Chapter 2

"Sakura! What are you doing here?"

Sakura walked up to her former teammate and raised an eyebrow.

"Is it unusual for me to be here at my favorite park on my day off?"

Sasuke turned his head slightly and ignored her, acting all cool as usual. Sakura smiled slightly. Even though they don't get to spend time with each other anymore, she's glad to see that he hasn't changed one bit. Team Kakashi had disbanded a few years back. Each member went their separate ways.

"When did you get back? Never mind that. What are you doing in a park? This place is much too happy for you. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, can you handle all that?"

A sweat drop formed on Sasuke's head. Ever since Sakura got over her crush on Sasuke she's found him to be a fun target for teasing. She smiled cheekily and Sasuke decided to ignore that comment too. He turned around and started to walk away.

"What? That's it?" Sakura teased. "No comeback at all? You're no fun Sasuke-kuuun"

She poked her tongue out as he walked away. It was at that moment when she realized the dark aura coming from all around her. She turned around to see all the women in the park glaring evilly at her. A sweat drop formed on her head and she went back to where Natsumi and Reiko where, hoping to escape the aura. How wrong she was. The same deadly aura was coming from them too.

"Sakura Haruno! Why didn't you introduce us! How do you know him? Why is he so hot?!"

Sakura did not enjoy them shouting in either ears or the violent shaking but she managed to pull away.

"Err, he's not very sociable, he's a childhood friends and he was born that way?"

The deadly aura was coming off stronger than ever so Sakura ended up running for her life.

Three days had past and Sakura could still feel the dark aura engulfing her. She tried to avoid Natsumi and Reiko for the time being so she could be spared the ongoing questioning about the 'man-steak'. Sakura had just buried herself in work, even offering to help Shikamaru out with his paperwork. They were working late at night in an office in the academy, marking chuunin exam papers. Shikamaru couldn't hold it in any longer and finally had to ask about Sakura's unusual behavior.

"I'm not complaining or anything, but this is just too weird. You're voluntarily here at 10pm doing the worst kind of paperwork there is. Something must be up."

Sakura shifted some paper around and then looked up at Shikamaru and blinked.

"Then I'll just leave then, if it's bothering you that much."

Shikamaru just sat there staring at her. She stared back. This little staring contest went on for a few minutes until Sakura reached for more papers in defeat. Shikamaru's guess was right. She couldn't leave yet.

"You women are so troublesome. If you want to stay just say so. What's going on with you anyway?"

Sakura let out a big sigh. Shikamaru is smart so he probably would have figured it out anyway so Sakura told him about the trip to the park and the deadly aura. Sakura has had to avoid her own home since Reiko and Natsumi have started to visit her apartment frequently, trying to squeeze more information out of her about Sasuke. Sakura has been hiding on top of buildings and checking the perimeter before going into her own home.

"I knew you women were troublesome, but this is just ridiculous. That Sasuke guy is just too much. Don't worry. We probably won't get through this pile of paperwork until 1-ish. My mother's not going to be happy with me coming home so late but this has to be done or my head is going to be put on a platter and served to the messenger pigeons."

Sakura chuckled.

"Why are you still living at home? Come on. We're already 24 years old. Go find an apartment. They aren't that expensive."

"It's too troublesome."

With that Shikamaru moved another huge pile of papers in front of them and they worked till the early hours of the morning.

It's been 15 days since the incident at the park. Sakura could now walk through the streets in peace. The dark aura had completely disintegrated as the weather got colder. Sakura has even managed to go out for lunch with Reiko and Natsumi without running away.

Tonight was a special night. Sakura had actually gotten off work on time for once! She wrapped her red overcoat tight around her body to keep herself warm as she walked through the street.

It's official winter. I can't believe how cold it's gotten lately

It was 8:10pm and she was walking home briskly through the shopping district. The cake shop caught her eye and she was staring at the selection of fake cakes in the display.

Wow. These look so good!

A finger tapped her left shoulder. She turned her head to see who it was only to be stopped halfway by a finger poking her cheek.

"Gotcha. You fall for that every time. Those cakes render your brain useless."

Sasuke was standing behind her. He looked warm wearing his long navy coat and black scarf, topped off with his signature 'I win' smirk. Sakura just scowled.

"Did you just get off work?"

"Yip! I finished on time for once!"

A cold gust blew and it sent shivers up Sakura's spine.

"It's so cold! Hey I know. Let's go eat some hot ramen! Yeah! That'll warm us up!"

Before Sasuke had the chance to retaliate Sakura grabbed his hand and was already dragging him off toward the ramen stall.

Everyone's gotten over the 'man-steak' thing so it should be safe to have dinner with him. I hope.

"Sakura! I hate to say it but right now you're sounding a lot like a certain idiot"

Sakura smiled at this and her strides turned into frolicking skips, still dragging a stumbling Uchiha behind her. They were getting some weird looks but Sakura didn't seem to be phased by this. Sasuke on the other hand was totally humiliated but tried not to show it on his face. Sakura finally let Sasuke go once they were outside the ramen stand.

"We're here! Wow It's so nice to go out for a proper dinner after work rather than having a midnight snack and getting fat. Shannaro!"

Sakura was so ecstatic that Sasuke was regretting ever leaving his house. Sakura began cheering loudly by herself and a sweat drop formed on Sasuke's head. He decided to get out of there quickly and into the shop away from the weird looks people were giving him and Sakura. He was still staring at Sakura and bumped into someone.

"Oh. Sorry I wasn't look- YOU!"

"Ah! Uchiha Sasuke-kun! Long time no see."

Yay! End of chapter 2! Reviews are loved and appreciated! Thanks to all those who fav'ed and added my fic to their alert list. I'm really happy that people are reading and enjoying my fic. Peace out!