HEY everyone! I finally got my profile thingy to work, so check it out. This is the sequel to Boys, ok maybe men in Black. I got enough people begging me (ok, maybe I was just bored) and so I wrote up this. I have the next chapter too, but I want to see how many people will actually want to read this. That means more than 5 reviews people! I'm really sorry I have to do that! Just so you know…

Max: 24

Fang: 24

Iggy: 24

Nudge: 21

Gazzy: 18

Angel: 16

Fang's POV

I sure don't know much, but I do know that when Max screams, something bad is happening. Or something good, as in this case. Max is in the delivery room right now. I'm about to start freaking out pretty soon, so to keep my mind off things, I'm going to tell you about the past three years of my life.

Nudge got engaged a few months after Max and I got married. Although Max didn't quite approve of Jacob, anyone can see he loves Nudge. Nudge's wedding was in April, the year after ours. She and Jacob had only been married a year when Zane was born. Max actually cried when Nudge asked her to be Zane's godmother.

Jacob is now one of my best friends. He and I hang out with Zane every Saturday night when the whole flock gets together at Max's and mine house for dinner. Nudge, Max and Angel are busy gossiping in the kitchen. I never used to think Max was capable of gossip, but apparently super-hearing has advantages is places other than the School.

Gazzy's girlfriend Allie is pretty, with olive skin and dark hair like me. She's the same age as Gazzy, and they get along perfectly. She already knows what foods she can't feed him if she wants to be able to breathe the rest of the night.

Angel's the only one of the flock who hasn't been caught up in couple land yet. I don't think she minds, but I've never really been good with the whole emotion thing.

Max's scream brought me back from my little dream world. Everyone is here in the waiting room with me. And by everyone, I do mean everyone. Everyone would be defined as: Iggy, Ella, Nudge, Jacob, Zane, Gazzy, Allie, Angel, Bella, Edward, Alice, Max's mom, and Max's dad. Kind of crowed in here if you ask me.

Carlisle is the doctor taking care of Max. His perfection is making me nervous. Max screamed again, and I saw Angel wince as she heard Max's thoughts. A few minutes later Carlisle came out.

"Fang?" My heart jumped as I jumped up from my seat (A/N That sounded funny!)

"Max wants you to see her first." Dr. Carlisle said simply, gesturing to me to follow him. I took a deep breath as I followed him through swing doors to a room that smelled of soap, and was scary clean. I saw Max laying on the hospital bed, and ran over to her.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, I mean it's not every day that you get to have the feeling of having your insides ripped apart by eagles' like that stupid guy in the Greek Myth…" Max smiled at me. She was still her sarcastic self. "I'm ok Fang. Just bored."

I let out a sigh of relief. I turned to Dr. Carlisle. "Is she ok?" Max scowled at me.

"She should be fine within a few minutes. Your son is anxious to be born!" Dr. Carlisle smiled at us. Just then Max gripped on to my hand so tightly I was afraid it was going to lose circulation.

"Oh boy." She gasped.

"Yup, it's the boy." Dr. Carlisle stated.

"No, I mean 'Oh boy' as in 'here it comes!' As in, like now!" Max gasped. Max squeezed my hand so hard I saw black dots appearing at the edge of my vision. Suddenly she let go. I heard Angel squealing in delight from the waiting room. I still was in a daze.

"Here's your son Fang!" Dr. Carlisle smiled at me as he handed me my son. I (the amazing Fang) almost cried right then and there. My son was so…small. And warm, and fragile. I carefully felt his back. Max was right, there were wings there. Little wings, but wings none the less.

I looked down to see Max smiling at me. She held out her arms and I carefully put the baby in them. Max looked so happy at that moment, it was hard to believe she was really the same Max I fell in love with years ago. I leaned down and kissed first my son's forehead, and then Max lightly. I was about to pull back from Max, but she mumbled a protest. Suddenly she grabbed my hand again.

"What is it Max?" I was very confused.

"I'm…not…done!" She gasped. I quickly yelled into the hallway, realizing Carlisle had left us alone. "Carlisle! We need you!" Max was now breathing heavily. I gently took my son out of her arms, afraid of him getting squashed. Carlisle burst through the door, with a look at Max's face, he quickly went over to her.

"What's…wrong…with…me?" Max gasped, trying hard to talk.

"I think we may have not predicted this right…oh." Carlisle smiled.

"What is it?" I roared at him, startling the baby I was cradling to my chest.

"Nothing bad, just…Max honey, you'll be done in a few more minutes."

"What?" Max gasped from her bed.

"I think you have another one coming yet." Oh wow.

"Don't…these…freaking…babies…ever…think…of…my…personal…comfort?" Max gasped. Carlisle just chuckled.

Wait second, Max just said babIES. As in plural. "You mean we are having freaking twins?" I gaped at Carlisle.

"Yeah, and took you freaking long enough to figure that out." Max glared at me.

"Well if someone hadn't wanted a freaking kid in the first place..." I shot back.

"Even if that kid happens to be freaking beautiful!" Max yelled at me, looking at the baby in my arms.

"Just like my freaking wife is!" I yelled back at her.

"Awww….I would same the same freaking thing about you but…" Max yelled at me.

"What? Are you saying I'm not freaking beautiful?" I yelled back at her.

"No, I'm saying its freaking weird to call guys beautiful, but you're freaking cute!" Max yelled at me. Just then Carlisle held up another baby.

"It's a freaking girl!" He smiled at us. "That was one unusual method of distracting the mother, but it worked!" Max smiled at me.

Carlisle held out the girl to Max. Max gently cradled her against her arm. I thought I saw a flash of black feathers on her back, but I couldn't be sure.

"We're just a freaking beautiful family." Max smiled at me.


Hi everyone! Ok I have two questions here….

First of all, any ideas for names of Max's twins?

Second…should I write about the twins when their little, or skip to them being fifteen ish? Since you're reading this, I know you can see the little review button, and I'M COUNTING ON YOU TO PRESS IT!!! Sorry to sound so…possessed here, but I can't post until I get five reviews. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK.

I'm off to spaz or do something educational. Basically the same thing.

FlyinHigh, Shay, Shay-La….ect.