"How do you do it mate???" Ron asked in quiet amazement, watching the retreating back of his sister

"One minute she's screaming at you and the next she's smiling and happy and even hugs you goodbye!!" Harry shrugged, grinning wildly

"I guess my smiles just contagious"

"God, you have a gift! I mean, and don't laugh at this, if I was your girl friend" Harry snorted, Ron through him a dirty look "IF I was your girlfriend and you had just broken up with me, on top of telling me you were gay and in love with someone else, I think I would be LITTLE upset at least!!"

"Told ya, my smiles magical" Ron shrugged

"Maybe its just Ginny, I mean she was obsessed with you for like, 3 years of her life" Harry frowned

"Nah, I think its my winning smile"

"Whatever, keep telling yourself that" Harry's frown deepend

"What if I could prove that it's my smile?"

"Well then I would believe you"

Harry nodded and looked around the library for an example, when his eyes landed on a certain blond Slytherin he smirked. Nudging Ron he pointed towards Draco and, ignoring Ron's startled look, started walking towards him

Muttering a quick spell to knock Draco's books out of his hands, Harry strode towards him

Draco muttered angrily to himself as he picked up the books that had just pretty much flown out of his hands. Reaching for the last two books he was startled to see a pair of feet, even more startled to see Harry bent down to pick up the last of his books and stand back up again

"What do you want Potter?"

Harry just handed him his books, all the while looking behind him, startled Draco spun around, looking for any sign of a threat, or just something in general, but all he saw was an empty corridor

Confused he turned back around to question Harry, but his words died in his throat. He was met with a breathtaking smile that took his breath away. The smile reached all the way to Harry's eyes, which sparkled with mischeif. Draco felt the corners of his mouth lift in his own smile, Harry's smile widened and his eyes shown with delight

They smiled at each other for awhile before Harry seemed to realize what they were doing. With a small wave to Draco he turned and walked back to Ron

Ron stood gaping, sputtering in shock

"Y-y-you... y-you j-j-just-"

"See, told you it was my smile" Harry exclaimed triumphantly, before looking sullen again

"Whats the matter? I thought you just proved me wrong ...um well... proved yourself right in any case"

"Yeah but its kinda cheating using my boyfriend" he said, staring wistfully at Draco, who winked at him

He heard a thump behind him and turned around, Ron had flat out fainted

"Well that was an interesting way to tell him" Draco commented dryly, nudging Ron with his foot

"Yes brilliant wasn't it?" Harry chirped proudly, Draco sighed

"Your lucky you're cute"

Harry smiled brightly and leaned in for a kiss

"You know my smile won your heart"