Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or places created by the High School Musical franchise or by Disney!

Chapter 40

On Tuesday morning, Gabriella opened her eyes as her alarm went off, signaling it was time to get up. She looked around and gave herself time to remind herself that she wasn't in her old home now, that she was now in the royal Copanvy palace, thousands of miles away from the city she liked to think of as her hometown, despite her having lived there for less than a year. 'That's the place where my heart is after all,' thought Gabriella sadly, looking over to her nightstand to see the picture frame of her and the rest of the gang, the same picture and picture frame she gave to everyone on that last day. It was a picture taken in her backyard by Paul that captured the happiness and lighthearted moment they had all been sharing together just before they gathered for the picture.

Gabriella sat herself up in her king sized bed, smiling a little more as she saw Troy's teddy bear next to her. 'I don't think I could ever give up that little guy.'

She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, wincing a little as she felt the stitches in her side pull a little but was able to ignore the pain as she walked to her closet that she knew Sharpay and Tessa would totally be envious of for its sheer size and its contents. Gabriella had been surprised when she arrived in her new room the day before and found that the walk in closet already had fashionable clothes in her size hanging from hangers while other items were neatly folded in the many drawers there. She actually had very little room to fit the clothes she preferred to wear.

'Which is exactly what I'm looking for right now,' said Gabriella in her mind as she squatted down to a drawer towards the back and opened it, pulling out a pair of sweatpants and a familiar East High white t-shirt with red lettering. After pulling them on, Gabriella went to her private bathroom, which she still thought was absurdly huge. She washed her face and dried it with a nearby towel, not bothering to put any makeup on today but just applied some day cream on her face before applying lotion to her body, careful to avoid putting any over the stitches that no longer had a bandage over them. Gabriella swept her long hair up into a high ponytail and left the bathroom and her room all together to walk towards the breakfast room.

"Morning Princess," greeted Curtis as he fell into step with her.

"Morning Curtis," returned Gabriella, still feeling awkward at hearing herself being called Princess by every servant and security member around the palace. "Where's Paul today?"

"Off with his family. I hope I will do in his place," answered Curtis, staying two steps behind Gabriella at all times.

"Of course," replied Gabriella. "I'm glad he has been able to go and see his family so soon. What of you and yours?"

"My days off will come next week. We thought it best that you have someone familiar at all times for the first few weeks at least," said Curtis.

Gabriella nodded her head as she carefully walked down the stairs, holding onto the railing until she reached the bottom. She looked to her left and then to her right, helplessly looking to Curtis for help.

"To the breakfast room Princess?" asked Curtis.

Gabriella nodded her head and walked in the direction he indicated with his arm, feeling a bit embarrassed at basically being lost in her new home. After a few more doors were passed in various hallways, Curtis finally stepped forward and opened a door for Gabriella to go through.

"Morning Gabriella!" greeted Annette, smiling back at her daughter. "You look like you slept well."

"I did, thank you," replied Gabriella. "Morning Dad."

Gabriella kissed both her parents on the cheeks before taking her seat that was pulled out for her by a servant, shooting her mother a look from across the table as the servant pushed Gabriella's chair in for her.

Annette suppressed a laugh herself as she saw the look cross Gabriella's face while Stephen shook his head. "You'll get used to it," he assured his daughter, taking a bite out of the last sausage on his plate.

The three continued to have a nice breakfast together, exchanging some conversation here and there but mostly eating, especially as Gabriella continued to look around her, trying to get adjusted to her new surroundings. When she was done, she scooted her chair back only to find that it was pulled out for her by the same servant who helped her sit down earlier, giving him a smile as she stood up. "Thank you," she said, seeing the servant just give her a smile before he began to clear her plate and eating utensils from the table.

"What are your plans for today Gabriella?" asked Annette, deciding to distract Gabriella from the servant's actions.

"Umm, I was just going to unpack a little more and maybe see how many times I get lost within these walls," replied Gabriella. "Is there something planned that I should know about?"

