An Author's Note: Yes, this is yet another Yugioh/Harry Potter Crossover. I hope you like my effort…
I own neither Yugioh nor Harry Potter…but I do own the Black Fox. No one uses the Black Fox but me.
Chapter 1
Prophecy…So What Else is New?
Ryo Bakura listened to the evil spirit inside his ring rant and rage. It was just after the Battle City tournament, and when both of them had gotten back from the Shadow Realm the evil thief in the Ring had been throwing what could only be called a temper tantrum from three full hours. Bakura supposed it was a miracle that the Spirit had not taken him over and done something stupid…like stab himself in the arm again. While Bakura had no actual memory of the Spirit stabbing their arm (seeing as how he had been virtually comatose throughout the entire ordeal) he did not want it to happen again.
Bakura sighed and sank onto the couch in his apartment, wondering whether or not he should do the world a favor and jump out the window. He might have…if he didn't know perfectly well that the Spirit would stop him…
When it started happening Bakura first thought that the Spirit's anger had gotten the better of him, and that they were being pulled into the Shadow Realm again…until he saw the stars. The Shadow Realm did not have stars as far as he knew.
Bakura shot up and then swooned. He felt an odd pulling sensation, and then his evil self was standing next to him, looking confused and furious.
"What is the meaning of this!?" Yami Bakura bellowed.
"Oh, we have a temper now, don't we?" someone said from behind them.
Bakura and his yami turned around to behold what had to be the strangest looking…something or other they had yet to encounter (and that was saying something).
The creature at first looked like a human wearing a black fur coat and a fox mask…only the mask was not a mask at all but a face with the upper jaw of a fox and the lower jaw of a human. The creature's eyes were a strange kaleidoscope of swirling rainbow colors. Its sharp fangs where bared in a mocking grin spookily similar to Yami Bakura's own favorite expression. It was the face of someone who knew that they were in complete control of the situation.
Yami Bakura was not one to be intimidated by anything, and he stalked towards the creature with a thunderous look. The real Bakura decided that it was wisest to back away. Very far away…as far away as he could get without getting lost in a void…
"Send us back to Earth now!" Yami Bakura demanded.
"No…I have business with you." The creature said "You can call me the Black Fox if you wish-"
"Silence!" Yami Bakura shouted "You will send me back right now!"
"How…cute." The Black Fox's grin grew even more mocking "The little puppy thinks he has some bite, eh?"
"You'll pay!" Yami Bakura drew his deck out from somewhere, but before he had a chance to pick a card the deck was flying out of his hands and into the grip of the Black Fox.
"Now now, boy, if you can't play nice with your toys they will have to be taken away from you." With that the Black Fox opened her mouth wide and swallowed the deck whole.
Both Bakura's mouths dropped open. Even the mouthy Spirit was flabbergasted.
"Now…as for the rest of your toys…"The Black Fox extended her paw/hand palm upwards and then clenched it into a fist.
Yami Bakura screamed. His host had never heard his evil side make a sound so hideous and pain filled. Something black and slimy seemed to shoot out of Yami Bakura's chest and flew to the Black Fox. It vanished once it reached her.
Yami Bakura dropped to his knees trembling. He felt…empty…lost…as if a part of himself had just been ripped away.
"This is going to hurt you much more than it will hurt me…" The Black Fox was still grinning like a loon. She pointed at Yami Bakura and he was surrounded by golden energy. He started screaming again.
"STOP!" Bakura (the nice one) had no idea why, but he just could not watch another in so much pain…even the person who had been making his life a torment for a long time "STOP HURTING HIM!"
The Black Fox did not look at him "From now on, Tomb Robber you will not be able to hurt another living soul, unless they have hurt you or another first. You will not be able to summon the Shadow Realm again. You will not be able to seal souls into items again. You will not have the power to bring monsters to life. All you have now is the Rings powers of detection…and your thieving skills I suppose…"
The energy finally stopped, and the now drained Yami Bakura fell to the ground (or maybe he just hovered horizontally in the void…it was kind of hard to tell), shivering and moaning in pain. He had never felt so helpless in a long long time…and he sure did not like the feeling.
