This was started in response to a challenge on a Danny/Mary board and it evolved into something else. I'm not sure it turned out as I originally intended, but with the exit of Nikki Cox and my complete lack of interest in the show in its present form this is what I ended up with. I have noticed that there are still a lot of Danny/Mary fans out there and I promise I'm trying hard to finish my other fics. It may take awhile, but they will be finished…hopefully in the next few months.

Chapter 1

Danny swirled the amber liquid in his glass before downing it in one gulp. He had lost count of how many times he'd done that in the last hour, but judging by the empty bottle on the table in front of him he guessed it was quite a lot.

How had things become so out of his control in such a short period of time? He knew there had to be another way out of this mess, but every plan that passed through his head involved too many risks. The risks to him he could deal with, but not the ones to her. As long as there was breath in him he would protect her, even if that meant hurting her in the process. That last thought sent him to the kitchen in search of another bottle.

Danny knew when this whole charade started that Mary might be hurt, but when he finally saw her reaction it was as if her sorrow stole the breath from his lungs. He couldn't get her face out of his head–the shock, the betrayal and then the horrible sadness and regret. He knew in that instant that she still loved him and he wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and confess everything. Tell her that he loved her and then beg her to run away with him–away from mobsters and murder plots; from the CIA and this nightmare that he now found himself living in–but that wasn't an option. He had to follow this through to the end–there was no other choice. He could still feel the sting of her hand on his skin after he had tried helplessly to come up with an excuse, but his bungled attempt had only ended up causing her more pain.

As he headed back to the table a soft knock at the door caught his attention. Danny sent up a prayer of thanks that Delinda was in Miami with her mother. Any time away from her was precious time in his opinion. Her middle of the night visits had become routine as of late. So much so that she'd suggested they move in together and it had only taken a black and white surveillance photo of a familiar face on her morning jog to convince him to agree. Danny's stomach turned at the thought–both of Mary being in danger and his impending cohabitation with a woman he did not want.

A second knock drew him out of his thoughts and he glanced through the peephole and came face to face with the last person he expected. Unlatching the door he quickly ushered her inside, his senses on high alert, scanning the hallway to see if she had been followed.

When he finally turned to look at her he was struck by her appearance. He hadn't been this close to her in weeks. Since the aftermath of Delinda's failed wedding they had yet to speak and while it had destroyed him he thought that perhaps it was for the best–if for nothing else than for his own sanity. Looking at her now he knew he had been right. She had been crying. Her eyes were red and puffy and her hair had begun to slip from its haphazard ponytail. Nervous under his sudden scrutiny he watched as she turned away from him, stumbling a bit as she moved towards the couch. It was obvious that she'd spent her evening the same way he had–searching for solace at the bottom of a bottle only to find that not even liquor could kill the ache in his heart.

They stood there for what seemed like forever. Mary facing away from him; her hand bracing her weight on the arm of the couch while Danny stared at her back–watching the rise and fall of her shoulders with each breath she took.

"Do you love her?" She finally asked, her voice sounding frail and hopeless.

Taking a deep breath he tried to formulate a response, but the alcohol had weakened his resolve and he couldn't lie to her. Not about this.


That one simple word had barely left his lips before she was in his arms, her mouth crashing into his with an almost bruising force. The feelings that coursed through his body when she touched him were like shocks of electricity to his soul and he returned her kiss with a hunger he had never felt for any other woman. Desperate for as much contact as possible they clawed frantically at each other's clothes as they fell to the living room floor. Before Danny could think his hand moved past the hem of Mary's skirt, ripping her panties from her body and eliciting a startled gasp from his partner. When she tried to reach for his waistband Danny grabbed her wrists–holding them firmly above her head with one hand while he pushed his sweatpants only far enough to free his straining erection and plunge inside of her. For a split second he came back to his senses and looked into Mary's eyes–fearful that he might have hurt her–but the only emotion staring back at him was pure desire. Allowing him to take the control he so desperately needed and encouraging him to set the pace, Mary wrapped her legs around his back and pulled him further into her body.

Danny was lost in the feel of her as he pushed again and again, deeper and deeper, his body almost uncontrollable in its need to be with her. Mary's moans and gasps became louder with each thrust and Danny finally released her hands, allowing her to pull him closer just in time for her senses to explode with pleasure. He could feel her muscles pulsing around him and knew that he wasn't far behind. Burying his face in her neck he came with a guttural moan, emptying himself inside of her warmth. The thought that they hadn't used a condom briefly crossed his mind, but he didn't care. He was always careful when he was with other women–especially Delinda–and he knew Mary was the same way. As far as the other consequence–the thought that Mary might possibly be carrying his child after tonight should have terrified him for a lot of reasons and he was at a loss to explain why it didn't.

The soft sound of sniffling against his shoulder alerted him to the fact that Mary was crying. Propping himself up on his elbows, Danny pushed aside strands of hair that were matted to her face by sweat and tears before kissing her softly.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered in her ear, rolling them onto their sides so he could hold her closer. "I never wanted it to be this way."

