"I'm gonna be sick."

"Nonsense, Bella. You'll be fine."


"But nothing. Relax. Everything is going to be fine."

That's Alice for you. Always confident, with good reason. She was a vampire that could see the future.

Today was my wedding day. I was getting married to the most perfect creature on this planet, Edward Cullen, though perfect did not even begin to describe him. I wanted to spend eternity with Edward, which was why I was standing in Alice's room in my Anne of Green Gables dress while she flitted about adjusting my veil.

"Isn't perfect enough?" Her flitting was making me dizzy. I didn't need to be dizzy if I was already nauseous.

"I suppose," she paused, looking thoughtful. "But perfect from a vampire perspective is different."

"Any more perfect and I'm going to be late to my own wedding." I still cringed at anything having to do with matrimony but it was getting better.

Preparations for the wedding had been underway for the past three days. Alice went a little crazy with the planning because this was the first time Edward and I were getting married. It had been awhile since Alice had been able to plan an extravagant wedding, so I let her go crazy—to a point. I didn't stop her too much but I did stop her when she suggested releasing doves. Knowing my luck who knows what would have happened. Everything else I let her do. There were more flowers than I thought existed, a marble fountain from Italy and the best silk money could buy. I put up with all the extravagance because she wanted it, Edward wanted it, and deep down it was what I wanted as well.

Today was the day. All the preparation and perfection would culminate in Edward and me becoming husband and wife— for eternity. I looked at the clock. It was 7. Half an hour until the ceremony and half an hour until sunset. Hopefully Edward wouldn't glitter too much. I giggled.

Alice raised her eyebrow. I could tell she thought the giggle was going to turn into full blown hysterics. I cleared my throat. The giggling subsided.

"Can you still see the wedding?" I asked. I worried that Jacob, werewolf and ex-best friend, would try and stop the wedding.

"Yes, Bella, I can still see it," If Jake had planned anything, the wedding would have disappeared from her vision. "You really do need to stop worrying. Right now everything is clear. The wedding is fine, the reception is fine. We aren't going to have any problems moving out either. I'll keep an eye out of course, but please Bella, let me worry today." I was glad she said the move out was going to be fine. We needed to leave Forks before Edward turned me otherwise we would start a war with the werewolves. I tried not to think about anything but the wedding.

I had a penchant for worrying. "Ok, fine. Just the wedding." I noticed the clock again. 7:20. Ten minutes until the wedding started and fifteen minutes until it was my turn. My heart rate went up a notch.

There was a knock at the door. "You can't come in here Edward!" Alice cried. My heart sped up even more. I was practically dying to see Edward. The last time I saw him was last night before Alice shooed him out of the room citing tradition. I did not deal well with separation from Edward.

"I understand that Alice. I just want to talk to her." I moved closer to the door, waiting.

"How are you feeling, love?" Edward's voice was soft with love and great emotion.

"Nervous. You?"

He chuckled. "If my heart had a beat I think it would be going faster than yours is." It was a relief to know he felt the same way I did.

"I wish I could see you." I whispered.

"And I you. I want to say you look amazing but Alice won't let me inside her head."

"That doesn't surprise me. Is she translating the Battle Hymn of the Republic again?"

"No. She's concentrating on herself and her dress." I wasn't surprised. It took a lot to surprise me these days.

"Edward! We have to go! It's time to start!" Alice practically sang. She danced out the room leaving me alone.

Oh crap. I didn't think it possible to be even more nervous, but I was. I made myself breathe. I did not need to hyperventilate five minutes before I had to walk down the aisle. The door opened and Charlie walked in.

"Hey Bells." He said gruffly, trying to control the emotion in his voice.

"Hi dad. How's it going?"

He chuckled at my attempt at non-chalance. "Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

"Well we're both the same amount of nervous so it doesn't really matter."

"Yeah," He looked at his watch. "Well it's time, Bella." He took my hand and led me down the stairs. I could see everyone lined up at the altar, and all my friends waiting for me to walk down the aisle. Edward was just out of my field of vision but I imagined that he absolutely glowed. The string quartet Alice had flown in from France paused to give everyone time to stand. I sucked in a big breath and let it out slowly trying to calm my shaking hands. The band started up again playing a beautiful rendition of the Wedding March. Charlie and I walked through the door.

I hadn't seen the backyard in all its wedding glory and it took my breath away. Everything was draped in silk and flowers of every color. I heard Charlie let out a low whistle. I looked toward the altar and was even more amazed. Alice, Esme and Rosalie were all standing as my bridesmaids. Carlisle, Jasper and Emmett (grinning hugely) were all standing for Edward.