He glared up at the Black Fox with hate filled eyes. "Why?" he demanded. Impressively his voice was steady, even if the rest of him was not.
The Black Fox started walking, but paused for a moment to answer "Maybe when you have learned to use your toys better they will be returned to you…"
Her eyes landed on the other Bakura, and her expression softened. She approached him, but he was too frightened to even try to run away.
What she did next surprised him. Like a magician in an old fashioned carnival she reached behind the trembling boy's ear…and pulled out a monster card.
"Have an early Christmas present kid." She said as she handed the card to him. Her claw touched his forehead and Bakura suddenly felt a strange warm feeling flooding through him. Baffled at all of this he could do nothing but stare at the strange…whatever she was.
The Black Fox vanished, and the strange starry void left with her. The Spirit was back in his Ring. From it Bakura could hear something he never expected to hear…
"Yugi! Wake up!"
"Whatzzit?" Yugi Muto shot up and found himself laying in his bed…in the middle of…the universe?
Oh great, what now?
Yami, the Pharaoh, was standing at the edge of Yugi's bed, looking around as if waiting for an assault.
"Pharaoh! Is it the Shadow Realm?" Yugi asked.
"I don't think so…" The Pharaoh still looked like he was ready to duel something, if something chose to attack.
"Hi kids…having a bad night are we?" The Black Fox appeared (as you can see she does that a lot) with her evil mocking grin plastered all over her face.
Oh yes, the Black Fox loved her job.
"Black Fox, and your Yugi Muto and his little…hanger on?" The Black Fox said. Yugi was shocked. This was the first time anyone had referred to Yami as a hanger on.
"Mind if I take these?" The Black Fox held up to very familiar cards, The Winged Dragon of Ra and Obelisk the Tormentor.
"I need those to-"
"Unlock the secrets of the Pharaoh, yadda yadda yadda….has it occurred to you yet that the secret was locked away for a reason?"
Yami gapped "What do you know?" he demanded.
"Everything." The Black Fox said.
"What…do you mean?"
"I've seen the stars live and die, kid. I've seen the birth of time and space. I've seen the Demon Sultan and spit in his eye…that was a good day. I've seen…everything." The Black Fox's grin was gone, and now she looked dead serious. "Trust me for now…and things will be…much better than they could be."
"Is there danger! Is something threatening the world again?" Yami demanded.
"Always, everyday….you nothing of what is going on. You are the ant and I am the god…do you understand?"
"Maybe we should listen to her…" Yugi said. He was not sure he liked the look of this Black Fox…but…
"Actually you don't really have a choice here, you can't stop me…but I have a little present for you." The Black Fox pointed at Yugi, and he felt the same warmth that had flowed through Bakura only moments before. "Nighty." The Black Fox grinned and departed.
Stunned silence for a few moments.
"What just happened?" Yugi asked.
"I…don't know…" Yami had a bad feeling about this…
The Black Fox repeated this process with two others: Seto Kaibaand Marik Ishtar, whose reactions where basically what you would have expected, confusion and (in the case of Kaiba) utter disbelief. However, both were not exactly sad when they woke up the next morning with two certain God Cards restored to their decks. Truth be told, Kaiba practically danced. Both were willing to forget about the "present" the Black Fox had mentioned.
For as you might guess the cards were not truly the present at all…
There was one more task to complete….
On the other side of the world (England to be precise) a teenage boy with messy black hair and a lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead was tossing and turning in his sleep.
For the past two months, ever since Voldemort had returned, Harry Potter had been having nightmares.
But this dream was different.
He was standing in front of a strange tablet covered in Egyptian hieroglyphics. Then the stone broke and four monsters stood in its place. One was a red dragon, one a golden bird like creature, one a blue giant, and the other a white lion with black feathered wings.
A voice boomed:
From the east four shall come.
Thief King, Pharaoh, Priest and Guardian,
Two to the Lion, two the Snake.
The and the gap between the two will be bridged
Harry woke up, confused, his scar burning like mad.
The Black Fox grinned.
"Now…time for the fun…"