.
His kimono was tugged off, and he slid beneath the covers with her. The hakama came off just as easily sliding the heavier material to the floor. Wanting more contact of skin, Byakuya pressed in behind her, wrapping his arms around her slender waist.
Hisana sighed, pressing against him as well. The comfort of their bodies was heavenly – he wished that they could remain like this indefinitely.
The serene feeling was replaced by a more earthly desire however, once Hisana reached for his apparent arousal. Slowly, gently, she placed it against the smooth folds of her body and rubbed uninhibitedly against the heated skin.
Byakuya sucked in his breath. She felt so warm and inviting; her quick breaths were enchanting and erotic…it was all he could do to finally have her again.
Slowly he pressed into her.
There was a combined moan as he slipped into her tight wetness. He breathed heavily as each thrust sent him further in until he was buried to the hilt. Hisana clenched around him, sending wayward chills down his back.
"More…" she breathed. He obliged, working the deep thrusts to a timed pace. He rolled onto his knees for better leverage, placing a hand at either side of her waist.
She was openly moaning now, buttocks forced upward as he pushed into her, lovingly but with a vigor that she craved. Sweat rolled down his abdomen as the sensual sound of her cries spurred him on. He was getting close…
He gripped her thighs tighter. The blind lust that swept over him was in full control, he was powerless to stop himself. His body was aching to climax.
Hisana moved then, twisting her body and kissing Byakuya passionately as he buried into her. Deftly she pushed him back, Byakuya mildly irritated by separating their union, until Hisana climbed over his arousal and pressed his slick member back into her, effectively impaling herself on his member.
Byakuya watched as Hisana rolled her hips pressing just so to make him ache again. A dark moan escaped his lips, husky and filled with lust. He watched as Hisana's breasts moved with her body, and he cupped them, gently nuzzling the soft flesh with his lips and lightly teasing the erect nipple.
The need to climax had lessened a little from this position, however watching Hisana's lithe form rocking and thrusting ignited his fervor again. Byakuya found himself meeting her thrusts from his limited position, vying again for his release.
He felt it then, curing again in the pit of his stomach.
"Hisana…I" Byakuya tried, the sentence coming forth more passionate than he intended.
"Byakuya," she responded, kissing him furiously. The timing of her thrusts sped up; he could tell that she was close as well.
"I'm…" he breathed, delirious from the sensuous assault.
She whimpered in pleasure as she felt him grow rigid, riding him with lustful abandon.
They came together, riding blindly through the climax, Byakuya's seed coursing into her with each thrust. He arched up, pressing deep into her body as he felt himself drain, her spasms grasping him from the inside, milking him for everything he had to offer.
Byakuya shuddered, his senses returning to him slowly now that the haze of passion was beginning to recede. Hisana panted openly, cradled onto Byakuya's chest.
"That was amazing…" she finally spoke.
Byakuya kissed her dark hair, hugging her small frame to him as he smiled.
"I agree." He barely whispered.
Pulling the blankets over each other, they curled together in a loving embrace, preparing to sleep after their exhausting session.
"I love you – Hisana." Byakuya breathed against her soft check.
"I love you, Byakuya." She mumbled, already falling fast asleep.
Byakuya did not rest so quickly. Their desire staved off his troubles for the moment, however once their coupling ended, he felt the thoughts creep in again.
He worried about the induction.
Though he had trained diligently, the fear resided in the pit of his stomach that it was not enough. Internally he wondered if he would really be able to defeat his father in open battle.
He would find out in a few short hours.
The courtyard was filled with extravagant decorations, elaborate and ornate designs that indefinitely proved the Kuchiki household fortune. Flowers cascaded from the balconies, framing the stony grey walls with lilac and emerald. The delicate lotus blossom emblazoned on white flags floated quietly above, satisfying the scene of his home.
Byakuya observed the hall with a new perspective.
In its entirety could one hardly guess something so gruesome would be taking place. Family killing family, all for the sake of a title.
Byakuya's frown tightened a little more as he thought of his innocent childhood, framed within these perfect walls. The unsuspecting nature of a boy, the calculating methods of a father. How could no one have told him of the travesty that would inevitably take place?
"This way, Kuchiki-san," a subordinate told him. He hadn't even recognized the poor boy – how long had he lived without wondering who these people were who served him?
There was nothing that could be done about this he thought as he subconsciously prepared for the ceremony. Bathing, washing, and applying the formal robes of his ascension.
Today he would have to fight. Not only for a title, but for his own life.
The last accessory that adorned his robes was something he never wore. It was a symbol of his household that would only be worn on specific days of importance.