Mary clung to him in the darkness, her quiet sobs soon giving way to steady breathing as she drifted to sleep in Danny's arms. Sleep refused to come for him though and he stayed that way for hours–his mind wracked with guilt and worry. How could he push her away after tonight? And even if he could, Mary would see right through him. He had to be straight with her–tell her the short version of what was happening and hope when it was all over she wouldn't end up hating him.

Mary woke alone–wrapped in a soft blanket on what she quickly realized was Danny's couch. Memories of the previous night came flooding back and a blush quickly spread across her cheeks–both because of her brazenness and the heated sexual frenzy that had ensued. Her head protested as she tried to sit up and she found herself resting it on the arm of the sofa until the room stopped spinning.

"How do you feel?" She heard Danny's voice coming from the kitchen.

"Dizzy," she replied.

Danny sat on the coffee table in front of her and when Mary's eyes locked with his she couldn't resist adding, "And sore."

Now it was Danny's turn to blush. "I'm sorry about that. I don't know what came over me."

"It's okay," she assured him. "I wasn't complaining."

An awkward silence stretched between them before Danny finally found his voice, "Listen, Mary. Delinda is going to be back today and I have a lot I need to tell you before she gets here."

Mary visibly tensed at Danny's words. Her stomach was doing somersaults and she wasn't sure if it was the effects of her hangover or the sound of the other woman's name coming from his lips that was causing it. Danny looked just as sick as she felt and she had a feeling that whatever he was about to say was not going to be pleasant.

"I can't leave Delinda."

Mary didn't know what she was expecting after last night, but it certainly wasn't this. "After everything last night…after what you said…you're staying with her?"

"I know this is going to be hard for you to understand, but I can't leave Delinda and I can't give her a reason to leave me."

This was karma. It had to be. This was fate trampling on the heart of the whore who had slept with her friend's boyfriend. It didn't matter that Delinda had known all along that Mary still loved Danny. Mary had committed the ultimate betrayal and for that she was being punished. She'd probably lost him for good now. There was no way she could look him in the eye after this rejection. How could she have been so wrong? Last night was like nothing she had ever experienced. It was too intense not to have meant something, but now she wondered if it was just his way of saying goodbye.

Standing shakily, Mary tried to straighten her clothes and scanned the room for her purse–unable to meet Danny's eyes and see the pity she was sure shown back at her.

"I wish I could tell you what was going on, Mary, but I can't. Not about this."

When Mary's frantic exit did not cease, Danny tried another explanation, "It could put you in even more danger than you already are."

That caught Mary's attention and she suddenly realized that this was not about Danny not wanting to be with her. This was about him not having a choice. Her relief was short lived when she saw the pain in his eyes. Whatever was happening was destroying him and Mary crossed the room in two strides and took him into her arms.

After a few moments, she pulled him onto the sofa with her and turned to face him. "What's going on, Danny? Why am I in danger?"

"They're using you to make me do what they want." Danny's voice was just above a whisper and she struggled to hear him.


"I can't…Mary, please. I can't tell you anything more."

"Is it bad?"


Mary took a moment to take in his words before she began to question him again, "This has something to do with Ed, right? That's why you have to stay with Delinda."

She didn't expect Danny to answer, but she spoke her questions out loud as things began to make sense in her head. "Do Ed and Delinda know about this?"

The look of shame that passed across Danny's face answered that question. He truly was in this on his own and Mary's heart ached for him.

"How long before this is over?"

"I don't know. Not long, I hope."

"I just have one more question."

"Mare, I can't…," Danny protested, but she cut him off.

"If this wasn't happening…if you weren't being forced into this situation…what would you want, Danny. Would you want to be with me? Would you want to try again?"

Danny didn't hesitate. He needed her to know what she meant to him. If everything else in his life fell apart he just needed her to know. "Yes."

Mary leaned forward and kissed him softly–a kiss full of so much promise and hope.

"Mare, I don't know what's going to happen when this is all over and I can't ask you to wait…"

"I love you, Danny. Walking away from you that day was the hardest thing I've ever done and I've regretted it every day since. You needed me and I was too scared that I wouldn't be able to help you that I did the worst thing I could have done."

"I couldn't even put into words what you meant to me. Why I needed you so much."

"We both made mistakes and I don't want to make them again. I can't stand the thought of you being with her, but I also know that you need me right now. You need something real to hold onto and I want to be that for you."

Mary crawled into his lap, resting her head against his shoulder while he gently stroked her hair.

"We can't do anything that would attract suspicion, Mary. Last night was a mistake…not because I don't want to be with you, but because it's too dangerous right now–for everyone."

"Okay," she said quietly, snuggling closer to him.

"It's not going to be easy."

"I know."

"I'll be with Delinda. You'll see us everyday and we'll be…together," Danny could barely bring himself to say the word with Mary in his arms, but he needed her to be prepared.

"I realize that, Danny, and it's going to be excruciating, but it would be that way even if I didn't know how you felt…because I love you."

"I love you, too, and I swear to God I'll get us through this. I promise you."

"I believe you."