Annette looked at Stephen, who shook his head. "Not that we know of sweetie. I'll drop by later to your room to help you settle in more."

Gabriella nodded her head before she exited the breakfast room, silently thanking Curtis for indicating with his head which way to go in order to make it back to her room. Once inside, she gently closed the door and turned around to face her new room, thinking in her head how desperately she needed to decorate the walls with some homier things than the antiques that were currently there. 'Of course, I can't go overboard or the grandparents will flip but I don't think they'd mind a few personal touches,' thought Gabriella as she decided to check her email.

She sat down at her desk and turned on her desktop that had been set up the day before, logging onto her profile and then onto her email account. Gabriella laughed a little as she read an email from Taylor describing Chad's latest antics that drove Taylor crazy, happy to read at the end though that Taylor had accepted Chad's apology the day after. She replied back with her thoughts on the event and sent a picture of her new room that she had taken the day before with the email to let Taylor see a piece of her new life. Next was an email from Tessa, this one being more sentimental as Tessa talked about a dream she had where Gabriella came back to live with her in Tessa's house and they became sisters. 'If only that could be possible Tess.'

Once Gabriella was done with her emails, she got up and started unpacking her carryon, pausing only when she found the scrapbook that the gang had put together and snuck in her bag on Saturday. She sat down on her desk chair and slowly went through it, for what was probably the tenth time since she discovered it in her bag on the plane to Copanvy, taking time to read the personal notes each of the gang had written and pasted into the book along with numerous pictures and quotes that had been captured over the past several months. Gabriella found herself holding back tears again as she reached the last portion of the book that contained letters from Taylor and Tessa individually, hovering over the very last few pages that were dedicated to her and Troy as a couple, with a letter he wrote to her also pasted into the book in a big red heart.

"Hey, why's my beautiful Brie crying?" asked a familiar voice, causing Gabriella to snap her head up, wiping away her tears quickly as she saw Troy's smiling face looking back at her through the monitor.

"Troy!" exclaimed Gabriella, immediately closing the scrapbook and putting it aside as she faced forward towards the computer. "What are you doing up so late?"

Troy shrugged. "Couldn't sleep. I had these amazing images of someone very dear to my heart so I thought I'd see if she was up yet, which you are. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you earlier."

Gabriella let out a little laugh and shook her head. "No, it's okay. I forgot I set up the web camera program to automatically start when I start my computer along with the messaging service. Along with that, I also set it to automatically accept calls. I suppose that's not the best thing huh, since calls come through right away like that?"

"Probably not unless you want the world to be able to dial into your bedroom anytime they want," returned Troy, a mischievous look becoming evident in his eyes.

"Shut up!" replied Gabriella, feeling her heart lift with each laugh the two shared, even if it was over the internet. "How are things back at East High?"

"As good as can be expected, it is school after all Brie," said Troy. "I miss you though, a lot. Ask Chad, I almost cried when I opened my locker this morning and saw all your things missing, not to mention the sweet picture you taped up in the locker for me. It's almost as sweet as the picture collage in the picture frame you had Chad leave on my pillow Saturday night along with your night. Thank you for that Gabriella, it has helped me greatly through the hardest times of missing you."

Gabriella smiled back at him, willing herself to not cry anymore. "Did you like the quote I wrote for you in the letter?"

"Ah yes, Eleanor Roosevelt's 'We gain strength and courage and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face… We must do that which we think we cannot.' I agree more so with what you wrote after that, when you said that although both of us may think that we cannot be together now that we both should be confident that our fear of losing each other will not be realized, that my promise to you that I still see is on your finger, will prevail. Very deep Brie," stated Troy, seriousness in his eyes. "It touched me a lot that you still think of us having a future despite us giving each other up for our separate destinies."

"I have to otherwise I'd go crazy Troy," revealed Gabriella. "Our time is just not now. However, as you quoted Eleanor Roosevelt in your letter in the touching scrapbook, 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder', at least I can hope it does and not weaker."