The dangling silver points of the necklace glinted in the firelight of the small preparation chamber as he contemplated the use for this heirloom; beginning of adolescence, entrance into the academy, his placement as elder. The only other use for it would be his burial ceremony.
These thoughts had taken him in an uncomfortable territory, his brow furrowed in a caricature of concentration.
Glancing down at the glittering silver, a new thought clashed with the other melancholy thoughts.
This heirloom would be used for another important moment in his life; joining with Hisana in their own ceremony.
The idea brightened his thoughts a little.
The training hall was rearranged and decorated for the event as well. It seemed that the design committee has ill informed about what a battleground was, with the amount of ribbon and flowers everywhere.
The courtyard was an ideal location for the battle, the expanse and open area enough for two shinigami to invoke and control their respective shikai. It appeared that the design committee did have some common knowledge about battle preparations. However there were a fair amount of flowers and greenery decorating the seating area for the spectators. White flags carrying black lotus blossoms were here too, floating silently above him. Even with the droning elder speaking of the ritual and its customs, the courtyard felt so empty and isolated.
Then, it was time.
From the start, neither man moved or raised their weapons. Both seemed to, at the best of their ability, be sizing the other man; daring, waiting for the other to make a move.
Byakuya was in fact wondering what his father would do. What would be the first move? He had never been pitted with his father in combat situations; the whole ordeal was alien, and Byakuya was studying his father like any other adversary in a dangerous situation.
His thoughts were interrupted the starch figure of his father shifted only slightly before disappearing from his line of vision.
His eyes widened. His father was fast. Faster than himself.
He had barely managed to react, the tip of his father's zanpakuto grazing lightly along the fabric on his back. With his own flash step he dodged the attack and positioned himself away from his father, maintaining his fighting stance.
By the time he looked at his previous position, his father was already gone. That could only mean that he was already on the move.
Byakuya was caught unprepared for the attack he knew was coming. Uncharacteristically, he blindly flash stepped away again, barely missing the sideways slash his father had prepared with his unsheathed sword.
White fabric floated to the floor, a shredded piece of Byakuya's robes landing silently on the ground.
"You'll never get anywhere if you keep running," Kuchiki Taicho nonchalantly spoke, his voice booming even in the open area of the courtyard. "Now, face me in combat," he added, raising his zanpakuto toward Byakuya.
The two shinigami flashed again, Byakuya dodging, the captain taking every opportunity to slash at an opening. Growling, The Kuchiki noble sped up the pace. "Stop dodging and draw your sword!"
Byakuya frowned as his father advanced, quick even to the trained eye. Who could believe an ailing man had the capability of moving so fast!
The captain was on him again, spearing his zanpakuto, Byakuya dodging to the left and right of his attacks. The jabs were fast and precise, Byakuya having to use all of his spiritual power to keep up.
His father yelled again, frustration blatant in his roar. "Stop running and fight me!"
Byakuya gazed on his father as if for the first time; the malicious gaze in his cold grey eyes, fiery determination burning like stars in those steel orbs like none he had ever seen before.
There was a flicker of blue flame as the captain's reiatsu increased exponentially. The energy of the spiritual power made it difficult to breathe, the weight crushing down on his from across the courtyard.
That power…Byakuya marveled. It was the strongest he had ever felt. Did all captains possess this much strength?
The captain disappeared and this time he needed to unsheathe his sword to prevent his father from severing his saketsu and hakusui. The grinding of steel on steel brought him out of his reflections as Byakuya faced off with his father.
The captain was breathing heavily, moreso than Byakuya would expect from a seasoned fighter. Byakuya tried to dismiss the feeling as his father rushed in, striking with his sword.
Byakuya flash stepped, and the clatter of katana was more than surprising as the captain turned to deflect the attack.
"Good." His father smiled, grinding the sword close. Pulling at his son's shoulder, he then whispered something that only Byakuya could hear. "Don't go easy on me. The elders are watching this fight, trying to determine if you are a capable leader. If you show weakness in handling battle with me, then your initiation will be deemed worthless."
Byakuya gritted his teeth and clashed with his father blade. "I am not holding back," he insisted, though once the words were spoken he couldn't be entirely sure.
The captain smirked, raising a hand to Byakuya's shoulder. "Byakurai."
Byakuya's eyes widened as he rolled sideways away from the blast. The crackle of lighting seared his clothes and burned his skin, and the electrical current jolted his body, nerves seizing from shock as he stumbled and nearly fell backward in retreat.
"I heard that you know how to shikai, Kuchiki Byakuya." The captain mischievously grinned. "Is that so?"