Edward was glowing, and the fading sun that made him glitter made his glow even more pronounced. As was usual, I lost my breath looking into his eyes yet I managed to keep walking. We were at the altar. Charlie gave me a hug and shook Edward's hand then took his seat beside Renée. I stumbled a bit stepping up to take my place in front of Edward. Emmett chuckled while Edward smiled on. I started blushing. I was going to be red the entire ceremony.

"Dearly beloved," the minister began. "We are gathered her today…" I tuned the minister out, not really needing to pay attention. I perked up when he said, "If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together—let them speak now or forever hold your peace." I held my breath. This was the part of the ceremony I was most frightened of. The minister opened his mouth to speak when a wolf howled—and not very far away. I gasped. I looked back at Alice who shook her head ever so slightly and whispered, "I can see everything." Even Edward whispered to me. "Nothing is going to happen." I calmed down as much as my nerves would allow. I was getting married after all. I couldn't calm down very much.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" the minister asked.

Charlie and Renée stood up. "Her mother and I do."

Most of the ceremony was a blur. The minister droned on and on about commitment and eternity. If only he knew how eternal my relationship with Edward was going to be.

Edward cleared his throat and brought me back to Earth. It was time for our vows. "Bella, I promise to love you and cherish you every day and every night of forever. You are my shining star, the reason for my existence. I promise to never hurt you or leave you ever again. I will be your constant companion, your best friend, your lover. I love you." He took my hand and slid the ring on. "And with this ring, I thee wed."

My turn. "Edward, I promise to love you and cherish you every day and night of forever. You take my breath away, you take my pain away. Without you I have no life. I will be there for you always. I love you." He laid his hand in mine. "And with this ring, I thee wed."

The minister spoke again. "Do you Edward take Bella to be your lawfully wedded wife, every day and night, for all of eternity?"

"I do." The look in his eyes took my breath away, yet again.

"And do you Bella take Edward to be your lawfully wedded husband, every day and night, for all of eternity?"

I looked straight into Edward's eyes. "I do."

"Then by the power vested in me by the state of Washington, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Edward lifted my veil, leaned in and before he kissed me whispered, "Behave" in my ear. We kissed and I forgot my own name. Of course the kiss was too short, but very sweet. I came up gasping for air as usual.

"I now present to you Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen." With that simple phrase the wedding was over. Everyone cheered. Edward and I walked back down the aisle hand in hand. The reception was to start in twenty minutes. We ran up the stairs to his—our—room to share some private time.

We lay down on his bed and I snuggled into his chest while sighing contentedly. I felt pretty good for being married.

"So how do you feel Mrs. Cullen?" Edward asked, still glowing.

I giggled. It was becoming a bad habit of mine. "Not too bad. And you, Mr. Cullen?"

"I feel amazing, if amazing can accurately describe my feelings." He swooped in for a more thorough kiss than the one at the altar. By the time he let me come up for air I wasn't sure of my own name.

"I think amazing is an accurate description." I gasped. He laughed against my chest.

"Is being married such a horrible thing?" he asked.

"No, I have to admit it isn't as horrible as Renée made it out to be."

"I'm glad. I wouldn't want you to be unhappy. Alice is about to spontaneously combust outside our door. Shall I let her in?"

Before I could answer, Alice burst into the room, more energetic than I had ever seen her. "Don't say a word Edward. Bella was getting ready to say yes." She looked as happy as I felt. Edward just smiled and shook his head.

"The reception is about to start, I thought I should let you know. Oh Bella I'm so proud of you! You didn't throw a fit and you didn't faint. I saw you fainting but I'm glad I was wrong. I didn't want anyone having to revive you in the middle of the ceremony…"

"Alice! Calm down. I am going to go find Jasper and ask him to calm you down." Edward teased.

"Ok ok. Carlisle is ready to start the reception though."

"I know that Alice. We'll be down in a minute. Go stand with everyone else." Alice practically flew out of the room she was so excited.

"Are you ready Bella?" Edward asked, pulling me to my feet.

"I'm with you, Edward, I'm ready for anything." I answered.

"Even dancing?"

"Even dancing."

We walked hand in hand to the top of the stairs. Everyone was waiting at the bottom and cheered when they saw us.

Carlisle managed to be heard over the noise. "Please allow me to introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen!" The cheering grew louder. We walked down the stairs. Carlisle was the first to give us a hug followed by Jasper and Alice. Esme squealed "Congratulations" and hugged us and kissed me on the cheek. Emmett grabbed me and swung me around in a giant bear hug. Everyone laughed, even Rosalie.