Troy chuckled. "When it comes to you and my heart, the bond will never weaken."

"How I wish I could be in your arms Troy," said Gabriella, wistfulness in her voice.

"I wish I could hold you now too Brie. Trust me, it aches to not be able to but to be able to see your moving image. Thank God for technology!" expressed Troy, giving her another one of his staple grins. "Oh, and I see what mischief Chad was up to in my room Saturday morning. Lifted one of my t-shirts did you?"

Gabriella guiltily looked back at him. "Well this one, yes, plus another one that I don't ever plan to wash to keep your scent and your white East High sweatshirt with your name and number. I didn't know at the time that you were going to give me your letterman jacket otherwise I would have let you keep your sweatshirt."

"Don't worry, I had Paul filch that turquoise sweater of yours with the sparkles on it that you wore the night we met," admitted Troy, holding up the sweater for Gabriella to see.

"Oh I so don't feel bad now! I was looking everywhere for that as I unpacked my clothes yesterday!" exclaimed Gabriella.

"Guess we're even then," replied Troy, grinning as Gabriella's outraged face turned into one of happiness. "Hey, have you watched that DVD yet that I made for you? It was supposed to have been slipped in with the scrapbook from the gang."

Gabriella shook her head. "Let me go check, one sec."

She went over to where her carryon bag was on her bed and dug through until she found it. She took it out of its case and popped it into the DVD player hooked up to the flat screen on the wall, next to her desk. Gabriella sat back down in front of the computer as a menu came up with only one option, a background picture of her and Troy together at Troy's house. "Do you want me to play it now?"

"Sure," agreed Troy. "I'd actually be happy to see your reaction."

Gabriella shot him a questioning look but pressed play on the remote as she backed up a little so she could better see the screen. Instantly, she felt tears prick her eyes again as she started to hear a soft melody as pictures of Troy and Gabriella together began appearing on the screen, starting with one she didn't even know existed from their singing together at the ski lodge. Eventually, Troy's deep yet smooth voice could be heard singing:

Oceans apart day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain

If I see you next to never
How can we say forever

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I took for granted, all the times
That I thought would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now

Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me goin' crazy

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I wonder how we can survive
This romance
But in the end if I'm with you
I'll take the chance

Oh can't you see it baby
You've got me goin' crazy

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you
Waiting for you

Gabriella was in total tears at the end, seeing one last picture of the two of them together, looking each other in the eyes as they stared at one another, looking content to be in each other's arms before the screen faded, returning to the menu. She took in several deep breaths and wiped her face before she turned to look back at Troy who had a small smile on his face now.

"Did you like it?" he asked, almost shyly.

"I loved it," replied Gabriella, smiling despite her tears that were now drying. "It made me miss you even more than I already do but it is also a beautiful salute to our relationship, to our love. You didn't write that song did you?"

Troy shook his head. "No, I just recorded it quickly with Kelsi's help. Ever since our trip to Hawaii, I knew our day of separation would come and I discovered the song while searching the internet for an appropriate song to try to prepare for you. I had actually just recorded it after some rehearsing with Kelsi at school just a few weekends ago. I never imagined then that I would have to use it so soon. Oh, and before I forget and they kill me, Taylor and Tessa both helped me put the pictures together. They told me to tell you that I win boyfriend points again for this."

Gabriella laughed a little. "I'd have to agree with that. Thank you Troy, that song really is just so appropriate right now. We are such a good distance apart but I think each of us feel that one another will always be with each other, waiting for each other if we can help it."

"I agree. Oh, the song is called "Right Here Waiting" and is originally done by Richard Marx I believe. Kind of extends upon my sentiments I said when I gave you the promise ring those weeks ago," commented Troy.

Gabriella nodded her agreement. "Thank you so much Troy. That was probably one of the best presents you could have given me, truly. God, how do you come up with all these amazing gifts for me?"

"I think with the heart and my mind does the rest," answered Troy truthfully.