"Hai…" Byakuya's words failed him as his jaw clenched uncontrollably from the current still buzzing through his body. He clutched his shoulder with one hand as he steadied his zanpakuto with the other.
"Then why don't you show me this extraordinary feat?" The captain gestured wide with his blade.
"No." Byakuya whispered.
"What?" The Kuchiki noble glared at his son. There was no way to describe the look of distaste on his face.
"I will not."
Why not, musuko?
He was about to answer when he realized the source of the question.
I will not eviscerate another human being, He thought, hoping to communicate his feelings toward the zanpakuto.
He asked, musuko. Would you deny him that honor? Came the thoughtful reply.
What honor is there in mutilation? Byakuya brows furrowed, frustrated by the response.
There is so little you know, musuko, Senbonzakua chided. Why would you deny your father the chance to die honorably? By fighting like a coward you rob him of his dignity.
Byakuya clenched his teeth, shifting his pose into an attacking stance. Flash stepping again in an offensive maneuver; he clashed blades with his father once more.
"I asked you a question, boy," The captain growled. "Do you know how to use your zanpakuto?"
"My zanpakuto is not to be used on the likes of you." Byakuya retaliated bringing a free hand to his father's chest. "Hadono sanyuichi; Shakkahou."
Seeing through the attack, the Kuchiki elder rolled past the blast easily, only to be confronted again, cut off from his escape.
Byakuya muttered one word: Soukatsui.
The explosion rocked the foundation around the courtyard, sending debris and dust into the air. Byakuya was breathing heavily - able, but barely managing, to maintain an attack position. He waited for the dust to clear to see the destruction and wondered how his father fared in the blast.
As the cloud of smoke dissipated, he could not see the man in question.
A sharp pain flared in his hip, and he clutched at the object jutting from his side. He could feel the hilt of the blade and see crimson running through the blood grooves of his father's sword.
Byakuya cast a murderous look on the man yet did nothing. The captain pushed his blade in further.
See, musuko? You should have listened… Senbonzakura chided.
Byakuya clenched his teeth as the searing pain coursed through his body. The metal blade's unnatural joining caused his hands to shake as he grabbed the shaft. Clenching his teeth in determination, he pulled himself from the razor sharp edge, adding a burst of energy from his own depleting reiatsu.
His adversary didn't put up a fight; it seemed that his father had not gotten off as well as he thought.
Blood dripped from the captain's temple as the man staggered to his feet, still firmly resolved to holding an attack pose. Crimson stained the white robes and the pale green tunic of his ceremonial clothes, but the fiery gaze set into those azure eyes spoke for the man's intention.
Reiatsu flared, the blue flame consuming the captain in spirit energy unmatched in strength and weight of the other, his power dominating the courtyard.
Byakuya staggered back, eyes widened by the awesome display of energy. He felt his body sag in response, the heaviness of the captain's reiatsu crushing him from the proximity. There was no way he could meet that power level, not with the wounds that he sustained this far. As if in response, the wound in his side ached, and he clutched it with his free hand.
This was it. His father would beat him. The captain would unleash his bankai and surely annihilate him in its wake.
Is this where he would die?
Nonsense Musuko, his zanpakuto's spirit chided. Can't you feel it?
The realization struck hard: though the captain's spiritual pressure was astonishing, there seemed to be an abrupt cut-off to the level of energy that he exuded.
He has no bankai.Senbonsakura's voice sounded as though she was smiling.
How is that possible? Byakuya wondered as he staggered in place.
Amidst his thoughts he could hear the faint chant of a destructive art drift to his ears.
He knew the spell; Souren soukatsui.
There was no way to dodge that in the limited space of the courtyard. The captain intended to annihilate him along with everything else in the area using that high of a kido?
Well, Musuko? Will you release me now?
Though Byakuya did not want to use senbonzakura on his father, he knew that the blades would provide plenty of cover against the kido spell. Grudgingly he brought the sword up to his chest.
"Scatter, Senbonzakura," he spoke watching as the petals listlessly rolled from the sword and caught in the wind.
Byakuya should have felt uneasy without a weapon at the ready. There should have been some question as to why it didn't affect him.
Instead he felt empowered and ready, prepared to take on the brunt of the attack.
There was an explosion as the spell was released, Byakuya working quickly to disassemble the blast.
Good, musuko, just like our training. The zanpakuto purred.
As the smoke cleared the captain was still standing but barely, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth in a dark red trail. His eyes were wide as he followed the listless petals around, the gaze finally settling to Byakuya.
"Senbonzakura…" The captain choked on the word.
Byakuya could hear the zanpakuto laugh before thousands of petals launched at the injured man.