Rosalie gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, "I really do like you Bella and I'll still like you after you're a vampire." Though it didn't seem that nice, Rosalie saying what she did meant more to me than anything else she could have said. "Thanks, Rose."

Everyone was congratulating us and hugging us, I didn't think it was going to end. It had to though, since we had to dance. The music started. I could tell it was Edward playing, but I didn't recognize the song. I looked at him and he just shrugged.

"I made it up the other day and I thought it would be good for our first dance."

Tears welled up in my eyes. "It's beautiful Edward."

"Just like you." After the song was over we just stood there looking into each other's eyes. The music changed to some techno dance song and Alice announced that it was time to party. And party we did. Everyone was laughing, dancing and having a good time. Even Renée was happy. Charlie couldn't fight the tears for long.

"Thank you Bella, for letting me know." Charlie said.

"Aw, Dad, don't get weepy on me. But, you're welcome."

He turned to Edward. "Edward, I just want to apologize. I haven't treated you very nicely the past year or so and I want to let you know I'm sorry for that. I realize that you love Bella. I didn't think it was true. But it is. Welcome to the family." He gave Edward a hug. I was surprised at the turn of events, but rather pleased. I was glad that Charlie accepted Edward. It would make the separation more bearable.

The party kept up a frenetic pace until midnight when people began to leave. Angela bounded toward me and gave me a hug that I didn't think she was capable of.

"Oh Bella I'm going to miss you! Please keep in touch as much as you can. You look beautiful! Thank you for inviting me." Her mingled joy and sadness made me emotional.

"I'll try to keep in touch—as much as I can." I brushed away a tear. "Thank you for coming and thank you for being there for me when I needed you."

"I have to go, it's getting late. Bye Bella."

"Bye Angela." I gave her a fierce hug. She strolled out the door. I didn't know if I was ever going to see her again and it made me sad.

"Please don't be sad, not tonight. Our night is just beginning." The seduction in his voice made my stomach do a somersault.

Everyone cleared out rather quickly. Renée gave me one last hug before she helped Phil out to the car. He broke his leg really bad and still needed crutches. She ran back into the house.

"Bella, I love you." Renée said. "I'm happy for you. I'm glad you found someone you love. Just…be responsible."

"Mom," I groaned. "Please. It's…well…oh fine. We'll be careful." Just not in the way she thinks.

"Ok. I love you honey. Goodbye."

I choked up a bit. "Bye Mom." I wish I could tell her what was going to happen but I knew it was impossible.

Charlie walked up next. This was going to be hard. "Bella, it's about time for me to head home. I…I'm gonna miss you baby. I really am glad you came to Forks. It's been fun. I love you." A couple tears ran down his cheek. How could my eyes stay dry if his weren't?

"I love you too, Dad. I'm gonna miss you too, real bad. And I'm glad I came here too." I had to do something to lighten the mood or the sadness was going to drag me under. "Are you sure you're gonna be ok? Your cooking still scares me." He laughed at that.

"I think I'll manage, Bells. I guess this is goodbye, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen." He gave us both a hug.

"Bye Dad. I love you."

"I love you too. Edward, take care of my baby."

"Yes sir. Goodbye Chief Swan." And with that, everyone was gone. Except for the Cullens of course. Which made me uncomfortable.

"Um Edward. Are we going to a hotel or uh, are we, uh, staying here? With your family?"

He laughed, guessing why I was uncomfortable. "We are staying here but they are spending the night in a hotel. No Alice to have visions, and no Jasper to feel our emotions." I cringed at the thought of Jasper feeling what I was feeling.

"And nobody to erm, hear us, either." I grinned.

"Just you and me, love." I sighed, happy that no one would be in the house with us. There was one other thing.

"Was that Jacob howling?" I asked.

"Yes. It was Jacob. I'm sorry if that hurt you Bella."

"No, Edward, it didn't hurt me. Not too bad. Just a twinge. I just wanted to know for sure."

He sighed. "If only I hadn't left you…"

"Don't start Edward Cullen! Please. Just you and me."

"Yes, but not quite."

Before I could ask, Alice bounded into the room, followed by the rest of the Cullen family—my family.

"We just wanted to congratulate you two again before we headed to the hotel." She sang. Emmett snickered, knowing full well what was going to—hopefully—happen when they left. Edward let out a low growl, reading Emmett's thoughts.

Esme came up and gave me yet another hug. Is this what happens when you get married? Endless hugs? "Welcome to the family, Bella. I love you." Esme was so sweet. The rest of the Cullens offered their congratulations and left.

Edward and I were alone now.

"Let the honeymoon begin."