Just then, Gabriella heard a knock on the door before she heard the door open. "Hold on Troy," she said quickly, muting the sound on her desktop, before turning her attention to who she thought was going to be her mother, surprised that it was instead her grandmother, known to non-family members as Queen Lauren. "Good morning Grandmother."

Gabriella immediately stood up and walked over to her grandmother to kiss her on the cheek, as she had been informed by Annette would be expected each time she saw her grandmother. "Good morning Gabriella. Why aren't you dressed yet and what are those awful clothes you have on?"

Gabriella looked down at her sweats and East High t-shirt before she looked back at her grandmother. "Sweats and a favorite t-shirt?"

Lauren shook her head, tsking as she did so. "This is just simply unacceptable for a princess Gabriella, I would have expected your mother to have taught you better. We will just have to work on that, shall we? Now, we have a little luncheon with some very influential families in just half an hour down in the gardens. I expect you to be on time and wearing respectable clothes. I will send in your maid to pick out your clothes and to help you dress. You must remember now Gabriella, you no longer just represent yourself but the entire royal family of Copanvy. There are a number of people I am expecting, some of the most eligible bachelors in this country as well that I want to introduce you to. I expect nothing but the best from you Gabriella."

Gabriella bit her lip a little harder when she heard the part about the eligible bachelors, suppressing the need to groan. "Yes Grandmother, I will do my best not to disgrace you."

"Good. Now off with you!" said Lauren, turning around and leaving her granddaughter's room in search for the maid she had picked out late last week for her only grandchild.

Once the door was safely closed, Gabriella groaned and unmuted the speakers before she sat back down. "I guess I have to go, I'm sorry Troy," stated Gabriella, sorrow evident in her eyes.

Troy sighed. "It's bound to happen. You have a new life now, one much different from any other new lives you had when you moved before. Some social event where you'll meet high society families with their eligible bachelor sons, huh?"

Gabriella heard the tinge of jealousy in Troy's voice and shook her head. "You have nothing to be jealous about Troy. They aren't going to sweep me off my feet and make me forget all about you. You're too deep in my heart and soul for that, you should know that."

Troy reluctantly nodded his head. "I do, but it still hurts though thinking that you are free to date them should you choose."

"Well this girl chooses not to," replied Gabriella, sighing again as she heard the door open and saw who she assumed was her personal maid enter the room and immediately duck into her closet. "I guess I have to go. I'll talk to you later?"

"Sure," agreed Troy. "And Brie?"

"What?" asked Gabriella, sitting back down in her seat.

"I love you," stated Troy, smiling a little at the camera.

"I love you too," replied Gabriella, blowing him a kiss before she disconnected the session. She adjusted her settings to no longer automatically accept calls before she got up and looked at the clothes that were laid out for her on her bed. 'Sharpay would love these but will I?'

She stood awkwardly as Philippa, as she learned her personal maid was named, dressed her before doing Gabriella's hair, leaving Gabriella with time to think as her hair was pulled out of her ponytail to be curled and styled, most likely to how her grandmother wanted it.

'Well, you're in it now Gabriella, a whole new life as Troy put it, about to have your first official royal event. I wish Tessa, Taylor, Sharpay, and all the rest of them were here, especially Troy,' thought Gabriella, letting out a wishful sigh. 'Troy, what are we really going to do about us, about our love? There really is so much space and time that is between us now and will continue to be between us. Can we really make this work in the end?'

Gabriella got up and followed Philippa out of her room once she was done, letting herself think one last thing before she faced her new world. 'Life has shown you what can happen with just a slight twist of fate, maybe all your heart's dreams and wishes will come true with just a little more time.'

With that, Gabriella put her best smile and face on as they reached the huge glass doors that led to the extravagant backyard and stepped out into this new world, her identity instantly changing from being Gabriella Montez, a normal teenage girl, to being Princess Gabriella Felicia Anna Lauren Montez of Copanvy.

The Endfor now…